out of cage

Chapter 981 Chapter 2201

Chapter 981 Chapter 22.01
Wei Keng rushed to the valley of the Monster Beast Secret Realm, and the place had already become a pool of blood.The edge of the blood pool was soaked with black and purple banners, and the originally imprisoned ghosts on the banners turned into streams of air and flowed to the center of the blood pool.

In the pool, a huge bull demon king is soaking in it, and the soaring demon aura emanates from the bubbling blood water and floats to the stars in the sky above, forming various blood-colored mysterious symbols, and at this time the sun has turned into a blood moon under the solar eclipse .

This monster was originally only a fourth-level monster in the early stage of alchemy, but in just a few days, some magic was applied, and it directly jumped to the fifth level, oh, it will jump to the sixth level soon.

At this time, this huge monster was tied up and surrounded by black clouds. Wisps of flames burned on its joints and muscles, leaving it in a burnt state. On the other side of the body, metal crystals were inserted into its muscles. And still growing.And on its back, lush vines grew from its flesh.

Mysterious power has been infused into this monster's body, and even its consciousness has the characteristics of devouring and twisting

The monster desperately grabbed its ribs with its newly grown sharp claws, once, twice, three times, and finally the depth of the wound was almost fatal, and then the purple monster power appeared to form the damaged flesh and blood into gums, and the ribs turned into Often fangs.What caused all this was the disciples of the Demon Heart Sect of the Yunling Seven Sects. They came to this secret realm under the orders of the elders, took control of this bull demon with a very weak bloodline of Star Devouring Kui, and then took control of the sect. The drop of sealed holy blood was injected into it.

Time passed little by little, and the disciples of the Demon Heart Sect confirmed that the power of the Holy Blood was constantly increasing, so they opened the outer formation and poured a large number of living souls into the mouth of the bull monster.

The purple light on the cow demon's body was shining brightly, and its internal soul began to mutate. After seeing this scene, Wei Keng sensed that there seemed to be thunder in the star gang. Obviously, such an promotion behavior is destined to be punished by heaven.

Wei Keng felt that the blood pool was drawing a lot of power from the earth veins, and he was obviously trying to use some means to tide over the disaster.

Although the formation Wei Keng deployed in this secret realm was not aimed at third parties, when he encountered this incident, he just made a measurement and found that the promotion method of this monster was the same as his own, and it also had to approach the theoretical technical limit.

Wei Keng turned on the system: "The so-called spirit world exists?"

System: "According to the comparison of the recorded information, it can be judged that it should be the evil spirit of the upper realm, Taotie."

Wei Keng was immediately vigilant: "What are you doing in this little mortal world? Is it possible that you are here for me?"

System: "There is no evidence to prove it, but it is recommended to be prepared. If it is really a fierce spirit from the upper realm, you, as the spiritual material of heaven and earth, are definitely the best props for these bastards from the upper realm to use."

Wei Keng's spiritual material, in the sect like Fangjue in the lower realm, must be well-raised, but for the fierce spirits who have no shortage of geniuses and treasures in the upper realm, it is just a big blood bag for quickly completing goals in the lower realm .These evil spirits came to the mortal world to let the lower realm use a lot of spiritual materials to enter the summoning circle.

To put it more simply, it is similar to the ancient times. You who are "hardworking and willing to work" are a treasure in your circle of relatives and friends. To the boss, he is the one who can buy yachts and play golf in the free world talent.

So, Wei Keng is going to trap this guy, interrupting him when his spirit has not yet descended and his strength is weakest, and at the same time hiding his identity, Wei Keng: Only deep hidden merit and fame are "feeding pits".

At this time, the disciples of the Devil Heart Sect had already finished feeding their souls, and finally, the blue eyes of this divine beast turned black.

The disciples of the Demon Heart Sect paid homage to a man in black robes, saying "flattering words" tremblingly.

The man in black waved his hand and injected a wave of demonic energy into each of them. These monks who were infused with the magical energy obviously benefited, and their cultivation base was much more advanced.

But Wei Keng narrowed his eyes, there is a price behind every gift!
According to the physical laws I have observed now, in any plane, the growth of life (cultivation) needs to be coordinated and determined step by step, and the effect of gathering "negative entropy" will be exerted. Those who have adjusted a stable structure as soon as they come up, In the end, it will collapse with the passage of time due to the lack of conditions to support order.

On the earth: after the robot is programmed in this way, what is waiting for it is the long entropy increase and destruction.

This law of entropy increase is called the irreversible "law of heaven" in the world of cultivating immortals

If there really is a way of opportunism without cost, otherwise Master Wei, who likes to lie down the most, is still working hard?
Taotie, who had successfully sent his soul below, was looking at this with satisfaction. The servants of the mortal world began to use the seeds released by Mo Ruyi to refine the soul step by step, allowing it to be controlled.Once it rises to a certain level, it can be swallowed as "blood food", which can be a great tonic.

The Taotie didn't notice at this time that in the secret realm it was in, the magnetism, earth force and stars in the sky were changing quietly.

In the world of monks, there are human robberies,

Human robbery means that a person thinks that he is invincible and starts to execute the plan smoothly, but suddenly a guy will appear with side effects, even if the monks from the upper realm come, they will not be able to escape.

Human calamity cannot be avoided. If you can't suppress human calamity when you have the best time, but choose to avoid it, then you will leave yourself with great disaster.

At this time, Wei Keng and Luo Taotie are "robbing each other"

This gluttonous show is coming at this time, and its operation is higher and more delicate than that of Wei Keng, but Wei Keng's stage is bigger.

It's like a neat 21st century Japanese household vehicle can't pull a steam tractor.

Well, in the contest of Dao and Law, if you don't have to be profound, you will definitely be able to defeat rough and crazy.If ingenuity is limited by "time and space constraints", it will be defeated by crude means under certain conditions.

Just when Master Wei began to dig holes in the surrounding area, preparing for the direction of the torrent when the aura tide changes drastically.Unexpectedly, it seems that now, not only I am alone, but I have to deal with this gluttonous arrival.

Under the measurement of the starry sky circle, Wei Keng found that there was another group of people on the defense line in the northeast corner of Moxinzong.

The sect and sect are full of intrigue, and the trial of the secret realm is often an important occasion for both sides to deepen the "Liangzi".

Among the Seven Sects of Yunling, Luo Shengjiao disciples have been paying attention to the secret operations of the Demon Heart Sect with the eyeliner they have deployed. After learning about the demon summoning, they began to fight secretly.

Luo Shengjiao, which seems to be a sect, is actually a sect of ghost cultivators. However, they have a fig leaf, that is, all ghosts will claim to have entered the "vacuum hometown" after the scriptures of this religion are redeemed.

This sect is dressed in gorgeous clothes and full of compassion, so the method is obviously to extract the soul, but it has a face of saving people and purifying the world.

How did Luo Shengjiao and Moxinzong, two sects that belong to the Yunling Seven Sects, have conflicts?

Wei Keng saw that Taotie was devouring his soul continuously, so he could roughly guess what was going on.

Most likely, it was the boss of the Demon Heart Sect who plundered the soul of a ghostly place in Luo Shengjiao.

Luo Shengjiao has also been secretly investigating. After finding out that the Demon Heart Sect performed the demon summoning ceremony in secret, they remained calm, but actually prepared to give back to the Demon Heart School.

"Huh?" Master Wei found it interesting that there was a person mixed with Luo Shengjiao, and Wei Keng was familiar with the aura of that person.

Four years ago Wei Keng met Zhuo Zixu who sold "Longxiang" in Fangshi,
He took out the material of the alchemy monster in the foundation building period, and obviously there are more advanced things.Wei Keng also reminded him of the difference between "concentration" and "restoration" when using spices, so he was deeply impressed.

Now that person happened to be at Luo Shengjiao's place, and Wei Keng sensed the aura of "Longxiang" from his consciousness.But the man seemed to be disguising in appearance.

Master Wei smiled playfully: Tsk tsk, coming here from the overseas cultivation world, there is no shortage of kindness and resentment among those who are capable.

(End of this chapter)

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