out of cage

Chapter 991 Chapter 2207 The Monk at Sea

Chapter 991 Chapter 22.07 The Monk at Sea

Over the years of Wei Keng's alchemy, great changes have taken place in the cultivation world.The six sects of Yunling were defeated by the Black Curse Sect.The phenomenon of infant formation also appeared in Zifeng Valley, and it succeeded.

The monk who joined the Purple Maple Valley halfway opened the teleportation array overseas. (That is, Zhuo Zixu who mixed with Luo Shengjiao in the secret realm)
After the teleportation array was opened, monks from overseas islands entered the Daxuan Dynasty,

Overseas monks were shocked by the rich spiritual grass resources here.So a large number of monks were sent to enter.

Of course, overseas monks have also brought to the Six Yunling Sects the rich resources of demon pills in the world of cultivating immortals in the sea area.These demon pills are also pills that can be used to refine pills.

It's just that the evil spirit contained in the demon pill will have a fundamental impact on the formation of the pill, and it will take many years to solve it.But this also gave great encouragement to the monks in the Yunling area. After all, the hundreds of years of longevity after forming the alchemy are real.

And many casual cultivators and families do not have the ambition of "conceiving a baby", they just want the family to pass on.

For a while, the cultivation world was in chaos again. These overseas monks didn't care about the rules of Yunling's six sects. For them, they robbed resources and were wanted by the place.

So in the past two years, Fang Juemen, who was originally strictly guarding the boundaries, was raided several times by these organized and premeditated overseas monks. Feijian directly cut off its roots.

And some spiritual mines were also infiltrated, some teams transporting spiritual materials were robbed halfway, and a large number of spiritual stones were stolen.

For Fang Juemen, the peaceful and prosperous world suddenly turned into a rampant bandit like the Water Margin.There are people everywhere who come to rob the birthday card.

Fang Juemen's Supreme Elders decided to take the initiative to deal with this catastrophe further during the exchange.
As the bell rang again, the monks of the alchemy stage were gathered together, and the foundation stage was brought over to listen.It's just that some of these foundation-building disciples have some problems.

The reason why they are all called to gather together now.Fang Juemen Nascent Soul cultivator is now to conduct another screening of the Foundation Establishment Stages displayed in the hall.

After the screening, it was hot hand that got rid of several disciples, and then imprisoned several of them.

...In Fang Juemen, the peak masters of Danfeng and Qifeng have changed. It turns out that the peaks are mainly in retreat...

After Jing Yuzhen in the central alchemy furnace came, he watched Wei Keng's progress and found that Wei Keng's mana was very stable.

Wei Keng greeted the Supreme Elder by the alchemy furnace, Jing Yuzhen nodded, and Lao Shen solemnly warned: The situation outside is very serious, don't run around.At the same time, ask about the necessity of taking out the pill.

Jing Yuzhen is very satisfied with Wei Keng right now: he needs to have qualifications, he needs opportunities to have chances, and he never messes around. Cultivation is the righteous way. You must know that in the world of cultivating immortals, there are many Tianlinggen qualifications that come and go.
For example, a few years ago, Fairy Yuzhi was Tianlinggen, who was eager for quick success and quick benefits in cultivation, and kept picking up her face, but was plotted against by a male cultivator.

The elder Taishang in Fang Juemen was furious when he learned that the master of Danfeng had lured that fairy Fengchen to see Wei Keng. If something happened, Danfeng would not be able to bear it.

In particular, Fang Juemen found out that Fairy Fengchen has a backup method called "passing the sore". In short, he finds a monk of the same level and uses this secret technique to transfer the "poisonous gas" on his body to the other party secretly. Let Fang Juemen and these Nascent Soul old demons feel evil in their hearts.

Right now, the Zongmen's protection of Wei Keng has increased, and a large number of restrictions have been deployed in the places where Wei Keng frequents.At the same time, the elder Taishang came forward and made it clear to Wei Keng that he would avoid robbery in the near future.

Wei Keng frowned, "Four months later, I need to mobilize the mountain and river gathering spirit formation inside the gate, is there a problem?"

Jing Yuzhen: "Can this be delayed?"

Wei Keng said: "The 37 kinds of elixirs all need to undergo the spirit gathering step at that stage. If this stage collapses, the elixirs will take twice as long to be completed, and more than ten million spirit stones will be consumed. In addition, not every kind of elixir can Delayed refining is like a monk's lifespan is limited."

The hall was quiet for a while, and then Wei Keng's attitude was acquiesced.

As for cultivating immortals, there is a heart to rob. If the wish is not fulfilled, then the state of mind will be dusty.

The topic returned to the current overseas sect. Jing Yuzhen took the jade bottle, exported a high-grade demon pill, and handed it to Wei Keng. It was the first time for the other alchemists present to see such a powerful pill.

Supreme Elder: Tell us your opinion.

Wei Keng's pupil technique began to spy on this Yaosha pill, but soon discovered that it was special. It contained a lot of spiritual energy, but a considerable part of the spiritual energy combination restrained each other, which seemed very complicated.And this clutter?Wei Keng felt as if he had seen it in the secret realm, and the secret realm was eroded by the stars.

Wei Keng checked the overseas information on the system.In the Xingyu area where the aura is located, all the "detritus" edge liquid area, this is the overseas world of cultivating immortals.

Mountains and seas are normal, just like the shells of all major planets in the main world have atmospheres.

Part of the area at the edge of the debris is a shallow sea, and there are still solid plates on the seabed. When it reaches the open sea, the land plate does not exist but becomes a land vein, just like a loofah. There will be bulges on these land veins, which protrude to the sea surface. big island.

As for the sea area farther away from the world of cultivating immortals, that is the area without the bottom of the sea, where there is a pure sea with huge waves, and the stars in the sky are also swept into the deep sea by the huge waves.There are no monsters, only savage beasts with extremely low spiritual intelligence devouring each other there.

Wei Keng: From the observation of macroscopic celestial bodies, all the debris continents are surrounded by liquid adhesion, which is similar to the situation of the immortal world code-named "Sea of ​​Stars" outside the immortal world in this film.

According to the data from the world of cultivating immortals in the sea area: Farther away, some giant islands even flow in an orbital pattern with the ocean currents.This is called the deep sea area.And on the outer edge is the intersection of the Comprehension Continent and the Space Star Gang.

According to the records of some non-believers in Yong Xinghai who flew outwards: there is a violent storm, and the ocean creates huge waves here, and the huge waves are swept into the void and smashed to pieces. beast.

Wei Keng looked up the information, in fact, the resources in the ocean area are not poor, but some spiritual herbs are lacking!They make alchemy, and the proportion of inner alchemy in the sea monster is very high.

Elder Jing Yuzhen raised a question, that is, in the process of refining the demon pill, can the blood evil be eliminated?
Wei Keng looked at the Supreme Elder, thinking that he hadn't seen him for a long time recently, and he obviously went out to sea quietly, and he might not have a large number of such demon core resources in his hands.

This is the way of cultivation, only by running can you have a chance.

Just like when the earth was not globalized, some places needed salt, iodine, and even tea, and there were exchanges between them.

The contemporary teleportation array cannot transport these bulk materials, so it can only let cultivators from outside regions come over. For the cultivators in Zhengzhou, these foreign cultivators are free local resources

And the node of the teleportation array is still controlled by these mediums in the six sects of Yunling.

Wei Keng held the demon pill, confirmed it with his own vacuum source, consumed a little essence, and drew out the evil spirit.

The whole demon pill became crystal clear, obviously it was the demon pill without blood evil that Elder Jing Yuzhen wanted, but the Supreme Elder also knew that the essence of Wei Keng was limited and very precious, it was necessary to make up for the millennium elixir Material.

Wei Keng looked at the drawn blood evil spirit, and replied to Jing Yuzhen: "Uncle, as you can see, if you use alchemy to eliminate the blood evil spirit, it is almost impossible to do it, and it is also very difficult to draw out the evil spirit. Yes, but this disciple has a way to use this batch of demon pills."

Wei Keng recorded a jade slip into his thoughts and passed it to Elder Jing Yuzhen,
The Supreme Elder glanced at it, then nodded, seeing that this method was feasible based on his cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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