Heroes dare not do

Chapter 74 Untitled, each has its own life

Chapter 74 Untitled, each has its own life
After a long while, he straightened his mind, and his face gradually became radiant. He slowly stood up while supporting the back of the chair. Seeing that the accumulated energy and blood were consumed by [-]% in a flash, he thought about the scenery in the daytime I don't think it's a wry smile.

Just playing Wu Qin Xi there to soothe the muscles and bones, and looked at Li's house in the south of the city for no reason.Considering that this is another year of Double Ninth Festival, he had to pretend to be an adopted son to comfort the two elders at the beginning.Then check and check the softness in the house, just waiting for the Ming Dynasty to tie a neat gift box.

"It's just because of Dad." "What's the matter? But it's the same, but it's even more difficult to find a good son-in-law, and the love is long!"

This side room is on the hour to order the things that should be delivered tomorrow, but the hairy Da'er in the other side room can't bear it anymore, "Grandpa, why did Brother Nian specially prepare these scattered banknotes? And grandpa, you are still very useful?" I saw the old man caressing the top of the baby's head, and said with a light smile, "This is exactly Brother Nian's delicate thoughts and caring for others!"

Seeing the ignorant look on the baby's face, he said carefully, "Think about it, if the two of us hold the 80 [-] taels bank note, where can we cash it? I'm afraid they will be taken with them at night." Throw away all the straw mats!" Seeing that the child seemed to have realized something, he said earnestly and sincerely: "It seems that there are only six or seven or eight taels of scattered silver bills, and there is no more danger of carrying them."

In the next day, Nianji arranged for two servant girls to take care of them during the day early in the morning. This was to take care of the three pigs and fishes that had been prepared yesterday, and bought them from Xishi along the way. Some fresh fruits, and then went to Qinrenfang to weigh the chrysanthemum and lotus seeds, and had the right to sip some wine with the elders.

It's just that the wine reaches half a cup, and the dishes have five flavors.But he said that the two brothers have both been promoted to the rank of military academy lieutenant, although each only governs eight or nine people, but they are both considerate and confidant of the general, and they can do things at the same time, which is more advantageous.

It's just how the old man could see the only two flesh and blood rolling around in the pile of dead people, so he insisted that one of them must come back.It's just that the young man was in high spirits, and in the end it was the old man who made the final decision, so he wrote the letter back home reluctantly.

Calculating the schedule, there is still about the end of March.The youngest son, Li Hu, should also return to his hometown in fine clothes.

Just lamenting the old man's comprehensiveness, he also complimented him for his completeness.Just as he was waiting to say that he would be able to flourish in just a short time, it happened that there was a visitor in the front hall.

He hurriedly greeted him, and it happened that he belonged to the branch of his family, named San Xun.As soon as they met, they smiled and bowed their heads, and said in praise: "Since little brother Nian came to live in Yinluo, my uncle's courtyard is quite lively during the festivals!" , "Don't mention this, don't mention this!"

Seeing that San Xun was taken aback for a moment, he then turned around and brought up the topic here.The big thorn took out a pair of roast geese from the middle of the slightly smaller gift box and put them on the table, and the rest was placed in the hall on the left.

While talking about the scenery in the mountains, the shadow of the sun turned to the west in a short while.I was going to take each other to step on the dike outside the west gate to enjoy the chrysanthemums, but I didn't want to say that brother Nian would be overwhelmed with alcohol as soon as he went out, and the young couple went home first with each other.

Knowing his daily situation, no one is surprised.I was quite surprised that he drank these glasses of water and wine very much.

On the road, by chance, I ran into Mr. Da'er again. Seeing his blushing face, he hurriedly went to the shop on the street and asked for a bowl of sour plums to hangover.Because he was talking about what he had just heard, he unexpectedly said that old man Su suddenly said: "The young master San Xun is quite famous in Yin Luo, and he is always willing to do what he wants, and he is good at wielding a full moon like a long sword. Although he has never been a hero Qi, but he doesn't care about trifles in his usual life!"

"No wonder! No wonder!" "What is brother Nian referring to?" "A few trivial things, nothing to worry about!" After saying that, he took another sip, "By the way, Mr. Su, you found this soup to drink, it's really good, aftertaste Shengjin."

After returning home, I pressed the three acupuncture points on the bottom of the foot, and only then did I relieve the alcoholism during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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