Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1059 Tragedy

Chapter 1059 Tragedy
"My sword, where do I go, love and hate are hard to fall in love with; my sword, pierces the sky, I don't know right and wrong..."

Walking on the wide and straight streets of Wuduan City with his hands behind his back, Su Yi hummed a song while admiring the exotic town.

This city is not considered prosperous, and there are not many pedestrians on the street, but the road is very wide.

Although it is a city on the border of the Western Regions, there are not many Han faces like Su Yi, because there are many Han people who settled here in order to escape the war.

Of course, the most are the blond Semu people, and the mixed race of Mongols and Semu people.

Although the Mongols are the rulers, they are the least ethnic group here.

But there were Mongolian nobles passing by on the street, and the rest of them bowed their heads and bowed their sleeves to avoid them, respectfully.Especially the Han people with faces like Su Yi are even more trembling, hiding as far as they can, shrinking to the extreme.

This is because in the Yuan Dynasty, in order to maintain the rule over the Han and other ethnic groups, the Yuan court implemented a policy of ethnic discrimination and established a "four-class system". From high to low, they were Mongolians, Semu people, Han people and Nan people.

The "Yuan Decree" clearly stipulates that if the Mongols kill a Han or a Southerner, they only need to be punished with a staff 57 times and pay the funeral expenses to the family members of the deceased.

But if it is reversed, not only will the murderer be exempted from the death penalty, but the murderer's family property will also be fully compensated to the deceased.

This unfair discrimination system is not only applicable to the Yuan court, but also to the four major khanates in Central Asia in the Western Regions.

Therefore, a person like Su Yi who has a Han face but walks swaggeringly on the street is particularly eye-catching, standing out from the crowd.

But Su Yi walked all the way along the long street, although he attracted the attention of passers-by, no one dared to come close to provoke him. This is because some Mongols are very similar to Han people, and they also like Han people's clothes. From the outside, there is no difference at all. .

Su Yi is so confident and has an extraordinary bearing that most of the people he sees regard him as a fool.

Su Yi quickly figured out this section, and the joyful and free and easy feeling in his heart suddenly faded a bit.

Looking closely at the surroundings again, some details that were covered up by the fresh energy before can be seen in a panoramic view.

Although there are people coming and going on the long street, it is gloomy, showing a dilapidated and dull look.

This kind of aura can only be observed by people like Su Yi who have stepped into the threshold of cultivation, and ordinary people will not notice it at all.

He frowned secretly, made seals with his hands, and silently recited the cleansing mantra that would allow him to see ghosts and gods clearly: "Lingbao Tianzun, comfort the figure, the soul of the disciple, the five viscera and the dark world, the green dragon and the white tiger, the battles are diverse, the red bird and the basalt, the guards stature..."

After chanting the incantation, I saw that the street, which was originally dark due to the setting sun, became darker and colder.There was still a thin mist covering the surroundings, and there were many shadows in the fog, and there were some terrifying ghosts standing there, and the number was astonishing.

Because of Su Yi's gaze, these ghosts are all looking at Su Yi in unison at the moment.Those pairs of red or pale eyes looked particularly penetrating.

"So many lonely ghosts?" Su Yi was taken aback.

No wonder the street felt gloomy before the sun set. It turned out that there were already more ghosts than people here.

Quite a few of them are bardo bodies, apparently newly dead.

"Meng Ting's tyranny, people's lives are in dire straits, this is the most obvious evidence!" Su Yi frowned slightly, let go of the seal, and everything around him immediately returned to normal vision.

There are more lonely ghosts than people in a city, and newly-dead bardos are floating all over the streets. No matter how peaceful and peaceful the surface is, it fully exposes the chaos and disorder hidden in the darkness.

I just don’t know if it’s just this city or every city?
Human nature is that whenever a dynasty declines, it is a time when ghosts and evildoers are rampant.

And once the ghost exceeds a certain threshold, it will form an irreversible dilapidated situation. In this way, it is not surprising that things will change and reshape the universe.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me..." Su Yi shook his head and decided to ignore it.

It is impossible for him to show mercy here and try to save the souls of the dead on the altar.He is alone and alone, doing so is just a drop in the bucket, like a foolish old man moving mountains.

Not to mention, Tuhulu Timur, the monarch of the Chagatai Khanate, has forced the 160,000 subjects under his rule to swear to convert to the Middle Eastern religion since three years ago. If they disobey, they will be sentenced to death.

Although this decree does not prohibit outsiders, if Su Yi dares to set up an altar here to save the dead, it will be a different matter.

Su Yi is not afraid of going against the court, but it is not necessary.Moreover, saving the souls of the dead is not a one-time achievement. If people insist on destroying it, Su Yi may not be able to do so.

What's more, Su Yi is here to be a hero, not to be a magic stick, so he still has to pay attention to his painting style and not go astray.

There are still three months before the day when the six major factions will besiege Guangmingding, and the Emei faction will not arrive so early. Su Yi decided to find a place to settle down in the city first, familiarize himself with the customs of this era, and look for it by the way. In the nameless snow valley where Zhang Wuji is, make other plans.

Although he has no need for "Nine Suns Divine Art", but such a magical art is close at hand, it would be a waste of money if he didn't read it in detail.

What's more, it's quite interesting to get in touch with Zhang Wuji in advance to pretend to be aggressive.

Just when Su Yi was going to make some money first, and then find a post station to rest, he heard the noise of horseshoes behind him, the hustle and bustle, and the sound of crying and begging for mercy.

Su Yi had sharp eyes and ears, and when he heard the sound, these people were still far away from him. After waiting for about 3 minutes, he saw a group of people coming from the city gate chaotically behind him.

This is a team of Mongolian troops, about ten or so people, all of whom are riding on horses.

More than [-] Han Chinese were tied together with ropes and dragged behind horses to run.

These Han people are mainly old people and women, and there is only one middle-aged strong man among them.Most of their clothes are rough and patched, and they are obviously poor people.

Almost all the old people fell to the ground and were dragged around by the rope. Their bodies were bloody and bloody, and they couldn't stop screaming. They were very miserable.

Some people didn't even move, just being dragged away, and it was unknown whether they fainted or died.

There were more than ten women who were dragged along, but they were all standing. Presumably, the Mongolian army deliberately slowed down so that they could not be dragged down.

They were basically all in ragged clothes, obviously torn, and some even had their upper body naked.

Some of the women looked numb, some were crying, while the soldiers who dragged them rode on big horses and waved their whips, driving them like shepherds. Bing gave out excited cheers and laughter.

Wherever this group of Mongolian soldiers passed by, pedestrians fled to avoid it.

Some Han people on the side of the street were so frightened that they covered their faces and ran away, not daring to stay at all.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a murderous intent arose in his heart.

There was no plan at all before moving, or whether it would cause trouble, Su Yi kicked his feet and used snake-like steps to fly forward at high speed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to a Mongolian soldier, stretched out his hand to pinch his throat.


Meng Bing, who was talking and laughing loudly with his friends, froze all of a sudden, and his voice stopped abruptly.


Before the other Mongolian soldiers could react, Su Yi had already pulled out the scimitar that the Mongolian soldier was hanging on his waist, and performed the Phantom of Footsteps, moving and jumping lightly, but seeing the light of the knife flickering, the blood splashed, and in the blink of an eye, five or six Mongolian soldiers hummed Don't hum and fall down from the horse.

The bloody smell spread in an instant, and the rest of the Mongolian soldiers woke up like a dream, each screaming and angrily drawing their own weapons.

But where is it useful?
Su Yi's Phantom Phantom Lightness Kungfu was created by Dongfang Bubai according to the "Sunflower Treasure", as fast as a ghost, as graceful as a frightened bird.With Su Yi's current state, even Fang Zheng, Zuo Lengchan and his like can hardly keep up with his speed, let alone these ordinary Mongolian soldiers?

These Mongolian soldiers saw figures flying around in front of them, blood splattering, "Wow!" they slashed wildly with their knives, but the knives were slashed in the air. They saw their companions fall off the horse one by one, even Su Yi. I can't even touch the shadow!

In less than ten breaths, the last Mongolian soldier also had a knife in his throat and fell down from his horse without a sound.

Su Yi stood still and showed his figure again. Although he was not blushing or out of breath, his demeanor was still the same, but he was dressed in white with red plums dotted with it, his body was full of evil spirit, and the machete in his hand was dripping with blood.

Su Yi killed people extremely fast, in less than ten breaths, he couldn't even finish a slightly longer sentence, but Su Yi killed more than ten Mongolian cavalrymen in one breath!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe that there is such a strong person in the world?

"Monster! Monster!" The Semu people who were onlookers yelled in horror.

The people around woke up like a dream, and they all ran away and scattered. After a while, the originally lively street became deserted, and there was no one around, only Su Yi and the captured Han people were left.

Su Yi's killing not only frightened the onlookers, even the people he rescued were frightened, and all of them knelt down with ashen complexions, calling them "immortals".

Those women who were crying didn't even dare to cry any more, they crawled on the ground and didn't even dare to lift their heads, as if Su Yi was some kind of scourge.

Only the strong man covered in blood was kneeling on the ground, but he stared at Su Yi with piercing eyes, his expression excited.

Su Yi killed people in the street, so he naturally knew that the defenders in the city would arrive in no time, and time was running out.Fortunately, when he killed the man just now, he cut all the ropes, and now these people are all free from their shackles.

He didn't talk too much, seeing that someone finally calmed down, he cut straight to the point and said, "The Tartars will be here soon, I'm here to attract them, you can escape if you can, if you can't...that's fate."

With limited manpower, Su Yi knew that he could protect these people for a while, but he couldn't protect them forever.His actions this time stemmed from anger, more to punish evil than to save people.

This Woduan City is located in the hinterland of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, and the city is heavily guarded.

Not to mention that it is very difficult for these people to get out of the city, even if they get out of the city by chance, where can a group of women and a few dying old people go?

"Grandpa, we belong to Sujiazhuang. Yesterday our owner killed the Mongolian nobles in the city and fled outside. We are all rebels who have been forced to sit together." The strong man looked sad, but said loudly, "Sujiazhuang All the strong men and children were killed by these beasts, and we were the only ones left who were captured! Don’t say we couldn’t escape, even if we escaped... there is nowhere to go, after thinking about it, there is only a dead end One!"

"Today, I am very grateful for being rescued by Mr. En, but it is a pity that I have no chance to repay in this life! Great kindness, only in the next life to repay!"

After the strong man finished speaking, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times.

While he was kowtowing, a woman beside him suddenly picked up a knife on the ground and wiped it fiercely on his neck. Blood splashed immediately, and the woman fell to the ground.

Su Yi had noticed the woman when she was holding the knife, but he didn't stop her.

This woman was forced to expose her upper body in public, so humiliating, death was a relief to her.It's just that there was no chance before, and now there is a chance to commit suicide.

"San Niang!" Another woman next to her cried, and tremblingly picked up the knife, "Wait for me, I'm coming!"

As he said that, he also wiped off his own neck.

"Good! Good! Good!" A dying white-haired old man cried with tears streaming down his face, "As expected of the children of my Su family, even if they die, they will no longer be insulted by the Tartars like livestock!"

Trembling, he stood up and picked up the knife, and suddenly yelled and slashed at a girl who was kneeling on the ground dumbfounded.

"Good Ruan'er, father will give you a ride in person!" the old man cried, looking like a madman, and knocked the girl to the ground with a single knife.

The big man who kowtowed to Su Yi also touched the knife at this time and stood up, gritted his teeth, stepped forward and killed all the women one by one.

None of these women begged for mercy, although they were all trembling with fright, they allowed the strong man to slaughter them.

The strong man killed the woman, and then went to kill all the dying old people.

In the end, he knelt down in front of the white-haired old man who had killed his daughter with a plop, and cried out in tears, "Father, my son is not filial. I will give you a ride. After my son and benefactor kill a few more Tartars, I will follow my father on the road! Huangquan Road!" Come on, you can wait for the baby!"

"Okay! Good boy!" the white-haired old man said in tears.

With a trembling hand, he placed the knife around his neck, and said to the strong man, "Don't bother me, Daddy will do it himself! Son, daddy is gone, kill the Tartars, kill more Tartars..."

With a flash of the blade, the old man fell into a pool of blood.

The strong man knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three more times, his forehead was already bloody.

He gritted his teeth and stood up staggeringly, turning his head to Su Yi with an expression that seemed to be crying but not crying: "The villain's name is Su Sanqi, how dare you ask your benefactor Gao's name?"

At this time, Su Yi had already heard that cavalrymen were coming at high speed from the east and north directions, and there were probably quite a few of them.

But he was still trembling inexplicably at the scene of human tragedy that just happened before his eyes.

In an instant, a human tragedy happened before his eyes. Su Yi watched it happen, but did not stop it.

Those poor women and old people have lost all hope of living, so what if he stops them?

Now they can at least die with some dignity, if they are saved, maybe it will make their end even more miserable.

Su Yi's mood was turbulent and he couldn't calm down.

He looked at the strong man for a while before slowly saying: "My name is Su Yi, and we are in the same family."

(End of this chapter)

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