Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1061 The painting style is wrong

Chapter 1061 The painting style is wrong
Looking at the group of ghosts wandering in the woods in the shape of shaved skeletons, and remembering that his appetite had been aroused before, Su Yi couldn't contain the murderous intent in his chest anymore.

He directly pulled out the scimitar from the waist of one of the nurses, slashed across it, and immediately reaped two lives!
He did not hide his whereabouts, striding towards the main room.

The busy servants in the courtyard finally found Su Yi. A servant's complexion changed, and he pointed at Su Yi and asked something sharply, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and even the talking and laughing in the main room stopped abruptly.

The servant's scolding, coupled with the blood on Su Yi's knife, made some people realize that Su Yi's visitor was not kind.Some people started to scream and run away, and some male servants grabbed sticks and hoes and surrounded Su Yi, and even the groom rushed towards Su Yi with an iron fork.

Su Yi's face was as sinking as water, his heart was as cold as iron, and murderous intent boiled in his heart, the turbulence was hard to calm down.

Seeing that the rushing people were approaching, Su Yi made a sudden move.

How can these servants who can at most know a little bit of fist be Su Yi's all-in-one enemy?
One face to face, all the people who rushed were killed by Su Yi!
And those who fled in all directions, Su Yi will not let go, anyone who can see it, immediately use lightness kung fu to catch up and kill it!
If the distance is too far, I pick up stones as hidden weapons, almost every hit is accurate, every time I hit a person's brains, there is no one alive!
"Helping the tyrant to abuse the tyrant, working as a minion for the tiger, everyone deserves to die!" Su Yi killed in cold blood, without any kindness.

Someone finally rushed out from the main room, and when he saw Su Yi, his complexion changed drastically, and he shouted curses.

Su Yi let go of the knife in his hand, pierced the man's neck, and his momentum continued unabated. He took the man's body and slammed into the door, only to hear a "rattle" in the main room, mixed with many people's exclamations and roars, and The sound of pain.

Su Yi took a step forward, and he had already entered the house.

After only one glance, Su Yi didn't want to take a second look.

"Han Chinese? Who are you!" a bearded man asked angrily in half-baked Mandarin.

Without saying a word, Su Yi stepped forward and punched him in the face.

With a full blow, the man's facial features collapsed, his whole head turned into a shriveled persimmon, and he lost his life immediately.


On the other side, another young Mongolian man gritted his teeth and stabbed him with a knife. His hands were covered with oil, and he used the knife in his hand to shave the flesh just now.

Su Yi hated these inhumane animals so much that he felt his hands were dirty even touching them, so he jumped up and kicked this man in the chin.

This kick came out with hatred, and actually kicked his head so that it broke on the back, and his body flew upside down, hitting the wall heavily.

Su Yi still couldn't understand his hatred, so he slapped the trembling old woman so that her head turned [-] degrees, and then kicked a woman with pale face until her chest collapsed.

An old man with white head roared and rushed towards Su Yi, Su Yi took the knife without hesitation and took his head.

Turning around again, a pair of boys and girls knelt down and begged for mercy, Su Yi showed no mercy, stepped forward and killed them all with a knife.

The few remaining people are scrambling to escape, how can Su Yi let him go?
After catching up, all of them were red knives in and red knives out, which made them feel cold.

Hearing the cry of the baby on the kang, Su Yi hesitated slightly, but finally did not step forward, turned around and walked out the door, and went straight to the kitchen.

As soon as he reached the yard, he saw two maids running towards the gate like crazy. Su Yi picked up two stones, one stone at a time, and crushed them all to death.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the kitchen, a pair of elderly people hurried out and confronted Su Yi.

Seeing Su Yi, the two fell to their knees with a "plop" and begged for mercy, but they spoke pure Chinese when they spoke.

"Good man spare your life!"

Su Yi swept his eyes, stared and shouted: "Are you cooks?"

He noticed that the two people were wearing aprons, their hands were red and stubby, covered with scars, including knife cuts and burns, and based on this, he deduced their identities.

"We are also Han Chinese, good men, we are all forced..." The old woman on the left kowtowed while screaming and pleading.

But in the middle of the conversation, Su Yi raised his knife and cut off her neck with one knife.

The old man on the right trembled all over and was about to speak, but Su Yi didn't intend to listen at all, and still finished him with a knife.

After killing this man, Su Yi poked his head to look at the kitchen, his murderous intent boiled again, wishing he could burn the manor down and rush out to kill again.

But at this moment, he saw two living people still imprisoned in the iron cage in the corner.

Two skinny middle-aged men with numbness written in their eyes.

Su Yi was slightly taken aback, went in to search for a while, ignored the two people for a while, turned back and went straight to the backyard.

He searched the entire manor to make sure that there was no one alive except for the crying baby in the main room and the two people locked in the iron cage in the kitchen. Then he gave up and slowly suppressed the murderous desire in his heart.

He released the two emaciated middle-aged men. Their faces were full of numbness and fear. Even if Su Yi saved them, they were extremely afraid of Su Yi, especially after seeing the yard full of corpses.

At first Su Yi was good at consoling, but the two of them were trembling and couldn't understand a whole sentence, so Su Yi became impatient and threatened: "If you don't understand, I will kill you together!"

The two were immediately frightened.

Originally they thought they would die, but now they narrowly escaped death. Their desire for life and fear of death are stronger than ordinary people.

Next, Su Yi asked, and they said, finally figured out their identities and the whole thing.

These two men were originally herdsmen from Pishan County next door, and they were plundered and sold by the Mongols. They were brought to this manor together with a dozen other people, most of whom were women and children.

But now, only the two of them are left. .

They said that the Aqiletu family in Woduan City was well-known far and wide, and Han people in hundreds of miles around knew that this family was perverted and evil, and hated them very much.

Because of this disgusting and inhuman hobby, even Mongolians don't like to get in touch with them, that's why this family lives in such a remote manor, and few people get in touch with them.

Usually, this family buys Han slaves from human traffickers, and who cares about the life and death of Han slaves?

In addition, Aqiletu was originally a retired general with meritorious service, so although this "little habit" of the Aqiletu family is disgusting, no one cares about it at all.

It's just that they were unlucky this time, and they happened to be chosen by Su Yi to live in the manor, and their family of ogres got what they deserved.

After the two thin middle-aged men finished speaking tremblingly, they were afraid that Su Yi would kill them too, so they knelt and kowtowed.

Su Yi saw that they were useless, and it was useless to say anything, so he simply ordered them to clean up the scene and drag all the corpses to the mulberry tree over there to bury them.

There are some evil spirits and ghosts over there, so they will naturally greet their big family well.

And in the kitchen, let the two of them clean up together.

When the two of them got busy, Su Yi was not idle, and went to the family's storage room.

In addition to gold, silver coins and some miscellaneous things inside, Su Yi really found some useful things for himself.

First of all, medicinal materials and silver needles are what Su Yi needs most.

Secondly, there is a Mo Dao, which should be the loot captured by the ogre from the Han officer. He put it in a very conspicuous position and maintained it well.

Su Yi danced twice, and found that the Mo Dao had a long handle and two blades, like a sword or a sword, and it was surprisingly easy to use by himself, and some moves were performed more freely, without having to consider that the blade would affect his performance.

Good stuff.

Su Yi seemed to have discovered a new continent, and he used a few more tricks before giving up.

Su Yi found some cotton thread again, built a simple stove in the backyard, dug out an unused clay pot, and used it to boil silver needles and cotton thread.

Then he used the existing medicinal materials to prepare a warming and tonic prescription, and he still used this clay pot to cook the medicine.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yi even went out to fetch water.

Su Yi is extremely sensitive to everything related to water and food in this manor, and he is determined not to use it if he can.

At this time, the city was already under martial law. As Su Yi expected, the Mongolian army sealed off the city gates and was trying to secure the entire city.

In fact, the Mongolian army has long been frightened by Su Yi. After all, Su Yi killed more than two hundred of them by himself. For them, Su Yi is definitely the last demon they want to encounter.

Especially their search team consisted of dozens of people, which made them feel that if they really met Su Yi, it might not be a good thing.

So they would rather not find Su Yi, and the search and arrest operation naturally took on a perfunctory tone.

Coupled with the fact that this place is remote and it is a Mongolian manor, until now, no team of Mongolian troops has come to search.

After dark, no one came.

Those two thin middle-aged people quickly carried all the corpses to the mulberry forest, but with so many corpses, they needed to dig a big hole, and this project couldn't be completed in a short time for them.

Su Yi asked them to rest in the room next to him, and then deal with it tomorrow.

It's not that he refuses to let these two go, but that it's useless for them to leave. Now that the whole city is locked down and martial law is everywhere, there will be no good end for these two people to go out.

It would be better to stay here, Su Yi speculates that the Mongolian army must now think that he has left, and the continued closure of the city is just a show to the people to show his determination to pursue it to the end.

When the Mongolian army lifts the blockade in a few days, it won't be too late for the two to leave in a big way.

As for whether the Mongolian army will search here...

Su Yi felt that unless he was unlucky, the probability was not high. After all, the Mongolian army didn't come when the search was most needed the first night, and he probably wouldn't come again in the future.

If you really come, you can only play hide and seek first.

Although Su Sanqi was treated by Su Yi with all his strength, he was seriously injured, and Su Yi was not sure that he would survive.

So after doing everything that should be done, Su Yi can only let him resign himself to fate.

That night, Su Yi sneaked out in the dark, bought some necessary supplies, and even went to a shop selling the Four Treasures of the Study to get some yellow paper, pens and ink.

Naturally, cinnabar is also indispensable, and pharmacies in the city sell it.

There was a peach tree somewhere in the west of the city. Su Yi broke off a thick branch and wanted to use it to make a peach wood dagger.

Back in the manor again, Su Yi looked at the corpses piled up in the mulberry forest in the courtyard, and then at the cinnabar yellow paper peach trees in front of him, and suddenly heaved a long sigh.

He clearly promised to come on vacation, and he should have a chic and unrestrained martial arts style, why did he suddenly become like this?
(End of this chapter)

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