out of cage

Chapter 908 Chapter 20.19 "Emergence"

Chapter 908 Chapter 20.19 "Emergence"

Tracing back to the 56th year of the calendar, the Battle of the Beehive is over, and the Battle of the Behemoth is preparing for the "pumping plan".The traceability faction's struggle has already had a good start.It was originally millions of larval monsters, but now it has become millions of people participating in "military production cooperation". Nano-fluids poured into underground caves like a flood, and combat robots in the nano-cloud are like piranhas Mature and full body monsters who are still stubbornly biting.

And Wei Keng's dark energy research project in this plane has quietly entered a new stage.

And in the south of the great black hole of creation, [-] light-years away, in a remote nebula region, a material star disk is converging. If there is no accident, after millions of years, this material cloud will collapse into a new star cloud. of stars.

But now, this material disc has begun to divide into strands, which is extremely silky.

In the orbit of the inner circle, the frictional expansion loss of the eddy current mode will no longer appear. Since the rotation speed is constant, the kinetic energy will no longer be lost and fall into its center, and the gathering of this nebula will start to pause (of course, it will take a few minutes for this nebula to become a star if it does not pause. million years later)

The collapse stopped.Let's just say that the star has not yet formed and a Dyson ring has appeared.

After this process has been tempered by Wei Keng, the changes of stars are as elegant as natural life.

And the nuclear reaction inside the star has also begun to become controllable and stable, emitting evenly, and can already provide energy for the outermost computing system.

Wei Keng is preparing to complete the Eternal Heart structure on this reserve star.

Now, the smooth space coordinates based on the gravitational range of the nebula, and the multi-coordinates of the vertical axis in the time are also completed.

In the empty interstellar cloud area, like lights shining in the dark night, the Wei Keng group issued a general order in the central engineering command area of ​​the nebula: "Prepare to start, structure docking."

Followed by dozens of instructions like the density of firecrackers.

"The nuclear fusion reaction in the core of the star is normal, and the intensity has been lowered by 33 star pa" - the core reaction of the original star has loosened a bit.

"The halo condensate is normal, and the heat diffusion arrangement is correct"—the nebula begins to become transparent, because all the molecules start to arrange vertically, so that the light is projected vertically.

"Spectral color, at 249 to 259" - various metal molecules inside the star begin to properly enter the nuclear reaction center.


After dozens of large commands in one second, there are hundreds of billions of medium commands below each large command.

And the more detailed commands under the middle command.

The execution of the order is an exponential effect, which will soon change the entire star.

This astrolabe, just like a twisted tens of billions of Rubik's cube, is changing rapidly.

The arc of energy distributed in a balanced manner in the astrolabe is broadcasting such songs in an orderly manner: in years of abundance, there will be more millet and more crops, and there will also be gao lin, trillions and zi.For wine and sweets, steamed to the ancestors and concubines, to negotiate a hundred rituals, to bring blessings to Confucius.

The solemn tune rang out in this empty and desolate place, and since then it has become a holy place.

After the spark is ignited for [-] rotation periods, the width of the material flow on the object disk is also expanded, and the halo becomes wider, just like a star stretching its arms.

Above the North Pole of the material disk, there were halos of light on Wei Keng's body. This is the structure when the macroscopic material structure of the dark energy field is accumulated.But Wei Keng is not an eighth-level dark energy user at this time.

After the [-]th day, Wei Keng: "The Eternal Heart and Tracing to the Origin have completed their docking—the countdown to the emergence"

Going back in time, in the central nuclear reaction of the star, suddenly all the carbon elements are active for a trillionth of a billionth in a fusion reaction.

The countdown is being faithfully fulfilled.

At this time, within the range of [-] light-years, complex quantum frequency bands appeared in each carbon, hydrogen and oxygen substance.

The peak of this quantum frequency band appeared for one ten-thousandth of a second and then fell. Immediately afterwards, all the carbon-containing substances in the entire nebula appeared this wave-like quantum fluctuation.

In a few seconds, this fluctuation spread throughout the entire material nebula of three thousand cubic light years.

All of these, like Huang Zhong Dalu, extended to the Milky Way.

Wei Keng closed his eyes in the original star, and then disappeared into the sea of ​​matter. When Wei Keng opened his eyes, his body was already [-] light-years away. appearance.

When Wei Keng closed his eyes again, he returned to the star center. (Occurs directly in the center of stellar matter.)
In Wei Keng's perception, he has opened his eyes in the entire universe, and his carbon-based body is once again condensed in this world.

...In the dark plane, Wei Keng now seems to have obtained the carbon-based life cheat code, which can exist in any organic area at any time...

However, from the perspective of the outside world (vibration seeker), as Wei Keng closed his eyes, the body turned into a group of carbon molecule dust, and then merged into the cosmic matter field.Wei Keng opened his eyes, and in another space, various elements such as "carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen" were reunited!
The "flash" in the game is almost like this, but this is not the "time and space" ability.

Because the will to live is another kind of constant.

The will to life has always been in this universe,
The 21st Century Science and Education Channel's promotional film "Mystery of the Universe" once said: As long as the space-time conditions of an area are met, life can come.

For example, a natural planet such as the earth, under the constant vibration of the sun-moon cycle, is like a gold sieve constantly shaking. Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen substances accumulate in a certain gap to form amino acid mud, and amino acid mud accumulates to form macromolecules, and then hundreds of Combined replication once a year, followed by several decades, and then several years, and finally the molecules became more and more complex, and became the first generation of microscopic life. Species with complex brains would have evolved.This kind of life emerges from nothing.

What Wei Keng's dark energy field achieves is "emergence".

The time for billions of years of simple basic matter to develop into life has been compressed to only a few seconds, and the condition threshold as large as the earth has been reduced to all "carbon, hydrogen and oxygen" interstellar dust belts!
This newly born dark energy is dark energy no less than space-time.It is enough to leave a "great surname" in the current history of mankind.

Wei Keng's preliminary practice in the star soon ended, and then he was ready to come to the wild.

A few days later, tens of light years away!The carbon element here immediately became active, and a complex carbon molecular machine cloud was constructed, which was printed by Wei Keng in half an hour.This rebuild took a lot of work.

But in the eyes of Zhen Xun who followed: this seven-level dark energy structure is more advanced than she previously imagined.At this time, Zhenxun opened the "Time and Space Travel System" that he was connected to, and saw Wei Keng's name for it: Emergence!
[emerge!This is a phenomenon.It is a transition from a low level to a high level. On the basis of the evolution of the microcosmic subject, the macroscopic system undergoes a sudden change in performance and organization. In this process, a new quality can be produced from the old quality. 】

In true social creatures, although each individual is very simple, it can construct an ant nest and hive that amazes human designers.

In the same way, among ordinary people, although everyone's aptitude is ordinary, with the communication, the flashing inspiration is summarized, and a collective vision will gradually be produced, and finally a collective will will be born to realize it.

Wei Keng named this new structure in this way. As the name suggests, the "conditions for the coming of life" have been opened through the dark energy system.

…Wei Keng: It doesn’t matter whether the things you work hard on are great or not, the main thing is your own…

The constants of carbon molecules in the nebula hundreds of light years have been measured, and the quantum information emitted by the frequency of stars has been connected with the original life force in the light domain.Narrator: It will take billions of years for the negentropy of stars to connect to substantial life.

Now Wei Keng can be released at any time to an area with basic carbon molecules in any measured area, and build a body directly with his own consciousness!
If "emergence" and "time and space" confront each other, Zhenxun can disturb the conditions of emergence's arrival by spatial disturbance, but the scope of her erasure is limited, and Wei Keng can choose its spatial area to descend.

About one earth year later, Wei Keng's seventh-level dark energy finally stabilized and reached a balance after a slight resurgence. After confirming that Wei Keng had reached "the highest record of other traversers in this plane in the main world", the system side The team sent congratulations immediately!
"Color ribbon, big red flower" fluttered on Wei Keng's system interface. It was composed by Qin Xiaohan. She knew that Master Wei would like this.

Jing Guyu just wanted to comment on the platform: It's so vulgar, but when Wei Keng was happy and Qin Xiaohan said modestly: "Where, where", he shut his mouth.

Wei Keng is busy sending a message to another outside observer.On the side of Wei Keng and Zhen Xun, there is a light prism observer.

This observer is Qing Suyi. About [-] days after Wei Keng was promoted, she first looked for it through Zhenxun.

Now that Master Wei is successful, he is explaining to Qingsu at "there is no silver 300 taels here": "This dark energy is not aimed at third parties".

The third party here is Chang Hengxi!She was retreating at a loss, and at this moment she was really afraid.

Well, Wei Keng, who always has to get used to being well prepared, said in his heart: "If she (Chang Hengxi) hadn't approached me suddenly, why would I rush to advance my promotion plan by a year?"

Of course, Master Wei is a little proud now: because of the "emergence" of dark energy, he is definitely above Chang Hengxi in terms of rank.Even now that Chang Hengxi ends up interfering in the Behemoth Nebula War, he can ride on her and whip his horse.

...Maybe it's the "dark energy of life", Wei Keng is very active now. …

In space, inside the light prism, a big loli with pure white hair appeared, she was light and fast.

Obviously, because of the importance she attached to Wei Keng, Qingsu also realized it. After she stretched her arm, she turned her gaze to Wei Keng. Wei Keng also kept looking at her, and when she stretched her arm, she was sure She has no armpit hair.

Qingsu also took a look at Zhenxun first, she has always left coordinates on Zhenxun, but Zhenxun has done a good job of time-space occlusion in the past six months, most of the coordinates are delayed and need to be deciphered.

At this time, Zhen Xun faced her even more worthy than last time, with his chest upright and Qing Su looking at each other, standing slightly in front of Wei Keng, as if he was a big sister protecting her.He almost said "Don't be afraid, I will protect you" to Wei Keng.

His long, straight black hair was raised in space like a black flag.

Qingsu also looked over Zhenxun: "You two, who is the next step, and who do I want to congratulate?" (The tone is slightly sour)

Wei Keng was even more grateful for Zhen Xun's coming to stand by him, but as a man, he was used to being the first person to talk in conflicts. (Wei Keng doesn't know the situation of Xu Xingren)
Wei Keng sent the basic information of his dark energy field to Qingsu very concisely, mainly to briefly explain the basis of the principle of emerging dark energy.Of course, no specific data was disclosed.

Just like in ancient times, the East demonstrated its nuclear deterrence capability.Explain a fact: You can't kill me now.

Qingsu also took the initiative to send information to "Tasi Qiduo", and seemed a little surprised that Taxi Qiduo was honest with him.

After she saw the information, there was a lot of turmoil in her heart. She looked at Wei Keng and wanted to say: "How did you conceive all this?"

But she finally determined the distance between the two, suppressing the throbbing that hadn't appeared for a long time, and said in a flat tone: "Congratulations, we will go together in the future."

…As an outsider (dimension visitor), Wei Keng has finally shown enough achievements to hold his head high here...

As soon as the "emerging" dark energy came out, the nature of Wei Keng's existence in the universe had changed.

Although Wei Keng's body is still a single body on various planets, each individual will not lose self-information due to accidents such as death.

Because as long as Wei Keng's emerging dark energy field arrives, all the information on the dead body, including the memories that were not paid much attention to before, will be scanned and recorded on this plane.

Let's put it this way, when the early traversers entered the dangerous plane, they would have the operation of recycling consciousness. Of course, the recycling efficiency is very low, and it is prone to will damage.And consume a lot of information enthalpy.

Now, on the entire dark plane, Wei Keng can guarantee the survival of the will of all traversers.Now it is the "God of Life" of this plane.

Tracing the source of dark energy itself is a simulation study of the phenomenon of the arrival of one's own traveler.

Emergence is a combination of traceability and eternal heart (negative entropy control).It is the effect of getting through the "descent of consciousness".

 Today is more fun, tomorrow is still eight o'clock in the morning

(End of this chapter)

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