out of cage

Chapter 935 Chapter 20.34 Heat death inward, empty condensation outward

Qingsu is also in the universe of creation, the top inner world.

This super-large scroll world is already so vast that it is impossible to use numbers to calculate the land area.
Let people on the earth in the 21st century ask: Hundreds of thousands of kilometers, millions of kilometers—maybe not, if I really want to give a rough idea, it should be on the order of trillions of kilometers
The big black hole of creation, the super-large roller spaceships on the innermost side, have been drawn into a line from the outside, and these lines will slowly extend, and finally bend along the black hole, with the head and tail wrapped around the black hole and connected together. into a bracelet.

Narrator: It's like a drop of paint gradually becomes a circular line after entering the water vortex

Once connected together, there will be no starry sky on both sides of this large roller spaceship, and the whole world will become a world in the state of a ring light tube, and it will be closed from the outside world.

Only by relying on Hedao to exist, break through the information channel, and enter such a perfect world.

At this time, the material energy (the vitality of heaven and earth) in the scroll continent will not leak out, and it will become a leak-free world.

In this ring-shaped pipe world, there will be a "reverberation" effect, and the internal superimposed substances will quickly thicken.That is to say, the so-called "heaven and earth vitality" surged and became the so-called God Realm in the fairy world outside.

Of course, such an upper bound is also the end of the world.

In fact, whether a world is alive or not depends not on the energy density, but on the gap and the threshold for breaking the gap.

For example, humans on earth, every water molecule on their body is a material that can undergo nuclear reactions in the sun, but the earth is habitually called a world of low weapons.Because the nuclear reaction energy of these water molecules is difficult to stimulate.

The same is true for a completely closed big world. From the outside, it seems that the energy is high, but what about the inside?There is no gap.

In the inner circle of the great black hole of creation, once the spacecraft is dragged and stretched by gravity, it becomes a closed loop
In the initial stage of this closed loop, the material tide stopped spreading at both ends, and began to continuously generate negative entropy shocks in the closed loop, making this place the "God Realm" in the eyes of the residents of the small worlds outside the great black hole of creation.

In addition, there is a "He Dao" that maintains the tunnel between the closed loop and the outside world, and people in this "God Realm" will also communicate with the lower realm, thereby maintaining the gap and allowing the tide of heaven and earth vitality to continue.

At this time, "closed" is already the general trend.

In this spaceship space, when ordinary matter is stacked to the limit of tens of thousands of times, the "energy density" in the closed-loop space reaches the level of solidification, and it will start to "heat death", that is, it is still very high energy compared to the outside world, but the internal "high energy" It is no longer possible to show the gods to "superimposed substances".

[It's as if farmers in the God Realm have auras that are shocking to the outside world, but they still have to farm, because the soil here is also the Nine Heavens' Soil, which belongs to the gods that the outside world can't pry at all, but it is everywhere in the God Realm . 】

Therefore, for the immortals at the pinnacle of the creation world: the concentration of aura is not eternal, and only the grasp of the laws of physics is the constant value.

After a closed continent has lasted hundreds of thousands of spring and autumn reincarnations, once Hedao leaves, this place loses the channel with the "lower realm", and it is no longer the upper realm. Although according to the external reference system, the energy and matter density here are still increasing, But the basic material is becoming more and more stable, which is the so-called "mutation of the rules of heaven and earth", and the practitioners inside cannot fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

At this time, the area where Qingsu is located is the area where "good fortune" is located, which is the so-called God Realm.

This world is still a so-called holy place because there is a way to maintain it and escape from it.

When the so-called disciples from the upper realm here, watching the arrival of Qingsuyi, the foreign "He Dao" existence, they are superficially guessing the combat strength of the two "He Dao", and even superficially speculating whether the two "He Dao" are The contention arises because of world luck.

Although they are ants under the "sage", they still speculate whether they can change the battle.

As everyone knows, they are just chickens locked in a cage. There is no need for Hedao to compete for their world. Once the supernatural powers of their so-called saints leave with "Hedao", they will continue to fall with the changes of the world. decline.

It is their fate to perish in the heat death.

Only when He Dao exists and this closed-loop world is opened, can we ensure that there will continue to be vitality here!

Qingsu also: "This place is more prosperous than last time. Your Excellency sitting here is really a blessing to mankind."

Good luck: "If you don't ask, you are an ant after all, and as an ant, you don't know it. If you come down from the sun, if you teach a few seekers out of the cage, it will be great."

Qingsuyi (shirk): "Oh, your Excellency is joking, if I rob your apprentice, it would be too~reckless"

Creation: "It's nothing, this world, I hope fellow Taoists can choose a path."

Note: The ancestral home of the people in the Good Fortune Zone is hardly the same as the humans in other areas of the Promise Star. The time spent in the black hole is hundreds of thousands of times longer than that in the outside world.

Of course, for human beings, staying in a single environment for too long is not necessarily evolution, but also loss.

Qingsu also looked at Haohua: "Choose the way?" She had a smile on her face, she didn't want to support the whole world inside the big black hole of creation. The more you go to the inner world, the more you pursue matter and energy, the more paranoid you become.

For civilization, this is a vicious involution. In order to overtake others, it only pursues the "possession" indicators, and loses interest in the "use" mode and the exploration of new systems.

Creator also saw the speed and didn't want to take up the burden immediately, so he sighed slightly.

Now the human beings in the area around the great black hole of creation have no desire to compete for the outer starry sky even if they know the starry sky world.It is completely Buddhist.

Although the stars in the area of ​​thousands of light years around the black hole of creation are centered on the black hole of creation, this is because the black hole of creation can continuously eject matter. It seems that the surrounding interstellar regime needs the black hole of creation, but in fact, the black hole of creation needs the height of the dark universe What about the continuous influx of super life?
...The God Realm has troubles in the God Realm. At this time, in the middle layer of the Great Black Hole of Creation, which is the area of ​​the Mortal Realm, someone is measuring the sky...

Wei Keng, who has "flyed up", is groping for the elliptical photosphere with a diameter of [-] kilometers in front of him.

This large spaceship can no longer see its original structure in terms of material value-added, just like mechanical parts soaked in sea water and corroded like stones.

The spaceship used to have a cockpit, but with the continuous superimposition of matter, these scientific areas long ago, like fossils buried in the bottom layer, can only be seen roughly in the layers of matter, and in this layer of matter in the past The energy boiler is the so-called spiritual source of the world.

In the end, Wei Keng found that area. There was no cockpit in it, only the control area that stored energy was left. The inner and outer layers of the control area had heavy material and energy barriers.

Wei Keng's body was like a little tadpole trying to break through the defense.

According to the energy attack protection of the Shanhe class, it is inferred that this spaceship prototype, such a light film, can protect the zero-distance bombing of 50 billion equivalent nuclear weapons, but in fact, in the big black hole of creation, this value is horribly high.

For Wei Keng, it is impossible to forcibly penetrate, and to infiltrate.

For Wei Keng, who has a "clear heart", he quickly found the window of the energy frequency band and went deep into it.

For Shanhe-class battleships, after the internal protective layer is breached, the fluctuation will spread throughout the entire oval-shaped external light film within 60 seconds, triggering the alarm system. Now, is there a similar "anti-grave" mechanism in this huge drum world?Wei Keng was quite cautious.

In fact, it proved that Wei Keng was thinking too much. After he jumped into the area, he only triggered a weak energy fluctuation. The system that could easily trigger the change of the entire spaceship had broken down long ago. Wei Keng could only see the wreckage of metalized bones.
This looks like the remains of a fairy, but it is actually the carrier of the bionic artificial intelligence robot in the early years. The seemingly beautiful lines on it are actually the evolution of the day after tomorrow. Melted into a fossil, now taken out, it is a high-grade material.

Wei Keng shot out the space-time crystal, quickly restored the previous working system of the spacecraft, and activated the dark energy to light up the millions of systems of the "fossilized" spacecraft intermittently.At this time, the scroll spaceship that has proliferated like a rough continent has finally carried out an overall self-scan.

...Wei Keng moved the axis of the world, causing a change in the world. …

In this world, all sects looked up at the sky and the earth at this time, and saw a straight stream of light, from the sky in the east, to the sky in the west, as if a god had separated the world with a stroke.

All oceans, as well as continents, see only a light-dark line (like the morning and evening lines on the earth seen from space) sweeping across the entire area.

At this time, Wei Keng, who was sitting in the central energy control room, also obtained all the observation data of the Great Black Hole of Creation.

Wei Keng looked at the spaceship for countless years, observed from multiple perspectives, and began to describe in the data: countless spaceships surround the big black hole, and some of the spaceships have been linked into a ring in the innermost part.

The spaceships in the outer layer do not revolve in one orbit, but “flicker” with probability. The distance between different spaceships is not actually the distance in space, but in the same space, but they happen to be at different “times”.

Wei Keng then tried to link these frequencies and connected to other "drum worlds", and at least [-] small drum worlds on the entire outer track responded one by one in an instant.

After having an overall black hole space-time model to locate, Wei Keng looked at the dots on the screen on the inner orbit that looked like electrons flickering outside the atom (inner orbital space system.) and was calculating the timing of passing through the singularity.

…The entire dark universe, after 90 years of traceability, has seen the "one-dimensional line" technology...

Outside the great black hole of creation, in the starry world, the outer gamma rays poured into the great black hole of creation in a gesture that shocked all interstellar forces.In the dark starry sky, like straight golden needles, inserted into the transparent black hole barrier.

All those interstellar forces on the periphery of the great black hole of creation, such as the North Pole jet region, looked up at this strange scene of a hundred-star chain black hole that has never happened in history.

Wei Keng's behavior belongs to scientific and technological exploration, and it is definitely not "maliciously" stabbing in, humiliating the entire star sea around the great black hole of creation.

But no matter how you explain some things, you can't dispel the stereotype.

Just like in ancient times, if you want to promote new ideas to the New World, their first impression is that you are brainwashing.

Among the forces around the Great Black Hole of Creation, a considerable part of the planetary suzerains are from the Great Black Hole of Creation, or have studied in the Great Black Hole of Creation. For them, they are shuttled out of the fairy world .

Therefore, it has a certain sacred nature. Now that you, Wei Keng, want to conduct scientific research, for them, it is equivalent to archaeological ancestral tombs in the era of star tables.

If it was in the interstellar surface era, such as the situation in the Shenzhou plane, Wei Keng would not be so reckless, but should respect the religious customs of various places.

Because the earth is small, the fault tolerance rate is not high, and people's cognition is very narrow, it is easy to diode, anti-superstition will destroy the tradition, but will shape new superstition.

But now it's the interstellar age, the space age.

Wei Keng: I'm just digging your ancestral graves now, how do you fight?Come on, I'm not used to you.

In the multiple planes, Master Wei is the vanguard of anti-superstition.

Now Master Wei has been labeled as an epic "criminal" in the dark plane, and his attitude towards religion in this star sea is even more unrestricted!
For Mr. Wei: If "religion" means, you let me obey the rules that belong to you, but do not help my development goals in any way.So why do you output my spirit.

Wei Keng: "Since we are going to fight against the world, so what if we insult you. Let's fight!"

...In a rigid world, those who have the right to speak are cursing the challenger, but in fact, those who cannot speak are looking forward to...

In the central city of the arctic jet zone, Zhang Wei stared at the gamma ray stream on his Shanhe class warship.

At level seven at this time, his dark energy is at the top, and he belongs to the new backbone of the North Pole creation area.

Seeing that "the entire Arctic creation area" is in a state of being shocked at this time, Zhangwei can be sure that once the truth is announced, the emotion will be "offended", and war will follow.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath: He had fought in the Traceability faction, and he knew that the Traceability faction should be able to stop this wave, but the war would bring a lot of damage, and what did that guy think?

Zhang Wei was thinking about Taxi's idea of ​​starting the rudder, at this time, a cloud of matter flashed around him.The Jinjin Ling who is also the suzerain of the newborn planet appeared.

Zhang Wei knew what she was asking, but he wasn't going to reveal the secret of the "organization".

Looking at the expectant eyes of his former lover, Zhang Wei took a deep breath, maintained his rationality, and replied: "I don't know."

Before Chu Jinyan asked, he got a clear response, and the originally prepared emotion on his face froze suddenly.

Bi Jinyan adjusted his expression, and changed his original smile into a serious one: "So, are you ready for the troubles now, this is going to be a war?"

Zhang Wei looked at the victorious look in Jinyan's pupils, he couldn't help touching his forehead, and replied with a troubled gesture: "War, that's really troublesome, um, I'm urgent to pee, so I'm leaving first. "

When Su Jinyan heard this, he was stunned and then furious.

"urgency"?Not to mention the planetary suzerain, even the third-level dark energy user has already deployed organic matter all over his body.What's more, Zhangwei is a space system, even if someone is in a hurry to urinate, he can move other people's urine from the bladder to the cesspit.

Oh, this metaphor is also used by Master Wei and Zhangwei, because when Wei Keng excitedly explained his various strange uses of dark energy, he once said, "It seems that you can help others go to the bathroom."

Wei Keng's thoughts are clear and strange, which has always made people feel "crazy". As for Zhangwei, Wei Keng has also been misled by Wei Keng, and he is not allowed to be normal. The "spiritual language" protein molecule radiates information language, making Wei Keng always a "cultural Radiation" white hole.

Of course, "Qingqi thinking" is a common thing for men on the earth. They go to the cesspit to blow up shit together, attach rockets to mice together, and dance with dogs while drunk. It is often done by a group of boys together.

Bi Jinyan blocked Zhangwei with an energy barrier, and said coldly: "After you came back from the Giant Beast Nebula, I couldn't bear it more and more."

With a wave of his hand, Zhang Wei moved the entire space out of the starry sky, and replied helplessly: "Why should I make you bear it?"

Biting Jin: "So, you want to be my enemy?"

Zhangwei: "Keep a little distance between the two sides, we are still friends. As for where?" Zhangwei pointed to the big black hole of creation, Zhangwei: "You also know that this is a war, and there is a heavy price to pay. I stand there, It's my business, don't worry about it."

Today, the strings are tense, and I need to relax, and I will update it on time tomorrow morning.

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