Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 145 Connectors

Chapter 145 Joint (asking for subscription, asking for monthly pass)

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi thought carefully about the conversation with Lu Qichang just now, and felt relieved after making sure that he did not say anything wrong.

In fact, there are two secrets that he and Lu Qichang cannot let the higher-ups know, namely Ni Kun's death, and the death of the black ghost Guohua.

Ni Kun was murdered by Su Yi, and Lu Qichang knew about it.

How Guohua and Hei Gui died, although Lu Qichang didn't get the exact answer from Su Yi, he guessed it.

Su Yi didn't want the higher-ups to know about these two things, but if he did it himself, it would be impossible not to arouse the suspicion of the police force, so he needed someone to cover him, and a high-level person to endorse him. This way he can continue undercover.

It was based on this consideration that he chose to be honest with Lu Qichang about wanting to kill Ni Kun.

Looking at it today, this is definitely the wisest thing Su Yi has ever done in this world.

Lu Qichang is a trustworthy officer.

Of course, there is a limit to trust.

After all, no one can tell what the future will hold.

After more than twenty minutes, Lu Qichang called again.

As soon as Su Yi picked it up, he said angrily, "I tell you Luo Ji, you owe me a big favor! You..."

"Let's meet and talk." Su Yi interrupted him, "Half an hour later, the east gate of Lantau Island Scenic Area, the weather is good today, suitable for mountain climbing."

Lu Qichang was slightly taken aback, and said: "Okay, let's meet and talk!"

When Su Yi came out of the room, the younger brothers were moving things to the new residence, and they greeted him with smiles when they saw him.

The small team was just established, when it was full of energy, everyone was in good spirits.

"Brother step, go out?"

"Go ahead, I'll walk around casually." Su Yi smiled, "Remember to take a shower after work, dress clean, and I'll take you to eat French food."

"Oh! Hooray!"

The younger brothers all cheered.

Half an hour later, Su Yi saw Lu Qichang wearing a peaked cap and mask at the parking lot at the east gate of Lantau.

After Su Yi signaled him to get in the car, Lu Qichang asked, "Aren't you going to climb a mountain? Are you driving up the mountain?"

Su Yi started the car, walked towards the way Lu Qichang came from, looked around, and said casually: "Climbing the mountain is too tiring, besides, I didn't bring a camera."

Lu Qichang was puzzled: "Do you want to take a photo with me?"

Then he suddenly reacted: "Are you afraid that someone will follow me?"

"Be careful, there is no big mistake." Su Yi said.

"So you didn't say it on the phone because you were afraid that someone would monitor it?" Lu Qichang suddenly realized, "And that day in the interrogation room of the police station, you didn't want to talk because you were afraid of being overheard?"

Su Yi showed him a polite yet awkward smile.

"Damn! As for being so cautious?" Lu Qichang said depressedly, "We are the police!"

"Because we are the police, it would be too embarrassing if people eavesdropped on us." Su Yi laughed.

After confirming that no one followed Lu Qichang, Su Yi said: "In the future, we will not talk about things on the phone, just agree to meet, and try to use code words. Also, pay attention to anti-stalking when meeting, this is a necessary procedure. If there is an urgent matter , just call her by her full name, if it’s not urgent, call her by her nickname, if it’s inconvenient to speak, don’t bring her by name..."

Su Yi talked a lot before stopping, Lu Qichang looked at him with strange eyes, and said with emotion: "To be honest, you should actually be a spy, not a policeman."

"Is there a difference between an undercover agent and a spy?" Su Yi asked.

"That's true." Lu Qichang said, "Boy, you owe me a favor, do you admit it?"

"Admit it, can't I admit it?" Su Yi smiled, "You are so obsessed with it, if I don't admit it, will I not give you face?"

"That's about the same!" Lu Qichang snorted, "Do you know who was by my side just now? O Ji's first brother, Xu Yifan Xu sir! He suspects the death of niggers and Guohua, so let me call you on the spot."

"I guessed it," Su Yi said, "But is he the anti-criminal or the anti-criminal? It's just two scumbags who died. He is so nervous?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lu Qichang glared at him. "He's not worried about how those two scumbags will die. He's worried that our own people will betray us and break the law. In his opinion, this is more important than cracking down on the society."

"If you fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside?" Su Yi sneered.

"Xu Sir is a high-level police force, and he considers issues from the perspective of the overall situation." Lu Qichang said, "To him, young and Dangerous and bad cops are criminals, and he treats them equally."

"It sounds like it's fair." Su Yi doesn't like this at all, "The most annoying thing is this kind of guy whose buttocks are crooked when he is promoted, and who sit on his buttocks when he is doing business. If you really want to be fair, don't What kind of balance is there to play with the associations? The people in these halls are the ones who are the ones who sell independence, organize the sale of money, bully the market, extort, kidnap and kill... Which one has never committed crimes? It is absolutely impossible to pull one out and kill him. He will be wronged! Oh, he is so disregarded by his brother that he can't rub the sand in his eyes, and the criminals all over the street just pamper and raise rape for the sake of the overall situation, he..."

"Okay!" Lu Qichang said angrily, "It can be said that, can I let you take the position of Chief of Police?"

"That's not necessary, but I think it's more suitable for you to sit." Su Yi smiled.

"I, if I hadn't been killed by you, I would have burned incense." Lu Qichang laughed and scolded, "By the way, thanks to you, I was transferred to Tsuen Wan, and now I am responsible for the management and control of Liansheng."

"Then let's join hands and sing a good show for the higher-ups to see?" Su Yi laughed.

"How do you plan to sing?" Lu Qichang asked.

"I want to help Big D sit in the position of the speaker." Su Yi said, "I have talked to him, as long as he is the speaker, the sites of Jordan, Tai Kok Tsui and Sham Shui She will belong to me. At that time, my subordinates will at least More than ten thousand brothers, as long as I am willing to wave the flag, there will be more!"

"Two years later, I will run for the speaker, and Liansheng will be in our pocket at that time!"

Lu Qichang frowned and said, "Ale has already been chosen as the speaker, do you think it's possible for them to re-election?"

Speaking of this, he looked at Su Yi vigilantly: "Don't tell me that you want to kill Ale! Let me tell you, I will never allow it! These big guys are indeed damned, but it doesn't mean that you can become a Killing devil!"

"Do I look like I like to kill people?" Su Yi said depressedly, "And it's useless to kill Ale. The problem is not with Ale, but with Liansheng. Anyone can do it, but it can't be big. D."

"Balance?" Lu Qichang also saw it clearly.

"Yes, balance." Su Yi nodded, "So if you want Big D to be the speaker, it's useless to kill Ale."

"Then what are you going to do?" Lu Qichang's curiosity was immediately aroused.

(End of this chapter)

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