out of cage

Chapter 950 Chapter 21.12 Cultivating Elements and Building a Foundation

Chapter 950 Chapter 21.12 Cultivating Elements and Building a Foundation
Wei Keng entered Xianfang to check the cycle correspondence between heaven and earth.

The aura of Xianfang fluctuates once every 40 years, such an obvious mathematical law, Wei Keng always wants to find it and calculate it.

Wei Keng: "Cultivating immortals is a thing of chance. If you run around and bump into it, how can you rely on the sky to take it? You have to find a pattern."

Speaking of this, Wei Keng has already entered the royal hunting garden of Wenxianhui, and what greets his eyes is the open picture of lush vegetation and gurgling rivers, just like the fairy tale world of the Lion King.

However, Wei Keng soon discovered that there was obviously a rhythm to these trees.While the arrangement of rivers seems natural, but all the water flow direction is not uniform.

Wei Keng squeezed Jingming acupoint and muttered: System, work!

The system immediately created a 3D scan based on Wei Keng's vision, and all the trees, rows and rivers, all followed the 3D restoration software of archaeological relics, and began to reproduce the general appearance of this ancient square city.The high and low trees were replaced by layers of fairy buildings, while the river area was replaced by streets, and some lakes were obviously collapsed areas, which belonged to underground trading places.And the flow of people coming and going on the street is also here.

Wei Keng took a look at the restoration map, and asked the system: How much beautification did you add?
The system immediately replaced all the buildings with blocks, and the flow of people coming and going was also marked as animals of all sizes in the royal garden.

Wei Keng: Uh, why don't you simplify so ruthlessly?It is not required to be the painting style of the big whore in the wild, but you should not make it a cube world like "Minecraft".

System: Nonsense, work! ——The entire system directly lists plans and current countdowns.

Wei Keng, who was scolded, did not return his words, and consciously entered the state.

…The stars in the sky flow like a river, and many stars are cyclical, which corresponds to certain things on the ground...

When Wei Keng entered Dengxian Garden, he felt that the fluctuation of the spiritual force field was in an active state, and it was flowing as a whole in the whole area, which made Wei Keng feel that he had come to the right place.How to describe the aura here, it's like entering a circular building like the Temple of Heaven or the Temple of Earth, and you can feel the reverberation of the voice when you speak and walk.

Mathematically, the sound has reverberation points, and Wei Keng used a concealment technique for himself, floating in the air for more than 20 feet, scanned the surroundings, and used mathematics to roughly calculate several aura reverberation areas.

The five types of auras of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth have different rules and corresponding data.Wei Keng lit a talisman, and easily determined the total ratio parameters, gold 18.34, wood 19.44, water 20.98, fire 20.84, earth 20.34, and the remaining 0.06% was poured into the body of the mortal. Infuriating, among them, Wei Keng's own total infuriating accounted for half of it.

Wei Keng: "Once in 40 years, the aura resonates."

The system analyzed: "The relevant physical structure should be here, but the current energy level here is not enough."

Wei Keng took out the spirit stone and nodded: "I will inject energy (to this area)."

After all, Wei Keng took out a scroll-like spell, and a few devices with the structure of a triangular ruler with aura. These are also magic weapon level, but because the purpose is surveying and mapping, the style is in the style of a laser mapper.

In the next 10 minutes, Wei Keng ran several points within the ten-kilometer range, drew geometric structures on the map, and a series of mathematical formulas. Simulation of the phenomenon of "field energy sudden gathering" in the spirit gathering array.

These include the value represented by Wei Keng's own true qi, as well as the additional amount of other martial artists who entered this heaven-asking meeting to find opportunities.

Under this model system, his highly precise and controllable true qi is the most important weight, and other people are unpredictable parameters.

The system that Wei Keng carried with him began to perform extremely fast floating-point calculations after being injected with enough spiritual energy.

...Wei Keng's description is very earth-oriented, of course it is just a narrative system, as for the operation method, he has absorbed the experience of this plane's formation...

Wei Keng's cultivating style belongs to the lineage of Kunlun in the Shenzhou plane, and his priority in cultivation is mathematics.All supernatural powers, no matter how strong they are, cannot go against the sky, and if supernatural powers want to be effective, they also need to cooperate with the number of days, terrain, and human factor system.

Divided according to the hundred arts of comprehension in this plane, Wei Keng's current technique belongs to "Kanyu", and the application of "Kanyu" is the way of formation.At this time, Wei Keng took out several basic array disks, and began to place them in the central area of ​​the Lingyuan one by one. With the movement of the spiritual energy, Wei Keng flew to the predetermined anchor point, followed the action with the vibration of the rhythm, and gradually mastered the array. Lingyuan here!
Compared with Wei Keng's precise calculation and step-by-step grasp, the other martial arts masters who entered here this time belonged to the accompanying run.

When these disciples of the palace who hold swords and spread their true energy try to seize the so-called opportunity to become immortals, they are like scumbags who have not studied and tried to hit the big luck.

The person with the highest status to enter this place for the trial this time is a princess.Since Wei Keng basically didn't shy away from laying the formation disk, they could also catch a glimpse of Wei Keng's flickering figure passing by in the "Royal Garden".Of course, because Wei Keng was too fast, they basically couldn't see Wei Keng in the blink of an eye.

The princess stopped in her tracks and shouted loudly: "Young hero of the Juque sect, can you stay?" Wei Keng didn't hear a word of these words, leaving her there in embarrassment.

After Wei Keng saw the essence of this world clearly, all his pleas to the high-ranking and dignified immortal seekers here were regarded as brainwashing songs like "the old driver takes me".

Oh, how should I put it, the two sides are not on the same road, which one of the immortal seekers who came here is not a high-ranking official, which one is not clean, but has rich clothes, and which one is not not sweeping a house, but wants to gain the virtue of ascending to heaven.

Wei Keng commented: They have overdrawn their resources in the mortal world, and they cannot get what they ask for.As for really encountering Xianyuan, they will squeeze other mortals, oh, and throw down the so-called "compensation" to buy and sell by force.

So Wei Keng stayed away from them.

Three hours after the opening of the Lingyuan, the aura vibration in the entire garden began to increase to the limit, increasing by five times.The core point of the increased spiritual vibration has always been here at Wei Keng, and Wei Keng guides this spiritual vibration point to swim in the Lingyuan. If you look closely at the flowing lines, it is similar to the pattern of the lines written in runes.This is "all dharmas under the Dao are interlinked".

And the innate zhenqi in Wei Keng's body also circulated faster and faster, dozens or hundreds of times faster than usual.

Of course, only the innate zhenqi is extremely pure, so that the spirit qi can be continuously focused like this.

In the case of those mortals with turbid innate qi, if the zhenqi in their body increases tenfold, the meridians will be broken.

This is not only the reason for the cultivation of true qi, but also the reason for the layout of true qi in the body.The layout of Wei Keng's body is very good. Several large meridians conform to the theory of runes, and the amount of true energy overflowing the body when it is running is almost zero.

Since ancient times, every time the spiritual garden is opened, this spiritual energy will flicker.But it never flickers around a person like this, like a pile of firewood will occasionally burst out sparks, and continue to explode.

As the aura of heaven and earth fluctuates more and more, people around have already felt it.Of the two immortals in the palace, one stopped touching the woman's soft fat ball, the other stopped closing his eyes, looked at the Reiatsu in the distance, and looked at each other, but neither of them made any immediate action because it was at the Dzogchen level of Qi training Reiatsu.They don't want to take any chances.

...Aloof, you will cherish your life, not to mention you can 'throw stones to ask for directions', isn't there still a lot of "stones" in the garden...

Wei Keng's innate zhenqi, after several times of improvement, has also been extracted, and the dignified part of zhenqi has settled into the bones and spleen respectively, which has ensured its stability.

Now, with Wei Keng's further extraction, the speed of true qi has increased again, and the last ray of pure and soft true qi is separated like a centrifuge, and flows into the hand and foot meridians respectively.

In this spiritual garden, Wei Keng, who was moving along the fluctuations of the aura, seemed to be on the top of the wave of potential energy. The speed of true energy broke away from the last obstacle, and Fulin felt confident that he could build a foundation.Because now the true qi is like the strings of a piano, a little fine-tuning of the frequency can produce a perfect reverberation with the aura here.

Depending on Wei Keng's stop in the Lingyuan, there is no need to chase the aura fluctuation center at this time, the stop is the Lingyuan center.

At the same time, those people in the rivers and lakes also came one after another. Seeing that the chance of cultivating immortals gathered in front of this Juque sect disciple, and he looked young and didn't have much experience in the rivers and lakes, they all put their hands on the soldiers in unison. on edge.

However, as they put their hands on the blades, their hands were stuck by the blades, and they couldn't pull out the blades. Their bodies were running with true energy to exert force, but the more they rotated, the heavier they were. They didn't know it at all. , after falling into this area, as soon as the killing intent came out, he fell into the shield of the "obstacle".

As a cultivator, and a cultivator who is about to establish a foundation, it is best to suppress these mortals. Among immortal cultivators, the difference in realm is everything.And in fighting skills, sometimes there is a huge difference between the late stage of Qi training and the middle stage of Qi training, let alone these mortals.

And these mortal warriors stopped here, precisely to stabilize the last insignificant variable parameters in the spiritual field.

Henceforth, Wei Keng completely stepped into the pinnacle in front of these martial arts practitioners from the Luo Kingdom, and began to build the foundation of martial arts.

Narrator: Martial arts foundation building is very rare under the rules of the world. It's not that it's impossible, but it's very easy to die early before it's done, and even after it's done, it's coveted by all kinds of powers.Because the combat power is often far less than its own medicinal value, just like Tang monk meat.Before Tang Seng traveled all the way west and obtained the fruit, countless demons and ghosts wanted to eat it.

A mouthful of innate essence was liquefied and condensed from the lower dantian to the peak, and poured into the sea of ​​qi in the dantian during the qi training period. After Wei Keng's original [-]-level qi training level was poured in, he did not practice qi to build a foundation, but became Passed the eleventh level of Qi training.This is a very embarrassing state in the world of cultivating immortals.

Because the second spirit root can often build a foundation on the tenth level of Qi training, and the ninth level of Qi training on the Tianling root is complete, and the third spirit root can also build a foundation by relying on a foundation building pill on the tenth level of Qi training, only those with congenital defects The three spiritual roots, or the four spiritual roots, have gone through untold hardships in this cultivation world, and only one out of ten will need to break through two or three more realms in Qi training to make up for congenital deficiencies before they can advance. However, the four spiritual roots advance That can only be done by stepping on 10,000+ people.Most of the three spiritual roots don't work hard, the foundation is not strong, and they go home to have children, let alone the four spiritual roots.

...Wei Keng is now in the process of cultivating the Yuan, and he is feeding back Qi training, and at the same time feeding back the soul...

A ray of true energy in the true energy is perfectly integrated with the spiritual consciousness, and when the right spiritual energy is encountered, it can theoretically build a foundation.

Of course, for mortal warriors, not to mention the most difficult spiritual land, even the process of integrating true energy and spiritual consciousness, that is, "martial arts clear mind" is also very difficult to achieve.

What is "Martial Dao Mingxin", this is Wuxiu's condensed "spiritual soul", able to face the turbulent changes and maintain stability.

The human race in this world sensed the torrent of heaven and earth aura for the first time after birth. It was like an animal seeing flames, and the fear of mortal will would arise, and once feared, the opportunity to "clarify the mind" was fleeting.

Therefore, the martial intent tempered in the foundation building of martial arts is extremely rare.Oh, there is a similar pattern among immortal cultivators, that is, sword cultivation, one sword breaks all spells.That quintessential sharpness is not weak. Of course, such a "bright sword heart" can be regarded as a kind of spiritual body, which is scrambled by the major sects of cultivating immortals.

Although Wei Keng does not have the will to fight bravely and fiercely, it is not regarded as the road of martial arts, but Wei Keng also emphasizes that we should not be afraid of natural changes, we must open our eyes to observe everything, calmly summarize it with mathematical formulas, and be patient step by step. checking.

To some extent, Wei Keng's self-requirement of this "axis" is much better than Wu Dao Mingxin.Wu Daoming's heart is to have no fear of swords and swords, while Wei Keng's axis is to face the turbulent waves by himself, and the mountains will collapse.

Wei Keng did replace the core of "Wu Dao Ming Xin", but it was a good one.

Just like most swords are made of steel and bronze, Wei Keng changed it to titanium alloy and ceramic composite materials.

When Wei Keng was fighting for life and death, he was definitely no weaker than the meaning of martial arts.

At this time, Wei Keng was full of energy, powerful in the sea of ​​energy, and his spirit was still standing. Wei Keng raised his head in the Lingyuan, and saw the twinkling lights of the stars all over the sky.
Wei Keng whispered: "Oh, this promotion is not about cultivating immortals."

(End of this chapter)

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