Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1440 Mistakes

Chapter 1440 Mistakes
When Liu's father and son came out of Su Yi's house, they happened to meet He Yushui pushing a cart in from outside the courtyard gate.

"Rainwater is back?" Liu Haizhong greeted with a smile, but He Yushui gave him a cold look, and pushed the car to the middle courtyard without saying a word.

"Hey, He Yushui, my dad is talking to you, are you polite..." Liu Guangtian was not happy, and wanted to catch up with He Yushui, but was grabbed by Liu Haizhong.

"Okay, okay, what are you fussing about with her?" Liu Haizhong said, "Silly Zhu was arrested, she is in trouble right now."

"What does her brother's arrest have anything to do with us?" Liu Guangtian said indignantly.

"Stupid! Didn't we just come out of here?" Liu Haizhong pouted back and gave Liu Guang an angelic wink.

Liu Guangtian suddenly realized, and said: "Yes, this is considered a fire at the gate of the city, which brought disaster to the fish in the pond."

"Go home, I have to explain a few more words to you." Liu Haizhong said.

Inside the door, Su Yi actually heard the father and son's conversation clearly.

There are ten cards of Great Unity on the table, which were left by Liu Haizhong before he left.

Su Yi's work style is to pay first and then deliver the goods.

So Liu Haizhong originally planned to pretend to be confused, but Su Yi directly asked for money.

This old fox is not generous in his work. At the beginning, he only gave 60 yuan, because Su Yi's IOU said he owed [-] yuan.

Su Yi chuckled and waved his hand to see off the guests on the spot, and Liu Haizhong hastily made up 40 yuan with a smile.

Su Yi didn't care about money, nor did he care about others taking advantage of him, but he had to do it voluntarily.

He Yushui has resentment towards herself, which is not surprising to Su Yi at all. From Ding Shangdong's accident to now, this girl has been contributing malicious points to Su Yi. When it is less, it is sixty or seventy, and when it is more, it is directly full.Su Yi caused her fiancé to lose his job, so she should hate Su Yi.

Shazhu was arrested by the police. Although he was still in the interrogation stage, because the facts of the report were clear, Shazhu had also admitted some "criminal facts", so basically he had cut off the possibility of getting out unscathed.

At this time, the police had already decided to make a decision to detain him, and also issued a "Detention Decision" to He Yushui, Sha Zhu's family.

For He Yushui, this is truly a blessing, and misfortunes never come singly.

The boyfriend had just been fired, and the brother was arrested again.She has been staying with Ding Shangdong's house to accompany her lost fiancé. Zhao Desheng guessed that He Yushui was here, so he called here directly to inform He Yushui.

This time, the police "gained wisdom from a pitfall" and did not disclose any more inside information to He Yushui. They only said that Shazhu was arrested for stealing. Ding Shangdong personally inquired about the news with his master Zhao Desheng, but found nothing. He only got a subtle warning, that is, don't get involved in this matter.

Ding Shangdong has always looked down on Sha Zhu, the uncle, even if the master didn't tell him, he wouldn't bother to get involved, and he himself still has a lawsuit on his head.So he was perfunctory to He Yushui, saying that people take tea to cool down, and now no one is selling their face, and helped Su Yi gain a few waves of malicious value.

The police temporarily refused Shazhu to meet with his family members, so He Yushui had no other way to know the truth of the matter, so he hurried back to the compound to inquire about the situation regardless of the lateness of the sky.

What she was looking for was the great master Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai didn't need to hide anything, so he told about Xu Damao's report on Sha Zhu.

"It's Su Yuanchao again, why is it him again!" However, what Yi Zhonghai didn't expect was that He Yushui immediately hated Su Yi.

The old couple looked at each other in dismay, the punch might have been thrown crookedly to the top of the city gate.

"Yu Shui, you can't blame Su Yuanchao for this?" It was rare for Yi Zhonghai to say something truly fair, "Xu Damao, who reported the fool, was also the one who danced the most happily behind him. Su Yuanchao threw a piece of meat." It's Yu Li, Su Yuanchao didn't intend to care about it at first. Your brother admitted that he lost his meat, and he also stood up to argue with your brother. I hope he can clear his mind, but you also know your brother's ass temper , no one can persuade you if you are stubborn."

"Yeah, Yushui, your uncle is right, this matter cannot be blamed on Su Yuanchao's head," said the aunt.

"Why don't you blame him?" He Yushui sneered, "Did the chicken be lost at his door? The meat was also stolen from his house, right? Isn't he the cause of everything? He has only been in the yard for a few days , so many things happened because of him, he is a disaster star!"

If so, then it is...

Yi Zhonghai sighed and said: "Girl, something has happened, and it's useless to blame anyone. What we can do now is to trust the police and wait for the news steadily."

"My brother has never been a sneaky person with unclean hands and feet, sir, this matter must not have been done by my brother!" He Yushui said anxiously.

"I believe it, but do the police believe it?" the old man said, "It was Sha Zhu who confessed to stealing. No one forced him."

He Yushui said: "He must be stupid again! Grandpa, please save him, I'm just such a big brother..."

As he spoke, he wiped away tears.

"This matter, if you really want to use your strength, I think you have to tie the bell to untie it. You can go to Qin Huairu." After Yi Zhonghai pondered for a while, he still couldn't bear it, and gave He Yushui some advice. .

"Looking for Sister Qin? Why am I looking for her?" He Yushui asked in confusion with tears in his eyes.

Yi Zhonghai shook his head: "Just go to her and treat it as asking her to help out with ideas."

He Yushui was right when he thought about it, Qin Huairu was so close to her brother, now that something happened to her brother, she must be too anxious.

Thinking about it again, there must be nothing Elder Master can do, so he stood up with tears in his eyes and said, "Then I'll go find her."

After she went out, the first mother asked Yi Zhonghai suspiciously: "Why don't you just tell her that the thing was stolen by the stick, and that the silly Zhu was covering the bag for Qin Huairu's son? Even if you don't tell me about it, the yard will definitely Many people have guessed it."

"Anyone can tell her about this, but we can't tell her." Yi Zhonghai shook his head, "If we tell her, Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu will not please each other."

The aunt was thoughtful, and couldn't help but said: "It's really rainy. Since she got a job, she hasn't had much contact with the people in our courtyard. Except for Shazhu and Qin Huairu, look at who she is with in the courtyard." Talking too much? This child has forgotten that when he was a child, the host’s house finished eating and the west’s house was eaten? I found a husband’s house, and I didn’t even go back to the courtyard. I only stayed for one night to see her brother when I came back. As if breaking off the relationship, he turned around and left after seeing me, without saying a word. Oh, this time when something happened, you knew and came to ask for help?"

Yi Zhonghai said: "The same rice supports all kinds of people. The biggest difference between Sha Zhu and her sister is this. If you treat Sha Zhu better, this child can give you heart and soul. This is what I value Sha Zhu the most. place. Well, I hope that this incident will give Shazhu a little bit of insight."

He Yushui went to look for Qin Huairu but was in vain.

The child didn't have much in mind, when He Yushui asked, Xiaodang who opened the door said directly, mother went to find Uncle Yuanchao.

He Yushui was uncomfortable at first, but after thinking about it, he "suddenly" realized that Sister Qin must have asked Su because of her brother.

What's the use of begging him?

He Yushui told Xiaodang to ask Qin Huairu to find her at the opposite door after returning home.

Su Yi's house in the front yard.

Qin Huairu was busy showing the fruits of her labor to Su Yi, a set of bedding and two sets of underwear.

"The sheets and quilts are definitely suitable. I'll fold them up for you and put them in the closet." Qin Huairu said while working, "You can try these two sets of underwear after you finish them. If they don't suit you, tell me and I'll help you." Change it again."

"Okay, thank you, Sister Qin." Su Yi said.

"You saved me twice, and I haven't thanked you yet." Qin Huairu smiled at Su Yi, "There's no need to say thank you between us."

Su Yi said: "In a bad mood?"

"Did you see it?" Qin Huairu sighed, "I'm worried about Shazhu. The old neighbor for so many years is also warm-hearted and helps me a lot. I have always regarded him as my younger brother. This time suddenly something happened. I'm really panicking, and I don't know what to do."

"My piece of meat was actually stolen by a stick." Su Yi said with a smile, "Does Sister Qin know about this?"

"Maliciousness from Qin Huairu +79, fear from Qin Huairu +57..."

Qin Huairu looked surprised: "Bad stem? Can't you? Why is that silly pillar..."

Doubt, shock, unbelievable, hesitating to speak, mixed with a little anger and suspicion.

At this moment, Qin Huairu's expression has at least five levels of emotional progression.

To be honest, Su Yi really admires this woman's acting skills, in one word - absolutely.

"Yanchao, how do you know it's a stick?" Qin Huairu asked eagerly, "Why didn't you talk about it before?"

"Brother Zhuzi wants to be loyal, I can't tear him down." Su Yi said with a smile, "Actually, this matter is not a big deal, let me tell you, you go back and educate your children, and it's over. It's a matter of a piece of meat, but now that Brother Zhuzi admits it like this, the matter has turned into a big mess."

"Yanchao, you are highly educated, tell me, what will Shazhu do this time?" Qin Huairu asked.

"Prison." Su Yi said, "If there are no accidents, there is a high probability that he will go to jail."

"Do you really want to go to jail?" Qin Huairu said eagerly, "I've already paid the money for the chicken, so I should forget about it, right? If the meat is really stolen, I'll go and explain it to the police, Sister Qian I will also compensate you, and I will trouble you and my sister to go to the police station and explain clearly to the police, so that silly Zhu can be fine?"

No matter what Qin Huairu's real thoughts are, this attitude makes people very comfortable.

"It's fine to pay, but I won't go to the police station." Su Yi said, "I didn't say how much that piece of meat was, but it was about three catties. In this case, Sister Qin, you can pay me one yuan and five."

Qin Huairu was stunned for a long time before she could react.

"Maliciousness +133 from Qin Huairu..."

Really want it?
She was a little dumbfounded.

She thought that Su Yi's personality was indistinguishable, and she felt that Su Yi was generous, hearty, and informal, so she played the "sincerity card". Playing around, the scope of knowledge is limited to a small circle, to minimize the negative impact, and then she has become a good person, making sacrifices and efforts to "rescue" Shazhu.

But unexpectedly, Su Yi caught her by surprise as soon as he opened his mouth. The generous Su Yi really wanted her compensation instead of waving his hands and saying forget it.

No, didn't you just say that this is not a big deal, and you just go back and educate the children?
If you don't mention this first, I can't mention compensation so carelessly!

Besides, didn't your meat come for nothing?Why are you still asking me for money?

Qin Huairu was depressed to the point of death, feeling as sick as eating a dead fly.

But when the words came to this point, she could only hold her nose and speak boldly.

"One dollar and five... is it appropriate? Eighty cents for a catty of meat, and two yuan and four for three catties of meat." Qin Huairu forced a smile, "You just accept one dollar and five for my sister, aren't you paying?"

"Eight cents for a catty of meat?" Su Yi was very surprised, and then followed suit, "Okay, then I will pay two yuan. Forty cents is fine, and I will treat little Sophora japonica to eat meat."

"Maliciousness +159 from Qin Huairu..."

Qin Huairu forced a smile and said, "When my sister has spent this month, I will pay you back the money."

Su Yi waved his hand appreciatively: "Don't worry, what's the expense?"

"...No. [-]." Qin Huairu said.

"Then number three." Su Yi nodded, as if he had agreed on the repayment date, "There is no need to type the note, can I still trust Sister Qin's character?"

Su Yi's generosity made Qin Huairu want to spit out old blood.

One piece of five turned into two pieces...

She felt that she was really out of place today, and it was the first time she was so disadvantaged when she grew up.

But after all, she has a good psychological quality, and quickly suppressed the depression in her heart. She didn't dare to continue talking about this topic, and said, "Yanchao, do you think we can help you with that silly Zhu? You just said you didn't Why did you go to the police station?"

"It doesn't make sense." Su Yi didn't lie to Qin Huairu at the moment, "Now it's not about a chicken and a piece of meat, but about Xu Damao reporting Sha Zhu for stealing the factory's property. This matter is very serious. Once the charges are confirmed, Brother Zhuzi will definitely go to jail. Of course, if you feel bad about it, it would be good to go to the police station and explain it to the police, at least it can be regarded as a little bit of brother Zhuzi's innocence."

"Maliciousness +93 from Qin Huairu..."

Since it has nothing to do with stealing meat, why are you asking me to pay back my innocence...

Qin Huairu was very depressed, feeling that Su Yi didn't know what was wrong today, and suddenly became inconsiderate of herself at all.

But thinking back on the details of dealing with Su Yi, she found that she didn't seem to know Su Yi much, but because of the grace of saving her life, she subconsciously had some thoughts that she shouldn't have, and overestimated the relationship between the two and emotional...

After a brief self-reflection, Qin Huairu immediately adjusted her attitude and strategy, pulled herself together, sighed and said, "Yi Chao, sister is not afraid that you will call me heartless. It won't help if you admit that sticks are stealing meat If it's silly Zhu, my sister doesn't plan to do this. Silly Zhu has already got involved because of this matter. If I go to the police station with a stick, it will be a waste of his good intentions. I am a mother. In this matter, I can only try my best to get the best of both worlds..."

(End of this chapter)

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