Chapter 1038
The terrifying existence of four human figures actually stopped in front of Su Yi!
At this moment, Su Yi was about to activate the first-line actor's death-free card almost immediately, and go offline and return.

Because Su Yi knew very well that his life was completely at the moment of these four terrifying existences opposite, and maybe his soul would be taken away by the opponent in the next moment.

For these four, he is a "black household" who went online through a hacked account!
Maybe they will get rid of their own virus that shouldn't exist in the next moment!
Su Yi's heart was pounding, and the great fear and oppression almost made him dare not stay in this world for a second.

But he is not reconciled!
He can accept that he failed because of insufficient ability, or because of wrong choices.

He couldn't accept that he died suddenly after seeing something he shouldn't have seen!

This made Su Yi feel very funny and sad!
It was precisely because of this strong reluctance that Su Yi was not so decisive in activating the death-free card for first-line actors in the first place.


The sound of rattling iron chains mopping the floor and the sound of metal rubbing rang out again.

The voice crossed Su Yi and continued on, gradually fading away.

Su Yi's nerves were still tense, but his heart was full of ecstasy as if he had escaped from death.

He suppressed his emotions and tried hard to keep his eyes closed.

Gradually, the sound disappeared completely, and Su Yi slowly opened his eyes.

The dim light was scattered in the long and narrow corridor, and there was a musty smell in the air.

Su Yi felt chilly all over his body, and when he touched it, his forehead and back of his neck were covered with dense drops of water.Even the back was soaked.

The water didn't look like his own sweat, because the water attached to his body gave him an extremely cold and uncomfortable feeling.

Apart from him and Yang Feng, there was no one else in the corridor.

Su Yi let out a long breath, only then did he feel a burst of fear.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was really a matter of life and death just now.

There has never been a moment when Su Yi felt so small and fragile, life and death were beyond his control.

I am like an ant, an ant that can be crushed to death with a single finger.

This feeling is very bad, but Su Yi warned himself: Always remember your own insignificance!
This state of wandering on the border of life and death is the normal state of actors.

The previous experience made him feel that he was invincible. Now, he must abandon this ridiculous idea!

His eyes fell on Yang Feng. The woman was still trembling, but her mental state seemed to be gradually stabilized.

"How did you know they were coming?" Su Yi asked.

"Every night at this time, they will appear..." Yang Feng said tremblingly, "It's been almost half a year, and they have come every night."

"Could it be to find Ah Jiu?" Su Yi was a little puzzled, did the errand have such free time?
Looking around for half a year to find someone?

From what Chen You told him about the underworld, it is not difficult for Su Yi to deduce that the underworld seems to be "lazy" and not so conscientious.

If they didn't take away the dead souls they were supposed to take away this time, they wouldn't come again next time.

But I have been here every night for half a year...

Su Yi vaguely felt that this matter had nothing to do with Ah Jiu, and it might have nothing to do with this building.

He decided to ask Chen You tomorrow.

Coincidentally, Uncle Dong had an accident, Su Yi also made a choice, and there are some things that can be done.

"Recently, I feel that the wind is not right. Xiaobai will be in danger if he runs around outside." Su Yi looked at Yang Feng and said bluntly, "Let him stay with me first, I asked Ajuan to be his companion."

Yang Feng hesitated: "Your not clean."

"Where is it clean?" Su Yi asked softly.

"Brother You and I will resolve this matter soon." Su Yi said, "Don't worry, I'm also doing it for Xiaobai's own good."

"I believe you." Yang Feng looked at Su Yi and stopped trembling, "Uncle Yan are a good person."

"Xiaobai told me that he was scared away when he saw you last night." Su Yi looked at Yang Feng and said.

"Uncle Dong is dead, Uncle Dong is dead..." Yang Feng showed fear again on his face, "He, he was pushed downstairs, I saw it with my own eyes. I told Uncle Yan, and Uncle Yan let me Don't talk nonsense."

"Who pushed him down?" Su Yi asked.

"I didn't see his face..." Yang Feng said tremblingly, "I only saw that he brought many children."

Su Yi nodded, and said to her: "Don't run around, especially recently, don't come out at night."

"I won't come out, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..." Yang Feng seemed to become deranged again, she leaned against the wall tremblingly away, and disappeared at the end of the corridor in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the empty corridor, Su Yi let out another long breath, then turned around and returned to the room.

Xiaobai was still sleeping soundly in the bedroom, Su Yi sat on the sofa in the living room, slowly closed his eyes, his mind gradually calmed down.

Early the next morning, when it was still daylight, Coolie brought Ajuan to 2442.

"Ahao, I brought you barbecued pork buns and red milk tea. The saliva said, you will ask Xiaobai to buy it for you every day..." Coolie smiled flatteringly, holding Ajuan's hand with one hand, and holding Ajuan's hand with the other. Pass the bought breakfast to Su Yi.

"Thank you." Su Yi didn't refuse, "You haven't eaten yet, have you? Sit down together?"

"No, no, no!" Ku Liwei hurriedly waved his hands, "I dare not delay the time I made an appointment with. This job is very well paid, and the old neighbors have taken good care of me..."

Coolie smiled happily and scratched his head in embarrassment: "After this job is done, Ajuan and I don't have to worry about food and clothing for three months. Ahao, Ajuan is getting better every day. I want to give Ajuan Save a sum of money and rent a shop for her to sell sugar water, what do you think?"

"Then you have to work hard." Su Yi said, "The money will not be too small."

"I know, I know." Coolie said hopelessly, "When Ajuan gets better, I will go to work at the North Point Wharf. I know the foreman there, and tell him that he will take me in. When the time comes, I There will be a stable income... In short, everything will be fine."

"Yes, everything will be fine." Su Yi couldn't help laughing either.

"It's getting late, so I'll go get busy first, and Ajuan will be counting on you, Ahao." Coolie Wei repeatedly cupped his hands.

"Don't worry." Su Yi nodded.

After Coolie Wei left, Su Yi's eyes fell on A Juan, who was looking at him curiously.

Su Yi also looked at her, and the two stared at each other.

"Have you eaten?" Su Yi asked.

Ajuan shook her head vigorously.

"Let's eat together." Su Yi said.

A Juan nodded vigorously again.

Taking care of A Juan is easier than Su Yi imagined.

The girl hardly spoke, and just sat there quietly after eating, doing nothing.

Su Yi observed her for a while, and found that she was just distracted and in a daze.

Su Yi stopped caring about her, and started to read the book of talismans.

After watching for a while, he felt that A Juan also came over.

"Can you understand?" Su Yi asked.

Ajuan shook her head.

"Like it," she said.

Su Yi simply gave him a book and asked her to read it by herself.

After a while Xiaobai also woke up.He knew A Juan, but he seemed a little afraid of A Juan.

Ajuan also showed her rejection of Xiaobai.

But in the end, Su Yi prescribes the right medicine and uses his skillful hands, so that the two people get together quickly and get along friendly.

When Chen You arrived, he saw Ajuan and Xiaobai sitting on the sofa at a glance. One of them was drawing and the other was watching. They both looked very curious.

"What's the situation?" Chen You looked at them in surprise, "When did you change your career to be a nanny?"

"Xiaobai, take your sister Juan to play inside." Su Yi ordered.

Ajuan was a little afraid of Chen You, when she heard Su Yi's words, she hurriedly stood up and rushed into the bedroom without waiting for Xiaobai's reaction.

Xiaobai also hurried in and closed the door behind him.

"Before I declare, I didn't come to you because you suddenly didn't bring me morning tea this morning." Chen You walked to the dining table and sat down, grabbed a barbecued pork bun and threw it into his mouth, "I just think It's abnormal, so let's see if something happened to you."

"It's true." Su Yi looked serious.

Recently, he asked Xiaobai to buy morning tea every day, and brought Chen You a copy every day, but he didn't go this morning, because he just wanted Chen You to come to him.

Su Yi took out the painting drawn by Xiaobai, handed it to Chen You and said, "Look at this painting."

It was the picture the child drew last night. It was about a tall man with a pointed nose and sharp teeth leading a group of faceless children standing in the stairwell.

"What's wrong with this painting?" Chen You looked puzzled, "Aside from being ugly, is there any other problem?"

"Xiaobai said, he saw this last night." Su Yi said, "His mother saw it too, I asked Yang Feng, she said she saw a man with many children and pushed Uncle Dong downstairs. "

Chen You was stunned for a long time, and then disdained to "cut" and said: "Yang Feng is crazy! Do you believe her words? Xiaobai's drawing is obviously a drawing of what her mother said! Let's talk , where are there children in our building?"

"Maybe it's not a child, but a kid." Su Yi said quietly.

Chen You's expression changed: "You mean Ah Jiu? That's impossible! He can't raise so many brats! And why does he want to kill Uncle Dong? It doesn't make sense!"

Su Yi said: "What if he really did this?"

"Of course we should call the police!" Chen You said, "Nowadays is a society ruled by law, the police will naturally come forward when they break the law. What else? Do we really want us to come and kill people, to do justice for the heavens? I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison. meal."

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Then let's call the police."

In fact, he didn't think calling the police would be enough to get Ah Jiu, but it would be nice to add trouble to the other party.

"Do you really believe Yang Feng and Xiaobai?" Chen You asked suspiciously, "They are crazy, no one will believe what a psychopath says!"

"There should be traces left in the corridor." Su Yi said, "Yang Feng also told Uncle Yan about this. Brother You, I think you should go to Uncle Yan and discuss how to do this."

"What do you mean? Why didn't you call the police, but let me do it?" Chen You frowned, "It's not convenient for you?"

"I have more important things to do." Su Yi looked solemn, "Brother You, I plan to save this pair of twins, Ah Piao!"

"What on earth are you going to do!" Chen You was really a little confused, not understanding what Su Yi was going to do with this hammer and stick.

"Ah Jiu has been playing with this pair of female ghosts," Su Yi explained, "I think he must have some kind of conspiracy. Now he suddenly shot and killed Uncle Dong, and I'm afraid he's going to do something to this pair of ghosts next. It's not good for the twin female ghosts. This person is unscrupulous, and I have a hunch that once he succeeds in this matter, it will definitely not be a good thing!"

"Do you really think he killed Uncle Dong?" Chen You didn't believe it at all. "If that's the case, how could it be possible that I didn't hear anything? Where's Aunt Mei? Aunt Mei didn't respond either."

Su Yi shook his head, and didn't waste any more words, and said: "Anyway, I decided to set up an altar here to save the pair of twin female ghosts. According to the method of saving the twin female ghosts, the shortest is three days, and the longest is seven days. You have to concentrate on looking at the Dharma altar, you can't move around at will, and you can't be negligent, if you get involved in Uncle Dong's affairs, I will be in constant trouble, I'm afraid I won't be able to concentrate on doing this matter."

Chen You frowned and looked at Su Yi: "Do you want to free this pair of female ghosts to reincarnate in the underworld? It's very troublesome, and they are muddled and have no brains at all. If you want to free them, you have to seal them first!"

"If you want to seal them, you can't let them run away, otherwise they'll just want to hide, and you'll have a hard time catching them! You have to prepare a physical body to attract them, whose one are you going to use?"

After a pause, Chen You pointed to the bedroom suspiciously: "Could you be..."

"Of course not," Su Yi shook his head, "I plan to use myself as bait."

"Yourself?" Chen You frowned even tighter.

"Are you really planning to do this?" Chen You asked in a serious tone after pondering for a long time.

Su Yi nodded: "It must be done."

Chen You sighed: "Humans and ghosts have different paths, it's good for everyone to go their own way, why do you interfere?"

"If you're really afraid that Ah Jiu's idea will hurt you, you'd better move away and not live here. No matter what he does, it has nothing to do with us. Why do you need to get into this muddy water?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Brother You, can you help me?"

"I'll be killed by you sooner or later!" Chen You said in a bad mood when he heard this.

"I'll get the gossip mirror and compass!" Chen You said, "It's not that simple to save the altar. The last time we made the deliverance, we did it to kill ghosts, not really. You just read the scriptures for the method of deliverance, but if you follow According to the script, accidents are easy to happen.”

"It would be best if Brother You would sit down and guide me." Su Yi said.

"Are you determined to do it yourself?" Chen You heard Su Yi's implication.

"I want to try it myself." Su Yi said.

"This is not a joke!" Chen You said angrily, "How long have you learned the Tao? Less than a month, and you want to save this pair of ghosts that I dare not easily provoke? Do you think you can do it?"

"It doesn't matter if I say it or not, Brother You has the final say." Su Yi smiled lightly, full of confidence in his smile.

"What do you mean?" Chen You asked suspiciously.

He watched Su Yi go aside and take out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and cinnabar yellow paper.

(End of this chapter)

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