Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 101 Countdown to this Volume

Chapter 101 Countdown to this Volume
"Tongtong, why are you posting the video at this time? It must be one o'clock in the morning over there?" In the general manager's office of Bonjavi Supermarket, a video call popped up on the phone of Old Sun, who was frantically shopping for gifts, and sent a video It is his daughter Sun Tong.

"Dad, I'm not in Yili for a long time. I'm at the lighthouse now, twisting my waist." Sun Tong said at the other end of the video, "It's past seven in the morning on my side, and I just woke up."

"Didn't you go to Europe? Why did you go to the lighthouse again?" Old Sun boss was taken aback.

"Oh, don't worry about it!" Sun Tong waved his hand, "I want to ask you something, Dad, do you know that we have a new Tiangu band in Ji'an?"

"Wow!" the old grandson was happy, "I know too well, girl, the Tengu band is sponsored by your father and I, and I witnessed the whole process of their becoming famous with my own eyes. Let me tell you this, your father and I are Their bole!"

The old grandson looked smug, as if you were going to praise me.

However, Sun Tong's focus was not on this aspect. She widened her eyes instantly, and asked eagerly with surprise on her face, "Really? Then do you know the one who plays the drums, Dad?"

"Eleventh, you said?" the old grandson said with a smile.

"So his name is Eleven? Is that his stage name?" Sun Tong's eyes brightened, "Then what's his real name?"

"Su Yi, Su from Suzhou, B from A, B, C, D." The old sun said, "What? You think he is handsome too, don't you? Let me tell you, girl, this guy is nice and has a future, I almost worshiped him Be a teacher."

"You? Do you worship him as a teacher? Goose goose..." Sun Tong's eyes widened, and he couldn't help laughing suddenly.

"Okay, the big goose is here again." The old grandson joked.

"If you are interested in them, go to the short video platform right now, and there will be their live broadcast." Old Sun said.

"Really?" Sun Tong jumped up in surprise, "Yeah, that's great! Goodbye dad!"


The old grandson's smile froze on his face.

Is it that fast?
A distant lighthouse.

Sun Tong couldn't wait to open the short video app, and found the live broadcast room of the Tengu Band. When he clicked in, he happened to see Su Yi's face.

Her heart suddenly beat violently.

"Oh——" her eyes turned into peach hearts, she covered her chest as if she was about to die, and cried out in a trembling voice, "You are so handsome! Why did I let you go at the beginning?"

She thinks fate is simply amazing.

The boy who claimed to have the word "Sao" tattooed on his chest, but ended up with only a single dot, the boy who claimed to be going on a pilgrimage to Ji'an, the boy who obviously had some kind of interest in her but didn't say anything Son.

She left a deep impression on Su Yi.

She once thought that that encounter was a beautiful encounter, meeting inadvertently, and then parting without any intersection.

But she never expected that Su Yi would break into her sight again in such a way after a lapse of more than twenty days.

This feeling is simply too wonderful, too dreamy.

Dreaming of this person on the screen in front of her, directly occupying her entire atrium, she can't linger on it anymore.

"No, I want to go back to Ji'an! I'll be back today!"

At the end of the live broadcast room that night, Su Yi and the others sang four songs, namely "Lonely", "The Road", "Songs Written by Ding Jianguo" and "Your Answer", which made the fans addicted.

And after nearly three hours of live broadcast, there are more than [-] million Ruanmei coins just for receiving gifts and rewards.

This live interview consolidated the reputation of the Tengu Band and made them the most popular musician team at the moment.

However, for the Ji'an government, it is not a happy thing.

Because in this live broadcast watched by tens of millions of people, every member of the Tengu band expressed to the camera very sincerely that they hoped to preserve the big guitar sculpture in Rock Park, because this is the memory of a generation City logo.

After the live broadcast, this topic also directly fermented, and there was a lot of public opinion on the Internet, which made the Ji'an City Government feel overwhelming pressure.

They held an emergency meeting overnight to discuss the emergency.

In fact, for Ji'an, becoming a city of rock and roll is a very inexplicable thing, because with the broken guitar band, this small northeastern town rocked overnight.

Becoming a city of rock and roll did not actually bring any real developmental benefits to Ji'an, and created a group of idle rock and roll youths, posing serious challenges to the security environment in Ji'an.

With the decline of broken guitar bands, rock and roll has gradually disappeared in Ji'an City, and the rock and roll park is almost deserted.

The big guitar seems to be a scar in the city.

Many cities have this experience. In the process of development, a very inexplicable landmark building is suddenly built. This kind of concrete building is spread all over the place. It seems that many second- and third-tier cities will have it. It is meaningless and inexplicable, and it has been criticized.

With the development of the economy and the planning of the city, such inexplicable buildings will generally face the fate of being demolished.

Re-creating a brand new city name card is the common vision of the government, the masses, and real estate developers. Some people may be reluctant, but the attitude of most people should actually be—it’s none of my business?
If someone tells the common people that a big shopping mall will be built here after the big guitar is demolished, and hospitals and schools will be built one after another, then maybe the common people will even pull down the big guitar spontaneously.

Because once the big guitar fell, the house price went up.

From this point of view, in fact, Hu Liang's demands are anti-social at all, and are enemies of the masses.

You can't hinder the development of a city and everyone's interests for your own feelings, right?

Su Yi is not a brainless person. In fact, he knows how stupid it is to use public opinion on an unreasonable matter.

And as a foreigner, he has to say that the big guitar is really ugly and inexplicable, and it is no problem to tear it down.

But as Hu Liang's little friend, as an actor with performance tasks, he had to stand in another position and find a way to keep the big guitar.

To accomplish this, he can only take a slanted edge.

On the night of the live interview, Su Yi and Ding's father came to the municipal government with a new real estate project plan.

 I really can't think of the name, there is still a chapter at the end of this volume, please ask for a wave of funding

(End of this chapter)

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