Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 136 At 8 o'clock, have a backbone

Chapter 136 Eight o'clock, Backbone
Compared with the number gang, in fact, what Su Yi wants to join most is He Liansheng.Because he is at least a little familiar with Liansheng, but for the number gang, he knows that there is a brother Dinosaur, there is a brother Jiaqian, and there is brother Ju from Lisboa, and the rest is black.

Su Yi never thought about doing the business of standing up the initials by himself.Because this means starting from scratch, building up the territory piece by piece, and doing it alone is the most risky, and it is easy to collapse in the middle of starting a business.

Thirty minutes later, Liu Jianming called from a public phone to report: "Chang Mao found Guan Zisen and took Guan Zisen away."

"Bring Long Gen, Chang Mao, and Guan Zisen to meet me, and report to Big D!" Su Yi said, "I'll wait for you at the coffee shop next to the west gate of Kowloon Park."

"Yes, stepbrother."

At this time, Su Yi had already formed a general idea in his mind, so he decided to give it a try.

Anyway, try and not get pregnant.

Tai Kok Tsui Pier.

Chang Mao was instructing his subordinates to nail wooden boxes and put Long Gen and Guan Zisen in them.

At this moment, two cars drove onto the pier, one on the left and one on the right, and stopped on both sides of them.

Changmao and the others stopped what they were doing and looked to the two sides. At this moment, facing the window on their side, four guns were stretched out from the black hole.

They froze all of a sudden, and then raised their hands together.

Liu Jianming got out of the car and looked at the situation in the end.

"Long Mao, I'm Liu Jianming." He said, "Brother Step wants to see you."

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he raised his neck: "Don't worry, we'll talk after the box is nailed."

Long Mao's eyes were blank.

On the other side, ten minutes later, Su Yi received a call from Ni Yongxiao.

"Ah Xiao, what's the matter?"

"I heard that you captured He Liansheng's subordinates?" Ni Yongxiao asked straight to the point.

"Such a trivial matter, why did you startle even?" Su Yi smiled.

"Big D called Gandhi Xingshi to ask his crimes. Gandhi didn't know what was going on, so he called me and asked me to ask if you can help." Ni Yongxiao said with a smile, "If you have something to do, just speak up, don't be polite."

"It's just a small conflict, don't bother." Su Yi smiled.

"If it's not a big deal, it's best not to mess with this guy," Ni Yongxiao advised, "You know? He Liansheng just picked a new speaker, and Big D has always wanted to be the speaker, and he is the strongest candidate But he lost to Ale from Jordan, I think he must be very angry now, don't let him spread all his anger on you."

"Understood." Su Yi said, "I'll treat you to tea another day."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi's eldest brother rang immediately.

When the phone was picked up, the other side asked in a very rude tone, "Are you Luo Ji?"

"Big D?" Su Yi recognized who the other party was.

"As long as you know it's me, don't talk too much nonsense, can you let him go?" Big D asked impatiently.

"At eight o'clock, if you have the backbone, I'll let you go if you come." Su Yi said with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

At Hong Kong Island University, Jimmy, wearing a suit and tie, is sitting in the classroom listening to a foreign professor talk about the theoretical application of economic modeling in microeconomics.

He listened with gusto, was he taking notes?

If you only look at his current appearance, he is clearly a nerd. No one would have thought that he is the biggest "chicken head" of He Liansheng, and there are hundreds of Lou Feng under him.

Suddenly, his big brother vibrated.

Jimmy hurriedly connected, leaned close to his ear and lowered his voice: "Hello?"

"Brother Jimmy! Big D's Chang Mao has captured Brother Sen and Uncle Long Gen! Brothers don't know what to do now..."

Jimmy's face immediately darkened.

His eyes closed for a moment, his chest heaving violently.

When he opened his eyes again, he picked up the books on the table and the coat on the chair, and rushed out of the classroom.

Forty minutes later, he arrived in Jordan, and after waiting for another half an hour, he was recommended by Huoxen to meet with Liansheng's new speaker—Ale.

"Jimmy, don't worry, Brother Le will definitely make the decision for you." On the way, Fire Bull comforted Jimmy.

Jimmy glanced at him and said, "You're all right now, you've switched to Ale, and your future will be worry-free."

Huo Niu smiled coyly, and said: "When I turned to talk to Brother Le, he hadn't decided to run as the speaker yet. Besides, because of the matter of Dajiaoqiang last time, he bragged and made everyone lose in front of the new people. To save face, the club decided to choose in advance, and I didn't know that Brother Le would really be selected..."

"You don't need to explain to me, people go to high places..." Jimmy said in a toneless way.

He absolutely despises a snob like Huoxen.

Fire Bull was the first to fight with Dajiaoqiang, but Dajiaoqiang lost eight games to Xin Ngee Ann, and since then lost power. Fire Bull immediately abandoned his boss and switched to Jordan's A Le.

It's all right now, Ah Le has become the talker, and this powerful villain has risen, and he has suddenly become the most valued follower around the talker.

A Le was working out the accounts with the accountant of the club, and when Jimmy entered, the two were talking about an account of 8 million.Seeing Huoxue bring Jimmy in, Ale shut up immediately and came out from behind the table.

"Brother Le, this is Jimmy." Huoxen introduced, "Guan Zisen's younger brother."

Jimmy called Le Ge blankly.

"I know everything," A Le said, "I'll call Big D now."

Now that you know, why didn't you call earlier?Do you have to call me when I come?

Jimmy felt a little dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't speak.

A Le picked up the big phone, and called big D in front of several people.

"Hello, Big D? I'm Ah Le." He smiled.

The voice over there was clearly transmitted from the receiver to the ears of several people.

"Oh, Ah Le, what's the matter?" Big D's tone was a bit eccentric.

"I received news that you had some quarrel with Brother Long Gen and Guan Zisen and kidnapped them?" Ale asked.

"Yeah, how?"

"We're all on our own. Brother Long Gen is getting old. If you have something to say, sit down and talk slowly."

"Cut! What's none of your business?" Big D on the phone sneered disdainfully.

"It's not good for brothers to quarrel, I'll be a peacemaker." A Le laughed.

"Oh——" Big D deliberately used an exaggerated drawn-out tone, "Yes, you are the talker, then tell me after you get the faucet stick, that's it!"


After hanging up the phone, Ah Le put away the phone with a smile and turned around, saying to Jimmy, "You go back first, the society will handle this matter."

That's it?

Jimmy's eyes widened. Doesn't that mean he didn't say anything?
"What do you mean?" He got a little angry, and the dissatisfaction in his heart reached the extreme, "Forget it, I will settle it myself!"

He waved his hand, turned around and walked out.

"Jimmy!" Ale called him, walked up to him, poked his chest with his finger, stared at him and said word by word: "I said, this matter will be dealt with by the society, don't make trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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