Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 140 There is only one Luo Ji

Chapter 140 There Is Only One Luo Ji
"Actually, even if it's not Ale, it's someone else that you and Ji are talking about, but it's not your turn." Su Yi said, "Because the club needs to be balanced, your family is the only one, and the uncles above can't check and balance you. What you say is what you say, and no one dares to refute it. If the uncles are old enough to talk and it doesn't work, how do you let them mess around?"

"Bastard, let me tell you!" Big D suddenly realized, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth, "So the problem lies here..."

"Cooperate with me and introduce me to join the club. I'll help you get rid of your uncles and let you take over." Su Yi said with a smile, "The condition is that you give me the territory of Tai Kok Tsui, Jotun and Sham Shui Shed, and, after two years, You must fully support me in choosing a speaker."

Big D narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Yi, sneered: "Why should I trust you? Support me? Did you say it with your mouth?"

"Actually, you have no choice." Su Yi said.

"Not necessarily!" Big D sneered again and again.

"Do you think that if you snatch the dragon head stick, you will stop Ale from taking the position?" Su Yi looked at him pityingly, and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be stupid, Brother D, you will only embarrass Ale at most. That's all."

Big D's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he looked at Su Yi suspiciously: "Since you said it's not okay, then it's not okay, what can you do for me?"

"That's my business." Su Yi smiled, "Just think about it, Brother D, you still have some time."

Big D was about to speak again, Dadong hurried in, glanced at Big D, and said four words into Su Yi's ear.

"The police are here."

"You and Ah Wei drove the car to the back door and left!" Su Yi stood up quickly, turned around and walked out.

"Hey, let's go now?" Big D was dumbfounded, "I haven't finished talking..."

"There's nothing to say!" Su Yi stepped out the door without looking back, waving his hands and feet, "Call me if you want to cooperate, and wait for death if you don't cooperate, that's it."

"What the hell!" Big D roared angrily, "Your fucking grenade! What about the grenade?"

Su Yi's voice drifted over from afar: "I forgot to tell you, I also pulled out the lead wire of this one! Brother D, keep it as a souvenir, remember, don't be so naive in the future!"


Big D was so angry that he overturned the table.

Tens of seconds later, all the boys rushed in, looked at the mess in the private room, and looked at each other.

"Boss, do you want to chase after..."

As soon as a younger brother said a word, he was kicked to the ground by the big D.

"Chasing, chasing, chasing, chasing!" Big D yelled angrily, "I'm clearly determined by him, shit, what can I do if I catch up?"

"Brother D, the police are here."

"So what? I can't see anyone?" Big D scolded, "Don't come sooner or later, why come at this time, Mad, a bunch of bastards!"

At this time, the police just came to the door, and the leader glanced at Big D, and said angrily: "You are so angry, Big D? Just right, I will take you to the police station to sober up."

At the same time, Lin Huaile had just finished reconciling the accounts with the accountant when the police appeared at the door.

The uncles and uncles were sitting together drinking tea, but they were taken by a nest.

The ex-talker Chucky refused to hand over the leading stick symbolizing the authority of the speaker to Ale under the threat of the big D, and was about to run away to enter the customs, but was stopped at the gate.

He was much luckier than the original plot, because of Su Yi's appearance, Big D never met him, and he also avoided the fate of being severely beaten by Big D, and then hit by a car and seriously injured.

However, he still sent his men to the interior to fetch the dragon head stick he hid.

"Brother Step, where are we going now?" Liu Jianming asked in the car.

"Wait." Su Yi smiled.

All the nets he should have cast have been cast out, and all that remains is to wait for news.

The next day, the younger brothers found a building near Jordan and rented them all, which was considered a collective foothold.

The younger brothers were busy packing up and moving, and Su Yi also had a good day's rest, and the weather was calm.

Just because he's fine doesn't mean others are fine.

On Xinji's side, the first confrontation between Ni Yongxiao and the bosses below came unexpectedly.Everyone wanted the land vacated by Guohua and Hei Gui, but Ni Yongxiao couldn't swallow it all, so he divided the benefits into five shares, he took two shares, and the remaining three shares were shared by each of the three big bosses.

It was fair to do so, but Gandhi and Wen Zheng disagreed, because they wanted more, and they hadn't tasted Ni Yongxiao's strength yet, and treated him like a brat.

They didn't say anything on the surface, but in private, they sent their younger brothers to occupy more land and refused to leave. When Han Chen and Ni Yongxiao asked, they presumed that they didn't know, didn't know, and didn't care. talk.

Once Han Chen and the others were serious and determined to chase away people, they would simply find an excuse to tear their faces apart, and they would not hesitate to fight and not give way.

Faced with such unreasonable hob meat, Ni Yongxiao has not much to do.

At this time, it can be highlighted how wise it is for Su Yi to get out of the quagmire as soon as possible.

Because he didn't leave, he should be the one with the headache.

On the side of He Liansheng, the uncles, A Le, Big D, and Chuiji were all detained in the detention room. Superintendent Xu, the biggest boss of O Ji, rushed to the Tsuen Wan Police Station to sit in the police station and clearly told He Liansheng Uncles, transfer power peacefully and don't make trouble.

Deng Wei, the most prestigious uncle with Liansheng, agreed to let Chuanbao and Laogui, who are both uncles, talk to Big D and Ale respectively.

Although Ah Le is the talker, but at this time, there is no one who wants people, no money, and the only one who is willing to support him is betrayed by Dajiaoqiang and single-handedly defected to his fire bull.

Naturally, he was eager to have peace talks with Big D.

But big D is different.

First, Long Gen took his money but didn't speak for him, and now he is persuaded to let go after a series of explosions. The attitudes of the uncles all confirm what Su Yi told him.

The community needs balance, and Liansheng doesn't need a dominant leader at all, and the uncles need a leader who can control them.

So no matter how much money he spends and how many things he does, it won't help at all.

Recalling all the things he has done for the campaign speaker in the past two years, Big D feels like a clown being played by his uncles.

The more he thought about it, the more furious he became, and finally he was unrestrained, and shouted the slogan of establishing "Xinhe Liansheng" to Chuanbo.

"Crazy! You are simply crazy!" Chuan Bao couldn't bear it anymore, and he didn't want to say a word to Big D anymore.

Going back to report to Deng Wei, Deng Wei spread his hands and said to Xu Sir: "There is no other way, we can only fight."

"What kind of tricks are you playing?" Xu sir frowned suddenly, "Shall I emphasize it again? What I want is stability, and nothing will happen!"

"Can you learn from the new story next door? Passed down from generation to generation, it's easy and trouble-free. Even if the father is killed, there will be no big disturbances! What's not fun playing small circle elections? Is it fun?"

"I also want to be fine like Xinji, but there is only one Luo Ji, and no one between us and Liansheng will jump out and deal with everyone." Deng Wei said.

(End of this chapter)

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