out of cage

Chapter 993Chapter 2209 is cumbersome today, but treasure tomorrow

Chapter 993Chapter 22.09 is cumbersome today, but treasure tomorrow

After using the great array of earth veins to continuously attract the star gang into the body, the spiritual essence changed qualitatively. Wei Keng, as the spiritual martial arts of the profound realm, broke through the shackles of the environment in the world of cultivating immortals.Bathed in the star gang, at this time the combat power is equivalent to [-]% of the martial arts in the middle mysterious realm (equivalent to the Nascent Soul level) in the secret realm.

It was as if the spirit grass on the ground had become refined and began to attract thunder and thunder, and this spirit grass (Wei Keng) still had great perseverance and determination to store the thunder in the sky.Therefore, the movement caused by the maturity of Tiancaidibao is even greater.

Wei Keng is currently only at the late stage of Jindan, and in terms of seniority, he still follows the tradition of the sect, and respectfully addresses the elder who preaches as "Master".

Wei Keng abides by procedural justice, and often only people in the system will abide by such obligations and rights.

In terms of pupil technique, divine sense, and even spiritual power compression, Wei Keng, who was supported by the Earth Spirit Formation at this time, was not inferior.

Wei Keng gave a slight obeisance to the Supreme Elder, and other Jindan Qis who came over bowed, "Thank you, Elder and brothers, for protecting the disciples."

Xie Changting looked at Wei Keng.

He saw the mountains and rivers in Wei Keng's pupils, and wanted to plunge into his spiritual thoughts, but almost sank.

He hurriedly stopped him, then glanced at the other disciples, but the other disciples didn't respond, and then he realized that their cultivation was not enough, they could only see the Xiaguang, but not the person in the Xiaguang.

Elder Jing Yuzhen nodded and issued a decree: "Very good, from now on you are the head of the second generation of disciples of Fangjuemen." That is, No.1 under Yuanying.

As soon as this remark came out, many alchemy stagers were surprised, because in terms of cultivation, there were still two other alchemy masters in the inner sect, and some people had a sour taste for a while.These are the middle stages of alchemy, long-term stuck in bottlenecks and fascinated minds, and some people are thoughtful, and they have a new understanding of the stars and dharma that have just descended from the sky.

However, no matter how much the outside world looked at, Wei Keng respectfully bowed to the Supreme Elder and accepted his orders.

...As Wei Keng returned to a stable cultivation base, many monks came and left quickly. …

Wei Keng took the domain back into his body, and felt the golden core and the Dao seed, which are two different things, which are respectively connected to his own mana system and the essence flow system on his body.

But there is one thing in common, Wei Keng realizes that his "truth" exists in both systems.

This is like a running aircraft, which can be ordered by the electronic control system and adjusted by mechanical operation at the same time.But it is always the driver who is in control. Right now Wei Keng controls the body, consciousness and sect formation that Wei Keng controls, which are equivalent to "electric control" and "mechanical control" respectively, and the truth is the driver.

Compared with splitting the soul, the second Nascent Soul secret technique strengthens the mana and destroys the authenticity.

Wei Keng uses the "spirit, energy and spirit" to develop a system to reflect his true character.

At this time, my consciousness is not limited to the golden core, but also in the body, and of course now it is in the spiritual veins of heaven and earth that I have worked for decades.

To use the 21st century education as an analogy, learning to make a lot of money is to cultivate one's life, while learning to improve one's self is to cultivate one's nature.

Many parents blindly violate the nature of teenagers, arrange education with utilitarian values, follow the outside world's "meat" (main subject) and "vegetarian" (quality education), and also learn upper-class aristocratic culture, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and make the teenagers' original For the few interests, they are scattered across multiple disciplines (soul splitting), and they use constant beating and oppression (soul splitting technique) to force the willpower of each subject.This is violating one's sexuality.

And learning language and mathematics to consolidate one's basic skills, fulfill basic obligations for the society, and at the same time find one's own development value is a double cultivation of life and soul.

Therefore, Wei Keng's evaluation of the Soul Splitting Technique and the Second Nascent Soul is: It seems that there are many skills, but can these second Nascent Souls, incarnations, be brought into the real self?
The posture of a middle-aged man should not follow the advantages and expect to be chosen by others, but follow the basic righteousness of his own nature.

At this time, inside Fangjuemen and Wei Keng's residence, a cluster of bright stars fell from the sky, and since then it has become a unique landscape for this change in the sect. This is the power of the heavenly gang descending from the sky
Apart from being used by Wei Keng's physical breathing, this power of the heavenly gang is also bonded to the earth's veins, which has extraordinary benefits for the growth of spiritual energy in the entire sect's large formation.

After forming the alchemy, Wei Keng came to the residence of Elder Jing Yuzhen.

Without waiting for him to ask questions, Wei Keng honestly handed over the entire formation board, and of course the method of forming alchemy.

After the tour, the elder Taishang seemed to have a little understanding of this kind of breakthrough, and he was in a happy mood.

After making a copy of the array disk, he threw it to Wei Keng again.Then a decree was passed down, and the position of pastoral elder of the sect was set up.It was clarified that the aura allocation of each peak and the building survey of each peak would be managed by Wei Keng.

However, during the conversation, the Supreme Elder's complexion changed.

Wei Keng asked cautiously, "What's the matter, Master?"

The Supreme Elder glanced at Wei Keng and said slightly, "That cat has escaped."

Wei Keng paused slightly, bowed his head and said: "The disciple has been so negligent these past few days that he has taken care of the mistakes here, please punish him."

The Supreme Elder let out a sigh of relief: "If you run away, just run away. You have been focusing on refining furnaces and supernatural powers for the past few days. I don't blame you. Anyway, I wanted to imprison her as a mountain guardian spirit beast for hundreds of years. She didn't want to. Forget it, but—"

The Supreme Elder inadvertently reminded Wei Keng: "In the years you have been here, she has benefited from you, and it is difficult for her to forget you. When you go out of the mountain in the future, remember to be careful!"

At this time, the furnaces in the school, the Yingying Pill, the Ningying Pill, and the Yunying Pill were all in Wei Keng's hands. Even if Wei Keng's departure from Guxue was really related to Wei Keng, it was really impossible for Jing Yu to dispose of Wei Keng.

What's more, if the Supreme Elder was really present, the first task at that time was to keep the most important pills and formations in the sect, and it would be helpless to indulge the spirit beasts.

Wei Keng: "Where is this tiger's heel?"

Supreme Elder: "There is more than one continent in this world. In the early years, I passed through a teleportation formation and came to a continent called the Daguang Dynasty. The aura there is not much worse than that of Beiling."

And there, the number of Nascent Souls is far more prosperous than here. At that time, I was only in the middle stage of Nascent Souls.With a high heart and arrogance, she caused a lot of trouble, and used the daughter of the Northern Demon King as a prototype.After being chased and killed by the monster clan several times, he fled back to the sect!
Jing Yuzhen was talking about his return to the sect. Although his expression was normal, Wei Keng could feel his pride!
Wei Keng thought in his heart: He couldn't survive in a place with high aura, and he had to come back to avoid pursuit. Logically, he should be dejected.but!Now, it can only be said to be a great benefit.

Wei Keng boasted: "Elder, you have accomplished a great deal today." 370 years ago, Jing Yu was really in the middle of the Nascent Soul.

Wei Keng listened to this guy bragging about his great achievements.Speechlessly, this guy is obviously a descendant of the demon king who kidnapped and sold him.

The "overseas monks" who are hated by the utter sect below are robbing treasures locally, causing chaos and sabotage, and the elders of our sect have also done it.

And Wei Keng was sure that in the late Nascent Soul period these days, no Dzogchen monks had any adventures.

They all have such channels as teleportation arrays leading overseas.

A teleportation array is like a double-piercing door, allowing monks to run at both ends, and it will generate huge resources.

Jing Yu really looked at Wei Keng meaningfully, and gave Wei Keng a map. The large space teleportation formation marked on the map was in a cave of the earth vein [-] kilometers away from the sect.

Jing Yuzhen: "This formation is opened every 30 years, but after you reach the Nascent Soul Stage, you can go here to practice again."

Wei Keng thanked the Supreme Elder for giving the picture, but at the same time expressed his loyalty: everything will be discussed after he is promoted to Nascent Soul.

...Forever suppressed in Yushan, why didn't the husband do it for three years?Boyu harassed Gun, why did the husband change? …

A few days later, the Supreme Elder arrested all the other Xiao Xiao who had mixed up with the sect.Among them, Danfeng was directly cleaned, and two alchemy cultivators were found out, showing signs of seizure, sealed the golden alchemy, and were sent to heaven.Everyone in Fang Juemen is in danger.

After Wei Keng took over Danfeng, these disciples of Danfeng sought protection from the new head.

And Wei Keng also knew that this was the elder Taishang testing himself.

As a result, Wei Keng took over the position of the head of the sect, and then poured out his alchemy. Except for the golden pill, those pills that were slowly refined during the alchemy stage were handed over to these sects. appointed disciples.

As long as the Zongmen can rest assured (Wei Keng) that the unique knowledge of alchemy is being spread in the Zongmen, then Wei Keng will not be held back.

The chaos in the realm of comprehension has developed to a whole new level. In the middle of the Daxuan Dynasty, Yulingmen, a sect with six Nascent Souls, the formation of the mountain gate was destroyed.

Afterwards, at least two Nascent Soul stage strongmen from the outer sea area snatched the treasure house, and then fled under the siege of three Nascent Soul stage monks. Infant period, so that it cannot escape from the Nascent Soul and rebuild.

After the inspection, it was found that the important spiritual object of the Yuling Sect, Qiyun Wutong, was completely cut off. Such vile methods finally aroused the same hatred among the Zhengzhou mainland sects.

Fang Juemen also gave a heavy response at this time: The group of people caught in his own door also set up preparations for breaking the ban in his door, which is similar to the methods of these monks in Yulingmen.This is a standard overseas method based on the demon pill to release the fluctuation of spiritual power to break the prohibition of the formation.

With all kinds of formation-breaking techniques overseas, if you can break the Yuling Sect today, you will be able to break other sects in the future.

At this time, the cumulative karma of the sins committed by the overseas monks was finally collectively fed back to the Six Sects of Yunling who opened the Immortal Cultivation Teleportation Formation.Even though the Yunling Six Sects claimed at this time that they were fighting demonic monks, defending the righteousness of the world, and guarding one side of mortal beings.But who told them to stand on the opposite side of all sects now.

What is justice? Justice is the protection of common interests.

In rural areas, every household has a dog. If the dog is stolen, then keep an eye on the van outside to guard against dog thieves.

On the contrary, in the city, where public places are rare, partly occupied by square dancing, and dog poop is left behind by walking the dog, then it is justice to crack down on "keeping dogs without a license and not leading dogs".

At this time, among the various sects in the world of cultivating immortals, which family has no immovable spiritual objects?

Several generations of local monks conceived a good thing that took thousands of years to condense on the spiritual vein.Cut it off with this sword!
This is much more resonant than when a farmer finds out that his dog, which he has raised for several years, has been stolen and sold for meat.

...Wei Keng: Cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals, and finally working hard for profit, no different from ordinary people...

All sects and sects could not catch these monks running around, and controlled the teleportation array, and the Yunling Six Sects, which kept letting monks from the alien sea in, became a catharsis.

At this time, Jing Yuzhen of Fang Juemen also revealed his identity as a great monk, and got the response of many Nascent Soul Stages in the entire Daxuan Dynasty. The 27 Yuanying joined hands to deal with the six Yunling sects, and all of them overwhelmed the Yunling six sects for a while.

Regarding this phenomenon, Wei Keng conducted a sociological analysis: overthrowing a sect is equivalent to a large-scale zero-yuan purchase. As long as a sect shows signs of being "incorrect" and a strong leader takes the lead, it will be a collective robbery. It happened.

Looking back now, Fang Juemen’s grand elders have been holding back all the time, making the radical monks in the alchemy stage of the sect unable to understand why they have been restraining when they clearly crushed the six Yunling sects due to the strength of their own sect. !It is clear now.

The number of long-lasting "Yuanying" in the sect and whether there are great monks are of course very important.

Sometimes when the power comes, don't just end it.Relying on vertical and horizontal maneuvers and external forces can maximize the benefits.

Wei Keng: In terms of political operations, people's history books often record that it is the feat of the weak who successfully survived through diplomacy.

For example: Xian Gao offers cattle to withdraw from the Qin division, but in fact the stronger side often uses "smart" strength to make waves among them.

...Compile the prelude, and then succeed in the test.Why continue to inherit the business at the beginning, but seek to be different? …

In order to prevent the house from being stolen.Jing Yuzhen closed the big formation tightly and stayed behind the elite forces.And this time happened to be the time when Wei Keng's refined elixir was successful.

On the day when the elixir was released, there was a rainbow-like star formation over the sect, and clouds of purple air lingered around Lianfeng.

Wei Keng took care of the sect's most precious row of alchemy furnaces alone, while the alchemists selected by the elders of the Zongmen were hundreds of feet away, watching and observing, as if they wanted to learn a little bit.

However, Wei Keng made a big move!A large number of spirit-gathering runes hit the surrounding six-thousand-foot space,

These spirit-gathering runes generally gather twice as much spirit energy at the same cost as spirit stones.At the same time, the aura gathered is targeted, some are easier to cultivate, some are easier to make alchemy, and some can slowly help the fairy grass to cultivate the spirit within a few years!

This is another cost-reducing technological breakthrough when Wei Keng refined pills on a large scale while cultivating spiritual herbs in the past ten years. (It is also where the skills of alchemy masters lie.)
Now, Wei Keng is also the first time to activate this kind of "charm array" on a large scale.

The land of hundreds of kilometers of the entire sect is shrouded in talisman light. Compared with the talisman used by one or two peaks before, the scale of this talisman array is the same as the engineering gap between the stone arch bridge in ancient times and the Yangtze River Bridge in modern times. The engineering details involved here are incomparable!

Inside the sect, a member of the alchemy stage, on his mountain peak, watched this scene of "Yingshanhong"'s talisman field, one by one silently comprehending.

Wei Keng's "Tao Fa Tong Xuan", pills, talismans, and formations have reached the level that ordinary monks can't hope to reach. Fang Juezong's disciples have a guess that this is a reincarnation of a high-level monk from the upper world.

System: With the assistance of my computing system, there is nothing difficult, um, in fact, this is the benefit of the "unified natural physics system"!It can also be called "asking the sky to prove the Tao" in the vocabulary of cultivating immortals.

As an untalented middle-aged man in the 21st century, I grew up in an atmosphere where a lot of Yilin reader magazines bragged about the technology of the first-developed countries, and then in these flashy bragging, I witnessed the "bumps made in China" point by point. The rise of the drop, so there is some "earthy patience"

Wei Keng first established a cognitive framework, and then built on this framework, bit by bit, the application system of runes, elixirs, and formations.

In this way, every skill at the beginning is far inferior to those accumulated empiricism, but in this frame link, no matter it is runes, elixirs, formations, geomancy, astrology, etc., any breakthrough in all arts of cultivation has discovered a new one. All phenomena can be fed back to other technical systems through this cognitive framework.

After Wei Keng has a little understanding of various systems, he has gradually accumulated unique skills in all aspects!
These unique skills may not have advantages in small alchemy furnaces and small-scale drawing runes, but they can produce qualitative changes in large-scale projects!

Because of the whole set of formations, runes, and geomancy, the joint production system of adjusting spiritual veins, producing spiritual herbs, and elixirs is too big and too focused, these alchemists in Fang Juemen are blind at this time,
The things they could see clearly were very simple, such as Wei Keng's method of controlling the fire and the method of taking elixirs, both of which were the middle-class techniques in the alchemy world.But they can't understand a lot of system solutions.

Wei Keng used middle-class alchemy techniques, but it seemed to move the rhythm of heaven and earth.

At the same time, the star array in the sky seems to be involved in the stabilization of aura at this time, which is equivalent to super-class!This is so clever and clumsy.

...The array is constantly changing, and the timescales on the array are being carried out bit by bit, Wei Keng has no distractions...

The huge aura focused in the rune array converged into the alchemy furnace just like the orderly ignition of nuclear fusion lasers.

At this moment, each of the pill furnaces unfolded a group of prism-like instruments like a Transformer, and finally focused like a microwave oven light-this technology is explosive.

The alchemist was also shocked by the series of magic weapon structures on the last alchemy furnace, but later discovered that this is the magic weapon structure, which has the same effect as the pill congealing spell in their formula for collecting alchemy.

It's just that most alchemists are accustomed to using skills to complete it, so Wei Keng specially refined the magic weapon. Of course, it's normal to think about it. Dozens of alchemy furnaces, no matter how proficient the alchemy method is, it will consume personal operation , these magic tools can lower some alchemist's operating threshold.

However, if this magic weapon falls outside, no one may know what these metal fan-like magic weapons are for!

Various old industrial products in the 21st century are also difficult to recognize. In the era of smart phones, [-]% of early fax machine paper rolls would not recognize them. In the process of industrial development, a large number of special parts will be created.The ability to design and produce is the "manufacturing" ability of civilization.

During the perfect fitting process of the formation and the magic weapon, pills rushed out of the furnace one by one, and the moment they came out, there was an extremely weak star in the starry sky, washed the pills, and then returned to the furnace, the pill furnace With one breath, he continued to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy, which made the core of the elixir pure, and the grade of the pill rose from a mere pill to a higher grade!
"Huh", "Hiss", this technique made the alchemists can't help but marvel, or gasp!

Wei Keng also explained this trick to Zongmen a little bit.

Every building in the sect is located in the foundation building period to record astrological information, in order to use the best astronomical movement once in ten years, the starlight to refine the ammunition and release the erysipelas.At another point in time, if the starlight is intense, the elixir will collapse, but if it is quenched, the erysipelas cannot be pulled out.

However, it was so harsh that most alchemists shook their heads and sighed.If you want to be proficient in formations, you also need to calculate celestial phenomena to make alchemy, which is beyond their scope.

Wei Keng also sighed: These foundations are the most difficult to get started.Only by making it smaller and more integrated can they be willing to use it.

Similar to the digitization of the most primitive pager communication at the end of the 21th century in modern times, this seems to be primitive, and it is not something that second-rate countries are capable of doing.In the [-]st century, only when industrial countries export complete sets of base stations, satellites, and sell mobile phones, will these countries use mobile phone software to fight digital warfare.

Wei Keng: Only when the technology is further integrated in the future, will these monks with insufficient morality be able to use it.

For example, the essence of Wei Keng's spirit lotus that stimulates the production of medicine, is it replaced by a small bottle of Taoism?

Or integrate the Xinggang tempering pill mode of this large formation into a "star sea" that can be placed in the dantian, and borrow starlight anytime and anywhere to temper pills?
Of course, if these things are really produced, they are the so-called "treasures" in the cultivation world, but for Wei Keng, if they are produced, they will be of no use to him at that time.

It can only show that my technology has arrived, and this is just a small milestone on the road.

 No need to wait at night, it will be updated in the morning on Monday

(End of this chapter)

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