Chapter 1156
In the world of martial arts, many things cannot be understood with common sense.For example, killing thousands of troops by one person, or sneaking into the palace alone to assassinate the emperor.

In the same way, it is by no means useless for various famous sects to strive for fame and prestige, but all famous sects are "underground kings" in their area.

In this dark world where corrupt officials are rampant and bullies are in power, the mere existence of the six major factions can deter evil.When people suffer wronged and suffering, they often go to ask these famous sects to make decisions for themselves.Even if the six major sects have nothing to do with the world, if they just pick out one or two things and take care of them, they will be able to give hope to the people, make them flock to them, and praise them even more.

Besides, how did the reputation of being a decent family come from?

If you call yourself a hero, no one will recognize you. You can only do good deeds and let the world praise and praise you.

So young heroes and chivalrous women from various sects went down the mountain to punish bullies, exterminate bandits and tease corrupt officials, which became a compulsory course for the sect.

First, it can train the team, and second, it can build a reputation, why not do it?
Therefore, most of the people in the area where each famous sect is located will respect and respect this sect very much, and these sects also have great influence and appeal to the people in the area where they are located.

Although the six major factions do not have the same unified beliefs as the Mingjiao, nor are they as tightly organized as the Mingjiao, but in fact the beliefs of each faction are more diverse, more tolerant and peaceful.

In the short term, the more extreme and fanatical beliefs are more able to enjoy in this troubled world, but if you take a long-term view, you will find that this kind of extremely fanatical beliefs are actually a double-edged sword, hurting others and yourself, not as good as moderate beliefs go for a long time.

This is also one of the additional reasons why Su Yi did not choose Mingjiao.

In the early stage of Su Yi, it seemed that one hammer in the east and one stick in the west produced a bunch of things. Although there are no signs of integration and large-scale formation, it actually seems to be blooming everywhere.

"Congratulations to Sect Leader Su, congratulations to Sect Leader Su! There is a way that Duke Zhou spits out and nourishes the world to return to his heart. With the help of Sect Leader Su, the great cause is bound to be expected! On behalf of the Beggar Gang, Chen Youliang wishes Sect Leader Su Wen Chengwu Virtue, and rule the world!"

Just when Su Yi was talking happily with people from the six major factions, a person suddenly rushed into the field, knelt down on one knee to Su Yi, and said loudly respectfully.

It was Chen Youliang again.

Chen Youliang, Chen Youliang, how old are you?

Su Yi looked at the person in front of him speechlessly, to be honest, he really didn't want to talk to this person.

He knew that Chen Youliang was a despicable villain who would use everything to his advantage, but later this person rebelled in the south, no matter what means he used, and laid a huge foundation. He had the strongest army in the south of the Yangtze River, and even Zhu Yuanzhang once Trembling under his lust.

So even if he knew that this person had something to do with Yuanzhen, Su Yi didn't want to talk to him, he just wanted to pretend he couldn't see him, and let him go to the south to do what he should do.

The presence of such a person can not only involve Zhu Yuanzhang, but also the Yuan court's military strength, so the benefit of Chen Youliang's survival is quite great.

But does Chen Youliang have to live?
Not necessarily.

In his absence, there are still other rebels occupying the territory and rising, and the chances of the Sky Eagle Cult in the south are also greater.It's just that if he really wasn't there, it would be hard to say whether the situation would be better or worse, so Su Yi deliberately ignored him, and wanted Chen Youliang to leave on his own.

But this person followed him all the way from Heifengkou, and Su Yi didn't say a word to him until now, but he refused to leave, which made Su Yi very speechless.

Why do you force me to kill you?
The strength is not good, but he insists on provoking Su Yi and counting on Su Yi. If Su Yi doesn't kill him, can he keep it for the New Year?
Su Yi dared to conclude that this Chen Youliang must have no good intentions, but had his own ideas.

The facts were indeed as Su Yi expected.

Chen Youliang's first sentence revealed his ulterior motives, but he himself was still ignorant.

"Although the villain is contemptible, he is determined to drive out the Tartars and restore our Han family! If the head of the Su family does not think that our gang of beggars is a Jianghu gang, he respects all beggars in the world. Please accept the villain and join your army. People are willing to be pawns, to fight for the rebels, and to die!" Chen Youliang looked impassioned, "Of course, the villain is only voting on behalf of himself and his brothers, but not the entire gang of beggars. Please ask Master Su to vote on this point. Please forgive me."

What Chen Youliang said was righteous, and he was neither humble nor overbearing, which immediately made most of the people present have a good impression of him. They all felt that although this person was a member of the Jianghu gang, it was rare for him to be righteous.

But after hearing what he said, Su Yi was even more sure that this guy was going to play himself.

Chen Youliang has already controlled the gang of beggars in his hands, and even supported a puppet to be the leader of the gang to hide the eyes and ears. Now you tell me that you can't represent the entire gang of beggars?

You joined me on behalf of yourself, but the beggar gang is independent, what are you doing to lay eggs?
Not to mention that you are still Cheng Kun's apprentice.

In fact, if Su Yi really followed suit to accept Chen Youliang and fight against him, he might not be able to convince him.

But it's really not necessary.

Chen Youliang is not an indispensable peerless genius, able to serve as a good general, on the contrary, this person has a rebellious personality, ambition, coldness and selfishness, accepting him will do more harm than good.

Su Yi didn't have the patience to spend his mind on this kind of person, trying to influence him or frighten him.

Since he doesn't want to give him a way out, there is nothing to say.

"Do you know why I've been ignoring you?" Su Yi smiled lightly and suddenly said.

Chen Youliang was startled for a moment.

But Su Yi didn't need his answer, and just said to himself: "Although you are Cheng Kun's apprentice, although you have changed positions to support the puppet to control the beggar gang, but you are against the Yuan Dynasty, and you stand on the side of the Han people."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Youliang's heart was full of turmoil. Even though he was quite deep in the city, it was inevitable that his mind would turn pale at this moment.

The two things Su Yi said are his biggest secrets. He dared to pretend to be a loyal minister and righteous man with Su Yi because he believed that no one could see through his identity and the secret of the beggar gang. , then what he said just now is not a joke in the eyes of the other party?

Chen Youliang was dripping with cold sweat instantly, his hands and feet were cold.

He had already overestimated Su Yi as much as possible, but he underestimated Su Yi unexpectedly. He thought that he was in the dark and others were in the light, but he knew his identity clearly.

Chen Youliang almost had the urge to get up and run away now, but he forcibly held back and tried to calm himself down.

His mind was spinning, thinking hard about the way to break the situation.

He really thought of one, and he decided to be straightforward and frank, playing a trick of the prodigal son turning his back on money.

But Su Yi didn't give Chen Youliang a chance to play tricks.

He looked at Chen Youliang indifferently and finally said: "If you just left on your own, I wouldn't bother to talk to you. But if you still stay here and plan to lie to me, then it's hard to keep you. Your tricks Unrighteous and scheming people are also a disaster if they stay in the world."

Chen Youliang's complexion changed drastically when he heard this, and he hurriedly shouted: "Master Su, please listen to me! I'm here..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi came to Chen Youliang in a blink of an eye, and patted his head lightly with his palm.

Chen Youliang suddenly felt as unstoppable as Mount Tai, and he had no way to get out. In despair, he roared and tried to resist the counterattack, but everything was in vain. His martial arts were as ridiculous as a toy in front of Su Yi.

In the end, Su Yi's palm landed firmly on Chen Youliang's forehead, and Chen Youliang froze all over, and fell straight down without a sound.

As Chen Youliang fell to the ground with a bang, Su Yi's eyes suddenly fell on the three people brought by Chen Youliang, and he said indifferently: "It's not easy to survive, I'll let you go."

All three showed expressions of horror, and one of them gritted his teeth and said, "Su Daxia, this is all done by Chen Youliang, it has nothing to do with us! We just succumbed to his lust and had to obey orders!"

"We just listen to his orders and stay in the streets of Dadu. If we see Su Daxia's whereabouts, we will report to him, but we don't know what he is going to do, including why he must follow Su Daxia and you, and why he wants to win your trust. ..."

"We have nothing to do with supporting the puppet to control the beggar gang. We are just the knife in his hand. He is suspicious by nature and never trusts us. He just ordered us to do this and that..."

The three of them were afraid that Su Yi would regard them as Chen Youliang's accomplices who were "stubborn and disregarded", so they began to "confess" with each other.

Before they spoke, the heroes were all in a daze.

They didn't know why Su Yi suddenly killed people, and many people didn't know who Su Yi was talking about Cheng Kun.

In this world, Cheng Kun's identity has not been fully exposed, and even Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai don't know that Cheng Kun is Yuanzhen.

But Shaolin's Kong Wen and Kong Zhi both knew about it, and their faces changed slightly when they heard this name.

But now, after hearing the three of them scrambling to get rid of their relationship, the heroes all figured out something.

It turned out that this Chen Youliang was so bold that he hired Li Daitao to replace Shi Huolong, the leader of the Beggar Gang, and then secretly controlled the Beggar Gang himself.

Before he was in Dadu, he was ordered by someone to secretly search for the whereabouts of Su Yi and the others. He obviously had malicious intentions, but it was a pity that Su Yi had spotted it long ago, so he failed.

Up to now, all plans have failed, and he actually pretended to be a loyal person and wanted to infiltrate Su Yi's rebel army, plotting evil.

This man is really sinister and treacherous.

For a moment, the heroes shouted and scolded endlessly, and they all praised Su Yi for his insight and insight.

At the same time, they are all awe-inspiring.

They have seen Su Yi's martial arts, seen Su Yi's benevolence and righteousness, and even seen Su Yi's gentleness like jade.

But this is the first time I have seen such a decisive side that hates evil like hatred and kills.

Su Yi's ruthless side seemed to be revealed inadvertently, which made the heroes even more awed by Su Yi.

"Cheng Kun? Could this person be the master of the Demon Cult's golden-haired lion king Xie Xun?" Miejue Shitai asked suspiciously, "Master Su, why did Cheng Kun appear all of a sudden?"

"Cheng Kun is Fang Zhen." Su Yi didn't mean to hide it for Shaolin, so he pointed it out.

"Amitabha..." Kong Wen couldn't help sighing, "It's unfortunate for the teacher..."

Zhang Sanfeng and Miejue Shitai had different expressions on their faces, the latter snorted coldly and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything out of face.

"You three, take his body and leave." Su Yi said lightly.

As if they had been pardoned, the three hurriedly lifted Chen Youliang's body and left in a hurry.

This generation of heroes who later became kings and hegemons died so aggrieved.

"It's getting late, let's rest here." Su Yi looked around and said.

This is a valley outside Jiulong Town, because the town not far away has been requisitioned by Mr. Guan's rebel army and has become a military stronghold. In order to avoid trouble, the heroes did not enter the stronghold, but stayed in this valley.

Now the moon is going up Dongshan, it is already dark, the heroes have been exhausted all the way, people are tired and horses are exhausted, and Su Yi is injured, so there is no delay, so he decided to camp here.

Everyone has nothing to do, the current factions are divided into areas, camped in place, and rested in place.

Su Yi was alone, but all factions tried their best to invite him to rest in their own camps, and finally Su Yi chose the Emei faction camp.

A group of Emei disciples enthusiastically spread grass for Su Yi as a bed, boiled water and delivered dry food, and their attitude towards Su Yi was extremely good.

Only Ding Minjun seemed to be very afraid of Su Yi, hiding in the distance and not daring to come.

Juejue Shitai sent someone to ask about Zhou Zhiruo's whereabouts. Su Yi was also a little strange about this, because logically speaking, Zhou Zhiruo and the others should have arrived before him.

Could it be that people are in other places and don't know the arrival of their group?
Or was there some unexpected delay in the middle?
Thinking of this, Su Yi crossed his knees to heal his injuries, and at the same time released Qingfengmingyue to search around.

It stands to reason that the barracks are very evil, and it is generally difficult for little ghosts to approach, but this is talking about lonely ghosts, even those fierce ghosts.

It seems that Qingfeng Mingyue, who was raised by Su Yi, often eats Su Yi's Taoist blood, and is blessed by Su Yi's talisman, but he can barely get it.

Before finding Zhou Zhiruo and the others, Su Yi used the sight of the little ghost to see the legendary Mr. Guan first.

Just seeing the situation in the town, Su Yi frowned.

Originally planning to meet Mr. Guan to see if there is a way to bring Mr. Guan under his command, the idea suddenly faded a bit.

These rebels have already ravaged the people in the town to the point where there are naked women in almost every army tent, and some of them are even dead.

Many people have been killed, and the corpses are piled up like mountains.

In fact, this is also a normal situation. In troubled times, it seems that the rebels represent justice, like heavenly soldiers who relieve the people, but in fact, some rebels are more vicious and vicious than the Tartars.

The reason is actually very simple, no matter how inhumane the Tartars are, they are still the defenders of order, and no matter how good the rebels are, they are also the destroyers of order.

Some rebels have long-term plans, knowing that the hearts of the people are important, and will restrain themselves; but many rebels gather together to fight because they can't survive. There is no tomorrow, and they don't care too much. Without order and restraint, the animal nature is completely out of control. How can the people not suffer?
The last dynasty is generally plagued by disasters, and this era is no exception, so food is a big problem for the rebels.

What did the rebels eat when there was no food to eat?
It is human beings, because human flesh is the easiest to obtain.

(End of this chapter)

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