"Urgent notice! Urgent notice! In order to welcome the superior leaders to visit our factory for inspection, it is now decided to carry out general cleaning activities in the entire factory area! All departments and workshops suspend all production work, and each is responsible for its own sanitation area. Leave a dead end..."

"Urgent notice, urgent notice..."

The factory's loudspeaker tirelessly broadcasts the cleaning notice over and over again. Whether it's the staff in the office or the workers in the workshop, everyone complains and curses.

Cleaning up is an extra work task. After the employees clean up and welcome the leader, the workload that should be completed every day will not be reduced in the slightest. Therefore, the grassroots employees hate this additional factor that delays everyone's working time, but they are helpless.

As long as the superiors come to inspect once, the factory will be cleaned once, which has basically formed a routine.

After Yu Haitang broadcasted the report three times in a row, he turned off the microphone, then turned his head and smiled at Shen Hongyan, who was walking around the room with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Director Shen, why would you please come and make the announcement in person today? Now that you’re the section chief, why is your airs getting smaller and smaller?”

"I can tell, Xiao Xiao is being arrogant before criticizing me." Shen Hongyan said cheerfully.

"Hey, how dare I criticize the leader? You blamed me!" Yu Haitang said with a smile.

"Originally, I wanted to notify Xiao Yang, but I haven't seen Xiao Yang yet... Do you know where he went?" Shen Hongyan asked as he walked away.

Yu Haitang also picked up the broom behind the door and walked out, casually said: "I don't know, I'm not his parent, you ask me?"

When we got to the corridor, people from several offices next door went out carrying cleaning tools.

"Xiao Xu, have you seen Yang Weimin?" Shen Hongyan asked loudly when he saw Xu Damao listlessly following behind.

"No, I haven't seen anyone since yesterday afternoon." Xu Damao shook his head, looking a little dispirited.

"Hey, this Yang Weimin, if he doesn't say anything, he disappears, it's outrageous..." Shen Hongyan frowned and muttered.

"Director, Su Yuanchao didn't come either!" Li Chengcheng complained, "Isn't this too much? He's late after only a few days. This kind of person is disorganized and disciplined, it's outrageous."

"Su Yuanchao didn't come either?" Shen Hongyan was startled.

"Leave them alone, we should work, let's go downstairs first!" Shen Hongyan waved his hand.

"Director, it's not fair!" Li Chengcheng yelled, "If Su Yuanchao doesn't come, it means we are helping him with his work. Why is that? Isn't it old Xue?"

Xue Xinhua pretended not to hear, and walked downstairs with a broom on his shoulder.

The scene of Su Yi pinching the enamel jar cast an indelible psychological shadow on him.

Seeing that he could not get the support of his friend Xue Xinhua, Li Chengcheng subconsciously looked around to seek help from others.

Zhang Chunmei...

Zhang Chunmei gave him a hard look, flicked her ponytail and left.

Yu Haitang...

Forget it, this woman got angry and kicked the factory director's son because of Su Yuanchao.

Then Xu Damao...

"Old Xu, do you think Su Yuanchao is going too far?" Li Chengcheng asked.

Although Xu Damao suddenly turned against him yesterday, this guy has always been the one who likes to cheat and play tricks, and finds all kinds of excuses to complain about not doing work. Li Chengcheng feels that Xu Damao should be able to maintain the same front with him in this matter.

Who knew that Xu Damao looked him up and down contemptuously, and raised his voice on purpose: "I helped him with the job of aiding North Korea! Li Chengcheng, you don't have any time when you have something to do? Colleagues don't want to help each other, they always think about it." How to sue and dismantle the platform, what kind of human nature are you? I am in the same department as a person like you, I am so ashamed, bah!"

After Xu Damao scolded him, he turned around and left with arrogance.

It took Li Cheng a long time to react, his nose was crooked with anger.

"Xu Damao! Sun thief! What right do you have to say about me!"

Yu Haitang chuckled, quickly caught up with Xu Damao, and asked, "Didn't you have a good relationship with Li Chengcheng before? Why did you tear yourself apart?"

"Tear your face? Is he worthy?" Xu Damao said disdainfully, "I used to talk to him fairly, but now I just talk straight! There's no way, you, Brother Xu, I'm just an upright person."

"You, upright?" Yu Haitang laughed aloud, "Brother Xu, don't make fun of me, your guts can't wait to be bent into twists."

"I'm sad, I didn't expect Sister Haitang to look at me like that." Xu Damao deliberately sighed and shook his head.

"Hey, where is Su Yuanchao? Don't you live in the same courtyard as him? Why didn't he come?" Yu Haitang asked.

"I don't know." Xu Damao left after leaving three words.

"Hey..." Yu Haitang frowned, thinking that this person is a dog, how can he change his face when he changes his face?

But Xu Damao didn't take a few steps, then stopped, looked at Yu Haitang thoughtfully, and walked back.

"Yu Haitang, do you really want to date Su Yuanchao?" Xu Damao asked.

If it was another girl, she would be too shy to admit it.

But Yu Haitang admitted generously: "Yes, I just wanted to find him, what's wrong?"

"But they don't seem to have that much interest in you, do they?" Xu Damao said with a smile, "How did I hear that your flower factory has been deflated in front of others?"

"Are you trying to humiliate me?" Yu Haitang looked unhappy.

"Am I that boring?" Xu Damao rolled his eyes, "I wanted to help you for the sake of my colleagues. If you don't appreciate it, just pretend I didn't say it."

After saying that, he made a gesture to leave.

"Wait!" Yu Haitang hurriedly grabbed him, "Okay, stop playing hard to get, tell me, how can you help me?"

Xu Damao said with a smile: "Just for a few days, I will invite Su Yuanchao to dinner at home, and then I can invite you to accompany me. After three glasses of wine, I will make a match again... I think Su Yuanchao is also a hero. beauty pass!"

Yu Haitang rolled her eyes and said, "Are you so kind to help me?"

"Don't pull it down!" Xu Damao turned around and wanted to leave again.

"Go! I'll go!" Yu Haitang grabbed him, "But if you have any conditions, just say so!"

"You have to have conditions to help? I, Xu Damao, am not a person who can't afford nothing!" Xu Damao said with a smile, "Just remember my favor, and don't need any conditions."

Yu Haitang smiled and said: "Okay, then I will accept your love!"

"Why are you two dawdling behind? Hurry up!" Shen Hongyan, who was walking ahead, turned around and shouted dissatisfied.

"Come on!" The two responded in unison, looking at each other and smiling.

After arriving at the sanitation area assigned by the department, Shen Hongyan assigned the work with ease and picked up the broom to clean it.

These days, if there are no leaders, let’s talk about not doing the work, and the senior leaders can use the inspection and coordination as an excuse. The leaders of small departments like Shen Hongyan must lead by example. The Four Cleansing Movement is still in full swing. That is bureaucracy, and you will suffer.

After cleaning for a while, Yang Shutan also came over wearing an apron and carrying a trash can, pretending to pick up trash while walking.

"Old Shen, where is Su Yuanchao?" Yang Shutan stretched his neck to search for a while, but he couldn't find Su Yi, so he asked Shen Hongyan.

"I haven't seen anyone either." Shen Hongyan said, "And Yang Weimin hasn't seen anyone either."

"It's outrageous." Yang Shutan frowned and snorted.

"Su Yuanchao should be busy with the factory report." Shen Hongyan said, "I mentioned to him before that this matter is the main thing, and there is no need to come on time."

"Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li are both here, what is he doing alone?" Yang Shutan sneered, "What about the factory newspaper? What's the idea? Has he reported it to you?"

"I guess he is also clearing his mind." Shen Hongyan said with a smile.

"Playing the piano randomly." Yang Shutan said dissatisfiedly.

Shen Hongyan smiled and said nothing, no longer speaking.

He knew that Yang Shutan was not a big-hearted person. After Su Yi took office, it is reasonable to say that the first thing he did was to report to him, the department leader, and Yang Shutan, the department's immediate boss. It was a job report.

But this didn't happen, so in Yang Shutan's view, this was a sign that Su Yi didn't take him seriously.

Shen Hongyan was actually a little upset in his heart, but he didn't care about these things. Now that he had passed the regular course, he was satisfied and had no desires or desires. He just wanted to do his duty until retirement, and he didn't care about the rest.

"How was the procedure yesterday?" Yang Shutan asked.

Shen Hongyan sighed and said, "After running for a long time, I didn't get a few stamps...Director, you know the head of the district better than me, wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to come forward?"

"You run first, and I'll clear the places that can't be pushed." Yang Shutan patted him on the shoulder, "Old Shen, the higher the position, the heavier the burden. You should worry about it and try to finish the work as soon as possible." It's clear, for you, this is actually not only a business matter, but also a private matter."

"You're right." Shen Hongyan replied with a smile, and didn't want to talk to Yang Shutan anymore.

Yang Shutan asked about the formalities, in fact, he asked about the approval of the procedures for the Propaganda Office of Kesheng.

Changing department-level departments to department-level departments is not a matter that the factory can decide on its own documents, but it has to be reported to the district committee, the Ministry of Metallurgy, the trade union and other departments. It is necessary to organize a meeting of all parties to reach a consensus resolution before it can be finally implemented.

The program is in trouble.

It stands to reason that Yang Baorui handed over the formalities to Yang Shutan, but Yang Shutan couldn't leave yesterday...

The new department had just been established, and the two departments were merged into one. Yang Shutan had to seize the time to consolidate his position and influence, and he had no time to go through the formalities, so he left the matter to Shen Hongyan.

Shen Hongyan didn't see anyone for most of the day yesterday, and missed many things.

Shen Hongyan had no choice but to obey the order of a senior official who crushed someone to death, but he was so tired of it that he was going to die.

Yang Shutan wandered around and was about to go elsewhere to continue wandering around, but at this moment, he saw Yang Baorui walking over with his hands behind his back.Immediately he was refreshed, and suddenly bent down, not afraid of getting dirty, grabbed the pile of garbage that Shen Hongyan had just swept up on the ground, and put it into his trash can.

Shen Hongyan was in a daze when he heard Yang Shutan say out of breath: "Old Shen, environmental sanitation work should not be sloppy, and we must carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of suffering or tiredness, you old comrade, you must set an example and take the lead for young people ah!"

Shen Hongyan realized something, looked back, and saw Yang Baorui had already arrived.

Damn damn it...

"Factory Manager." Shen Hongyan greeted hurriedly.

Yang Shutan seemed to have discovered Yang Baorui just now, stood up in surprise and said, "Director, are you looking for me?"

He looked panting, and the most amazing thing was that there were still tiny beads of sweat on his forehead.

Yang Baorui said: "Tree Tan is good, but don't be too tired, just do some light work."

"The factory manager criticized me yesterday, and I was deeply touched, so I will pay more attention to doing my own work in the future and fulfill your expectations of me, the factory manager." Yang Shutan said respectfully.

Yang Baorui nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's good if you have the heart. By the way, where is the procedure for institutional reform? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

"Everything is going well at present, and all the work is proceeding in an orderly manner." Yang Shutan did not change his face, "I plan to report the progress of the work to you before I get off work tonight."

Shen Hongyan on the side glanced at Yang Shutan, and said to himself that you really just opened your mouth, I did all the work, and you didn't even ask a question, you know what the hell if it goes well...

But Yang Baorui was very satisfied with Yang Shutan's response: "If you encounter difficulties in advancing, please report to me at any time."

"Yes, factory manager." Yang Shutan said.

"I'm looking for you because of Yang Weimin's affairs." Yang Baorui said to Yang Shutan, "I sent Yang Weimin to the workshop to exercise. Let others work on the radio station."

Yang Shutan was taken aback, and said "yo": "The factory manager is serious and responsible for the people, and has outstanding abilities. The work of the radio station is under his supervision. There is a shortage of people, and you have transferred a general like me, and the work of our department must be greatly affected..."

"Okay, don't choose nice words!" Yang Baorui waved his hand, "How can I not know what my own son is like? A general? He is also worthy? If he keeps it, he will only cause trouble for you!"

"Director, I don't think you can look at Weimin with colored glasses. You have a major misunderstanding of Weimin..." Yang Shutan looked serious.

Yang Baorui shook his head and interrupted him again: "It's already settled, and Zhai Baoguo is already going through the transfer procedures for him. Once he leaves, the position of the radio station will be vacant. Who are you going to hand it over to?"

Yang Shutan's heart sank slightly.

He knew very well that Yang Baorui didn't really ask for his opinion.

If he really asked for opinions, Yang Baorui would ask him to draw up a candidate himself and then go through the normal procedure to submit a report for approval instead of asking him directly.

If he was stupid enough to report his name at this time, then he would have been in the system for so many years in vain.

"The time is short, and I have no idea for a while..." Yang Shutan pretended to be embarrassed, "The director, Weimin is in charge of the radio station, and he has the most say in who will hand over his work. I don't know." Does he have an opinion?"

Yang Weimin has a fart right to speak, but it is only natural for me to make decisions for my son, which is actually letting Yang Baorui make decisions.

Yang Baorui didn't make any detours, he said, "Just Su Yuanchao!"

Yang Shutan's heart suddenly sank.

Why is it him again?

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