Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1108 Master Appears

Chapter 1108 Master Appears
On top of the Guangming Peak today, it was definitely the brightest moment in Zhang Wuji's life!
Although there is no great shift of the universe, but he has the Dugu Nine Swords in one hand, the boxing technique taught by Su Yi in the other hand, and Dacheng's Nine Suns Divine Art, he can still beat the crowd!

The Huashan School has a set of swordsmanship called Anti Liangyi Swordsmanship, and the Kunlun School has a set of swordsmanship called Zhengliangyi Swordsmanship. The reason why Xian Yutong reiterated that "one is against four" is because he wants to join forces with the Kunlun School. Use the "positive and negative dual instrument sword array" to compete with Zhang Wuji.

Naturally, this proposal provoked outrage from members of the Ming Cult, and it was even suggested here that four people should fight against four people, with Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, Zhang Wuji and Wei Yixiao joining forces.

The six major factions and the Mingjiao fought with each other, and finally Zhang Wuji made a decision, one against four and one against four!

In the original plot, this set of sword formations caused Zhang Wuji a lot of trouble. He didn't understand the way of the four images and gossip, so he couldn't solve this set of sword formations at all.

Fortunately, it was Zhou Zhiruo who deliberately reminded Zhang Wuji in order to help him, so that Zhang Wuji broke the deadlock and won this match.

But of course not now.

In the Wuming Snow Valley, Su Yi not only taught Zhang Wuji two sword moves, but also taught him a set of boxing skills.This set of boxing techniques was derived from Su Yi based on Baguazhang, and it is very powerful.

Baguazhang was originally based on the directions of the Eight Diagrams. Su Yi had systematically taught Zhang Wuji these theoretical foundations. With Zhang Wuji's talent, he naturally mastered them long ago.

Therefore, the current set of sword formations naturally couldn't trap Zhang Wuji, he quickly broke out of the formation with the broken sword style, and the time spent was even less than ten breaths, which greatly embarrassed Huashan and the Kunlun faction.

Zhang Wuji's swordsmanship stunned everyone present, even Miejue Shitai felt heavy, because she was not sure that she could defeat Zhang Wuji's swordsmanship. At this moment, she was thinking hard about the solution and did not take the initiative to fight.

Su Nuer was even more surprised, and even more helpless. Although he also had Su Yi to teach him swordsmanship, he was not as good as Zhang Wuji in terms of talent, internal strength, and martial arts practice time. Naturally, he couldn't beat the young master's apprentice.

At this moment, seeing Zhang Wuji defeating all the heroes and looking down on everyone, Su Nuer is not only proud of him, but also feels a headache for the young master.

"Master, son, why don't you come? If you don't come again, your good apprentice will defeat all the six factions..."

Sure enough, after Zhang Wuji broke the "positive and negative Liangyi sword array", he immediately wanted to make Huashan faction and Kunlun faction also admit defeat, and he must not make things difficult for Mingjiao.

Whether it is Huashan Xianyutong, or Kunlun He Taichong, these two people are not a gentleman.

Zhang Wuji is not a reckless man who can only act recklessly, he is actually very smart, and now he threatens the scandal that Xian Yutong and He Taichong couple did in the past, and finally the two agree to admit defeat on behalf of their respective sects.

However, there was something wrong with the two of them. The two elders of the Huashan School and the two masters of the Kunlun School said again, "Four against one". Only after one game did he completely admit defeat.

It's just that they made a wrong calculation. Zhang Wuji, who has practiced the Nine Suns Divine Art, is most afraid of wasting his internal energy.

The five elders of Kunlun followed closely.

The five elders of Kunlun also planned to "fight one with four", but were ridiculed by Mingjiao, they could only blush with embarrassment.

After all, it is not a glorious thing for a group of seniors to join forces to deal with a junior.

It's just that in the current situation, if they don't join forces, they will have absolutely no chance in front of Zhang Wuji.

I can't care less about my face.

In order to make the Kongtong faction retreat from Guangmingding, Zhang Wuji not only agreed to fight four against one, he was also provoked by Xian Yutong and agreed not to use a sword.

This made everyone in Mingjiao very anxious, Yang Xiao hurriedly persuaded "Shaoxia Zeng to think twice", but Zhang Wuji had made up his mind, and the six major sects also rushed to make a decision, so Zhang Wuji used his fists and kicks to defeat five. .

It's a pity that they all miscalculated.

What is Su Yi's most proud martial art?
It's boxing!

What Zhang Wuji learned was the essence of Su Yi's martial arts.

Even if he is not as good as Su Yi, he still has his true biography, which is no worse than Dugu Nine Swords.

What's more, when dealing with the Kongtong faction, Zhang Wuji has full confidence in his heart, because he has read the secret boxing manual of Qishangquan from his adoptive father since he was a child, and he can't say he knows the Kongtong faction's housekeeping skills like the back of his hand, but he is also very familiar with it.

With the Kongtong Five Elders on the stage, the scene that once again shocked the crowd happened!

Zhang Wuji exhibited a set of exquisite palm techniques, his posture is graceful, like a banished immortal descending into the world.

Moreover, he is very familiar with the moves of the Kongtong Five Elders, often predicting the enemy's first move, before the opponent moves, he already knows how the Five Elders will fight next.

How can the five elders be undefeated?
The defeat of the five elders in Kongtong was a fatal blow to the morale of the six factions!
Because in this way, it means that their four factions have already been defeated by Zhang Wuji.

And if you can't win with four against one or five against one, how can you fight?
On the other hand, Mingjiao's side was cheering and shouting like thunder.

In such an atmosphere, Shaolin appeared under great pressure.

As a master of martial arts, if Shaolin loses, the six major factions' siege of Guangmingding can be declared a complete failure.

Because of Shaolin's defeat, even if the only remaining Emei sect defeated Zhang Wuji, they would have to face the unscathed Mingjiao masters.

Juejue Shitai alone, no matter how sharp the Yitian Sword is, how can it be against the Mingjiao masters taking turns to fight?
Even if the Mingjiao is exhausted, it can exhaust the Emei faction.

If it really came with great vigor, but caused such absurd consequences, the reputation of the six major sects must be discredited, and they will probably be ridiculed in the martial arts in the future.

Therefore, Shaolin bears the hope of all the six major sects!
But hope is full, but the reality once again gave the six major factions a blow.

Zhang Wuji first used Baguazhang to break Monk Kong's dragon claw hand, without any damage.

Then Kong Zhi made a move.

This Shaolin monk, who has mastered eleven of Shaolin's 72 unique skills, has been sitting on the Diaoyutai in the original plot, and has never made a move from the beginning to the end, but now, under the threat of Zhang Wuji's force, he has no choice but to make a move.

This battle is definitely Zhang Wuji's most difficult battle!
After a fight, the heroes learned that the reason why Shaolin was called the master of martial arts, and why Kong Zhi was called the god monk, was justified, and it was by no means a random target.

Kongzhi's martial arts are far superior to emptiness. What he compares with Zhang Wuji is the weapon. He uses a Zen staff, while Zhang Wuji uses a sword.

Zhang Wuji's "Broken Sword Stance" is obviously not very effective under Kong Zhi's "Weida Pestle Technique".

On the surface, Kong Zhi was kind and kind, but he was unceremonious in his attacks. He seized Zhang Wuji's every flaw, and made ruthless moves without mercy.

After a few blows, Zhang Wuji vomited blood and received internal injuries.

But fortunately, Zhang Wuji is strong when he is strong. At the critical moment, he used swordsmanship to cooperate with Baguazhang, and forced Kong Zhi to lose his weapon with his powerful internal force, so that Kong Zhi had to compete with Zhang Wuji for his internal strength.

This battle lasted for half an hour, and finally Kong lost half of his moves under exhaustion.

Although Zhang Wuji won, he suffered extremely serious wear and tear, and suffered serious internal injuries.

Seeing this young man with blood spitting blood and pale face in the arena, the heroes felt deep admiration in their hearts.

Although in the martial arts world there are intrigues, but after all, martial arts are respected. Zhang Wuji is only a weaker year, but he can crush the heroes on this bright summit. With such strength, who can match him in the world?
Even the real Wudang Sanfeng came in person, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that?

"Is there any eminent monk from the Shaolin sect who would like to teach you a thing or two?" Zhang Wuji asked loudly, clutching his chest, frowning slightly because of the pain.

All the monks in Shaolin were silent, only one glared at him, with a look of bitter hatred in his eyes, which made Zhang Wuji's heart shudder.

But the monk quickly lowered his head and restrained his gaze.

"Amitabha." Kongzhi sighed, "My Shaolin skills are not as good as others today, so I have nothing to say. Little benefactor Zeng, I hope to visit our temple when I have time in the future. I want to do my best as a landlord and ask for advice."

Zhang Wuji hastily said: "Don't dare! The martial arts of the Shaolin School are extensive and profound, and the juniors are young and ignorant. Today is just a fluke. I just ask the master to give more pointers in the future."

"In terms of martial arts, I'm afraid that I have nothing to teach Zeng Benefactor." Kong Zhi looked deeply at Zhang Wuji, "But I have something to say, but I can't express it quickly."

"Master, please tell me!" Zhang Wuji said.

"The benefactor stands out for the Devil's Cult today. I don't know why. But in this way, the karma the Devil's Cult will do in the future will have a share of the cause and effect of the benefactor. I only hope that the benefactor will do it for himself, and don't regret it in the future!"

After Kongzhi finished speaking, he recited the Buddha's name, turned around and said helplessly to the heroes: "Everyone, Shaolin surrenders!"

From the moment he was defeated, the heroes knew the result, but when he announced it himself, the six major factions still felt even heavier.

Even Shaolin was defeated, and Emei was the only one left among the six major sects, so what's the use?

Even if Miejue Shitai can defeat Zeng A Niu, and there are more than a dozen high-level members of the Ming Cult who are watching, how many people can she win against no matter how powerful she is alone?
Miejue Shitai walked out of the sect camp expressionlessly, with calm eyes, slowly drew his sword, threw away the scabbard, and pointed the tip of the sword at Zhang Wuji.

She has decided to fight to the death, kill or be killed, never give up.

Now that the matter has come to this point, she would rather be broken than broken, and she will never let the demonic flames rise because of this.

Today, she will use her own life and blood to make the Demon Cult pay the price!

Her eyes were calm, but her heart suppressed an astonishing murderous intent.

There is only one goal in her heart, and she would rather die than kill this Zeng A Niu in front of her!
Now that the Demon Sect has Zeng Aniu, what do the righteous factions have to fight against the Demon Sect?
Just thinking about Miejue Shitai makes me feel hopeless.

She must never let Zeng A Niu live again!

"Master!" Zhang Wuji panted slightly, and clasped his fists slightly, "If this junior wins a move and a half by luck..."

"Impossible!" Miejueshi knew what he was going to say, so he interrupted him as soon as he spoke.

"All the disciples of the Emei Sect, listen up!" Miejue Shitai's eyes were sharp and his expression was determined, "If you die in battle for your master, you guys will continue to fight to the death with the Demon Sect! Senior sister dies in battle, junior sister goes up, junior sister dies in battle, and other junior sisters die next! If the teaching is not destroyed, our Emei Sect will continue to fight to the death!! Today, my Emei people can die, and the inheritance can be broken, but there must be no disciple who will not fight to the death!"

Speaking of this, Miejue Shitai’s voice was already stern, she suddenly turned her head to look at her disciples, and said sharply: "You swear in front of all the colleagues of the six major sects now! If you wait for the death of the teacher, how dare you have one of them?" Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, those who do not fight to the death with the Demon Cult, will be cast aside by everyone in the world! If you violate your last wish as a teacher, you will die a bad death!"

As soon as these words came out, a thick and tragic atmosphere immediately filled the audience, and everyone was moved by her words.

"Amitabha..." Shaolin monks chanted the Buddha's name and folded their hands together. Even the Ming Cult members were so shocked that they remained silent for a long time.

"Master, why is this?" Zhang Wuji was also very moved, and hurriedly said, "This junior is just..."

"Shut up!" Miejue Shitai rebuked decisively, "Zeng A Niu, I don't care who you are, but today you stand on the side of the Demon Cult, and you are the enemy of my Emei Sect! Don't think that you can rely on your martial arts skills, You can do whatever you want! It should be noted that all righteous people in the world will regard you as an enemy! I don’t believe that you can be proud for a while when you are proud! Karma sometimes happens, and retribution is not good!”

Zhang Wuji was so scolded that he was speechless and didn't know how to reply.

"Zeng Shaoxia, step back and rest for a while, and the Emei Sect will be left to us to continue!" Yang Xiao suddenly stood up and said, "You have done enough for our Mingjiao, if you are injured, you should go down to heal your injuries first. "

Before Zhang Wuji could speak, Miejue Shitai sneered and said, "Retreat? Where are you going? Yang Xiao, do you think you can let him go now? If you let him go, he can go down?"

Yang Xiao said indifferently: "Extermination, the rules are set by you. The two sides in the decisive battle are voluntary, and there is no coercion. Why, are you going to go back on your word now?"

"Who am I making the rules for?" Miejue Shitai said coldly.

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment.

"My rules are for the Six Great Sects and the Ming Sect. Is this Zeng A Niu from your Ming Sect?" Miejue Shitai asked sharply, "Yang Xiao, if you dare to fight for him, today our Six Great Sects don't have to fight again." Talk about any morals in the rivers and lakes, and immediately swarm up and wash Guangmingding with blood!"

"Bloodwashing the Bright Summit! Bloodwashing the Bright Summit..."

The heroes roared passionately.They were already infected by Miejue Shitai's tragic determination before, but now they hear Miejue Shitai is so tough, how can they not support it?

The expressions of Yang Xiao and the Mingjiao people changed drastically.

Zhang Wuji took a deep breath, stood up and said, "I'm coming! Master, I will fight with you today!"

Miejue Shitai sneered and was about to speak when he heard a voice suddenly coming from the entrance of the hall, which was heard clearly in the ears of everyone present——

"Disciple, Miejueshi is highly respected, how dare you be rude to him?"

As soon as this remark came out, Miejue Shitai was startled for a moment, and then turned around suddenly with ecstasy on his face!

Zhang Wuji, who was originally serious, also changed instantly, showing excitement.

Miejue Shitai has always been calm. With her heart, she lost her composure just by hearing one person's voice. Who is this person?

All the heroes were very curious in their eyes, and they all looked towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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