out of cage

Chapter 945 Chapter 21.08 Talent Inspiration

Chapter 945 Chapter 21.08 Talent Inspiration
At the foot of the mountain, Wei Keng looked up at the stars in the sky, confirming that his long-term goal was not shaken, but that he just needed to re-plan his route.

Wei Keng looked at the "spiritual field" in the wilderness outside the world, which was different from the sect, and shrugged: "It's good to change the environment." '

For such things as chance, Wei Keng's attitude is: just count and accumulate as much as you can, and there is no need to snatch it.

Of course, Wei Keng also fantasized about himself, pretending to be a forceful route.

For example, taking advantage of the immortal selection, return to the mountain gate and defeat Mo Siyou.Facing the surprised eyes of the sect, he went to enter the fairy gate.

Of course, "fantasy" is to go through it in the mind, and Wei Keng would not operate like this in reality.

Wei Keng: Even after returning to the Juque faction and smashing the field successfully, it still depends on whether the immortal chooses himself or not.

But immortals are human beings after all, and human beings may show favoritism!On the bright side, you can act impartially, but once you become an outsider, once you make a fuss, the high-ranking people can not act impartially.

So, recalling Mo Quanrang talking about going down the mountain with himself, Wei Keng complained in his heart: "What, my place is really ordinary?"

Forty-five days after Wei Keng left, the immortals of Zhu Mingzong rushed to this Juque sect.The clouds in the sky were split into two pieces as if by a blade.All the members of the Juque sect lined up on the huge rock in front of the mountain gate, looking up at the immortal cultivators standing in the clouds.

When Mo Siyou saw the fairy flying over with the sword, he couldn't help but think of the power of the fairy that Mo Quanrang Youyou explained, they can call wind and rain, flatten mountains, summon lightning and fireballs, and go to heaven and earth.

And after seeing the immortal put the flying sword under his feet into his cuff, his heart fluttered even more.

Regarding the scene where the Juque faction met the immortal, these swordsmen actually performed almost the same as all mortals.

For Wei Keng, if he didn't establish a worldview, he might really be confused by this culture.

Wei Keng objectively feels that his spiritual consciousness is more difficult to maintain himself when facing a more powerful existence directly on the physical level. ——Wei Keng: It is said that a female cultivator of Jindan period cast a charm on me, so it shouldn't be possible to overcome this by willpower, right?Uh-huh.
The immortal who came from the sword came to the mountain gate and released an invisible deterrent. Suddenly, all the disciples inside and outside the buildings of the Juque School felt oppressed.

The immortal said: "I Zhu Mingzong chooses disciples here every 20 years, and I will test your chances here, but I have said beforehand that cultivating immortals requires spiritual roots, and those who are not destined to be immortals should not force it."

The disciples in the sect stared at the immortal who came from the sky, and this side was the head of the Juque sect.

At this time, Mo Quanrang also began to act as a master, telling his disciples: "Sometimes there must be a hit, and when there is no hit, don't force it."

He waved his hand and asked all the disciples to participate in this fair evaluation.

The immortal put down a spirit measuring pillar, and each disciple only needed to put his hand on it, while the disciples of the Juque Sect began to try it one by one, some with flushed faces, and some with self-consciousness. Hypnotic murmurs.

Of course, they didn't have spiritual roots when they put their hands on it.

The immortal became more and more impatient, and was obviously going to leave soon. At this time, Mo Siyou came up and put his hand on the spirit measuring pillar, and then four colors of light appeared red, blue, white, and blue.The immortal obviously paused, but after taking a closer look, he frowned slightly: "Fire, wood, gold and water, four elements of spiritual roots, among which fire is 35, wood is 23, barely qualified."

Mo Siyou's apprehensive expression immediately relaxed, and he couldn't help asking: "Immortal, can I cultivate immortality?" This excited look was like winning a big lottery.

The immortal frowned and looked at him: "It needs penance."

At this time, the other disciples in the sect couldn't help but feel anxious after seeing this.

Although Mo Quanrang once again said that mortals cannot cultivate immortals, because without spiritual roots, no matter how much work they do, it is useless.And the spiritual root is born, it is difficult to choose one among hundreds of thousands of people, unless there is a glimmer of life in the way of heaven, some spiritual lands will be produced for people to have spiritual roots the day after tomorrow, but this is even more rare.

It's just that the disciples of the Juque Sect have long been no longer disciples from poor families.

Don't persuade the elders of the previous generation to make friends with celebrities all over the world, and have connections with famous families of the Dazong Dynasty. Now that these disciples come to the mountain to practice hard, who is not "demanding"?
So after the test, some begged the immortal Changwang to open the side, "Bring the boy into the mountain gate", and some said, "It's okay to die in the morning after hearing about Taoism. I don't want to cultivate immortals, but I just want to see immortal fate."

In the end, these insane guys were swung away by the magic power of the immortal cultivator and fell into a coma.When great hopes are shattered, some people feel nothing more than death.

Finally, someone said indiscriminately in great grief: "Even if he really has spiritual roots, he must have been sent down the mountain before testing his fate."

There was nothing wrong with this sentence, but Mo Quanrang's expression changed, and the same was true for Mo Siyou, the two of them had ghosts in their hearts, and the immortal saw it naturally.However, this cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage wouldn't say anything.

The selection within the Juque sect is an opportunity left by the elders of the Xiuxian sect to friends and descendants of the mortal world.

All this, as long as Zhuji goes back and reports the truth, how to verify it?Isn't Mo Siyou going to enter the sect?Just ask, there are a lot of methods in the sect of cultivating immortals to distinguish the authenticity of words from low-level practitioners.

...The little tricks of mortals are ridiculous to cultivators. …

The angle of view came to Wei Keng, and within three months, Wei Keng went down the river smoothly and crossed the core area of ​​the Dazong court.Came to the territory of Luo Kingdom in the southeast.

Compared with the Dazong court, although it is a small place, there is a famous martial arts holy place in the country of Luo. In this holy place, there will be a spurt of spiritual power every 50 years.

The Holy Land will be opened four years later, and the Lord of Luo Kingdom is kind and willing to let people from all over the world enter it.However, even acquired opportunities need to be grasped. In the spiritual land, the strong are king, and only those who are strong enough survive will be promoted to innate.Of course, according to the legend, some people can even get immortal fate and enter the immortal road in the spiritual land.

However, Wei Keng heard the exuberant narrations from past visitors on the river. In which year a certain hero was successfully promoted to Xiantian, and then he was selected by the immortals and entered the fairy gate to have a good time. Master Wei felt that this was so similar to pyramid schemes.

Wei Keng even guessed that this is probably an evil place, where people can kill each other like raising Gu, and then, the dead become nourishment, and the survivors receive nourishment and become spiritual places.

In terms of the system, about evil cultivation, how to sacrifice, sacrificial artifacts, and zombies, there are almost a hundred methods of spiritual grass that meet the rumors of the rivers and lakes.

As a thug in the 21st century, Wei Keng has been well-tested in information fraud, and has encountered many good things that "make you rich" and "join a store and wait to collect money".

Wei Keng's thoughts on this place: Such a good thing, why doesn't the ruler of this place monopolize it himself? Is it really out of great love and selfless devotion to the public?In this world where immortals and mortals are different, it is a very real problem for immortals to stand and mortals to kneel.Who will give the fairy fate to others
Oh, this is just like in the modern era of modern capitalism, a large number of stock index experts and a large number of people who sell insurance and wealth management business want to make money for everyone.

However, Wei Keng was going to take a look. He was idle at this time, seeing the world.

On the Yinsha River, large ships that are far more exaggerated than those on the earth are sailing. These large wooden ships are 100 meters long and have 20-meter four-story buildings on them. The dignitaries will contract high-rise buildings to entertain distinguished guests.

On the boat, Wei Keng sensed that the underwater was too active, so he threw a bundle of lines. A few minutes later, the lines in the river were straightened, and something seemed to be rolling in the river. Wei Keng's feet were firmly on the bottom of the boat, almost In minutes the water boiled.Soon, a tail of a fish almost the size of a cattail fan slapped the bow of the boat with big waves. Wei Keng stared at this big fish with green scales drilling into the water, and began to slowly put out and take up the line in his hand, keeping the rope stable and strong enough to withstand it. With the maximum traction force, when the fish began to lose its strength, Wei Keng pulled it suddenly, and this big carp with a length of two meters and a tail that had turned into a dragon was pulled up abruptly by Wei Keng.

At this time, the boat was already full of people, and when they saw such a big fish, they all applauded. Among them, the nobles on the second floor also leaned on the fence to watch, pointing at the big fish that jumped up with their folding fans, and ordered the servants to catch the big fish. This spirit fish was bought.

However, on Wei Keng's side, chopsticks flashed out of his hand to catch the carp's mouth, and he took a slight shot of the water-blue gemstone on Yu'er's mouth and tongue, and put this water-type spirit stone into his sleeve.

This is a water spirit stone that was condensed after the big fish spit out a lot of sand in the river.For mortal princes and princes, it is rare, Master Wei thought for a while, and then buckled off the third palm-sized scale on the fish's back, and then took out the fish mouth chopsticks.Pulling the tail of the fish, he walked towards the side of the boat.

At this time, the housekeeper and servant on the big boat just came over, saw that Wei Keng was going to let the fish go, and immediately stopped him: "Young man, my son wants this big fish, please give me a price."

Wei Keng waved his hand, holding the big carp trembling in his arms: "I'm greedy for some treasures on it, and I don't want to take its life, let it go."

Butler: "Young man, how about 1000 taels."

Wei Keng sneered, such a strange beast, placed in the imperial capital, ten thousand gold can't beat it, one thousand gold, it is really looking at people with its nostrils, deliberately treating himself as an idiot who has never seen the world, Wei Keng didn't speak, his arm With an effort, the big fish that was originally on the deck was thrown into the air, and at the same time, Wei Keng revoked the aura restraint on the fish, and the big carp turned around in the air and dived into the water, which is comparable to that of a calf. When entering the river with his body size, he forcibly didn't splash a little water.

Seeing that the big fish he was bound to catch was gone, the steward immediately became furious, and took Wei Keng who had let go of the big fish he had ordered privately as an offense, and immediately said: "You are very good, there is such a madman as you on this boat." generation."

Then, behind the steward, the boatman bowed down and apologized to the steward for a while, then turned to Wei Keng and showed that he didn't welcome Wei Keng on the boat, and claimed: "The fish body is something on the boat now, so it has to be done." stay"

Wei Keng, who still retains the common sense of modern society, was a little baffled by this situation: "What happened to the things I caught by myself, what's their logic?" Slave face.

The feudal society does not depend on what you get, but on which feudal lord you get what you get, and whether the feudal lord is willing to share the account with you.All in all, although Wei Keng is very skilled, he looks like a fisherman in coarse cloth.

As for the housekeeper and the ship owner, they are not responsible for using their brains, they are only responsible for maintaining their own masters, do you think they are stupid, can't see Wei Keng's skills?They repel insults, but dare not do anything, and wait for the master's order before they dare to take any further actions, just like a "loyal dog" barking from inside and outside the railing.And their master is also going down the stairs, they will try their best to sing red faces for the master.

But Wei Keng didn't play his cards according to the status quo, and didn't wait for the disciples from the aristocratic family to come out.

Wei Keng jumped out of the crowd suddenly, and then his body was like a cloud of smoke, stepping on top of the waves, and disappeared into the white mist on the river after a few breaths.A boatload of people who had just set up the stage to watch the show were left in embarrassment.

On the upstairs boat, the noble young master who came down the steps was holding a fan. He was about to persuade him to make peace, but then he introduced himself. Seeing the suddenly cold environment, his face just made up his appearance, and it became difficult to deal with himself.With a breath in his throat, he finally turned into a cold face. His housekeeper, who was not good at handling things, and the ship owner who was hunched aside, snorted coldly: "I'm not in the mood to drink this wine today!" , suddenly a shiver.

On the shore, Wei Keng watched the building ship go away. A few days later, he changed to another ship transporting copper sand to the south.

... Wei Keng's morality: Why don't you just change the boat, I haven't chiseled the old boat yet...

The game guilds in the ancient times, regardless of the previous friendship, quickly quit the guild after touching the treasure, not to mention that I am not related to these guys.Waiting for them to get close with other purposes?

On the bronze sand boat, Wei Keng touched the newly acquired spirit stone in his arms, and like a miser, he put the spirit stone on his teeth and bit it. Of course, it was not gold, it was hard.But Wei Keng still smirked.

For cultivation, legal couple's wealth and land are very important.Among them, the most lacking thing for a large number of casual cultivators is money. As for couples?Ninety percent of the cultivators who harmed each other didn't care about their companions. The so-called dead friends never die poor ones.

Wei Keng: Hey, to paraphrase a saying from the previous life, as long as you have money, you will have friends.

On the ore ship, Wei Keng suddenly paused, sniffed for a while and suddenly became weird, looking at the ore pile on the ship.

... At this moment, Wei Keng confirmed the meaning of martial arts. …

At this time, Wei Keng has gradually reached perfection after the late stage of innateness, and the innate qi has never been released outside. It is all condensed in the body to extract, extract, and then extract. This may be something that has never happened in this mortal world.

After all, most of the congenitals saw the world of cultivating immortals after they were in the elementary school. After confirming that their spiritual roots were hopeless, they stopped their hard cultivation, and they were full of wine, sex and wealth in the world of mortals.A ray of innate zhenqi became more and more sluggish, not pure enough.

After several extractions of Wei Keng's innate zhenqi, the purity of its refinement is unmatched. Compared with mortal innate qi, it is like the difference between pure emeralds and muddy agate pebbles by the river.

Everyone is pursuing a breakthrough and the glory at that moment, but the long-term restraint before the breakthrough is ignored.

Wei Keng did not let out his innate qi, but blocked his martial arts aura.All condensed in the body, fused with the flesh and blood, in this way, some talents were awakened.

For example, now, the induction of spirit stones and spiritual objects, oh, such supernatural powers are not without in the world of comprehension!The world is so big, there are thousands of strange people and strange things.

For example, there is a kind of "spirit-seeking mouse" in the world of cultivating immortals, which is specially used to find treasures in the trials of secret realms for qi cultivators.

The talent that Wei Keng has now awakened is similar to that of a spirit-seeking mouse, but beasts lack intelligence. Although they have talent, they lack the motivation to develop themselves and can only rely on artificial training.

All the little talents of spirit beasts end in eating and waiting to die.Few are as awakened and self-motivated as human beings and want to accumulate and achieve something.

Wei Keng was trying hard to dig out his own feelings, and determined that when his viscera were most active and calm, the ethereal spiritual sense was the strongest, and then called: "System, system, data model, I want to try again."

Three hours later, Wei Keng closed his eyes, and immediately started digging on the copper sand mining ship where he was. After about two breaths, Wei Keng was covered in ashes, and Wei Keng was holding a thumb-sized piece of copper.Such a small piece is as heavy as a watermelon.Wei Keng baked it with fireball for 10 minutes to see it liquefied.And most of the objects are all annihilated under the fireball
The price of this thumb-sized copper nugget is [-] gold, and there is probably such a nugget in every boat.

Just like every ton of mussels has one or two pearls, this is a very common low-grade mineral among qi practitioners, but it has indeed been verified that Wei Keng's spiritual sense has a direction of optimization.

Wei Keng looked at the shimmering copper block against the sun: "I have a good skill in mining."

However, it lacks the skill of "Space Consciousness Sea direct storage of goods".

After digging the mine, it was also taken away by others. Wei Keng has no plan to study the mine of the Xianmen sect.

At this time, the system further prompted: The stability of your viscera is related to the cycle of the sun, moon and stars in the sky, please pay attention. (Narrator: The cycle of heaven and earth is related to its own cycle, which means that that kind of spiritual talent can be accumulated and slowly strengthened through each cycle)
(End of this chapter)

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