Chapter 1
Great Tang Dynasty, majestic China.Jinge Lixing is the envy of the world.

This is a great and revered dynasty. The founding ancestor of the country started from his infancy. He only wanted to cultivate the fields and take care of his parents.In order to protect the lives of the whole family under the tyrannical government, the Taizu and his fellow countrymen beheaded cattle to form an alliance, swore to the sky, and vowed to return the world to a bright and peaceful world.

With this belief in mind, Taizu overcame obstacles for sixteen years, finally wiped out evil spirits, created Qingping, and named the country: Huatang.

In this prosperous age, the world is supposed to be calm, with regular actions, but you must know that yin and yang co-exist, and light and dark complement each other.Even the majestic Mount Tai still has a dark side, not to mention this vast and chaotic world.

Let's just say that the security guard, except for the yamen who patrols on a daily basis, although there are arrest stations everywhere, he is the leader of the gangsters who act as eyes and ears.After all, likes know each other!These people even have a well-known nickname, commonly known as "the wicked mill".

Even the peaceful yamen is like this, let alone the mortal world.

And our story begins here.

(End of this chapter)

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