out of cage

Chapter 968 Chapter 21.24 Fang Juemen

Chapter 968 Chapter 21.24 Fang Juemen

Fang Juemen.This is a large sect in the north of this world, which is much larger than Wei Keng's previous Zhu Ming sect. The two are equivalent to the difference between Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and second-tier cities.
It is said that there are as many as [-] inner disciples in the foundation building period!There are more than fifty to one hundred elders of Jiedan.And six Nascent Soul monks.

As for the number of disciples in the qi training period, the number of families around this sect is large and small, and the cultivation forces are attached to the surroundings, forming settlements.

Half of Fang Juemen's qi training class is not counted as formal disciples.Unless it is the ancestor's blood descendant, or the heavenly spirit root, which is accepted into the inner sect in advance.Only the foundation building period is considered a formal disciple.

In Fang Juemen, except for a few low-level monks who can be "disciples" of certain high-level monks, most of the low-level monks are students.

Unlike disciples, students only ask some questions occasionally.

Most of the time, I rely on high-ranking monks to take care of my affairs.Similar to Lu Zhishen, when he pulled up the weeping willows upside down, those sloppy skins he harvested
For high-ranking monks, if you accept these students, I also accept these students, which is likely to cause friction and eventually lead to disharmony between classes. Therefore, Fang Juemen managed these disciples who practiced Qi.

All neighborhoods and cities hand over all zoning, personnel registration, and patrol teams to maintain order and prevent fights.Publish the task and complete the task to get contribution points, obtain classics, and some spiritual objects.

Of course, if there is a real conflict, then it will be resolved on the stage of fighting the law.

Wei Keng: "This kind of big company can only maintain cohesion by relying on fair and well-executed management."

The final result of system cumbersomeness is the need to implement "executive power" to maintain the effect of "fairness".rather than rigorous
If the Zongmen were so strict that they had to clock in and report every time their disciples went out, then there would be too many links in this way, and a unique "small power" department would be formed, which would cause unfairness and reduce execution.

Wei Keng walked through Zongmenfang City three times a month, and confirmed that Fang Juemen was actually quite open, and various spiritual objects were traded very frequently.Charms, magic tools, and all kinds of unknown magic weapons and spiritual materials are on the market.

The sect even took the initiative to release a batch of in-demand items such as Zhuji Dan into the market every year, encouraging its disciples who practiced Qi to come and trade them.

But at the same time, law enforcement is very strict.

These monks with iron rods and magic weapons, fighting and killing in the predetermined area, are severely punished!Oh, those with poor qualifications will be directly rectified on the spot, and those with good qualifications will be escorted to the back mountain to contemplate behind closed doors for decades.

Although absolutely not fair enough.But the deterrent is enough.

Wei Keng can be sure that Wang Shu, the Jindan cultivator, just threw himself over and left him to fend for himself, and then began to grow freely.

Three months after Wei Keng came to Fang Juemen, after confirming the coordinates of the star image in the sky, he started the first mana training after foundation establishment. Yuan.

After a normal person builds a foundation, they pour enough spiritual energy into the sea of ​​air to compress it, and use the sea of ​​air as a tough container.

Wei Keng's body training has reached the quenching state, and every point in his body is under precise control. Therefore, every inch of veins can gather gaseous mana into a liquid state and pour it into the sea of ​​​​qi.

It can be said that in Wei Keng's practice mode, the body has always maintained a state of "building the foundation", and every part of the body is condensing mana, instead of the mana condensed during the foundation building period circulating in the limbs and bones.

Due to the role of the spirit element, the spirit energy absorbed by the spirit element is dozens of times the mana in the foundation period.In theory, Wei Keng didn't need such awkward training.But in fact, this is where Wei Keng found a "bug"
When drops of liquefied spiritual power collided together in the middle dantian, although these mana were the mana of the foundation-building period, they maintained a condensed state of "foundation-building".This "newly generated mana" has a kind of negative entropy, which makes the mana in the air sea form a vortex like the stars of the Milky Way.

And in the center of mana in this star state, some mana will suffer a certain degree of loss.

Logically speaking, such a "loss" would make the monk frown, and Wei Keng was waiting for this part of the "loss"

Just as a black hole absorbs part of the mass of a star and converts it into gravitational wave energy, when mana is condensed into spiritual power, part of the spiritual power will disappear in total, and a good "spiritual consciousness" will be generated.

Wei Keng: Spiritual consciousness rarely increases. It only increases when the small realms and major realms are advanced.Or it can only be split soul art,
The bug that Wei Keng is currently stuck with in the growth of his consciousness is that during the process of keeping himself "building a foundation", his mana is also in the process of phase transformation, and his "spiritual consciousness" begins to increase
In the formation of spiritual consciousness, Wei Keng now has a physical formula, that is, the faster the mana collapses, the higher the proportion of the total spiritual consciousness transformed.And Wei Keng is still editing the "configuration", researching what effective configuration mana can be used to change into spiritual consciousness more efficiently during the collapse process.

Nowadays, this is the standard method of increasing the consciousness of Wei Keng in all the worlds of cultivating immortals.

System: Since you can discover this kind of knowledge from your current perspective, the world of cultivating immortals must have used it long ago. Those super-advanced cultivation techniques that can carry various supernatural powers that increase spiritual consciousness have such a configuration. Obviously, it is empiricism that keeps trying. product of accumulation.

Wei Keng didn't have advanced skills, so he could only use enough data to figure it out bit by bit.

At this time, drops of liquid in Wei Keng's dantian collided neatly towards a point, and at the same time as the mana was annihilated, the consciousness produced quickly scaled up, twenty times that of the general foundation building period, and the intense consciousness increased. Because it was too strong, if it was not added Dealing with it can cause serious damage to the Sea of ​​Consciousness.This method has an extremely high degree of control, and it must be the balance of the five elements.

Fortunately, the source of spiritual energy in Wei Keng's body, that is, the five spiritual flowers, acted as a buffer to absorb a large amount of bursts of spiritual consciousness, so that such a huge spiritual consciousness would not cause the soul to break apart.

In the stone room, Wei Keng's pupils were extremely bright.The entire stone barrier was transformed into jade under the washing of spiritual energy.

At this time, in the outer gate, outside Wei Keng's cave and hundreds of feet away, onlookers have already gathered. There is no other reason. When advancing to the foundation building stage normally, there will be a phenomenon of spiritual energy surges with a diameter of several tens of feet.

When Wei Keng practiced until the end of the day, he would become a spiritual vortex with a diameter of three hundred feet in height, quite a scene that would block out the sun, but of course this was not as good as forming a pill, the scale of forming a pill was several miles away from the fluctuations of vitality, At the same time piercing the clouds in the sky.

Among the crowd of onlookers were old men with white beards, and young people who were still in high spirits, those who were expected to build a foundation thoughtfully and self-calculated, and those who were obsessed with leisure and wasted their time, some were restless, and there were also those who had no hope of building a foundation. , Looking at the dust and sighing.These people's various attitudes are competing to be interpreted here.

Wei Keng's spiritual sense passed through the cave and swept over these scenes, but after making sure that he was not threatening him, he focused on the starry sky.

Narrator: Before Wei Keng dived from the secret place, he saw that the two continents in space are connected with each other, and there is traction and repulsion.And this phenomenon seems to have a great relationship with the breakthrough of life.

After the foundation was established, Wei Keng recorded a series of data with his normal expression as if a piece of equipment had been completed on the assembly line.After all, on the large scale of the universe, immortal cultivators are just like mayflies, rising periodically and declining periodically.It's not that you can't dance lightly as a mayhem, but if you want to prove the Tao, you have to remember your own course.

Wei Keng went to the cave and said hello to fellow Taoists, but declined their invitation.

Originally, the two parties were not familiar with each other, and I had only just entered the sect for less than half a year, and I had met each other once.

Even after Wei Keng came out, many of these qi practitioners were surprised. (This is because Wei Keng's face is really good now, which belongs to the category of shocking heaven and man. But because they don't socialize at all, they only know it now.)
Wei Keng tapped his toes lightly, and although he didn't have Yujian, he was already flashing in the air and left the scene.

Wei Keng rushed to the sect to report. The chief steward of the sect during the foundation establishment period was slightly taken aback when he saw Wei Keng, and then smiled and said, "Junior brother, it seems that your cultivation has improved, which is gratifying. Congratulations. Mmm."

Wei Keng clasped his hands and said, "Senior brother, I've been busy with foundation building recently, so I'm really sorry that I haven't received the entry task for three months."

According to the rules of Fang Juemen, as long as the introductory disciples are not direct descendants of Jindan, they have to find tasks in various peaks. If they are talented, they will naturally use their talents, and if they are not talented, they will also undertake chores.Wei Keng came a little late to accept the task.Be prepared to accommodate.

The steward: "Well, it's easy to say, easy to say, it's nothing more than a few spirit stones as a fine, senior brother, I'll erase it for you."

Zongmen governance is "executed", but it is not strict.The method of eliminating one or two spirit stones in the foundation-building period can theoretically be restricted by laws, but there is no need to waste execution power. Here, "rule by doing nothing"
Of course, don't think that everything in the sect is "ruled by doing nothing". If you kill your fellow sect and resell the magic weapon, if you are caught by the sect, then you will be injected with the curse of life and death and go undercover at the demon sect.

At least three of Fang Juemen's six Nascent Souls were cultivated during the Qi training period of the sect, and they are all very particular about the rules of the righteous way.

As for the other three, two of them joined halfway during the Foundation Establishment Stage, while the remaining one joined in the Golden Core Stage, but when he joined, he became a Taoist partner with another elder of the sect.
Those two casual cultivators were born as Supreme Elders, and this one has been outside, and his methods are a little bit miscellaneous.There is no shortage of ghostly 'flanks' coming out of their hands, or things like ghost pets flashing around them. They don't look like regular orthodox monks, but they are quite suitable for such things as "killing the same sect". fear.

After all, whoever opens the sect doesn't want to raise a guy who backstabs the sect.

After looking at the tasks, Wei Keng decided to apply for a task. However, when the person in charge of the foundation building period saw that Wei Keng had chosen this task, he couldn't help being shocked. He asked Wei Keng: "Junior brother, what are you doing this year? Only half a hundred Bundle."

Wei Keng nodded.

Master Zhuji: "Junior brother, you are young, and you still have hope of immortality, why did you give up halfway."

Wei Keng was stunned for a moment and responded: "Brother misunderstood, I just want to improve the training equipment."

The old man who established the foundation shook his head: "Forget it, if you insist on doing this, I will not stop you. I just advise you that all the arts of cultivation are broad and profound, but cultivation is the foundation. Only when you have enough lifespan can you go further."

Wei Keng paused slightly, but did not argue, because his own situation was different. Compared with most monks in this world, he had a large number of "Taoist companions", and these Taoist companions were himself from each world.You must complete the accumulation of available knowledge.

The task Wei Keng chose was to go to a low-level square city on the outskirts of the sect to be the guardian.

It is mainly used to prevent fighting between Qi training monks in this area.This kind of low-level fang city collection task is often applied by those monks who are further hopeless. After all, the aura in the fang city is not as good as that of the sect, that is, they can save a little more spirit stones.

Wei Keng has no shortage of spirit stones as a spiritual source!Wei Keng took a package of plans and ran to the eastern edge of the sect.Start your own factory plan.

...In the world of cultivating immortals, mortals basically have no resistance to immortals. This cannot be changed, but the value of mortals to immortals can be changed? …

Two years later, Wei Keng was in charge of the "Wu Gong Tian Zao" square city, which has become quite factory-like at this time.

The square industrial park is full of runes, and each mortal artisan lies in a coffin-like spiritual cabin, and then puts a magic talisman on his head, and works for eight hours. Wisps of aura are attached to the mortals to start the industry. Production.

In the entire workshop, the automatic runes, repeated operations, forging materials, and then sending them into the core furnace, after these low-level materials were tempered hundreds of times, Wei Keng spit out his own spiritual source in the underground secret room, that is, those After the lotus flower, strands of aura permeated into these freshly forged materials, and soon some relatively high-level cultivation world materials appeared
For example, Yunqing Steel is made of top-quality aura materials. Now, with Wei Keng snatching specific aura, through dozens of processes and thousands of rune control degrees, this texture material Feijian can be formed within a few months And the shield, the whole process is turning decay into magic.

In Wei Keng's Fangshi, even mortals make the best use of what they have, and go to the river to wash sand. Humans are born with spirituality, and when they are filled with spiritual energy, they can classify different low-end spiritual materials. (For those without spiritual roots, the aura cannot be retained after passing through the body. It is equivalent to eating 99 points, [-] servings)
Wei Keng looked at the hundreds of thousands of silver vehicles he spent every month, and made tens of thousands of mortals happily contribute their labor. He couldn't help comparing his model with the way of cultivating mortals by evil cultivators.

Wei Keng: I use invisible chains to lock everyone's thinking, bind facilities to extract value, and use a lifetime of struggle to assist in the generation of cultivation resources, tsk tsk!I don't know how high this efficiency is, it's not a punishment from God.The system hasn't recorded my pattern yet.

System: "You meow, you have spotted the bug 'there are no street lights in the world of comprehension' right!"

...There is no doubt that Wei Keng is exploiting mortals, but this kind of exploitation is far more civilized than blood sacrifice"...

Wei Keng's way of using heaps of human labor to separate minerals and then cultivate spiritual minerals in pure objects requires heaven and earth spirits as 'core means of production'. Oh, the current heaven and earth spirits are Wei Keng himself.

Evil cultivators do not have Wei Keng as the core means of production. They use mortals only to refine evil methods and kill them directly, so they cannot extract "surplus value"

Sometimes I have to admit that extracting "surplus value" is a high-end model compared to directly "eating flesh and blood".

Wei Keng is a kind of heaven and earth spirit, but compared to other heaven and earth spirits, Wei Keng has spiritual wisdom.Wei Keng consciously exerted his "magic" effect, rather than waiting for others to discover it.

In this workshop, many special technical operations were performed.

For example, a master of normal equipment training, when refining equipment, he directly smelts different materials together, and then makes a whole piece of material reachable, enters the properties of runes, and then performs circuit manufacturing.

And Wei Keng "cut corners" in order to "cut corners", well, it should be for the sake of streamlining and saving
That is, the entire magic weapon is made of low-level materials, but on the lines where the runes are burned, Wei Keng controls the high-end materials to be generated in it, and then just for the runes to run inside, yes, a large piece of others, as Wei Keng of "Special Heaven, Material and Earth Treasure" can condense key materials into just a little vein of runes, and the overall high-level materials have dropped to [-]%!
Narrator: This kind of growth-type spiritual material is very common in monsters. For example, Jiaolong will use its own horns to refine Fang Tian's painting halberd, and Phoenix will use its own feathers to refine speed-increasing wings. The method of grain growth is similar to that of Wei Keng at this time.

For example, the 'Crystal Pattern Shield' placed by Wei Keng at the front of the store is a top-grade spiritual weapon (late stage of foundation establishment). If it is cast from a whole piece of heavy black steel, the price is [-] quick spirit stones.
But now Wei Keng adopts a new forging process, which is forged with the second-class "hundred-year-old sand iron", and then the dense loops on it are heavy black iron steel, which wraps around the entire shield like silk threads.The defensive power of this rune is not worse than that of the heavy black steel, and it is much faster to deploy the defensive cover, and it is easy to operate.And the cost price is only two thousand spirit stones.You must know that an offensive spirit weapon of the same level also needs five thousand spirit stones, because defense requires more materials.

Of course, labor costs are also costs, and Master Wei still raised the price of the shield to [-] spiritual stones.

Wei Keng clarified the shortcomings to all buyers. If it is worn out, it cannot be restored by other refiners through smelting. When using it, you must always pay attention to the "maintenance point" on the shield.

These maintenance points are a circle of "replacement loss" material inlaid on the outer layer of the shield
(End of this chapter)

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