Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1475 Mind

Chapter 1475 Mind

When a man reaches a certain stage, he basically has a dream of a daughter.

The difference is that someone really wants to be a dad, and someone just wants to be called dad.

Su Yi belongs to...

It's both.

Xiaodang and Huaihua are still young at the moment, one is seven years old and the other is three years old, and they both look like Qin Huairu, very cute.

No matter what the adults do, it's the adults' business. Children are innocent, and there is still time to prevent them from becoming white-eyed wolves.

"My brother went out to play in the morning, and never came back." Xiao Dang said to Su Yi, "Grandma went to find him, and didn't cook at noon. There is only cold steamed bread at home, which is hard and choking, and there is no hot water for soaking. If we eat it, we will have a stomachache again."

"Uncle Yuanchao, Huai Hua is hungry." Xiao Huai Hua said.

Su Yi smiled and patted her head: "You two are poor, please sit down. You two are lucky to eat. I will cook myself and make egg noodles for you to eat."

Su Yi gave up his plan to take a nap, went to the opposite side to change the briquettes, and turned on the stove.

"You are really kind to the two little girls." The third mother was a little strange when she learned the whole story when she brought the coal, "The stick who stole this and that is not polite to you, and her family... you give these two little girls Are you cooking? You haven’t even cooked for yourself.”

While pouring the water from the thermos bottle into the pot, Su Yi said, "It's very pitiful that the two little girls' grandma doesn't love their uncle or uncle."

The three mothers tutted and said: "Yanchao, you are really kind. Hey, they met you after accumulating virtue in their previous lives... Xiaodang, Huaihua, you two have to remember, who will take you in when you can't eat Eat and drink, who gave you delicious food, you will have to repay Uncle Yuanchao well when you grow up, and your own father is nothing more than that!"

"I'll beat Uncle Yuanchao's legs when I grow up!" Xiao Dang said seriously, "When he gets old, he will definitely not be able to walk."

"Sophia japonica also hammers, my second sister and I have one each." Sophora japonica said hastily.

The three mothers giggled and said happily: "You two might as well come to this house to be Yuan Chao's daughter-in-law, your grandma is partial, alas, it can't be mentioned."

She glanced at the two little girls, leaned close to Su Yi and said in a low voice, "I went to the latrine in the morning, and I could hear it for real. Mrs. Jia Zhang is sending sticks to go out to talk, saying good grandson, come dinner After midnight, you wait for grandma at the entrance of Maoer Hutong. Grandma will take you to eat noodles with fried sauce... Hehe, take your grandson to eat noodles, and leave the two daughters at home to eat cold corn buns. Let me tell you, this will shorten your life... ..."

Su Yi shook his head and said, "That's how the stick is spoiled."

"Who said it wasn't?" said the third mother, "This Mrs. Jia Zhang is not a good person herself. She had a lot of troubles when she was young. Tell you that you will be shocked. Let me tell you, she..."

Su Yi ordered two bowls of noodles, laid two eggs, made some pickles, added two drops of sesame oil, added some soy sauce and salt, and the two bowls of noodles were considered ready.

In fact, it is a simple noodle soup.

During the cooking process, Su Yi was not lonely at all. The third mother had never heard of it, and she just gave Su Yi a clean up about Jia Zhang's romantic affairs when she was young.

Su Yi listened with gusto, the old woman's mouth, tsk tsk, said something like today's live interview, it was an immersive experience with ups and downs.

The two little girls salivated long ago, Su Yi put the noodles on the table, and the two couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and start eating.

"It's delicious! Uncle Yuanchao, it's so delicious!" Xiao Dang said in surprise.

"... Fragrant! Huluhulu..." Huaihua didn't even lift her head, grasping the chopsticks like holding a stick, but the food was really delicious.

"Oh, it's really hard for the two children to be born into the wrong family." The third mother felt a little sympathetic, "It's only Qin Huairu who can still take care of them, otherwise...hehe, her grandma can really starve them to death. "

"You can leave it alone. It's almost time now. I'm still going to work in the afternoon. I'll clean up the pots and pans." The third mother said, "I'll go home and boil the pot of water. I'll give water to the workers in the afternoon."

Then he went out with the kettle in hand.

Su Yi sat on the other side of the table, watching the two children eat up two bowls of noodles in clear soup.

"Are you full?" Su Yi asked.

"I'm full—hiccup!" Xiao Dang hiccupped loudly and giggled sheepishly.

Huaihua also laughed, and lifted up her clothes to show Su Yi: "Look, Uncle Yuanchao, your belly is round."

Su Yi laughed and said, "That means I'm full."

"Uncle Yuanchao, my mother said that Uncle Silly won't bring us food anymore." Huaihua suddenly asked, "Is it because you gave us food, so Uncle Silly won't bring us food?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Su Yi turned to his younger sister without saying a word, "It's grandma who scolded the silly uncle, and the silly uncle was sad, so he didn't bring us food."

"Uncle Yuanchao's food is also delicious, and you can also have snacks." Sophora Huai said.

"Uncle Yuanchao is different from Uncle Yuanchao. Uncle Yuanchao brings food to our family because of our mother, and he wants to be our stepfather." Xiaodang said, "Uncle Yuanchao can't, Uncle Yuanchao can't be."

"Why?" Huaihua asked.

"Grandma said Mom wasn't good enough for Uncle Yuanchao." Xiao Dang said.

"Is it because our family doesn't have any dim sum?" Huaihua asked.

"No, you are too young to understand." Xiao Dang waved his hand.

Huaihua bit her finger and thought for a while, then asked, "Then Uncle Yuanchao, you can't be our stepfather, why did you feed us?"

Su Yi laughed and said, "Do you know what a hero is?"

"Big Sword King Five!"

"Swallow Li San!"

Each of the two little girls said a sentence.

Children in the capital have all heard the stories of these two these days.

Su Yi said with a smile: "I treat you well just like they act chivalrously."

The two little girls seemed to understand but half understood, pestering Su Yi to ask questions.

Su Yi was also happy to say some naive things to them, and the older and younger were joking and laughing.

After a while, the third mother came back to boil the water with the pot, and said "Yo", "Aren't you going to work, Yuan Dynasty? I thought you were gone."

"I forgot the time." Su Yi looked at his watch, and it was indeed time to leave.

He touched the heads of the two little girls: "Go, let's play!"

"Let's go! Goodbye Uncle Yuanchao!"

"Goodbye Uncle Yuanchao!"

"This child actually has a clear eye and knows who is good to them. You see, the two little girls kissed you. They were not like that with Shazhu before." The third mother laughed.

Su Yi smiled and said, "Third Mom, there are melon seeds and peanuts in the top drawer of the chest of drawers. You can knock them out to pass the time after you're done working here. You're welcome."

"Oh, this...doesn't it matter?" The third mother was a little twitchy.

Su Yi smiled, took it out by himself and put it on the table, saying: "We're not being polite!"

"Hey, good." The third mother smiled happily.Sending Su Yi out, watched Su Yi leave, and said with emotion: "Oh, Xie Di is not lucky, either she is older, maybe she can be my son-in-law... or she is younger, Su Yuanchao is so I like little girls, and Xie Di was a pain in the ass when she was little... It's not big or small, no luck."

"Three moms, who are you saying is not blessed?" A person walked in from outside the door, it was Lou Xiao'e.

Carrying big bags and small bags.

"Is this just coming back from my natal home?" The third mother laughed, "People always bring things to their natal home, but you are lucky, you move things from your natal home every three days. This Da Mao, you don't know your blessings when you are in the blessing, and you are still old angry with you..."

"I can't help it, and I'm not lucky." Lou Xiao'e said with a smile, and she looked at the construction site, "Su Yuanchao moved quite quickly, and the house was built as soon as it was built, and he acted swiftly and resolutely."

"Who said it wasn't?" said the third mother, "Speaking of which, he didn't move to the courtyard for a few days, but do you feel that he is like our old neighbor?"

Lou Xiaoe nodded in agreement: "It's true when you say that."

She looked at Su Yuanchao's house with a complicated expression, and what happened at her mother's house in the past two days began to flash back before her eyes.

Father Lou actually knew Su Yi the day Su Yi became the deputy editor, and he also knew that Su Yi had moved into the compound where his daughter lived.

After all, he is the director of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant, and he is very clear about any disturbances in the plant.

Knowing Su Yi's life experience and education, especially after knowing that he lived in the courtyard of his daughter's house, Lou's father suddenly changed his mind.

He knew that after his daughter got married, her life with the son-in-law whom he had always looked down upon was not very happy, but the daughter was a bit resigned to her fate, so that's what she did.

Over the years, Xu Damao has often wanted to ask him for help, and wanted to use his strength and resources to further his career, but Lou's father was too lazy to talk to this son-in-law, especially when he knew that the young couple were arguing, Xu Damao dared to beat his daughter. And Xu Damao used the name of showing movies to lure widows and daughters-in-law into messing with men and women in the countryside...

Lou's father was completely desperate for this son-in-law, and correspondingly, he felt more and more ashamed of his daughter.

After all, he was the one who forced his daughter to marry Xu Damao. He was eager to find a decent family to marry him, and he went to the doctor in a hurry. He chose Xu Wood's son without detailed investigation.At that time, Xu Wood had not yet retired, and he was also a film projectionist. After he retired, Xu Damao took up his post.

Lou's father initially thought that the film projectionist was a technical post, and it was a new thing, and it would definitely become popular in the future. So this marriage was settled.

As it turned out, this was a serious mistake.

Lou's father regretted it now, so he also moved his mind to let his daughter divorce and remarry.

He also mentioned this matter to Lou Xiao'e, but Lou Xiao'e was very disappointed with the reality, thinking that there was no Xu Damao, but there were also Wang Damao and Li Damao.

Besides, as a married woman, she can't have a husband here, so she can go on a blind date to meet other men there, not to mention that she won't do it, and the Lou family can't afford to lose this man.

But now, Su Yi bears the status of a martyr, a young man, educated and promising, and lives in the same courtyard with his daughter. Lou's father thinks this is fate.

The question is, why should a young man with such good conditions marry a divorced woman?And a woman who is much older and has not given birth to a child for so many years?
Just when Lou's father thought about it more and more, he felt that he was whimsical, and his daughter went home and told him that Su Yi wanted to borrow money.

It was five hundred at the first opening.

To Lou Bancheng, 500 yuan was just a drizzle, and he didn't care about it at all. What he cared about was getting involved with Su Yi.

After asking around on the sidelines, Father Lou told Lou Xiaoe that it is fine to borrow money, and it is also fine to introduce a girl from the Zhao family to her, but you have to come back and report the whole process.

And he also directly asked Lou Xiaoe if he was interested in Su Yi.

Lou Xiaoe's answer was the same as her father's: "Why do people like me?"

But Lou Xiao'e recognized Su Yi's excellence, saying that Su Yi was a hundred times better than Xu Damao.

Father Lou's thoughts became more intense.

Last night, Lou Xiaoe went home and told her father all about the dinner party last night. Lou's father realized that Su Yi was a very assertive person who knew exactly what he wanted. It's not easy to fool...

In fact, he was about to give up this idea in his heart, but he still held the idea of ​​trying again, wanting to meet Su Yi in person and get to know this young man up close.

And Lou Xiao'e relayed another sentence that Su Yi said, which strengthened Lou's father's idea of ​​seeing Su Yi——

"He really said that? What were the original words?" Last night, Lou's father asked solemnly.

Lou Xiaoe thought about it carefully, and said: "He said that, he said, in the next few years..."

Lou's father was thoughtful, and said: "Recently, several businesses in our family have stopped, and we are waiting for the notice from above... Why did Su Yuanchao say that? Does he know something? Or is he making his own judgment? "

"From what you said, this young man is a very talented and assertive person. His words should not be aimless... Xiao'e, I really have to meet him. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you or let you It's not easy to behave in front of the neighbors, and I won't reveal this matter until I have a thorough understanding of this person and his thoughts."

Father will meet Su Yuanchao soon, right?

What will happen next?
Is it possible to really...

Impossible, impossible, how is this possible...

"Ezi? Lou Xiao'e?"

A palm waved in front of Lou Xiaoe's eyes, and she finally came to her senses.

"What are you thinking about so preoccupied?" the third mother said.

"I was thinking... Our house seems to have to be repaired." Lou Xiaoe said.


On the other side, Kong Damin followed what Su Yi said to give Liu Guifen a message.

Liu Guifen immediately understood Su Yi's meaning, and secretly admired Su Yi's steady and smart way of doing things.

Where did Kong Damin bring her a message?

Obviously, she was asked to explain to Kong Damin about digging water pipes.

He doesn't say anything himself, let himself do what he should say and do.

This young man is not very old, how can he be so stable and watertight?
He was born to be a leader.

Liu Guifen secretly sighed, and said to Kong Damin, "Damin, I have something I need to ask you to help..."

(End of this chapter)

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