Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 105 Undercover Luo Ji

Chapter 105 Undercover Luo Ji
On January 1991, 1, there were still three full months before Ni Kun was killed.

At this time, Xinyi'an was in full swing. After Ni Kun led his five King Kongs to work hard for more than ten years, the number gang fell apart, and Liansheng retreated to Jordan, Tsuen Wan and Wanchai, not daring to take a step in the territory of the Ni family.

Xin Kee firmly occupies the most prosperous and affluent Yau Tsim Mong area on Hong Kong Island, and has nearly [-] brothers. It is said that the leader Ni Kun is the most powerful boss in Hong Kong Island, and absolutely no one dares to object.Because he stomped his feet casually, the whole Hong Kong Island was shaken three times.

If such a person were to say that he would be plotted against by a woman three months later and shot to death like a wild dog, no one would believe it.

Because no one believed that anyone would dare to touch Ni Kun.

No one believed that Luo Ji, the bodyguard who had been with Ni Kun for three years, would be an undercover agent of the police.

Luo Ji is 27 years old. He has curly long hair covering his neck. He is tall and muscular.

He is taciturn, but cold and steady, which won Ni Kun's trust.

It is said that when Ni Kun went to sea three years ago, he rescued the dying Luo Ji from the sea. At that time, Luo Ji was shot in the chest in a fight with smuggling boats, and he was only breathing.

Ni Kun rescued him and healed him. After Luo Ji woke up, he vowed to repay his kindness and follow Ni Kun.

He amazed Ni Kun with his good marksmanship of piercing Yang with one hundred steps, and made Ni Kun directly accept Luo Ji as his bodyguard.

Ni Kun never imagined that all this was carefully arranged by the police. In order to send Luo Ji to his side, Lu Qichang, senior inspector of O Ji, prepared for half a year before directing such a wonderful drama.

Lu Qichang never imagined that Luo Ji, the good chess piece he cultivated by himself, had changed at this time.

Su Yi became Luo Ji.

He quietly replaced everything about Luo Ji, even his appearance.

"Undercover..." Su Yi was a little surprised by this identity, "Is it an undercover who died in the original plot?"

After communicating with director No. 031, without any hesitation, Su Yi decided to strike while the iron was hot and continue filming his third work.

The reason is as No. 031 said, the opportunity is rare, and the next director may really not give Su Yi a good chance.

The most important thing is that it only takes a few hours to shoot a scene in reality.

After he finishes filming this scene, he can still catch the last train to go home for supper.

With a few more hours of work, he would become a man worth millions, so why not do it?
The difference between this world and the first two studio worlds is that this is a fusion world.

It is the world where the two movies "Infernal Affairs 2" and "Underworld" are combined into one.

The reason why No. 031 opened such a studio is because he wants to make the background of the whole work richer and not appear thin. According to him, this is the consistent practice of directors.

"Infernal Affairs 2" mainly tells the story of Xin Ngee Ann.

After Ni Kun's death, Ni Yongxiao's son inherited his father's business and inherited Xin Ngee'an. He had a series of open and secret battles with the police and several big bosses, and secured his leading position.After four years of forbearance, Ni Yongxiao wiped out all the leaders except Han Chen, who slipped through the net. Not only did he avenge his father Ni Kun, but he also completely monopolized the power of Xinyi'an.

But in the end, the police still use Han Chen to trip Ni Yongxiao, who almost went ashore in vain. Han Chen also uses this to complete the final gorgeous transformation and become the new leader of Xinyi'an, a strong leader.

And "Underworld" is mainly about He Liansheng.

The biennial Heliansheng speaker election is about to be held. Candidates Ale and Big D try their best to become leaders of the new club.

Big D is domineering and domineering, with a lot of money and power; A Le is hypocritical and vicious, and is at a disadvantage.

In order to balance, the uncles of the club finally chose Ale to be the talker of the club, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Big D, and a series of incidents caused He Liansheng to fall into turmoil and was on the verge of splitting.

Ah Le has long sleeves and is good at dancing. After a series of matches and fights, he settled the big D, and also subdued a group of team members to play for him. He also took the opportunity of Xinyi An Ni Kun's death and entered Tsim Sha Tsui, making He Liansheng more than doubled.

But in the end, he couldn't stand Big D's insatiable greed, so he showed his ferocious fangs, and killed Big D and his wife while fishing by the lake, completing the concentration of rights with Liansheng.

In the design of No. 031, Luo Ji's identity is not only responsible for advancing the story line of Ni Yongxiao, but also responsible for threading the needle. Using A Le's "expanding territory" after he took over the position, he is closely connected with the story of He Liansheng. more closely.

Compared with Luo Ji, who didn't have a single line in the original plot, Su Yi's weight is undoubtedly much heavier now.

For Su Yi, this role is undoubtedly very challenging. However, in the original version, Luo Ji's identity was finally revealed and he was killed by Ni Yongxiao. Su Yi will naturally avoid repeating the same mistakes.

You must know that he died on the set, that is, in reality, but there is no chance to do it again. This is why he signed an exemption agreement before the performance.

So the biggest question facing Su Yi now is—how did Luo Ji's identity as an undercover agent be exposed?When was it exposed?

It's about his own life, Su Yi must ensure that he can jump over this pit.

Before he had time to think about this question too much, Su Yi's pager rang.

To tell the truth, when Su Yi just found out that there was such a thing pinned to his waist, it took him a long time to realize what it was.

As a post-90s generation, he only heard about BB machines by name.

By the time he started to remember, Big Brother had been eliminated for many years.

But now, in Hong Kong Island in 91, only the club bosses with a big brother can save face when they go out.In a sense, the mobile phone is equivalent to a Mercedes-Benz car, bangbang hard.

A mobile phone costs tens of thousands of yuan, and the monthly call fee is thousands of yuan, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In the entire community of Xin Ngee Ann, there are no more than [-] big brothers with big brothers, which shows how precious this thing is.

Most people, like Su Yi's current identity, Luo Ji, use BB machines.

More people don't even have BB machines.

The word "Come quickly" is written on the screen of the BB machine. According to the information, the phone number is the landline of Ni Kun's study.

The boss calls, I have to go.

Su Yi, who has experienced the two worlds, obviously entered the role faster than before.

He looked at himself in the mirror, a little amused.

He gained 15 kilograms by the so-called "makeup technique", his skin became darker, his beard was unshaven, and he looked a little untidy. More importantly, his muscles, body and skeleton were obviously much thicker than his own physique.

Is this a "temporary" benefit?

Su Yi spun around in front of the mirror for a few weeks, nodded with satisfaction, winked at himself in the mirror, turned and walked out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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