Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 112 Who asked you to make pigtails

Chapter 112 Who Made You Pigtail (Please subscribe to 410)

"So, Brother Kun's kindness, I really can't enjoy it." Su Yi sighed and spread his hands.

Ni Lao San squeezed his chin, glanced at Su Yi strangely, then put his arm around Su Yi's shoulder, leaned into his ear and whispered: "You are the closest person to Big Brother, you should know, Big Brother After being injured in the early years, there are also - some obstacles, understand?"

Su Yi couldn't deny it, with a look of "you continue to talk", but he was muttering in his heart, this point was not written in the materials...

But it's understandable if you think about it. You can't explain in detail about such insignificant things as Ni Kun's dysfunction, right?
"But elder brother still plays with women, almost every few months, at least two each time!" Ni Laosan said, "In this way, I will bring you some toys that elder brother uses Use, you know how to play when you see it, they are all men!"

Saying that, Ni Laosan winked his eyes at Su Yi, showing a wretched smile that could only be understood but could not be expressed in words.

"Aji, it's the first time that elder brother gave a woman to someone else. If you don't know how to flatter, it's not good. Isn't it?"

I've seen people who forced people to sell themselves, but it was the first time Su Yi saw the one who forced Park Chang, not to mention that he was the one who was forced.

But when it comes to this point, it is really unreasonable for Su Yi to refuse——

Nonsense, even if you say you have a problem, what else can you say?
Su Yi was quickly led to the next room.

Compared with Ni Kun's room, this room is obviously much simpler and smaller. Su Yi checked around as usual. This time he checked more carefully, mainly checking for cameras, bugs and the like. thing.

Apparently he was paranoid, there was no such thing.

Almost as soon as he finished his inspection, a younger brother led a petite little girl in.

The girl held a tray in her hand, which contained stethoscopes, whips, tweezers, razors, scissors, iron bars and so on.

"Step-brother, third uncle asked me to wish you a good time." The younger brother winked and showed an ambiguous smile.

After all, he was about to close the door.

"Wait!" But the wide-eyed Su Yi stopped him.

Su Yi pointed at the shivering girl who lowered her head when she came in, and asked in disbelief, "Are you sure you didn't bring the wrong person in?"

The younger brother was puzzled: "That's right, this is my younger sister with a mole on her neck."

"Brother Kun always prepares for this—a young girl every time he comes here?" He forcibly controlled his emotions, making himself look calm.

"It's almost like this." The younger brother said.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded slowly.

He asked the little brother again: "Brother Kun took over the rich man, has it been more than twenty years?"

"That's right," the younger brother nodded, "When I was very young, the rich man opened, and everyone said that Uncle Kun is an evergreen tree that will never fall..."

"For more than twenty years, does he do this every time he comes?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course, every time I come here, this is a repertoire." The younger brother raised his eyebrows and made a look that any man could understand, "Brother Kun eats meat, we drink soup. Step-brother, I wish you...

As the younger brother was talking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with Su Yi's eyes.

Eerie, looking penetrating.

"Step-brother, why are you looking at me like this?" the younger brother asked hesitantly.

Su Yi looked at him blankly: "Who told you to wear pigtails?"

The little brother was dumbfounded.

Su Yi slapped him across the face, causing the younger brother to stagger.

"Step-brother, I..."

"Who told you to wear pigtails?" Su Yi asked repeatedly.

"I, I have a lot of hair..." There was fear in the younger brother's eyes.

"If you have too much hair, pull it out." Su Yi suddenly bared his teeth and said gently. .

However, seeing this smile in the younger brother's eyes made him shudder.

"Step-brother, I, if you don't have any orders, I will..." the younger brother said in a panic.

"Are you deaf?" Su Yi smiled, "I said, I want you to pull it out!"

"Step-brother..." The younger brother's teeth began to chatter.

"Pull it!" Su Yi said with a smile, "Do you want me to help you?"

The younger brother was trembling, and stared at Su Yi with fear on his face for a while.

Su Yi looked at him, and his smile slowly faded again.

The younger brother was clever, and hurriedly grabbed the braid on his head, hesitated again and again, gritted his teeth, and pulled hard.


With a scream, the younger brother rolled all over the floor, in pain.

The door was knocked open, Ni Laosan rushed in, watching this scene in astonishment.

"Stop howling!" He yelled angrily at his younger brother, who covered his mouth and was still whining in a low voice, with the veins on his forehead popping out.

"What's going on?" Ni Laosan frowned and asked Su Yi, with a bad tone.

Su Yi glanced at him with a smile, and said: "This guy said that Brother Kun is enjoying himself here, and you are the one coaxing and cheating pimps in the middle. Brother Kun is in charge of enjoying it, and you will be the one to take the blame. He also said that Brother Kun will retire in the future. It's your world, you brothers are united, and your benefits can cut through gold. Third brother, did you teach him to say that?"

Ni Laosan's complexion changed instantly.

"I didn't, third uncle, I didn't say that! Lend me my courage, I dare not say that, third uncle!" The little brother cried on the ground, "Luo Ji himself said this, and I don't know what to say. It doesn't matter, third uncle!"

"Don't admit it?" Su Yi sneered, "Third Uncle, do you think I will wrong him? Do I need to embarrass a little one? If he doesn't say such things, how would I know, right?"

"Bastard!" He cursed angrily, glaring at Su Yi angrily.

"Third Uncle is scolding me?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, "Uncle Kun asked me to come here, is it because he wants Third Uncle to teach me how to behave? Is that so, Third Uncle?"

Su Yi looked at him with a smile, without saying a word, as if waiting for his answer.

"What do you mean?" Ni Laosan glared at Su Yi viciously, his chest heaving violently.

"It's nothing interesting, what can I mean?" Su Yi smiled and spread his hands, "I just kindly reminded Third Uncle that the people under your command are talking nonsense everywhere. If Third Uncle doesn't appreciate it, forget it."

Ni Laosan suddenly grabbed the single-pillar clothes-drying pole by the door and slammed it at the younger brother who was lying on the ground.

With just one blow, the skin on the younger brother's forehead was ripped apart.

The little brother screamed, but the next moment, Ni Laosan directly hit his mouth with a clothes-horse, blocking his voice.

"If you talk too much, I'll keep you from opening your mouth for the rest of your life!" Ni Laosan growled with a ferocious face.

"Forgive me... forgive me, Third Uncle..." the little brother begged weakly, with snot and tears.


Ni Laosan still couldn't understand his hatred, stepped forward and stepped on the younger brother's chest, raised the clothes drying pole and smashed the younger brother's mouth one after another, his face was bloody and bloody, at least half of the teeth in his mouth were broken, and he lay dead. Nothing happened on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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