out of cage

Chapter 999 Blood disaster, summoning demons

Chapter 999 Blood disaster, summoning demons
The blood disaster appeared in Xiuxian Continent, and the unknown existence went all the way north, massacring a large number of mortal cities.This blood path was discovered by the Daxuan Dynasty, and they immediately dispatched Nascent Soul monks to block it, but out of the three Nascent Souls sent out, two were destroyed, and one was polluted by blood evil, and escaped back.

The Nascent Soul who escaped confirmed one thing, that is, the shape of the blood demon is uncertain, sometimes it appears as a young man, sometimes it appears as an old man, and its overall cultivation has not broken through the upper limit of the mortal world, only the Nascent Soul stage, But it is indestructible, it seems to be just a projection, after it is eliminated, it will come out again from the depths of the earth soon.

After thousands of miles of blood swept across the land, all the way to the north, on thousands of kilometers of land, plants turned blood, fruits turned into skeletons, and people and animals died.The human city is still there, but the blood mist blows up every night. If people accidentally inhale it, they will become zombie-like, berserk creatures.Only poisonous insects are left in the busy streets of the past, and the wooden window edges along the street are now covered with bones.

This disaster made the monks in the comprehension world furious, and then the various sects began to encircle and suppress this existence.Fang Juemen also sent monks, but they escaped again at the source of the bloody disaster that caused thousands of miles of restlessness.The ancestors of the Yuanying in the cultivation world also knew the source of this mutation, which is called "the ancestor of the blood pool". , the body can always maintain the same repair as the indestructible body, and the speed of blood escape is extremely fast.

Immediately after this monster escaped, it began to take revenge on many sects. In this continent, there are ancestors of the God Transformation Stage, but this monster has always been able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and did not let the God Transformation Stage encounter it.

... Wei Keng's Xinggang surveying and mapping system still has a lag when locking on to this abnormal turmoil...

Fang Juemen, the fifth year when Jing Yuzhen's ancestor's soul lamp disappeared, during this window period, it was supposed to be used to refine high-level pills, but at this time, Wei Keng just hastily refined some useful medicines. The elixir for repairing the loss of foundation in the alchemy stage, and the elixir for helping the nascent infant stage restore mana and consciousness.

On the Pill Peak, spiritual energy surged, an old man glanced at everything around him, and all the alchemy cultivators bowed their heads silently. This old man was Zhang Chengcheng, the Supreme Elder of the Zongmen Yuanying Middle Stage.

He is mobilizing the power of the big formation to gather the stars.In the entire formation, strands of pure star power fell beside the alchemy furnace, just like the running water flowing non-stop when a restaurant chef opened fire. Zhang Chengcheng glanced at the kid Wei Keng beside him.

The prohibition combination from the pill furnace is rapidly rotating with the formation and astrology in the sect, and the pill energy has become pure under the washing of the power of the stars, and the prototypes of high-grade pills in the pill furnace are condensing
At this time, Wei Keng is controlling the elixir needed by these Jindan monks. In terms of quality control, he has been able to control it to the lowest level of mid-grade. Among them, if he is willing to add two more top-grade spirit stones when customizing, he can steadily produce high-grade. .

At this time, there is a blood disaster in the world of cultivating immortals.Those special medicines for quenching evil spirits and clearing spiritual consciousness are now in short supply in the cultivation world.And only the alchemy master can guarantee the top-grade alchemy rate.

However, there are only a handful of great masters of alchemy, either wandering or retreating, it is difficult to meet.But Fang Juemen is relatively better here. When large-scale alchemy will be carried out, it is determined by the sect's large array of earth spirits and the arrangement of stars. This is predictable, as long as it goes there on time.

During the window period of several months for alchemy, the amount of pills equivalent to ten years of other alchemy masters can be completed at one time, and disciples from various sects and sects come to pay homage.

Although Fang Juemen's alchemy ceremony once every few years is not as good as the baby's promotion ceremony, there are far more congratulatory guests from various sects than in the baby's ceremony.After all, compared with the enthusiasm of dating, how can it compare with the enthusiasm of seeking opportunities.

Inside Fang Juemen, a Confucian scholar and a female cultivator came here, and these two ignored Fang Juemen's formation and directly entered the core.

This is because these two are both cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, and they had a relationship with the founder of Fang Juemen, so they have the tokens to pass the formation of the mountain gate.

Although the cultivator of Huashen has a high level of cultivation, for Wei Keng, this site has been managed by himself for many years, and the Taoist on the other side has not yet been able to fully act as a master of the world.

Chu Dingchao (male) sighed slightly: "That little friend already knows we are coming." Su Panxi, a female cultivator with hair like a waterfall, looked up at the stars in the sky: "This magnetic power is interesting."

After ten years, Wei Keng has used more and more methods of star gang and magnetic source power. The arrangement of his star gang and geopolitical formations on the thousands of miles of land centered on Fang Juemen is like a power station in the 21st century. Build more and more. …

In the sect, Wei Keng picked up a high-grade Chuangyou Pill, facing the alchemist and said: "This pill can protect a person's life. But the way of heaven is irreversible."

This alchemy seeker is a female cultivator in the alchemy stage. She came to seek alchemy for her husband. His husband has been corpse, and there is only a glimmer of life under the protection of the heart amulet. This female cultivator is everywhere. Guo Zai learned that the great master Fang Juemen just started alchemy, so he came here with his last hope.

When Wei Keng saw this female cultivator who gave almost all of her family resources, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: In the cultivation world, the relationship between monks and monks is cold. They are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in disasters. This true love is really rare .

So Wei Keng didn't mention that top-grade spirit pills must use top-grade spirit stones, but just accepted her as a reward to help her refine this elixir.

Chuangyou Pill is reincarnated from life to death, and then reincarnated from death.The last ray of life of the living will be protected by Danli, and then the thunder will start to be triggered, if they can't survive it, it will dissipate, and if it passes, then the vitality will reappear.

The nun thanked her and left. The zombie couldn't speak out at this time, but seeing his lover so attached to him, there was obviously something moving on his corpse's face, and Wei Keng could see that he was so attached to him. Something seemed to sprout in my heart.

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Keng hesitated for a moment about what he was going to take out, but finally took it out: "Wait a minute, Chuangyou Pill, I still need a supplementary medicine, give him this medicine .”

Wei Keng opened the box, and in the box was a elixir lingering with the luster of purple thunder.Wei Keng walked up to the zombie, sighed, and said to the male monk with his spiritual sense: "Cultivating the Tao is like refining the mind, you have to let her have no regrets."

After finishing speaking and looking at the time, Wei Keng went to another alchemy furnace and began to take alchemy.Today's work needs to be done on time.

…Under the collision of the geomagnetic element and the star gang, all kinds of vitality are directly evolved, and all kinds of vitality, like the classification of lines, enter the formations on the top and bottom of Danfeng...

Two hours later, Wei Keng and Dan's first stage ended.He bowed his hands to greet the two seniors.

Chu Dingchao said: "Little friend is also a man of temperament." Just now, when he saw Wei Keng giving Chuangyou Pill, the auxiliary pill he gave was actually the "Xiaodu'e" pill. What is needed to make the Thunder Dao Magical Artifact is no less valuable than the unpopular elixir of Chuangyou Pill.

Wei Keng seemed to be unable to escape his sadness and said: "The elixir that comes out is to play a role. No loss, no loss."

Su Panxi: "My little friend hesitated for a moment, why? I don't think you are reluctant."

Wei Kengmo then said: "That (zombified) male cultivator actually has the will to die!"

This is because he didn't want to drag his lover down and prepare to kill himself directly, so after Chuangyou Pill ushered in the catastrophe, he tried to turn into ashes.Wei Keng's hesitation lies in whether to fulfill him.But after thinking about it, the best result is that the two can help each other.So after giving him the elixir, he secretly persuaded the male cultivator to accompany the female cultivator to go down, to heal people as well as the heart.

Of course, after doing this, Wei Keng's state of mind is also complete. It can be regarded as the best result for one thing under the circumstances of his own ability.

The two soul-transforming stage nods their heads, the other feels disappointed. They have cultivated to their level, and they are already at the top of the human world. Shouyuan is also extraordinary. Just go through the vitality calamity once every 500 years.

Theoretically, as long as you keep going through the vitality calamity, you can live forever, but in fact, the vitality calamity will become stronger and stronger. After [-] vitality calamities, it will be difficult to resist in the late stage of transformation.

...Wei Keng: This cycle also needs to be recorded...

The reason for coming here in the stage of transforming gods is for the joint twisting of demons from various sects on the mainland.And this strangler will be damaged, and if there is damage, a panacea must be prepared.

Wei Keng's alchemy has changed from small to large, and he has deployed a heaven and earth spirit array for Wei Keng to ensure that Wei Keng can relax as much as possible when he mobilizes the magic and spiritual power of the sect formation.

And these two seniors asked Fang Juemen to refine the elixirs, some of the elixir of the Nascent Soul Stage, including top-level elixirs such as Du'er elixir and Tianyuan elixir. Wei Keng looked at the elixirs and frowned, because After the spirit grass on the alchemy was split into low-level spirit grass, the scale was huge, and the series of "synthetic elixir" that I am now accumulating in the pill furnace can only satisfy five of the elixirs.And the synthetic steps are difficult.

However, Wei Keng still thought too much, and the two spirit transformation phases prepared spiritual herbs for Wei Keng.

Wei Keng calculated the process and it can be completed within a month.

Chu Dingchao: "Are you sure? I have asked others, these six pills, one step at a time is wrong."

Wei Keng thought for a while: "If the two seniors protect me, and the ground veins in the surrounding mountain gates are stable, I'm [-]% sure!"

Wei Keng's alchemy is a precise process, and Wei Keng's process of tempering Tai'a sword in the starry sky at this time is far more complicated than this alchemy.As for what the two God Transformation Stages want these pills for, Wei Keng has no way of knowing. After Fang Juemen Jing Yuzhen, the Elder of Fang Juemen, went west, Fang Juemen will continue to hide his strength and bide his time, forming a good cause with the two Spirit Transformation Stages Good fruit is the best.

But then, Chu Dingchao revealed their intention.Wei Keng thought for a moment, then nodded.

The meaning of the two transformation gods is to use Wei Keng as bait to lure the blood demon born because of the evil energy of the earth veins! ——This method is indeed somewhat dangerous. If Wei Keng has no means, he will definitely be upset.

In the entire comprehension world, only Wei Keng is now comfortable with the power of Xinggang, and only Xinggang can baptize the polluted veins.

Two months later, Wei Keng passed down his own rune and spell system to the Zongmen, and burned the entire alchemy rune system under the cliff of the Zongmen with starlight. The method of space cracks is enough to keep these inscriptions for hundreds of thousands of years.

The reason why he was so solemn was that Wei Keng realized that he might be leaving again!
After everything was ready, Wei Keng began to refine the elixir. At this time, the great formation of the sect was fully unfolded, and the spiritual veins within a thousand kilometers were also extremely active at this time. Spiritual power.Such terrestrial fluctuations have affected thousands of kilometers.

When a creature grows to an extreme, a gram is bound to appear. Wei Keng has already discovered that every time his cultivation base increases greatly, he somehow senses that the breath of heaven and earth converges towards the other side from his corresponding existence...

In the south, in a cave, the Gorefiend who was enjoying the service of the blood-clothed beauties suddenly paused. The beauties beside him sensed the stagnation of the Lord, and retreated hesitantly. These beauties were all mortals. After slaughtering the city, he forcibly poured the spiritual energy of the earth into these followers, and those who survived became Shura.

These Shura middle-aged men have strong physiques, their bodies are covered with bone spurs, and their muscles are like bronze.Women's skin is pale and beautiful.

At this time, the blood demon born in the dragon veins of the earth was staring at the north, obviously very greedy.

In the realm of self-cultivation, monks have the opportunity to purify their innate spirit during their cultivation.
Because in these processes, the power of the star gang descends and quenches the aura of heaven and earth, forming a pure spiritual power that enters the monk's body.In addition, during the process of ascending to the upper realm of Xiantai, monks will also undergo a tempering process.However, when a monk advances, he only gets a small amount of low-concentration stars.

And for a polluted ley line to be refined, it also needs a high concentration of star power.This is often a sudden change in the law of heaven and earth every few hundred thousand years.

The Juemen below is man-made for this kind of ground vein tempering. In the scene that the Gorefiend who is also a ground vein can see, in the direction of Fang Juemen, a starlight chain hangs down from the sky. The earth veins and sky phenomena are like a pulse. Mutual rhythm.

And Wei Keng himself can even climb the pole to the outer layer of the mulch from here, and swim on the star gang.

This blood demon also wanted to ascend to the upper realm at this time, but his body was too turbid, but his only chance was Wei Keng.

Now, when he saw the pure "innate spiritual creature" under the star gang there, he was very eager.

But he could sense that there was great danger there.When the warning signs of "danger" and "desire" conflict with each other, irritability will come out. He tore the graceful maid beside him into pieces, and shot out a large amount of blood mist amidst tender screams.The monster smacked and devoured it.

Suddenly showing a dangerous smile, he is ready to seek wealth and wealth.

...In other words, every time a great demon from the upper realm descends, it will also stimulate the growth of some characters in the mortal realm, and then they will be born in response to the catastrophe. …

Fang Juemen's Pill Fire, Ground Formation, and Charm Formation were operating alternately on the huge formation, with aura flickering.

In the special pill furnace in the center of the formation, the six pills handed over by the God Transformation Stage are slowly taking shape.Special spiritual rhythms pulsate in the protection of the pill furnace outer formation.

At this time, when Wei Keng watched these pills being refined, he suddenly felt a rhythm. After Wei Keng raised his hand and tapped somewhere in the Xinggang, he faintly noticed that these pills seemed to be different from the other pills he had already observed. A "star" (Zhengzhou Xiuxian Continent relative to another Xiuxian Continent) corresponds to each other.

However, there was no time to study it. The God Transformation Period reminded that someone was coming. Wei Keng checked the cross-boundary teleportation array inside the mountain gate. This formation was built by the God Transformation for himself.

Outside the Zongmen, a crimson crane was flying towards the Zongmen. At this moment, the spirit beast was covered with densely packed worms. These worms spread out their black wings, perfectly covering the aura.

After the crane landed, it changed into Jing Yuzhen's appearance.Looking at the mountain gate information obtained from his soul search memory, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

And at the same time, the Jingyu True Soul Lamp in Fang Jue's room lit up again!Only this time the soul lamp turned red.

...The soul returns, but the root of man is not that root...

Six days later, Wei Keng met the Supreme Elder in an ordinary tavern six hundred miles away from Fang Juemen.

Jing Yuzhen looked very satisfied with Wei Keng's expression. The sect's growth today is very tyrannical.However, Wei Keng looked at the elder who had come back from the dead.It's complicated inside.

Wei Keng knew that this was indeed Jing Yuzhen, the wreckage from the Gorefiend.It's just that there is no self-core, and it has been possessed by demons and has become a blood demon puppet, and this is the terrifying aspect of demon skills.

When meeting Wei Keng, the elder of Fang Juemen was watching everything on the bustling mortal streets. When Wei Keng arrived, he looked away and set up a ban with his disguised orthodox mana, and the entire hotel was soon empty. One person, even the slightly drunk wine guest consciously paid the bill and left.

Wei Keng paid respects to the elder Fang Juemen in accordance with sect etiquette, and asked: "Elder Taishang called me urgently, what's the matter?"

Jing Yuzhen made a request: "Nephew Wei, I have found a good place to redeploy the Xinggang formation."

After thinking about it for a while, Wei Keng nodded, and this has already passed the plan of the two gods.

Wei Keng got on the spirit boat of the Supreme Elder. Wei Keng looked at the damage on the spirit boat, then looked at the Supreme Elder, and asked a question: "Fellow Daoist Jing, dare to ask, is it the first time you see me?" , there should be several ideas, right?"

Jing Yuzhen's eyes twitched, and a trace of blood flickered.

Wei Keng sighed: "You don't care about your deeds, you don't care about your deeds! People are complicated, one thought becomes a demon, and one thought leads to Tao."

...The Jing Yuzhen in front of Wei Keng is still Jing Yuzhen, but it is Jing Yuzhen with the demonic thought...

What is the devil?The devil is unrestricted self-interest in the heart. "Indifference, double standards, trampling, negligence, greed, overdraft, and excessive love" are all in everyone's heart.

After Wei Keng worshiped the Entrance Sect for many years, Jing Yuzhen acted like a master, treating Wei Keng as a disciple of the sect, rather than squeezing it dry into medicine dregs.This is Jing Yuzhen's benevolent thoughts dominating.

But "when we first met" doesn't mean that Jing Yu really didn't think about restraining Wei Keng's soul and turning it into a private property.But that thought was suppressed by Dao Xin, that is "magic thought".

Now, the "Jing Yuzhen" that Wei Keng saw at this time is the existence gathered by those evil thoughts!

(End of this chapter)

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