out of cage

Chapter 912 Chapter 20.21 Sensualism, Idealism

Chapter 912 Chapter 20.21 Sensualism, Idealism
In the 68th year of the origin calendar, in addition to Chang Hengxi, another "swan goose" flew over, and there were more than one evil fates that led to Taxi's rudder.

This ship is [-] kilometers long, apparently in the style of an arctic jet zone, and the fleet is moored outside the Behemoth Nebula.

In the spaceship, the just-upgraded Chu Jinyan watched the Behemoth Nebula appear on the platform with cursors that were comparable in size to stars and the mass of the moon. These cursors were gathering matter in the nebula and moving It turned out that the chaotic energy in the nebula was transformed into orderly light energy.

Biting gold: Is the ancient "behemoth inheritance" here for thousands of years still the same as it was 5000 years ago?
Su Jinyan didn't know that, when she was full of confidence after advancing to the seventh level, she had just stepped into the Giant Beast Nebula.

The palm that came with her in the spaceship to her left, oh, was pinched by Tassi Kaihelm.And Grandpa Wei's burglary has been hidden from the money-eating exhortations who are separated by a wall.

Zhang Wei looked at Wei Keng who suddenly appeared in front of him in astonishment. He was also at the sixth level and used gravity to fold, but he found that the space ability could not stop the life activities in front of him at all.

Oh, or in other words, he tried to lock "Tasi Qirudder" through the space lens, but in the end he found that his locking was just "turning" Wei Keng into "photos" frame by frame in the spaceship. Keng still hit his ear with a crowbar
Wei Keng looked at his "opponent" who was ambitious to compete with him decades ago.Somewhat surprised, he said, "Why hasn't your dark energy improved at all these years?"

Master Wei's tone is obviously "deep responsibility, deep love",
At this time, Wei Keng no longer cared about the camp, but cared about the growth of the people he knew here.

When Zhang Wei and Su Jinyan approached the base of the traceability forces, Wei Keng had already spotted them.

But Wei Keng was not interested in talking to Su Jinyan, he really had to figure it out, he still had a grudge against her back then.

Wei Keng has dealt with women from this plane too much, including Qingsuyi, Zhenxun, Chang Hengxi, and the two wives in the supervisor's space.

[At this time, the main world is undergoing huge changes. Jing Guyu’s department had too close communication with the Mediterranean department in the past, and is now being squeezed out by Haotu, and Qin Xiaohan was sent by Qin Tianfang’s side to keep an eye on them. But all methods were used. 】

Mr. Wei felt that there was a bit of yin and yang around him: after seeing the yang and yang of the "Holy Great Wall", Wei Keng felt that he should be patient with the newcomers.

This is not true: after Zhang Wei confirmed that Taxi Qiduo had arrived, he immediately wanted to contact Jin Jinyan, and he had no intention of making decisions.

Wei Keng commented on this "fool": I have to say, he is the seed of infatuation, but I don't like it.I don't ask you to be a sweetheart, but you can't be a licking dog.As a man, he should enrich himself in his good years, so that he can stand upright in the future and stand up for the racial crisis. How can he sink into the hands of women and wag his tail for favor?You are the pillar, and the pillar is not a step for people to put their legs on, but to stare at the ceiling.

The appearance of infatuation seeds among men on the earth can be praised, because they can restrain their physical desires with morality, which is conducive to stability in peacetime, so they are always praised by the earth society. (The woman's praise is emotionally moved, and the man's praise is that this guy is tied up by a woman, so it is impossible to be unruly)

But if men are generally infatuated, Master Wei thinks it's a bit strange.

But physiologically, Mr. Wei is sure that the carbon-based self who is "very angry" is "in a good mood" after seeing the black silk, cool apron, and other scenery here.

Being an earth male "flirty at heart" is part of evolution.However, it is precisely because men on earth are not "infatuated" and are rational enough, so whether it is a long-term farming plan or a decision in a war on the road of racial development, it will not be interfered by the perspective of women who live at home all the year round. (It has to be mentioned here that Master Wei's supervisor space is currently fighting in secret, and it belongs to two forces of foreign relatives who want to interfere in politics)

Promising that the star man will always be the same, which has brought a huge burden to evolution.

Like male birds, they do make women feel comfortable when they are safe and stable, but once they encounter a catastrophe, they can't stand it and fly separately.

Wei Keng: The problem of native genes left over from arboreal habitat.Morality is to curb the "excessiveness" in nature, just like the morality of men on earth cannot be domestic violence, and they have to put the brakes on the "strongness" in nature, but there is a lack of genes in them, so it won't work if you don't step up.

…Zhangwei doesn’t know at all that this enemy with a strange brain circuit in front of him has no other purpose now, but to help him stand up…

In the barrier, Master Wei looked at Zhang Wei with a bruised nose and a swollen face that was hammered by him, and he still looked like Erha who refused to admit defeat. Wei Keng stretched out his thumb and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.I rubbed it among others, and then told him quite solemnly: "I think it's bad to fall in love early, it will delay the future, and the wife has to be snatched, um, take her back when she's unconscious home."

Master Wei is just like a ruffian instigating Zhang Wei to go bad. (Qi Jinyan said that if he was "unhappy" in his life, Wei Keng said that he had successfully retaliated)

Unknowingly, the palm painted with a "mustache" gritted his teeth and stared at "Tasi Qirudder".

Zhang Wei was stubborn and made up his mind: he didn't know what kind of dark energy field he was using to suppress himself, but now he provoked again and again, and once he had the desire to defeat this guy in front of him.

Wei Keng nodded slightly: "It doesn't matter if you want to defeat someone, or you want to farm to create some kind of miracle, a man must have ambition."Don't pin your goals on others.

In modern times, Wei Keng has seen a lot of stories about the growth of waste. Some of them rely on their parents' wealth and do not want to make progress, and some are self-satisfied and have a lot of youth to squander.

Even Wei Keng himself had the idea of ​​"waste".

"As a human, when growing up, you will always encounter inertia. In the end, you have to find a direction that you think is meaningful"

And Wei Keng, who has come out now, hopes that the "stunted" guy in front of him is also a possibility.

This time, Wei Keng did not take away Jinlan's ship, but her childhood sweetheart.

An hour later, when Chu Jinyan arrived at Zhangwei's spaceship, he could only smell a unique fragrance.The smell of a fight.

...Wei Keng howled happily in his heart: I am walking on the road of perversion. …

And in the space station two light-years away, on a metal platform with a size of one kilometer, the magnetic force system simulates three times the gravity. Keng forcibly grabbed the palm that came over.

"Look up, chest up, buttocks, and stand like a pine tree!" Wei Keng first gave them military training to let them know the rules. Of course, this rule is not a rule of one person, but a rule of the team he belongs to, so that he can perform tasks more efficiently. the rule of.

While they were practicing, Wei Keng leisurely clicked on the "Star Map". At this time, the "Star Map" was the planet (planet) transformed by the "Eternal Heart" by various forces such as the Jiulan Star and the Arctic Creation Zone.

Wei Keng, who has already "emerged" now, complained like acting: "I am stupid, didn't you say that the most dangerous place is the safest place, and now you have found me here?" At this time, Master Wei has already started carving "stars" up.

In the group, Zhang Wei glanced at Wei Keng, but Wei Keng also looked back unceremoniously, stared at him, and then said word by word: "In this world, the most intimidating performance is to be stern." Fly. We will lead you to walk the talk.”

In the interstellar space, a 600-meter-long human-shaped energy battleship is being carved in the star port. This huge existence is now covered by a light curtain.

And the small team led by Wei Keng for training is the drivers.

The battle weapons built by tens of thousands of engineers are being prepared for them. This is a giant of light that can wrestle with giant beasts directly.

…Wei Keng: Boys must get used to gigantic robots. …

On the system side, Zhen Xun asked Wei Keng a question: "You have completed the independence of the central system, why are you still used to thinking about problems with a separate brain?"

The central system thinking means that with the emergent ability, Wei Keng can build an unprecedented super brain to check the mysteries of the universe.Mathematical algorithms are relatively fast, and are used to model high-temperature fluid mechanics, nuclear physics, chemical molecular formula construction, and other complex problems in thinking. They are all communicated in an instant, and the same can be done with vibration search.

Compared with carbon-based mortals, the seventh-level dark energy users are already gods in the star sea.

From the perspective of gods with energy bodies, those (carbon-based) mortals who are addicted to the timbre of the world are only worthy of making them smile.

After Zhen Xun's observation, Wei Keng completed all kinds of wonderful discussions separately, but often made many low-level mistakes.

But even so, Zhen Xun had to admit that Wei Keng would escape a lot of genius thinking in the split-body stupidity.

Wei Keng thought for a while and explained: "Using a carbon-based brain to think about problems has a wide range of ideas, and it is not easy to miss basic problems." Then he added: "Even if I made a mistake, it also exposed my possible problems— —I am a man, not used to being a god."

Carbon-based is the beginning of evolution, the base for the birth of consciousness, and the carbon-based brain is a masterpiece of species evolution to the level of wisdom, so it will not become inferior and backward with technological progress.

Even if there are other carriers that can carry the self in the future, the carbon-based brain is still of great significance!

In fact, in the final analysis, Wei Keng saw in the last world that the high-level civilized consciousness (Zheng Nian) was a mortal like himself, but possessed so many extraordinary qualities.

Therefore, Wei Keng has such a longing: his mortal body can carry the will of a god, and in the most serious struggle for survival, he is not afraid of the fire, and he is willing to block the steel gun holes with his chest. Simple fried noodles can also fight firmly without fear. (Wei Keng's standard of effort is currently beyond the reach of junior traversers)
Wei Keng thought silently: According to that standard, he has not reached it yet.Mortals will be afraid, fearful, painful, and tempted, but they can be themselves.

Zhen Xun used his own calculations, but in the end he couldn't figure out Wei Keng's logic. (If the calculations can calculate the future of mankind, then the evolution would not be so bumpy.)
Zhen Xun: "I don't know what your ultimate goal is, but you have more "strength" than other existences in our universe, um, you still have a "mortal" personality."

Wei Keng said casually: "Are you envious, this is the achievement of life, and it was exchanged with your life!

(End of this chapter)

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