out of cage

Chapter 965 Chapter 21.22 Demon's Bloodline Star Alchemy

In the secret realm, when traveling through the starry sky, all spirit beasts must hibernate, because all monster beasts have hazy intelligence, and the spiritual energy of the outside world is rioting.

Burning Yuan (Huozhiji) is now watching the rioting aura outside, at this time she began to transform.It is now jumping a cluster of golden flames on the inner alchemy, and there are even flames all over the body.

The monster requires the entire mana to be purified, and this process consumes aura, but it lacks aura in a riotous environment.

Only when the secret realm is close to the mainland will there be aura, but at that time the process of purifying the demon blood is over, and there is no need for aura.

Therefore, most of the monsters in the secret realm need accompanying spirit grass to store their spirit energy, and they need to go through hundreds of reincarnations to refine that little bit of blood.

But now, Ran Yuan has met a noble person, and when Wei Keng feeds it, it just makes it have enough vitality to refine.The blood in the body changes with each passing day.

On Wei Keng's side, at the [-]th cycle, the congenital essence has gradually filled almost every inch of capillary from several main veins. The cultivation base came back, and he began to reach the twelfth level of Qi training again.

Wei Keng's vigorous vitality has suddenly reached a level that even monsters can hardly match.As a human race, you can fight supernatural powers with the monster race

Innate true essence has the energy to grab the aura of heaven and earth.In this way, the real element gathers energy from the space to compress the real aura, just like a diesel engine compresses high-pressure air to form sparks.Water, fire, wood, metal, earth, and even thunder, wind, and darkness, Wei Keng grasped them in this way.And after catching it, it is natural to do an experiment.

Oh, in the secret realm, Wei Keng was as excited as he was blasting a firecracker. Combine these, and let the system count and calculate,

Then try more complex combinations.

Wei Keng began to defend himself after playing around: Gradually, this involved talismanology. In the final analysis, it was to explore the spatial arrangement and structure of the nature of aura, which is more stable.
As Wei Keng fought again and again in the world, he gradually began to evolve each move, and the aura in these moves became stable.

However, as the dance progressed, Wei Keng's true essence gradually began to change qualitatively.

Practicing qi and building a foundation to reach a higher level will condense the golden core, so what about martial arts?What is the higher energy structure in the true element state.

Wei Keng determined that when the spirit element is constructed according to the rune state, it has the potential to store a higher energy state.Of course, the stacking of runes in this way is very complicated, just like an integrated circuit in the 21st century.

With the connection of the spiritual world day and night, every time Wei Keng dances, the energy runes begin to be constructed as the starting gesture begins. After the falling gesture is over, the aura energy of these runes returns perfectly, just like a flying paper airplane returning to the palm of his hand .

Finally, in repeated experiments, in about the sixth year, Wei Keng practiced as usual, and suddenly felt a critical point, the amplitude of the surrounding spiritual energy became active, and Wei Keng started the "spiritual way" under the real fire of the sun. "Body". ——This kind of Taoism means that there are natural talents for all kinds of Taoism, that is, sword cultivators awaken the sword intent, and alchemy cultivators awaken the alchemy intent.

Of course, for Wei Keng, this is nothing more than the coincidence of life activities and aura frequency, and this kind of harmony occurs silently in every monster bloodline as he travels through the starry sky.

...The origin of the bloodline of the monster, that is how it appeared.And Wei Keng took advantage of the rules to start accumulating "Taoism"...

In the end, Wei Keng's fire-type aura condensed into a lotus flower, and the distance of every inch of the lotus petals was calculated. Such a complex line structure is the highest form of runes, which will be no less than twenty times the aura of Dzogchen Foundation Establishment , accumulated into such a "heavenly material and earthly treasure" level spiritual object.

From this moment on, Wei Keng's spiritual cultivation has risen from foundation building to a higher level. The liquid spiritual energy in his body is full of runes, like crystal essence.In this way, the essence can resonate with the aura outside the body,
But Wei Keng felt that it might be even more dangerous for him to go to the world of cultivating immortals!For example, Wei Keng looked at it carefully, and after constructing a lotus fire aura structure, it was properly at the level of a thousand-year elixir.

When Mr. Wei returned to the big willow tree, he saw the turkey, looking at him, suddenly became playful, summoned this fire lotus, and placed it on top of the turkey.

Ran Yuan was taken aback by this move, but squatted down very docilely, and began to swallow the demon essence to protect the fire lotus. Surprised, Wei Keng sensed the influx of spiritual energy, and he unconsciously circulated the fire lotus. Turned in and fed back to Ranyuan.Although the amount was reduced by [-]%, Ran Yuan comfortably sang softly.

Wei Keng was stunned for a moment, because he felt that Ran Yuan's blood seemed to be congealing.

…In the spirit realm, spirit beasts are always accompanied by spirit grass. …

Another year later, Wei Keng constructed "Earth Lotus".The pure yellow light lotus condensed thickly in his body, and Wei Keng felt that several other series also appeared.

Wei Keng: "Why do I feel that the aura around me is drilling into my body, the concentration of aura is not so high!"

System: "Your spiritual root is at the same frequency as this space."

Wei Keng: "Is there any reference data? Bring it."

System: "The initial curve of your current body's internal spiritual induction growth is similar to this height."

Wei Keng looked at the source of the data: "In the small shuttle secret realm, the growth chart of the spiritual grass and spiritual energy."

However, the system later gave a piece of good news, that is, there has been an astonishing increase in the spiritual root.

Under normal circumstances in the world of cultivating immortals, the spiritual root also changes slightly with the increase of cultivation base.

Even if it is the five spiritual roots, if they can reach the late stage of the Nascent Soul, they will all gather together with massive spiritual power, and the spiritual roots will be strong.

Wei Keng's spirit is fundamentally changeable. When the real fire of the sun appeared in the spirit yuan and the source of spiritual energy was generated, the variability of the spirit root became stronger, that is, from the original single-attribute spirit root, it could reach 99%. Start approaching [-]. (It’s not as good as the Heavenly Spiritual Root, the topmost Heavenly Spiritual Root is the purest)
Wei Keng is not urgent about the spiritual root, and his original plan of cultivation will not be adjusted much.

So when I heard the systematic analysis of "spiritual roots", I just hummed for the time being, and my mind hadn't recovered from my current "tempering state".

Wei Keng: "System, let me ask, my innate qi is cultivated so fast, is there any reference for the individual on the other side?" System: "This is incomparable."

Wei Keng: "Huh?" System: "In the Xuanqi Xinghai area, your individual meridians are fixed, and in the secret realm, because your body has always been in a variable state (growth and development). Only after you return to the human world can you There will be references."

According to the system, Wei Keng has gradually stepped into a mixed state of innate qi, spiritual source, and aura at this time. It belongs to the heaven and earth elves who look like humans. Very intimate.

System explanation: Only when you re-enter the world of cultivating immortals, or the world of profound energy, and your body starts to re-determine the foundation of flesh and blood according to the rules of the world, that is, it is cooled and tempered like molten steel, can you return to the state of the human race.

System: "The question now is, are you planning to go to the realm of cultivating immortals, or the realm of profound energy?"

Wei Keng picked up a piece of sharp ore of gold nature, danced a sword flower, and said slowly: "Can I return to the world of cultivating immortals or return to the world of cultivating immortals? I don't think I have finished the work in that area. As for the next step of exploration, I will leave it to the next step." Phase plan (explored by other Wei Keng individuals), I am a middle-aged person, and it is impossible to do all the things."

System: "Then please keep this model innately functioning, and make the soul compatible with the corresponding aura (field energy) according to this model."

The system gave a diagram of the movement of martial arts, with red, blue and white on the body, streaks of aura, innate qi alternately distributed, and the source of aura scattered." Naturally, the characteristics of Wei Keng's spiritual origin cannot be changed, and the aura in his body began to activate It can be said that this is similar to the model of high-blooded monsters.

In short, if Wei Keng is really going to pick Wei Keng as a spirit grass during the alchemy stage, then Wei Keng can explain to people in the cultivation world what it means to be able to beat people with spirit grass.

...The seventh year of Journey into the Starry Sky, this journey is coming to an end...

As the energy in the secret realm is changing day by day, this trip is coming to an end, Wei Keng looks at the starry sky, his pupils radiate a sharp light.

In the world of self-cultivation, any machine can use energy structure instead of accumulation, so the telescope is the same.

As for Wei Keng's pupils at this time, they are the legendary "Forbidden Breaking God's Eye" in the cultivation world. Normal monks need Sanguang Divine Water to wash their eyes, so that they can see through the flow of everything in the world.

The spirit lotus in Wei Keng's body, after being combined to take over the wind and the real fire of the sun, can just produce such a "spiritual liquid".

Well, Wei Keng himself is now a top-level spiritual creature and can fabricate some spiritual materials.

At this time, Wei Keng scanned the starry sky and looked at two "big stations". These two big stations were two continents of cultivating immortals, and the secret realm just happened to shuttle through this continent.

The spiritual power band between these two continents is very interesting. In the interlacing, there is obviously repulsion and mutual attraction, maintaining a wonderful balance.

As for Wei Keng, he decided to land towards the mainland on the left. At this time, Wei Keng was riding a "fire pheasant".

This guy has already grown his feathers and is very beautiful. On the top of his head are three golden flame hairs, the feathers are red and gold wings, and there are three long feathers with a length of [-] meters at the tail, and they are full of flames.

At this time, all the monsters in the entire secret realm are sleeping to reduce consumption, and Wei Keng, as a spiritual creature, has formed a cycle with it,

In the past few years, the burning kite with the five-color lotus on its head can come out. As the only creature wandering in the secret realm, it has also begun to experience the feeling of being free from any constraints in a "zero-dollar purchase in the last days".

One by one, the hibernating monsters in the soil were dug out by it with its sharp claws, and the demon pills inside were eaten.

In this secret realm, monsters have now encountered a "man-made" catastrophe.Wei Keng, who was digging everywhere, pointed to the starry sky in the sky: "The way of heaven makes up for what is not enough." Then he pointed his thumb at himself, "The way of man is not enough to be damaged, but what is not enough is made up for."

Wei Keng was observing: while the fire pheasant's appetite increased greatly, the qualitative changes in its body became stronger and stronger. The flames on the feathers became fuller and fuller, and all the rocks on the mountain were burned out.

Wei Keng felt that it was about to break through the realm,
Wei Keng: If she can reach the eighth-level monster (in the middle and late stages of the Yuanying stage), then she will tunnel to the normal Cultivation Continent.This seems to be the source of those monsters of the divine beast blood on the mainland.

Sitting on it, Wei Keng sighed after watching the stars, separated the drop of its original essence and blood from his body, and returned it to it.It was grooming its feathers, and suddenly looked up at Wei Keng.

Wei Keng: "There is no permanent banquet in the world. I am leaving too."

The fire pheasant yelled at Wei Keng for a long time, it meant to be together.

Wei Keng smiled: "You, what a wonderful idea, you can get freedom in the environment of monsters, but in the environment of humans, within three days you will either be locked up or killed for materials, and I am the same , can walk in the world of the human race, but when you reach the realm of the monster race, you will be swallowed. We all have our own paths for each other, and we will meet again by fate."

After hearing this, the fire pheasant bowed his head, apparently frustrated.But then it gave a long cry to Wei Keng and asked Wei Keng to sit on its body, obviously it wanted to take Wei Keng to a place.

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