out of cage

Chapter 972 Chapter 21.28 Cycle!

In front of Jing Yuzhen, Wei Keng took the sword. It was a big sword two meters long and one palm wide. It was very obvious that it could only be carried obliquely on daily basis.

After two sticks of incense, Wei Keng figured out the aura frequency in the sword,
With the ancient pine as an umbrella, Wei Keng raised his sword on the stone platform beside the cliff, and danced the sword following the spiritual rhythm. The top of the sword instantly condensed into invisible cracks as it danced, as if the original fusion of spiritual energy in the air was pointed by the tip of the sword. Divided into two pieces. .

Ancient tools, which are said to be left over from the ancient times, are very rare. They were excavated underground. It is widely speculated in the immortal cultivation world that they are tools from the ancient cultivation world.

But this is just like in the main world, Confucius mistook the huge bone of Ji Ji for the remains of the giant Fangfeng. Oh, later generations speculate that a bone that can only be loaded by a car, not to mention the strange power, Confucius really acquiesced to this bone If it exists objectively, then it should be the remains of ancient giant beasts such as dinosaurs.

Confucius made a mistake at that time, because the ancients did not extend the concept of "time" to tens of millions of years of geological time.

In the current world of cultivating immortals, the cognition of the sect of cultivating immortals in ancient times generally only stays in the millions of years ago. At that time, the world was full of aura, and a large number of cultivators could advance to the spiritual world.But it has not been observed from the older Great Reincarnation.

Wei Keng: The spiritual energy of the day and earth dropped to zero.The earth began to exude pure vitality (the age of profound energy), and began to recover in another state. At that time, human cultivators began to flourish like frogs waking up after the spring thunder and laying eggs.Then go through a reincarnation of "the vitality of heaven and earth weakens" and enter the age of aura.

Some artifacts of excellent quality left behind by the "Xuanqi Era" were buried deep in the earth, and withstood the transformation of the heaven and earth's vitality, matched with the spiritual veins, rubbed out the shape and quality, and gradually survived into the next era of cultivation. Oh, and this is also antiques.

Ancient implements are much rarer than magic treasures. In fact, the value of research is far higher than the value of use, because the above-mentioned lines of spiritual veins available to cultivators are all naturally formed after the infiltration of spiritual energy in this era of cultivation world, and those profound energy that can be carved The texture is actually the background board, which is not available for practitioners.

Now those parts that have no aura but are quite strong, and those parts above that have restrained the intrusion of aura for millions of years, are carved by the practitioners of the Xuanqi Era.

The reason why the ancient tools cannot be put into the storage bag or the dantian for warming is that the cultivators of the Xuanqi Era put precious materials into the preparation of this set of tools.

Wei Keng: The extremely hard materials on ancient furniture may not have existed in the Xuanqi Age, but monks in the Xuanqi Age used the energy restricted by the rules at that time to passivate in the Reiki Age, which made the materials extremely hard.

The overall appearance of this ancient tool is copper-colored, and it should have been excavated from the associated Ziyang copper vein.As for the inner spirit pattern, Wei Keng's input of spiritual power is very broad, and the influx of spiritual power is like the trickle of a waterfall pouring into a huge canyon, leaving only the sound of water echoing in the empty valley.

As for ancient tools, they cannot enter the pubic region for warming.It seems that it is because "these materials still maintain the rules of the Xuanqi era".

If you want to know why ancient utensils cannot store magic weapons, you must figure out why magic weapons can be stored.Wei Keng took a look at the phenomenon that the magic weapon can be stored, and looked at the dark pattern material on the ancient furniture, which is the extremely hard foundation for supporting the ancient furniture.But this dark pattern in the age of profound energy was considered by Wei Keng to cause "incompatibility"

In the world of comprehension right now, the items of immortal cultivators are compatible up to a certain level.For example, the magic weapon can be integrated into the dantian with the same high aura.A "complementary cycle" with the same energy is formed.

In the Age of Profound Qi, the mainstream material and energy attributes are different from those in the Age of Reiki. If they are not disassembled, they may not be compatible.

After figuring out the above basic principles, it will not make you suddenly become very powerful, just like after learning classical physics on the earth, it will not make you fight in the sky and enter the earth.It just allows you to form a knowledge framework and start thinking about some directions that you didn't pay attention to before.

Wei Keng put away this high-quality ancient implement, and thanked the Supreme Elder

Wei Keng: "Thank you for the treasure, the Supreme Elder." Jing Yu looked at Wei Keng really quickly, nodded, and waved, while the defender Keng stepped back.

Wei Keng named this sword Tai'a.

When Wei Keng retreated, Jing Yuzhen looked at Wei Keng's back and said with emotion: "Sword intent!"

A normal sword cultivator is like a sharp awl in a cloth bag, always showing his head. In the world of cultivating immortals, he often reveals an aura of cutting ten thousand spells, but Wei Keng is just a spiritual grass. The wisp of sword intent at the time of the sword made the Supreme Elder feel awe-inspiring.

…Cultivate the Tao, master one method, master all methods.After calculating mutual generation, you can calculate the most extreme mutual restraint...

Wei Keng returned to his cave. This cave is currently the location of the spiritual veins only for the elders of Jin Danqi. It is just opposite to the Lingyuan where Wei Keng works daily. The aura is excellent.

Of course, what's the reason behind the sect's preference for Wei Keng?

The other elders were absorbing and depleting their spiritual energy, where Wei Keng stayed for a long time, and the "elixir" was leaking out the spiritual energy profusely.

After Wei Keng activated his true energy, he began to decorate his cave.

The large and small aura veins in the cave are neatly planned along a neatly curved line without conflicting with each other.It is easier to absorb energy from the vitality of heaven and earth (quasar energy radiation field) to generate aura (relatively stable and curable energy), which is dozens of times more efficient than others.

When Wei Keng first came here, the small spiritual veins in the cave were very messy, just like the electric wires in small cities in India in ancient times, and the spiritual power dissipated too much.

Wei Keng, who has "Tao Xing", uses his true energy to straighten it bit by bit, so that some lines can be converged to save space, and guide the spiritual veins to proliferate according to the spiritual patterns, closing them into a loop to form a spiritual array.

With Wei Keng's unremitting efforts, the density of spiritual veins in the entire cave increased.In the end, the structure of the spiritual veins converged perfectly in the center of the training room according to the spirit-gathering array.

One must know that the congenital spirit gathering place with the same spiritual density would take at least thousands of years to form.

The light bulb-like spirit stone inlaid on Wei Keng's cave is a high-grade spirit stone that Wei Keng bought from the monk who was about to exhaust his spiritual power.Now the aura is full, and the aura has been restored.

Wei Keng can also turn middle-grade spirit stones into top-grade spirit stones, but the natural structure of top-grade spirit stones is not available in middle-grade spirit stones, and requires secondary processing. For Wei Keng, this is too much effort. In short, it is cost question.

Of course, all of this is under the gaze of monk Fang Juemen Nascent Soul.And Wei Keng's comings and goings are all under the attention of the golden elixir of the sect.

If the Great Elder hadn't directly set up clear restrictions near Wei Keng's Cave Mansion, some Golden Core monks who were near the end of their lifespans would not be allowed to take risks, kidnap the "Genius and Earth Treasure", and then fly away and send them to the Daxuan Dynasty monk exchange meeting in the south Go up, go shopping for something that breaks through the realm.

With Wei Keng's characteristics, Fang Jueshan's monks deliberately collected some innate warriors, trying to make them reach the top level.Trying to reproduce Wei Keng's "innate spirit"

But what?It is mostly luck that those mortal warriors can reach innate, the young man took some innate elixir!As for the strict self-cultivation, accumulation, and then upward breakthrough, it is often the breakthrough of innateness in the prime of life, and then there is no aggressive implementation.

Fang Juemen's Taishang Elder lamented that "the way of heaven is orderly" earlier, and there is also a reason for this.

It is difficult to be an outstanding person, but it is even more difficult to breed a spiritual accumulation, and to be able to grow steadily and not be ruined under the eyes of various low-level monks.

Wei Keng and Jing Yuzhen became more and more like a teacher and a friend. He found that Wei Keng practiced quite hard and was able to pass on the mantle.Jing Yuzhen began to care about Wei Keng's cultivation. ——It is true that when he saw Wei Kengzhong for the first time, he had a thought of "seizing".

But there is one thing that Jing Yu really doesn't know, Wei Keng is not cultivating longevity, but Dao.

On the road, you will be a graduate student, but not afraid of death, will take profit from others, but will not squander it, will gather the essence of heaven and earth in yourself, but will not wantonly emit filth and ignore it.

Wei Keng unfolded the fire lotus in the cave, and following the radio gymnastics of opening and closing, red lights like special effects penetrated from the body movements, and then returned to form a closed loop with the movements.

On the five-meter-diameter futon, Wei Keng took out a box with a spirit-testing stone on it.The principle is very simple, that is, when absorbing spiritual energy, this stone is very sensitive to the speed of various types of spiritual energy, and then can measure the attributes of the spiritual root.

Wei Keng pressed his hand on it, and the entire spirit stone then shone brightly—the fire element accounted for 70.00% four, the wood element accounted for [-]%, and the earth element accounted for [-]%.The rest are Jinshui two series, [-]% and [-]% respectively.This is the top-grade fire spirit root. ——If you want to recover a purer spiritual root, you must return to the secret realm.

Under the illumination of the star gang in the secret realm, any of Wei Keng's spiritual roots can almost change to 90.00% nine purity, which is almost amazing!Of course, when it comes to Zhengzhou Xiuxian Continent, the difficulty of change becomes more difficult.

The Yaojue jade slip in Wei Keng's hand is a cultivation method from Qi training to Jindan.This set of exercises is in the Sutra Pavilion, and the contribution points are frighteningly high.Of course, Wei Keng was an exception, he was free to come and go.

What Wei Keng practiced was not a set of exercises.

Six days later, Wei Keng took a deep breath, came to a water system area in the cave, and began to perform martial arts.As the cloud hands fluctuated continuously, the lingering water aura was driven by Wei Keng, and this set of water-based martial arts soon stirred up dense spatial ripples in the cave.

After Wei Keng retracted his fist, he came to the side of the measuring spirit stone.In this measurement, the speed of the water-type aura was 70.00%. Six, another jade slip flashed in Wei Keng's hand, "Tao Guangjue".

Wei Keng looked at the two water and fire lotuses.Now the spiritual power at the root has begun to entangle, which is the mutual humility between the two cultivation methods.

As early as when he first came into contact with Xiuxian, Wei Keng felt that his spiritual root was changing in phase, but when he wanted to condense the purest unipolar spiritual root, the state was very short, only a short stick of incense, and he had to measure it Every quarter, the best daily cycle can keep the unipolar spirit as long as possible

Wei Keng: "The next step is to connect the three spiritual sources of gold, earth, and wood together."

Wei Keng: "Also, what is the essence of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth?"

System: Where matter is smashed more thoroughly, the effect of consciousness is greater.The current universe is still in a world where countless basic strings exist, when microscopic particles cannot exist stably.Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth can be regarded as the five phases of awareness of "things" in consciousness.

Wei Keng thought for a moment: Crack, grow, flow, burn, precipitate.

Narrator: Wei Keng's cognition of the world's matter with the spiritual frequency in the sword is to determine the five states of cognition of the state of matter, and Wei Keng's conscious tendency towards the artistic conception of spiritual energy, and then classify and oppose them, in the Taishang In the eyes of the elders, it is sword intent!

Where is the "materialistic" and "subjective" boundary of consciousness in the material world?In the main world, all rules lie in the minimum amount of objective standards.The standards of protons, neutrons, and electrons, which are longer than the lifetime of stars, determine the rules of everything.

But right now, the "standard volume" on this quasar world is apparently undecided!

The most basic substances such as "electrons" and "quarks" are mixed with various other things in this chaos.

We must know that in the process of collision with particle colliders in the main world, human beings will find some traces whose lifespan is so short that they cannot be measured at all. Is the substance that produces these traces mixed with common particles in the place where the universe was born.

Unknowingly, Wei Keng called up the epoch table of the beginning of the Big Bang:

10^-43 seconds Planck period.world of strings.Time and space are born.

10^-36 seconds Grand Unified Theory epoch.Strong and weak defrosting.

The 10^-34 second pump period ends.

10^-23 seconds hadron period.High mass particle soup.

10^-12秒 4种力。温度=10^16 K。

10^-6 seconds for quarks to unfreeze.Temperature = 10^13K.

10^-4 seconds lepton period.

0.01 second nucleons appear as free particles.

Wei Keng: Human beings always set the origin of life in the universe as the era when water appeared on the earth, but life, as the final phenomenon of consciousness disturbance, did not play a role in the oldest stage?
Even if, after the end of the era of inflation, during the period of grand unified theory, the strong and weak forces were unfreezed, wouldn't "consciousness" play a certain role during this period?Or is there life?Ecology dominates this process.

…Wei Keng: The process of forming pills and infants is a kind of particle birth process dominated by consciousness? …

From this point of view, the world of cultivating immortals is a grand and ruthless process. Although generations of cultivators are like moths, in the process of chasing longevity, they gradually lead the particle world to become stable.

Oh, although alchemy monks still only have a lifespan of 800 years, if there is no human willingness to form alchemy, the matter in this world will still be chaotic.

The entire universe is like an inverted pyramid system, and this system can be guided to one side for development with just a slight thread.Consciousness is the thread.

And this thread comes from the quasar, from the cultural area over the great black hole of creation, and even from the main world.The main world also opens up a practice world in this physical area.

When Wei Keng asked the question of what is the essence of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

System: "This is also determined by consciousness. Consciousness will span different eras in the universe. In the downstream particle age, life in all kinds of universes will observe the phenomena of flame, water, life growth, and earth and rocks being precipitated and condensed into gold. It is transmitted to the upstream consciousness of time, and the upstream consciousness will solidify this information when the particles have not stabilized to form a chaotic state of matter."

Wei Keng frowned and said, "Upstream effect, downstream effect, I seem to have learned this before."

System: "You should have forgotten many courses. What you just mentioned is the theory of high-energy physics in the 33rd century. According to your current IQ and lazy temperament, you are not qualified to stand in that era, and your consciousness is only connected to 21. At the century level, nature may not pay attention to the development of complex natural sciences."

Wei Keng, who considers himself a man of the 21st century: "Well, cough,"

System: "Is your calmness acquiescing to my evaluation?"

Feeling that this system is really a challenge, Wei Keng let out a sigh of relief, but replied very seriously: "I am indeed a middle-aged person."

...Under the great way, who dares to boast, but in the universe, who is not a talent made in heaven...

Mathematics is a measuring stick!It is the "Tao" for intelligent life in any plane to understand the universe and self.

In the history of the development of earth civilization, most people who have made major technological breakthroughs have highly sensitive logical thinking to numbers.

Although Wei Keng is a middle-aged man, he is very keen on the laws and phenomena of the world, and the numbers behind some phenomena.

Just as the era of ignorance of earth civilization began, people found that the cycle of cold and heat in a year is 360 and five days, the tidal cycle in January is 30 days, and a month is leaped in four years.The avenue is hidden in these figures.

After Wei Keng speculated on the large-scale future of the future fate of the universe, he continued to deduce his current development.

Jiedan Shouyuan, Jieying Shouyuan is dead and fixed, unless heaven, material and earth treasure prolong life.

Wei Keng: Then we should determine the promotion process within these deadlines.

Wei Keng's spiritual roots are fluctuating, but in fact most people's spiritual roots are also fluctuating, but they can't be seen, it's very small.

This kind of "minor" influence sometimes determines the fate of cultivators.

For example, there will be a long bottleneck period before the breakthrough of the realm. No matter how you practice mana, you can't go any further. You can only keep the mana pure, don't slack off, keep practicing hard all the time, and wait for the bottleneck to loosen suddenly one day, whoosh, jump up the wave .

Many immortal cultivators slack off during the long wait and have not grasped the pure breakthrough preparations, so they are doomed not to wait for the breakthrough opportunity.

When this "opportunity" appears, in fact, there are mathematical laws like "shouyuan".

Just like the lifespan of monks in the Qi training period is about 120 years, the lifespan of monks in the foundation building period can reach 300 years, while the lifespan of monks in the alchemy period can reach 800 years, and the lifespan of monks in Yuanying period is 600 years. That's a very, very uniform number!
"Consciousness" is an objective physical quantity, but "thinking" is the physical bearing structure (suspected to be some kind of particle) found by "consciousness".Once the life of the particle expires, this consciousness will no longer exist, and then there is the saying of Shouyuan.

So in the process of fixing the longevity, is there a certain relationship with the number of breakthrough window periods?

Just as the speed of light is fixed, the speed of light is equal to the frequency band times the wavelength!Then draw an analogy: Is the fixation of longevity equal to the constant of the number of breakthroughs and spiritual root coefficient?
Now, Wei Keng, according to the data collected by the system, has made a binomial distribution map of his spiritual root data after each phase change.

After Wei Keng made calculations, he found that his breakthrough period was predictable. Of course, Wei Keng finally looked up at the stars in the sky.

...any small system that is subject to cycles in the larger system in which it resides. …

This is commonly used in meteorological papers. For example, to study the prediction of annual precipitation data in a certain place, it is an eight-year cycle, a 15-year cycle, and a 30-year cycle. If the peaks of the cycle with less precipitation are accumulated together, So good guy, there will be a scene of severe drought for several years and thousands of miles of desolate land.Of course, if you put it in modern times, you have to hurry up and build water conservancy projects in advance.

Of course, if you study sociology again, every time there is a severe drought, the owner farmers go bankrupt and a large number of lands are merged, so you find the objective law that the dynasty is only 300 years old.

Wei Keng's statistics on the spiritual root data is to predict the window period of his breakthrough!The best window period is 15 years later.

Now Wei Keng is also making preparations in advance.Every aura beam in the body must reach a certain state on time, and digital standards have been preset.

In other words, this "immortal" has been changed by Master Wei.

Just as the interesting thing about the same game is that there are various "surprises" to be developed, but once you start pursuing the optimal strategy, it becomes a "volume"

At this time, Wei Keng also arranged his practice at various time periods, one period at a time, and he has been enriching himself and running towards the optimal route.

Note: If Wei Keng is in the cultivation area arranged by Jing Guyu in the main world, if he does this, he will be chased and scolded by a large number of ordinary time travelers who explore the plane!The reason is: to make you paralyzed.Can you let me cultivate immortality at ease.

Now Wei Keng is in his own space-time zone, rolling with himself.

My hands are slippery, tomorrow morning.

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