out of cage

Chapter 905 Chapter 20.18 The Behemoth Nebula Mediated

Chapter 905 Chapter 20.18 The Behemoth Nebula Mediated

Tracing back to the 56th year of history, Mr. Wei, who looks like a man, made sophistry against the gene faction.Proclamations of "struggle" were made throughout the Behemoth Nebula.

The neutron star broadcasting tower of the traceability school: "For thousands of years, the inheritance of too advanced genes has always emphasized the so-called tradition, but ignored that all "traditions" were originally formed, and they were all products of compromise under productivity.

On such a narrow road of "one in hundreds of thousands", people who should yearn for freedom have to run savagely on the road of beasts, fearing that they will be eaten by "the same kind" after falling behind, and take a stereotyped upgrade path road.

Then, it might as well let this route be eliminated.

Behemoths are always questioning our right to eliminate their heritage.

Let us clench our fists together and tell them what is called people and what is called progress! "

The frequency band of the neutron star broadcasting tower passed through the thick nebula, allowing the humans here to touch their hearts, and the human blood just surged up.

…Under the waving of the great flag, humanity waved in the sea of ​​stars. …

The war in the Behemoth Nebula reached a critical moment, a warship that looked like a shadow in space came, and Chang Hengxi arrived in the Behemoth Nebula, one of the [-] starfish planets.

The purpose of Chang Hengxi's visit here is to "mediate" the war here, but the actual purpose~
Before Chang Hengxi came, in the energy center of the hull, Qingsu put her arms around her and emphasized emphatically: "That area has a high probability of deteriorating. When you go there, tell both parties to keep calm. If one party is not calm, You can choose to be on the side of justice.” (Remember that the word “fairness” is ambiguous)
If it's upholding justice, why didn't Qingsu just go there?

Narrator: For the imperial court, when two people are sent to announce a policy, it is necessary to make policy adjustments under the banner of "unchanged policy".The new imperial envoy has new powers of interpretation.

In the star sea, the giant beasts rebelled thousands of years ago, to be fair!Wasn't the Star Sea Empire trying to maintain justice back then?Now the Tracing Origin faction is going to start a battle of extermination for the giant beast inheritance, which seems a bit cruel.

Qingsu also sent Chang Hengxi over there to uphold justice.

This kind of political subtext is: "Tasi Qiduo, you'd better not do it too obviously, causing shocks around you."

...Chang Hengxi's second purpose here is to establish cause and effect, to eliminate hatred. …

On the Tiny Starfish, Wei Keng couldn't help smiling when he saw Chang Hengxi's fleet and the uneasy request.

Speaking of Wen Tiexing, I just came to this world as a teenager, so I offended Chang Hengxi with my words.But now?Experienced a lot of memory in multiple planes.Identity changed.

Wei Keng explained to the speechless Jing Guyu: My level is higher, so I have to talk about quality!
When Wei Keng looked at Chang Hengxi, it was like looking at his little sister. After all, she was Wei Qiang's sister-in-law back then.

On Tired Starfish, the Tracing Source faction (Wei Keng Decision) expressed "affirmation" to the new round of upholding justice by the Star Sea Council, expressing their willingness to devote themselves to the peace of the Behemoth Nebula.Under the framework of human development, problems left over from history should be properly resolved.Of course, if you are human, you have the right to respond to threats at all times.

...Earth-style political speeches, and Xu Xing's political statements, formed a wonderful "speaking of their own words"...

Wei Keng has now locked all the "planetary threats" in the Behemoth Nebula, Wei Keng: I want peace, but it doesn't mean I won't hit you.

More than a dozen seventh-level dark energy users with planetary behemoth energy bodies have been forced to try to form a group for the second time.

After all, in their eyes, among this wave of outsiders, only Taxi Qiduo is a seventh-level dark energy user.The last time under the suppression of that eighth level, the seventh level battle did not start.

The situation in Xingyun has made them feel that they can take risks.And the mediation of the Xinghai Council this time seems to make the monsters feel: "The external forces of Xinghai have softened their principles and began to support them in counterattacking the tracers."

These behemoths have been sleeping for hundreds of years. They don't know Xinghai's current politics at all, and they don't even know that Chang Hengxi has a record of killing them.

…On the other side, on the battleship Time, Wei Keng has already boarded the battleship, ready to chat and laugh with the captain here...

Wei Keng walked through the energy channel, looked at the interstellar knights holding lightsabers on both sides, and spread his hands.

Wei Keng complained: Such an overly solemn ceremony, this little girl Liang (peeping at her captain through the screen) is still too reserved with me.

The past of Wen Tiexing made Chang Hengxi afraid of Taxi Qiduo. This kind of fear is not only because Taxi Qiduo is now likely to return to the seventh level of dark energy in the space-time system.It is also the ability of Taxi Qiduo to do things.

In addition, although Chang Hengxi is afraid of Taxi's rudder, he still wants to maintain the dignity of the "planetary suzerain".It's impossible to be as arrogant as Su Qin's sister-in-law.

Qin Xiaohan explained the allusion of "beautiful before and respectful later" to the uninformed Zhenxun: in the early stage of the earth's farming civilization, there was a politician named Su Qin, who was not talented in his early years. , this sister-in-law is very respectful when she sees Su Qin.

Zhen Xun was shocked after hearing the story, and then asked, "This is Su Qin's sister-in-law, why?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Jing Guyu interrupted such an "unpleasant" conversation.

...Wei Keng's incarnation walked up to Chang Hengxi, and then invited her to the interior of Tiny Starfish to guide the ecology...

Chang Hengxi looked at this polite guest and frowned, but seeing the hippie smile on the back of Taxi Qiduo's politeness (as if asking "Dare you?"), he was heartbroken.

Chang Hengxi had just arrived in Lianhai, a planet with an underground organic solute ocean (oil ocean).A unique ecological cycle was discovered.

Chang Hengxi directly launched her own dark energy, as an ecological system, this is her strong point.

From a microscopic point of view, her dark energy system can make "light entering the material reaction system" instantly controllable. Not to mention her combat form, she is often best at controlling life adjustments such as "photosynthesis".

Right now, after she has entered the starfish, she will expand the dark energy field by herself.

The underground ecological world still occupied by giant beasts in the deepest part of the planet has begun to respond, from small bacteria to towering giant bacteria, there has been a fine-tuning of the ecology.

As Chang Hengxi lightly landed, the internal organic ocean began to spread at several points. The diffusion speed was "several kilometers per second" and the radius expanded. In the underground organic sea, there was a sudden gust of wind, and some destructive creatures like cockroaches They are forced to hibernate, while some other creatures are activated and gain the possibility of evolution and growth.This is quite a biological nuclear bomb effect, and it is divided into enemy and friend.

However, when she got in touch with the ecology here, soon everyone on this planet except her was regulating the ecology!There are other forces that control this ecological world at a higher level, but this force is very subtle and does not burst out directly like her

For example, the circles of periodic phenomena in the organic solute lake underground, the depth of evolution here gave her a sense of the vastness of the ocean.

…Wei Keng can directly destroy the organic world on which the giant beasts live, but out of the morality of intelligent life, this kind of behavior is not necessary…

Narrator: The "negative entropy" of the ecosystem is a large amount of periodic accumulation.Various traces, for example, will appear in the lake water, and the circles of summer and winter tides will not communicate with each other, and corals and trees will form annual ring cycle traces.When life evolves, it will spare no effort to use all available cycles, such as germination in spring, fruiting in autumn, falling leaves in winter to prevent consumption, and completing positive accumulation year after year.

Let's put it this way, in many false ecological worlds that Chang Hengxi has seen, the species in them only have a simple cycle, so the prosperity is temporary.It will soon become a scene of raising Gu (in the late stage of No. [-] biosphere, a large number of plants and animals died, and only cockroaches ran all over the ground)
The secret of long life lies in conforming to the cycle of ecology and establishing its own cycle.

Chang Hengxi's knowledge can fully understand: those low-level life-type dark energy, such as the devouring type (sucking other people's flesh and blood), and the giant beast type, seem to be prosperous in the early stage, why they can only live for a few hundred years, then collapse, and have no future.

But now Chang Hengxi, as an expert, can see the gold content of the internal ecology of the starfish.

As Wei Qiang's elder brother, Master Wei gave Chang Hengxi a little "eternal heart" shock!
When Chang Hengxi entered the underground and had a direct dialogue with the negative entropy frequency band of life in the starfish,
On the surface of the ground, Wei Keng's split body is wandering leisurely, and begins to look at a certain direction in the starry sky, and that direction is a quick peep.

Under the starlight shining on the platform, Wei Keng, wearing the half-biological and half-mechanical battle suit of the "Planet of Mind", woke up after biting a spicy stick, and muttered: "Look at me again, look at me again, someday I will put the You eat it."

(End of this chapter)

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