Chapter 7
After walking for a while, this Nianji groaned secretly in his heart, only to see that all he could see were weeds and vines, all of which did not reach the bend of his legs, besides, there was no field at all, how could he find someone like this.But he had no choice but to grit his teeth and hurry on his way, who would have thought that the journey would take two days and one night, the hunger in his stomach was nothing to worry about, only his eyeballs were stained with blood, his face was like a stone sculpture, without any trace of human dignity.But thanks to the residents here, they are used to seeing these shapes, and finally they are able to settle down.

After resting for one night, when I inquired about it the next day, I found out that this barren land was originally not very famous. Therefore, he suffered a dark crime.As for this place, it is the largest city in Yinluo, named Jihe.Take the meaning of the integration of the four seas and the harmony of the group.Therefore, although there is a wasteland on the top, it is a place where the world circulates, and the southeast trade sect.There are poems to prove it: the southeast opens the door, and the world is prosperous; the sea toad lies on the wall, and the clouds are scattered in all directions; the deep-eyed eagle nose is bustling with visitors from all directions;

Hearing this, Nian Ji couldn't help but rise up, I can't think of what kind of city can afford the southeast gate!So I took Xing to tour the city.I saw that: 36 sea trips, full of sailors.Every day, how many strange things pass by.The price has been sitting low all day but still high, has there ever been a market?Don't be a philistine, don't you see that you can know thousands of miles at the age of three, and you can write Zhenhai essays at the age of five!It's really a place where Zhong Linghui is beautiful, a hometown of wealth and gluttony!
As he was walking, he only felt a movement in his waist, and he grabbed it with his backhand, but it was a dirty little hand. Seeing that it was a beggar, he couldn't help but said angrily: "This city is so prosperous, where can't you find food, but come to do such a job That's true." "You are so old, but why do you act like this?" He could only hear him trying to imitate adults: "If you return to adults, you will never get it. It's just that Grandpa is sick and desperate." As he said that, the teardrops in his eyes were already full.Seeing such a situation, I believed six points in my heart, and said: "I know some medical skills, why don't you take me to have a look."So he followed the little beggar and walked all the way to the southwest corner.Along the way, he also knew that it was because this little doll was unwilling to make a living, because he thought who would accept a five or six-year-old handyman?Even if you accept it, it is only worth one meal a day.At first, my grandpa was taking care of it, and I was able to fill my stomach every day, but now my grandpa has collapsed, and the last time I ate leftovers was yesterday morning.Hearing this, he sighed secretly.

After about a cup of tea, I only heard what the doll said.When I looked it over, it turned out to be a ruined temple on a barren hill outside the city. It seemed that there were few pilgrims, and the walls seemed to have collapsed.Entering the temple gate, turn left to a thatched-roofed wing, which is where his grandfather lives at the moment.He entered the door for consultation, looked at his complexion, and took his pulse. It turned out that when his grandfather was pulling the cart three days ago, it happened to be raining, and the heat and cold had already left a hidden danger at that time. At that time, he didn't care about it, and he didn't return until sunset, but it happened that the firewood was already wet, so he simply didn't boil hot water, and just lay down like this, and he was already old, so half his life was gone .

He prescribed some prescriptions to dispel the cold and recuperate, and gave him some scattered silver to fetch the medicine.I don't mention it since I went to find crock pots and build small stoves.But he said that the little beggar weighed another rice porridge after grabbing the medicine, and then ran back in a hurry, and offered the remaining silver with both hands, but it was four cents and three cents. "You didn't bring any food for yourself!" "Except for the rice porridge for grandpa, here is the rest." "But it's not very pedantic!" "The grace of saving lives is like the sky, how can we spend more The benefactor's money!" Hearing these words, Nian Ji's eyes lit up, and before he could reply, the little doll said: "If there is Lingyun in the future, I, Sun Jili, will repay this kindness!" "Girl Every family, how ugly is this name?" "Please benefactor to give me a name" "Then why not call it Sun Kexin!"Just wait for a moment of turmoil, and the world will hear this name from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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