Chapter 1409
After Shazhu left, Su Yi looked at the mess in the room and worried.

Clean it up, wash it, clean it, wipe it, I'm really too lazy to do it.

Leave it alone, there is an unpleasant smell in the room.

Su Yi was about to roll up his sleeves to work when he heard footsteps approaching outside the door.With a thought in his heart, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the workman came.

Yu Li knocked on the door and called out "Aid Korea" in a low voice.


She pushed the door open, and saw Su Yi Da Ma Jindao sitting at the dining table smiling and looking at her.

"Desire from Yu Li +66..."

Yu Li's heart suddenly jumped.

"Sister-in-law?" Su Yi smiled.

"I heard the sound like a fool leaving, so I came to take a look." Yu Li came back to her senses, and quickly glanced at the table, "Oh, have you drank three bottles? You are really successful, don't take it easy Son... let's go, I'll help you go in and rest, don't worry about the outside, let me handle it."

Su Yi and Sha Zhu really didn't eat much of the four dishes, Su Yi ate some of the vegetarian ones, but Sha Zhu drank heavily at the beginning, and couldn't eat much afterwards.

Fold it, fold it, it's no problem to make up two plates.

Yu Li felt a little joy in her heart, and while thinking about how to talk to Su Yi later, she helped Su Yi back to the bedroom.

In fact, Su Yi didn't need help at all, and he wasn't drunk, but he didn't refuse either.

Sister-in-law is kind, isn't she?
When she got to the back room, Yu Li suddenly squeezed Su Yi's arm, and said with a chuckle, "It's really strong, like a cow."

"Desire from Yu Li +71..."

"Sister-in-law, are you teasing?" Su Yi replied jokingly.Although the alcohol is not intoxicating, the amount of alcohol still plays a role. Under the stimulation of alcohol, Su Yi will inevitably become a little bit unrestrained.


Yu Li slapped Su Yi's ass.

"Don't make trouble, sister-in-law hasn't started yet." Yu Li whispered in Su Yi's ear.

"Lie down, sister-in-law will massage for you."

"Desire from Yu Li +79..."

"Sister-in-law, I'm afraid it's not very good..." Su Yi lay down on the bed.

"It's late, I'm afraid your family will worry if you go back late."

"It's okay, my sister-in-law knows." Yu Li sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Yuanchao, have you ever had a girlfriend before?" Yu Li asked.

"Yes." Su Yi said.

"Have you ever tasted a woman?" Yu Li asked again.

"Tasted." Su Yi said.

"Look at your fairness, I didn't expect you to be dishonest." Yu Li said with a smile, "At such a young age, I have already tasted femininity."

"I know a little bit of medical skills, I think Brother Xiecheng... seems to have a problem with this." Su Yi took the initiative to bring up this topic, "Sister-in-law, you haven't broken your body yet, have you?"

Yu Li's movements paused.

The light in the bedroom was not turned on, and by the light in the outer room, only the outline of Yu Li's face could be seen, but her expression and eyes could not be seen clearly.

Yu Li was silent for a while, then sighed quietly: "Do you still have this ability? You are really capable."

Su Yi asked, "Did you go to the hospital?"

"It's useless, he's Tianxie, and his father doesn't even know about it." Yu Li laughed at herself, "Sister-in-law is destined to be a widow in this life, I never thought that I would meet you... Yuan Dynasty, would you I will feel that sister-in-law..."

"I'm not a gentleman, sister-in-law, don't think too much about it." Su Yi said.

"From Yu Li's desire +98, from Yu Li's love +87..."

"Aiding the court will not work today..." Yu Li said, "Another want to..."

Su Yi said: "Sister-in-law, if you speak up, I can do it."

I didn't say this, sister-in-law, you made a mistake...

It does not matter.

After a long time, Su Yi and Ge You lay down, and said lazily: "Sister-in-law, it's not that I want to ruin the marriage, or you should divorce brother Xie Cheng?"

Yu Li smiled and said, "Divorce? What if I get divorced? Will you marry me?"

"Marry." Su Yi said, "We are just the last step left, and we are no different from a couple. If you really want to be with me, I will marry you."

Yu Li reached out her hand to touch Su Yi's face, and said with a smile: "You are still young, it's just impulsive to say this at this time. If you really want to marry me, we might not be able to get along...Don't mention this in the future , You have this heart, sister-in-law is already very happy."

After a pause, she continued: "Besides, if I really divorce Xie Cheng, his life will be completely ruined."

Su Yi said: "Paper can't hold fire, if we continue like this, Brother Xie Cheng will notice it sooner or later."

Yu Li said: "He's a little... He thinks differently from others. Don't worry, he can understand me."

Su Yi glanced at Yu Li in surprise, and said quietly after a long time: "You city people really know how to play."

Yu Li smiled "puchi" and said, "You'll get a bargain and be good."

After that, she got up and said, "I'm going to clean up. I took away the food on the table. My mother-in-law has been thinking about it all night."

Just as Su Yi was about to get up, Yu Li held her down: "Lie down and don't move, just rest."

Su Yi had no choice but to lie down and said: "You can do it as you see it. There is still a box of eight large items in the chest of drawers. You can also take it back. Your family of seven is enough."

Yu Li said: "Forget it, I'd better not take it, I won't be able to eat it if I take it. My parents-in-law and mother-in-law will definitely keep it and sell it on the black market when they see such an expensive dim sum—eh? How did you get up?"

Su Yi got up and went to the chest of drawers, opened the drawer, took out the package of pastries, took it apart without saying a word, took out one piece and handed it to Yu Li with a smile: "You eat one piece first, and take the rest back. How about Leave the rest here, and you can eat it yourself in the future."

Yu Li stared at Su Yi in a daze.

"The love from Yu Li +102..."

Su Yi went over and poured two glasses of water, handed it to Yu Li and said, "Rinse your mouth, eat this pastry by the way, and take the rest back."

"Listen to you." Yu Li looked at Su Yi and said gently, her eyes sparkling.Both of them rinsed their mouths, Su Yi watched Yu Li finish eating the pastry, and was pushed into the bedroom by Yu Li, Yu Li was busy outside for a while, and returned home with the leftovers and pastry .

She couldn't even go back to her own room. As soon as she reached the door, the third mother opened the door and rushed out, pulling her enthusiastically and going into her room: "Come here, come here! Yo, where are these two dishes? What else did you mention?"

"Mom, slow down, don't let it go!" Yu Li said angrily, almost being pulled down.

"Hey, didn't I welcome you? You've made a contribution to our family." The third mother smiled apologetically while taking the food from Yu Li's hand, her eyes shining brightly, "Oh, so much meat! Haha! That's great!"

Yu Li rolled her eyes, thinking that you still welcome me?You thought I didn't know that you were afraid that I would bring it back to our house, so I reconciled and ate it first?
"Keep your voice down, don't wake up the little ones!" Yan Fugui also came out of the back room with his coat on, his steps brisk.

"Old man, come and take a look, there's a lot of meat, two big plates!" The third mother waved to Yan Fugui overjoyed.

When Yan Fugui saw it, he couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

"Look, what did I say? I said that there must be leftovers, right? Good guy, you just look at the fat meat, and you will be satisfied... Yo, there is beef here? This is a rare thing..."

Yan Fugui wished he could bury his face in the plate.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you holding in your hand?" The third mother pointed to the eight pieces in Yu Li's hand and asked, "Is this a pastry?"

Yan Fugui took a closer look, his eyes lit up immediately, and he yelled out: "The eight major items in Daoxiang Village! Hey, hello!"

He snatched the pastry from Yu Li almost as if snatching it, and said excitedly: "This is the eighth item in Daoxiang Village, good guy, this Su Yuanchao is so extravagant! Buying such expensive things to eat? "

"Eight big items? How much is this thing?" The third mother asked eagerly.

"Old Li from our school bought this as a gift to the principal a while ago. He didn't have a ticket. He bought it at the Pigeon Market for seven yuan and eighty cents, just this bag!" Yan Fugui excitedly said.

"It's so expensive!" The third mother's eyes widened, feeling that her three views had been subverted, "Good guy, is this thing made of gold?"

Soon she became vigilant again, looked at Yu Li and said, "Daughter-in-law, is this Su Yuanchao willing to give you such a precious thing? Could it be you..."

"It's not me?" Yu Li asked lightly.

"You know what I mean!" The third mother snorted coldly, "I can warn you, you'd better not do things that I'm sorry for Xie Cheng."

Yu Li didn't speak, picked up the pastries, picked up the two dishes on the table, and walked out.

"Hey, hey... what are you doing?" The third mother hurriedly stopped her.

Yu Li said: "I can't bring back food, you think I'm useless; I bring it back, you suspect that I'm sorry Xie Cheng. I, I don't serve, don't you want to cook for others? You can go tomorrow , I won’t go. I won’t earn the money! Also, I’ll send back the vegetables and pastries too, these things are not clean, don’t get diarrhea after you eat them!”

"I, I didn't mean that, I just asked you, look at your child..." The third mother said awkwardly.

"Daughter-in-law, your mother didn't doubt you, but... admonishment, if there is something, change it, if not, then encourage it..." Yan Fugui hurriedly smiled and smoothed things over, and then felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly waved his hands, "If there is, then Just change it, it’s impossible for a daughter-in-law! I said my wife, this is your fault, you can’t say that about your daughter-in-law, right?”

"Yes, yes, blame me for being stupid." The third mother said awkwardly, "Yu Li, you know what kind of temper mother has, sometimes her mouth..."

Yu Li sighed, put the things back on the table and said, "It was given to me by Yuanchao who felt that I was really sorry that I went to help out at night."

After a pause, she added: "I reckon it's because of the alcohol. When he sobers up tomorrow, he might regret it."

"Is Yuanchao drunk?" Yan Fugui asked.

"He and Shazhu drank three bottles of wine, can they not get drunk?" Yu Li said, "I went to lie down on the table, I woke up after calling for a long time, poured a glass of water, and said a few words , go back to the bedroom and fall asleep."

"Drunk..." The third mother was completely relieved, and said with a smile, "This young man doesn't know how to drink alcohol, so he can still drink like this? He is not afraid of drinking himself to death."

"What kind of wine did you drink?" Yan Fugui asked.

"It seems to be Maotai." Yu Li said.

Yan Fugui slapped himself hard, which scared his wife and daughter-in-law.

"His father, are you hysterical?" the third mother said.

"My heart hurts!" Yan Fugui beat his chest and stamped his feet, "This prodigal son, a meal of wine can cost our family half a month's food and drink expenses. How can there be such a waste of money?"

"It's really extravagant!" The third mother's eyes were also red, and she gritted her teeth, "Eat! Let's eat more of him! Use more of him! It can be regarded as saving him money and accumulating virtue for him!"

Yan Fugui waved his hand and sighed: "You can't say that. Alas, his money didn't come from the wind. We just follow him to get rich. I just can't see people wasting it... Forget it, he doesn't waste it." , there is nothing wrong with our family."

His eyes fell on the pastry on the table, and he regretted, "It's a pity, there is no outer packaging, and there is a piece of pastry missing inside, otherwise I can still sell it at the Pigeon Market."

"Can't you sell it now?" The third mother was anxious, "It's one yuan less, good guy, I don't want to eat it, it makes me heartburn, I don't even think about having a good year this year! His father, he can't Do you want to sell it? You can sell it for less money..."

Yan Fugui looked at Yu Li, and Yu Li said before she could speak: "People have already eaten that piece, and the outer packaging was thrown into the stove and burned."

Yan Fugui shook his head in disappointment, thought about it carefully, patted his legs and gritted his teeth and said, "I'll find a way to do this, I'll put it in together, find an outer package to wrap it up, and sell it tomorrow! If you can’t eat it by yourself, if you eat something that you don’t enjoy, you will suffer disasters and sell it! You can get the money and come back with peace of mind!”

After a pause, Yan Fugui looked at Yu Li and said, "Daughter-in-law, can you see if this works? I'll sell this pastry. No matter how much it's exchanged for, after deducting the cost, the two of us will share equally. How about it?"

Yu Li was not surprised by this result, she didn't even bother to argue, she just nodded and said: "Dad, you have the final say. Free up the plate, I have to go back and clean it up for him."

"Daughter-in-law, it's hard work." The third mother hurriedly apologized with a smile and said good things, making up for her "slip of speech" just now, "Look, we just use our words, and you have to do it."

Yu Li was startled, then suddenly smiled and said, "Mom, I'm talking too."

 There is one more chapter around five o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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