Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 131 Yi Bo Yuntian's Step Brother

Chapter 131 Yi Bo Yuntian's Stepbrother

"Luo Ji arrested the four bosses at the gate of the police station? Was it so violent?"

"The fierce one is still behind! Didn't you hear what Wen Zheng said? At first the nigger and Guohua didn't admit it, but they stabbed Guohua three times and six times on the spot, so scared that the nigger immediately recognized it!"

"It's too ruthless! Why didn't I find such a ruthless person in the club before?"

"Luo Jicai is not from the society. He is Uncle Kun's personal bodyguard. I heard that Uncle Kun took his life when he went out to sea. He did it this time to repay his kindness."

"Enough loyalty! Good man!"

Following Wen Zheng's words from you and me, the truth of the matter was completely "restored".

Ni Kun was killed by two gangsters, Niigi and Guohua!

Furious, Luo Ji stepped forward and directly tied up four big bosses at the gate of the police station. After interrogation, he killed the two culprits and avenged Uncle Kun.

What is a hero?

This is the hero!
What is a hero?

This is the hero!
Stepbrother mighty!

Stepbrother is domineering!

As for Wen Zheng and Gandhi, although they were disgraced in this matter, they kept the bottom line and resolutely refused to be the second or fifth offenders who committed the following crimes. merit and demerit

The matter quickly spread out of the villa, and then spread rapidly at the speed of snowflakes.

After a while, Huang Zhicheng, the chief O officer who was guarding outside, received a phone call, so he also knew the "truth of the matter."

"Abduction at the back door of the police station, are you so arrogant?" Huang Zhicheng frowned deeply, walked back with the phone in hand, and then repeated the news to Lu Qichang.

Lu Qichang was dumbfounded.

Luo Jiyi and Bo Yuntian, avenging Ni Kun?

Ni Kun was killed by Luo Ji, who was old enough!
His revenge?If he takes revenge, he just shoots himself and it's over!
Lu Qichang had ten thousand dirty words to say in his heart.

He never expected Luo Ji to direct such a wonderful drama.

He was surprised and delighted, angry and funny.

What the hell is this!
"So it seems that this Luo Ji is going to take over?" Lu Qichang shook his head, suppressing the absurd feeling in his heart, and asked what he cared most about. "Do you think Ni Yongxiao will give Luo Ji the territory that originally belonged to Guohua and the niggers? After all, Luo Ji helped him find the murderer and avenged his father."

"It's very possible." Huang Zhicheng nodded in agreement, "And young and Dangerous people can easily take this Luo Ji as their idol. In the next few years, this Luo Ji will definitely be the most popular boss in Hong Kong!"

"It really made him do it..." Lu Qichang muttered.

"What?" Huang Zhicheng turned his head.

"I said, this Luo Ji is too arrogant!" Lu Qichang said, "We have to catch him and check him out!"

"Need to say?" Huang Zhicheng looked at him strangely, "This kind of person provokes the police, kills a person and declares his arrogance to the world, if his arrogance is not suppressed, wouldn't Tsim Sha Tsui become the world of young and Dangerous in the future? "

"That's right! It's outrageous!" Lu Qichang said solemnly, "But we may not be able to find evidence to sue him, and Xinji will definitely protect him at all costs."

Huang Zhicheng couldn't help rolling his eyes: "So what? You don't need to do anything? Even if you can't get him to go to jail, you have to let him know that he can only sneak around if he does bad things! Hey, what's going on today? Usually these words are yours Said."

"I'll give you a chance, that's why I was promoted to the Chief Inspector because I talked too much." Lu Qichang said with a smile, "Seeing that you are so proficient in what you say, it turns out that you have practiced a lot behind your back, why, you want to be promoted too? "

"Damn! Can you see if you are jealous?" Huang Zhicheng gave him a middle finger, and then couldn't help laughing.

In the villa, no one questioned whether what Gandhi and Wen Zheng said was true or not.

Some really believe it, some don't care.

In short, people sometimes want a truth, and they just want a truth.

It's as simple as having a sofa in a home.

The younger ones have been invited out, and there are only five people left in the living room, Ni Yongxiao, Han Chen, Wen Zheng, Gandhi and Su Yi.

"Aji, have you ever thought about coming out to do things for the club?" Ni Yongxiao asked straight to the point.

If you talk about repaying your kindness, you can't fool the outsiders, but you can't fool the old foxes here.

In fact, both Ni Yongxiao and Han Chen feel that Su Yi has done so much for the sake of "upper position".

It's okay for people to be utilitarian, the most important thing is how well things are done.

Su Yi did this so beautifully that everyone had nothing to say, so whether Ni Yongxiao wanted it or not, he had to help Su Yi to the top.

Otherwise, who would work for the Ni family in the future if they did not make such a great contribution?

"If you're willing to come out, I'll give you a promise." Ni Yongxiao said with a smile, "I'll give you everything about the nigger and Guohua's place! Moreover, I'll give you the rich man!"

As soon as these words came out, the other three bosses were a little moved.

No matter how great Su Yi's achievements are, it's okay to give him the same treatment as Han Chen, Wen Zheng and Gandhi. After all, he was just a small bodyguard before.

Letting him directly become a boss is already a step up to the sky.

But giving Su Yi both the nigga and Guohua's place means that Su Yi suddenly became the most powerful boss in Xin Ngee'an, and his status jumped up, even above Wen Zheng, Gandhi and Han Chen!

Even more unbelievable is the scene of the rich man.

This place doesn't make much money, but it has great symbolic meaning. This is the place where Ni Kun made his fortune, and it has always been the private land of the Ni family, but now Ni Yongxiao actually gave the rich man to Su Yi.

After Han Chen froze for a moment, he immediately returned to smiling, as if he didn't care about all this.

The expressions of Wen Zheng and Gandhi are much more exciting.

The two looked at Su Yi quietly, and their eyes were shining with unpredictable brilliance.

"The big rich man is the place where my father started. The third uncle made a mistake, so it is no longer suitable for him to stay there." Ni Yongxiao said, "The association must be rewarded and punished clearly in order to convince the public. Even if my uncle made a mistake, he must I want to punish him. I plan to let the third uncle stop looking at the situation in the future, and hand over all the sites, so that he can only manage people and do things for the club in the future."

Speaking of this, Ni Yongxiao looked at Su Yi and said with a smile: "Ah Ji, if you have any ideas, you can bring them up yourself. If you can satisfy me, I will never refuse."

Su Yi looked at the person in front of him, feeling emotional in his heart.

As expected of Ah Xiao, he just came back from Britain, but now he is the leader of Xin Ngee Ann.

What's even more frightening is that neither Han Chen, Wen Zheng nor Gandhi thought there was anything wrong with this.

And as soon as he took over, the master's wrist was clearly evident.Su Yi is sure that the higher he is praised by Ni Yongxiao today, the worse he will fall in the future.

"I'm sorry, Xiao, I don't plan to join the club to do things." Su Yi said lightly, "And I'm still here to say goodbye to you. Brother Kun is dead, so I'll stay at Ni's house, so there's no point in staying .”

"I plan to withdraw completely, and I will have nothing to do with Xinji in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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