out of cage

Chapter 953 Chapter 21.13 Entering the sect

At the end of the Lingyuan incident, Weiwei Keng lived in the worship hall of Luo Kingdom, which is the stronghold of the Xiuxian faction.

Zongmen disciples are here permanently.On the pagoda where the cultivators retreat, there is a three-person long mirror left by the cultivators during the foundation period, providing a perspective overlooking the entire Luo Kingdom.

Here you can see the whole picture of this mortal city, which is almost 70 people high. (The walls of the ancient capitals of the six dynasties on the earth are 14 meters to 21 meters high).

Such a magnificent building is something that hunters in small mountain villages will never see, because in those remote towns, even if such a magnificent building is really built, it is impossible to lift such a large stone.

Only a lot of martial arts practiced to the acquired level can lift these bricks and tiles.

So in Luo Kingdom right now, the organization that can build such a city is the army of this small southern state!
From this, Wei Keng deduced from the city wall that the Luo Dynasty was able to mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers who had reached Houtian Zhenqi to form an army.

And such soldiers, matched with steel knives made by Baisteel, can easily split rhinos with the blade.If there is no fairy, this power can do many, many things.

What Wei Keng could think of included building a huge "industrial blast furnace", then producing standard parts, and assembling giant puppets.

However, this is the world of immortal cultivators. Cultivators are existences of a higher energy level, and the gap between them and mortal bodies is like the physical difference between "white dwarf" life and organic life on earth.

After Wei Keng entered his retreat place, he deployed restrictions, lit the incense, and set up a ecstasy array, and mortal warriors would fall into a deep sleep when they entered.

In the eyes of these outside cultivators, they looked like ascetic monks, so the disciples of Zhu Mingzong didn't make fun of themselves, but let Wei Keng consolidate his cultivation base along the way.

Wei Keng sat cross-legged in the arranged spiritual field, and radiated multiple auxiliary talismans. The talismans were like space-floating robots, orderly processing Wei Keng's overflowing spiritual energy on various tracks.

The appearance of these talismans controlling Wei Keng's true energy around him is similar to the mode of alchemy controlling condensation bombs.In fact, Master Wei dealt with the overflowing vitality in the dantian according to the correct method of alchemy.

However, after a long time, Wei Keng found a book of "Jade Cauldron Congealing Liquid Jue", only to realize that the cultivators of his technique had already done it, but what about this "Jade Cauldron Congealing Liquid Jue"?Well, this is a method of cooperating with others to harvest supplements and turn oneself into a cauldron, so it is very embarrassing.

…At present, Mr. Wei doesn’t play handsome, and pretends to be a romantic talent if he doesn’t go to poetry. As a decent person, he naturally won’t meet any witches. …

Under the command of Wei Keng's spiritual consciousness, the spirit talisman fired beams of spiritual power to scan the body.The focus of the scan is on innate qi after a qualitative change.

Wei Keng clicked on the system database. There are still many things worth studying about this kind of innate qi.It is a little bit different from the mana depicted in those square markets.

According to the description of the foundation building period in Fangshi, it was the qi training mana that had condensed into a liquid state.This liquid mana runs through all limbs and bones.

But Wei Keng's liquid mana only stayed in the dantian and several major veins, and once it was transported to other parts of the body, it turned into a gaseous state at a high speed.During this liquid-gas transformation, the body can form an extremely fast explosion.

Wei Keng tried his own body skills, how to put it, the speed was as fast as one-twentieth of the monk's spell activation speed!This is at a distance of [-] feet, and it is already easy to avoid all kinds of late-stage Qi training techniques.

This shows that the flow speed of the body's aura is already similar to the speed at which the spell is activated, but because the spell has no entity, it is faster than the flow of the aura.

And this level of martial arts can obviously continue to improve. Now the liquefied true essence is only in the dantian and a few major veins. If the liquefaction range extends to the whole body and reaches the late stage of martial arts foundation, then the body method can be compared to the magic of the immortal cultivator. Like a "horse stepping on a flying swallow", the toes lightly stepped on the spell.

According to Wei Keng's records in those strange records of cultivating immortals: Well, after many monsters have successfully cultivated, they also awakened some blood talents.this?What is the human blood talent.

... For a cultivator, the most precious thing is the spiritual root, and it is rumored in the world that mortals who have practiced martial arts to the extreme can generate spiritual roots...

Wei Keng didn't know if his spiritual root had changed after he succeeded in building a foundation in martial arts, but he did gain some buffs to absorb spiritual energy.

In short, one's own true energy can be integrated into the spiritual energy when it is in operation, and the spiritual energy is fused into the true energy to form a spiritual energy similar to a monk's mana.This spirit element can be directly used as mana, transformed into a talisman, or used to release spells through complex operations such as hand formulas.

Of course, if one's true essence stops functioning and the aura in the spirit essence collapses, it cannot be used as mana.

According to some information in the ancient books on Xiuxian, Wei Keng believes that this is no longer an ordinary martial arts, but similar to the spiritual martial arts that the system said will be millions of years later.

However, Lingwu is not the same as the physical training in the world of cultivating immortals. Physical training is still tempered by spiritual energy, strengthening the body into a refined steel that is not bad.The spiritual energy infiltrates the body, and spiritual patterns appear like ore or animal materials.

As for Lingwu, he took a breath of force, and the spiritual energy in his body was flowing.

Specifically, the difference is also different on a macro level. Physical training must be biased towards strength and defense. It is full of great strength and can fight against demon cultivators. In terms of defense, even if it does not actively react, it can also resist magic weapons and the like. energy shock.

With Wei Keng's cultivation of innate qi, his defense is mediocre, but his sensitivity is terrifyingly high!The main thing is high explosive.

For example, Wei Keng's agility was such that he could dodge flying swords and advanced spells flying forward.And it is very strong in close range attack power!
...If the way of cultivating immortals is compared to the industrial technology tree, Wei Keng's current technology tree is very crooked...

Wei Keng raised his palm, and the mana gathered between his five fingers. This precise control can only be within a range of no more than one foot.Several auras that generate and restrain each other complete the focusing reaction like a photolithography machine.

Wei Keng thought for a while, then opened a diamond talisman, and the golden light shrouded the pillar in front. This mask can withstand seven or eight fireball shots. A large number of cracks burst out from the place where Wei Keng's hand was inserted, and then the vajra shield disappeared.

Such destructive power made Wei Keng thoughtful!Gao Min, close combat and high attack, this is playing in a dangerous direction!Boldness is required.

At this moment, the system interjected: "Licking blood from the edge of a knife"

"Yeah." Wei Keng quickly took the words and nodded for confirmation: If he develops the corresponding fighting skills according to this characteristic, he will probably fight more crazy than a sword repairman.

"Of course there is another possibility." Wei Keng muttered to himself, "Should I wear some armor!"

Armor is something that develops along with weapons.No matter how strong the real hard qigong is, it can't beat the rhinoceros leather armor on the body.

Take the earth as an example. After the naked ape of human beings stands upright, the softest abdomen is exposed directly in front of the original chassis position. This is almost an "eternal defect" brought about by evolution.But this eternal defect did not restrain humans. After picking up the stick, humans quickly wrapped the beast's skin around their bodies to protect their vitals.

In fact, Wei Keng has already pasted "Vajra Talismans" all over his body, and now he is talking to himself because he hopes the system will give him some "paths for instrument repair"

Wei Keng was in high spirits and chattered about the system: "At the moment, the attack rate is high in close combat, and the error tolerance rate without armor is too low."

There is no need for a full-body defense without dead ends, just a large piece of vital defense is enough, because high agility can control which part of one's body contacts the opponent's sharp point.

The system is dead, without any response.

Keng has made a detailed plan, but in the near future, he still doesn't plan to take the offensive route. His current talents such as "spiritual search" have also undergone new changes, and there is no shortage of 'money' for the time being.

Wei Keng laughed at himself: As long as I don't fight for any treasures, enter any secret realms, and dangers, I can reduce more than half of it!As for others coming to me, 'poor airdrop, rich express! '"——The system continued to "keep silent" and agreed with Wei Keng's "goo" and "counseling" ideas.

When Wei Keng was studying his future development with great interest.

At this time, there was a raging undercurrent in Luo's country, and outside the enshrined hall where Wei Keng was, the princess was kneeling, begging for a fairy fate, letting the sky and the ground be hot, without moving, and piously begging "the gods to help the top".

Wei Keng finished his research here, and he sensed this kneeling girl in white clothes and blue silk (it is said to be the Princess) outside the cave, dozed off, and then shot a flying needle with his fingertips, accurately crossing hundreds of feet, hitting her sleeping hole hard , the girl fell into a coma on the spot.Then Wei Keng posted a talisman, and she walked back to her mansion in a daze.

For such a seeker, Wei Keng lacked interest, secretly feeling that he had seen such a person before.Note: I have seen such an idiot (Bai Zhaodi) as early as in the plane of China.Now this part of the memory is sealed in the backup, which is not important.

Wei Keng looked at the flamboyant girl from the Luowang family, and shook his head: Hey, life and death are hard to see.But they don't understand the meaning of life and death.

Master Wei also knew what the princess was anxious about.Because once the immortal cultivators leave, the death struggle in the entire Luo Kingdom will completely erupt. Her mentality is just like when Master Wei was a scumbag, before the exam, he hoped that the school would catch fire and the test papers would be burned away.

It's just that it is wrong for her to follow the immortal way with such a thought of "detachment".Because the cultivators of this plane are not detached, but are doing evil scrolls in more intense areas.

...Which is the best way to prevent poverty from marching westward? …

Wei Keng waited until the fifth day, and finally waited for Zhu Mingzong to screen the celestial supporters for the spiritual root.

The light in the sky was blocked and cast a shadow. Wei Keng raised his head and looked at the huge dragon boat suspended at a height of 300 meters. He calculated the distance and found that it was about [-] meters long.It is another thing that breaks through the limit of the earth's materials.

According to the moment of wind and waves at sea, the keel structure of this dragon boat, if it is based on the earth reference, is definitely not ordinary wood, at least the strength of carbon fiber. (There is no carbon fiber in the material here)

As for the power of this thing, after Wei Keng boarded the spaceship, he leaned over the railing and took a closer look. Anyway, he didn't see the propeller. Finally, after launching the initial spiritual induction, he discovered that there were six blocks in the entire ship. The main girder flutters in the sky under the repulsive force from the earth, and this repulsive force can be adjusted.

Taking a closer look, there are six earth-type runes on the main beam. These earth-type runes require a continuous supply of spiritual power from spirit stones.

This rune structure is equivalent to the magnetic field of a power station. Magnetism can only be generated when electricity is continuously provided. However, there is only a common mode of "energy transition" such as magnetism and electricity on the earth. Instead of fundamental particles, there is more energy that becomes a force field.

The "spiritual root screening" of a big sect like Zhu Mingzong is used to restrict the cultivating family here.

If the sect doesn't recruit children with spiritual roots, they will be absorbed into the cultivating family.

But now the sect has the most rules, unless the ancestor of the Xiuxian family Jindan personally accepts disciples, the children with spiritual roots in the family must be given to the sect first.

And even if a genius like Tianlinggen appeared in the Xiuxian family, he had to be taken away by the sect first.Instead of letting the family power to cultivate.

The most left in each family are the two spirit roots, and they must be sent to the sect for further study after they have reached the middle stage of Qi training.

The leader of the team this time is a blue-clothed swordsman. His spiritual pressure fluctuation is in the late stage of foundation establishment. Wei Keng was very respectful after seeing him. When the late stage foundation monk saw Wei Keng, his eyes lit up and asked: "Dare to ask my little friend how old is it?"

Wei Keng: "The boy is 23 this year, and he just broke through the Great Perfection of Qi training a few days ago." This sentence shocked the other two foundation builders on the spirit boat.The median age of the normal foundation building period is 40 years old, and the earlier the foundation building is vigorous, the more likely it is to advance to the next step.

This blue-clothed swordsman was named Mu Qianren. He could tell that Wei Keng was full of vitality, and his immature face was not left behind by Zhuyan Dan. A casual repair.

Mu Qianren: "Fellow Daoist's aptitude is extraordinary. I'm so envious of you. I don't know the attributes of Fellow Daoist's skills?"

What he wanted to ask was Wei Keng's spiritual root, and Wei Keng himself really didn't know about his own spiritual power, because he absorbed all kinds of spiritual power. Of course, when absorbing specific attribute spiritual power, he had to adjust it slightly.

Wei Keng didn't know the specifics of his spiritual roots, and the casual cultivators could only roughly judge how many kinds of spiritual roots there were. As for the fine spiritual testing equipment, he didn't have it.

Ever since, Wei Keng said with some embarrassment: "The next one is the spiritual root of the five elements. It's not a genius."

At this time, it was Mu Qianren's turn to be surprised. As a person who has experienced it, he understands very well what a spiritual root almost means. A large number of three spiritual roots in the sect are stuck on the Qi training Dzogchen, and they can't make any progress. The four spiritual roots are miscellaneous. The spiritual roots also cultivated in the sect for a period of time, and were driven out to spread their branches and leaves. Wei Keng said that he is a five-spiritual root, and now he has established a foundation. He doesn't believe such things that go against common sense.

So, he took out the spirit pillar used for testing the spirit root this time, and Mu Qianren said, "If you don't mind, fellow Taoist, you might as well test it with me."

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