Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 121 Ni Kun is dead

Chapter 121 Ni Kun is Dead

One of the strange things in this world is that many important people think they are superior to others, so even if they die, they must be extraordinary.

But in fact, the only fair thing in the world is death.

Tragic death, glorious death, headshot, dismemberment, grand funeral, violent corpse on the street...

Adding any kind of modifier to death is meant for the living. To the dead, death is death, meaningless, because everything ceases to exist.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Ni Kun was, at the moment of his death, everything is meaningless.

The young killer Liu Jianming knew how powerful the shot he just fired was, but he didn't care, he remained as calm as an old dog.

Maybe he also cared, he was secretly happy, but a kind of innate calmness told him that this matter must rot in his stomach in the future, even if his parents asked him, he couldn't say it.

If it is known to others that he killed Ni Kun, the end waiting for him will not be to become famous, but to be dismembered.

Although death is meaningless, there is pain.

According to Sister Mary's account, Liu Jianming walked left and right through the cramped corridor, came out from another exit, and walked into the vast night.

"I'm afraid of love, and I'm also afraid of not getting love. How many infatuated women are there in this world?" He hummed and looked around.

He stopped at the window of the watch shop, looked at the gold Rolex watch on the booth inside, and couldn't help showing envy.

But he quickly looked away and continued walking.

He saw a men's clothing store with foreign letters, and the clothes in it were so stylish, he wanted to try it.

But he knew that he would not be able to afford it.

The world is really strange. Why are there so many things that most people can't afford, placed on the side of the road that most people have walked?

He is like thousands of ordinary young people in this world, longing for all the glamorous things in the world, and full of greed for all good things.

He is full of confidence in his heart, and he believes that he will get everything he wants sooner or later.

As for how to get it?
That's the least important thing.

As long as it's fast enough, it's fine.

A car passed by him and suddenly stopped in front of him.

Liu Jianming couldn't help but glanced at the car.

He then spotted the car quickly reversed and pulled over beside him.

A burly man with long hair rolled down the car window and shook his head at him: "Get in the car."

Liu Jianming looked around, pointed at himself, and cast a questioning look at this person.

"Is your name Liu Jianming?" the man asked.

Liu Jianming was startled: "Who are you?"

"Get in the car." The man said again, with an unquestionable tone.

Liu Jianming thought for a while, smiled, stepped forward and opened the car door, and sat in the passenger seat.

"Just go up, there is nothing to be afraid of." He put the paper bag he had been carrying on his lap, turned his head with a smile, and looked at this person.

This person is naturally Su Yi.

He actually came to try his luck, and wanted to walk around the Chungking Mansions to see if Mary was the same as the original plot, and sent Liu Jianming to kill Ni Kun.

Didn't expect him to come across it.

"I know you have a gun in your bag." Su Yi's first words made Liu Jianming's expression change with fright.

"Be careful of fire." Su Yi blinked at Liu Jianming whose face changed drastically, and then started the car.

"Who are you?" Liu Jianming reached into the bag and put his finger on the trigger.

"Mary's partner." Su Yi said, "Don't worry what I will do to you, I will also kill Ni Kun."

Liu Jianming's face was uncertain, and he said after a while: "I don't know what you are talking about, stop the car, I want to get down!"

Su Yi smiled, and said: "My name is Luo Ji, Ni Kun's bodyguard and driver. But once your shot is fired, I have to change jobs."

"I want to get out of the car!" Liu Jianming said every word.


Su Yi stopped the car at the entrance of an alley, then turned around with a smile.

"If you kill Ni Kun, your reward will only be tens of thousands of yuan, and you feel unwilling to make this call."

He gave Liu Jianming a note with his phone number written on it.

Liu Jianming glanced at the note, raised his head and said seriously: "I really don't know what you are talking about! Also, don't follow me!"

After all, he directly opened the door and got out of the car.

Liu Jianming hurriedly walked, like a frightened rabbit, and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Su Yi looked at his back with a smile on his face.


The BB phone rang suddenly, and Su Yi picked it up to see that it was the number of Ni's villa, and it said call back quickly.

It seems that news of Ni Kun's death has begun to spread.

He didn't rush to answer the phone, but first called Lu Qichang with his mobile phone.

"It's done."

When the phone was connected, he only said two words.

Lu Qichang was stunned for a long time before realizing what Su Yi was talking about.

"So fast?" He was surprised.

"He has lived a long time," Su Yi said, "every breath he takes is an insult to this world."

Lu Qichang was silent again.

"Want to help?" he asked.

"No need." The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled up, "Just to tell you."

"Then be careful, and think about what you missed. If there is anything wrong, call me immediately!" Lu Qichang said seriously.


After hanging up the phone, Su Yi found a public phone and called Ni's villa.

"Aji, where are you?" The caller was Ni Kun's eldest son, a doctor, and his voice was full of panic at the moment.

"Brother Kun asked me to work outside." Su Yi said, "What?"

"They said, Dad is dead!" Ni Kun's eldest son cried, "They told me not to go out, I'm so scared, Aji!"

"Who said that?" Su Yi asked after deliberately being silent for a moment.

"It's a nigger. He said that his men heard gunshots in Chungking Mansions. When they went over, they found that it was Dad. Now the niggers are rushing over. They told me to call you and not to go out... A Ji, will someone come to kill me? Come back and protect me, I'm so scared, woo woo woo..."

Lao Tzu is a hero and a bastard, Ni Kun is a hero. As soon as he died, his son cried because he was afraid that he would be in danger.

Su Yi hung up the phone directly, turned around and headed for the front gate of Chongqing Mansions.

When we arrived at the place, the whole scene was surrounded by countless young and Dangerous boys.

The scene was chaotic and shouting.

"It's stepbrother!"

"Step-brother is here!"

"Get out of the way for stepbrother, Made, are you deaf?"

Amidst the noise, Su Yi passed through the crowd and arrived at the scene where Ni Kun was killed.

A few old men and women stood in a row, cringing.

Ni Kun fell into a pool of blood, and Guohua, Heigui, and Wen Zheng stood beside him.

Su Yi's face was solemn, and he squatted down to check Ni Kun's condition immediately.

Fortunately, really dead.

Su Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and murmured tremblingly in disbelief: "No, it's impossible! Brother Kun..."

(End of this chapter)

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