Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1477 Eating Noodles

"I have to come here to scold you, what does this person think?"

Su Yi smiled and buried his head in his work. By the way, he glanced at the waves of malice and anger contributed by Li Dengfeng.

This is also a big grain producer.

There is an appointment this afternoon, so Su Yi plans to slip away 10 minutes before he gets off work.

When I got downstairs, I saw Liang Yanqiu wandering around the door.

Su Yi was startled, greeted with a smile, and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, Liang Yanqiu started talking to him.

"Yanchao, why did you offend the Li brothers?" Liang Yanqiu laughed.

"Brothers Li..." Su Yi smiled, "Your name is quite unique."

Liang Yanqiu laughed and said, "They are brothers and sisters, we can't talk about them separately."

"It's not offending, it's normal to stumble a little bit at work." Su Yi laughed.

"Hehe, Li Dengfeng went to Director Yang to slap the table to get angry, and then went back to his office to throw things. It doesn't seem like he was stumbling." Liang Yanqiu smiled, "Are you still playing sloppy with the eldest sister? Forgot that you started the job? Who took you?"

"Then how can we forget Sister Liang?" Su Yi said with a smile, "I'm not playing sloppy with you, I just think there's no need to dirty your ears with such a silly thing."

"I don't know, but I have to know." Liang Yanqiu smiled, "After he got angry, he called Li Chengcheng to his office to mutter for a while. When I came down, this kid was grinding his teeth luckily in the office."

Su Yi nodded: "Very good, young people have to be energetic."

"Just make sarcastic remarks. Sometimes you cry." Liang Yanqiu chuckled, "Our Section Chief Liu has been asking for leave and has not come, and now Li Dengfeng is also in charge of the General Office. I have to ask him to sign for anything... Before you Did you get a pen and paper report? Three hundred sets?"

"That's right." Su Yi realized something.

"Did Xiao Qiu, who was in charge of this matter, tell you to send you to the auditorium at work tomorrow morning?" Liang Yanqiu said with a smile, "If you really wait for him to send you off, then you don't know when you will have to wait."

Su Yi smiled: "This is to let me know how many eyes Prince Ma has."

"That's almost what it means." Liang Yanqiu looked deeply at Su Yi, "Li Dengfeng has already sent Xiaoqiu to do other things, and he has left your matter to Li Chengcheng. Just figure it out in your own mind, don't wait until the time comes." I was cheated by someone!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "Sister Liang, I originally planned to keep a low profile for tomorrow's assessment. But what you said, I don't think I pay enough attention to this work. I decided to invite Director Yang and Director Li tomorrow morning Come to the assessment site to observe, inspect and speak, and then invite reporters from the Beijing Daily to take pictures and leave a material."

Liang Yanqiu was stunned, and then his eyes lit up: "My boy, if something goes wrong, it will be Zheng Zhi's mistake. It's enough for them to drink a pot. You are ruthless."

Su Yi laughed and said, "This is what the volunteers take the bait from. If they have no bad intentions, nothing will happen."

"Then you can't make a big show of it, otherwise people will definitely not play with you if they know in advance, and the two brothers are not stupid." Liang Yanqiu said.

"I'll arrange this matter tomorrow morning," Su Yi said with a smile, "Sister Liang, let's cooperate? The position of Li Dengfeng's chief section chief is still unstable. I heard that the higher-ups haven't come to investigate yet, right? Now It’s just an appointment within the department, right? Then you have to hurry up, even if you can’t shake him down this time, if you shake him a few more times before the inspection, won’t you just come down?”

Su Yi also knew about Yang Shutan's coquettish operation.

Liang Yanqiu, the office director with senior qualifications, logically said that this time the department reorganized, no matter what, he would have to be upgraded to a higher level.But Yang Shutan, in order to make Li Dengfeng into a regular department, insisted on transferring Liu Ying, the former chief of the United Front Work Section, to be the director of the General Office, and put him on Liang Yanqiu's head, making Li Dengfeng the top leader of the United Front Work Section of the Party Construction.

Liang Yanqiu was about to reach her age, and she didn't have such a good opportunity to be promoted. It was impossible for her to be successful in this life. No matter how generous she was, she didn't hate these few people in her heart.

This is also the reason why this eldest sister came to say these things to Su Yi, everyone has a common enemy.

Otherwise, you, Su Yuanchao, are rare in recruiting people?

"How to cooperate?" Liang Yanqiu didn't hide anything, and simply asked, "You have a good brain, if you tell me what to do, I will do it."

Su Yi pondered slightly, and said: "You are like this, Sister Liang..."

An old man and a young man muttered downstairs for a while, Liang Yanqiu nodded frequently, and finally left with a satisfied expression.

Su Yi smiled and went to the duty room at the gate of the factory. Under Gao Dafang's warm greeting, he borrowed their phone to call the Beijing Daily, and made an appointment for Wen Huiming to come to take pictures and interview in the morning.

He exchanged pleasantries with Gao Dafang and was about to go out when he heard Sun Lianjun standing guard outside scolding him.

"Who the fuck told you to go through the gate with the dung bucket? Get out, go to the back door!"

Su Yi looked up and was stunned.

It turned out to be a fool.

At this time, Shazhu was dressed in dirty clothes, and his face was also dirty, looking very embarrassed.He rolled up his trousers, and carried two buckets, some disgusting things were stained on the sides of the buckets.

Obviously, the stench was also reeking, otherwise Sun Dafang would not be able to cover his nose and hide away.

Why did Sha Zhu pick up shit?

Su Yi is a little strange, this job is not done by the cleaners in the factory, and there are special workers in the excrement treatment factory to pick up the manure, which is not a job in the factory at all.

Besides, Silly Zhu's job is to clean the factory area, why did he go to pick up manure?

Gao Dafang saw Su Yi's doubts, went to him and explained: "Yesterday afternoon, he left without finishing work. He had offended Section Chief Zhao of the cleaning department before, and now he is in his hands, so he can be forgiven." Him? He said a few words to him in the morning, and the good guy beat up Section Chief Zhao, knocking out one of Section Chief Zhao's front teeth."

Su Yi curled his lips when he heard that, this is so stupid.

"Later our section chief went. It wasn't Deputy Section Chief Qian that you met that night, but Section Chief Hu, Hu Dabao. He had a feud with Silly Zhu...I'll tell you about it later. Just It is said that Hu Dabao saw that Shazhu is still so arrogant, so he will be dealt with immediately. Section Chief Zhao and Hu Dabao want to punish Shazhu, so they will report to the leader and immediately fire him."

"Shazhu was quite stubborn at first, but for some reason he suddenly softened, saying that as long as he is not fired, he can do anything. Hu Dabao asked him to pick a month's dung..."

"He agreed?" Su Yi frowned.

"Agreed." Gao Dafang clicked his tongue, "Honestly, Shazhu doesn't say anything else, but no one dares to say that he is not tough. This time he is so cowardly, probably because he is afraid of being fired and drinking the northwest wind." Go. Alas, this kid, he will suffer in the future..."

Su Yi pondered for a while, and then understood what Silly Zhu was thinking.

A person like Sha Zhu would rather drink the Northwest Wind than suffer humiliation, that's why he has this stupidity.

But why did he give up and pick shit?
It's very simple, because Su Yi helped him win the temporary job.It's easy for him to pick a pick, which is tantamount to embarrassing Su Yi.

Therefore, he would rather admit that he is cowardly and be ridiculed by others than pick shit.

But having said that, how long Sha Zhu can last with this kind of energy is a big question mark.

Su Yi felt that if he didn't care, it would take three to five days at most.

He has been bullied to the limit now, if he is pressed by a straw, he will not care about anything as soon as he gets up.

Gao Dafang knew that Su Yi was on Shazhu's side, so he tentatively said, "Should I tell Section Chief Qian about this matter, and ask him to take care of Shazhu?"

Su Yi looked out the window.

Silly Zhu picked up the bucket and rubbed it against Sun Lianjun, cursing Sun Lianjun as a villain and asking him what he was.

Sun Lianjun scolded again and again, and was rubbed by the yellow and white thing on the leg of his trousers, so he had no choice but to hide far away, not daring to stop Shazhu anymore.

"Don't worry about him." Su Yi said, "It's a good thing he suffers."

Now he still has the energy to compete with a guard at the gate, which shows that his stupid energy has not been suppressed yet.

For a person like Shazhu, to cure his disease, he must be cured once and for all.

Sha Zhu triumphantly carried the dung bucket into the factory through the gate, and Sun Lianjun didn't dare to come back until he was far away, and jumped behind him angrily and cursed people.

"Hurry up and wash your pants, they stink to death." Gao Dafang went out and said, "Why are you competing with him?"

"Am I willing to compete?" Sun Lianjun said angrily, "It's the factory's rules and regulations that this picker doesn't go through the front door. I follow the rules, so why is it a competition?"

Gao Dafang shook his head and said, "Don't talk about the system, can go now, don't let Director Su watch jokes here."

Sun Lianjun glanced at Su Yi, his face softened a little, and he complained: "This idiot is really too much, I have never seen such a bastard, Ma De wiped shit on me, I am really missing him!"

Su Yi couldn't help laughing: "When you see him tomorrow, you will also wipe shit on him, it's disgusting to death."

Both security guards laughed.

"I'm not like him." Sun Lianjun said with a smile, "He's a grasshopper after autumn. I can't be bothered to argue with him for a few days. When I see him in the future, I'll stay away. Can't hide?"

Su Yi stepped onto the bicycle lane: "That's right. See you two!"

The two hurriedly said goodbye to Su Yi.

Sun Lianjun looked at Su Yi's back and asked Gao Dafang anxiously: "Hey, didn't Su Yuanchao fish out the idiot? What I just said...would he have any objections to me?"

"What can you do if you really have it?" Gao Dafang pinched his nose, "Go and wash it quickly, you look like you've pulled a trouser pocket, it stinks to death."

"Silly, I drafted the second aunt!" Sun Lianjun was furious and cursed again, "What a vile and smoking thing!"

Su Yi went back to the hospital early today, and most of the people didn't get off work yet.

The construction site is still working in full swing, but Kong Ermin is not there, so he must have gone to work.

Workers have to work until seven or eight o'clock in the dark before leaving, which is different from normal workers.

Apart from the workers on the construction site, only two girls from Yu Li and Qin Huairu's family stood by and watched them work.

Hearing the news of Su Yi's return, Xiao Dang and Huai Hua immediately rushed over happily, chatting with Su Yi non-stop around Su Yi's bicycle.

Yu Li also came over and said with a smile: "Look, these two little girls kissed you, those who don't know think you are their biological father."

Su Yi touched the heads of the two of them, and said with a smile: "Children are very simple, they will kiss whoever treats them well."

"I came back early today. I'm going to cook now." Yu Li said, "I just changed my mother back. She stayed at your house all afternoon, and now I'm going back to have a rest. I just put it on the stove There is a pot of water on the table... what do you want to eat tonight?"

"It's fine to deal with it casually." Su Yi said, "I have to go out at seven o'clock, and I have an appointment with someone."

"Yo, then I'll make it for you quickly... Shall I make noodles? I think there are dried noodles at home." Yu Li said.

"Uncle Yuanchao's dried noodles are delicious!" Huai Hua interjected.

Yu Li laughed and said, "It's just the two of you who have good food, I haven't even eaten the meal cooked by your Uncle Yuanchao!"

Then he said to Su Yi: "Then you rest for a while, it will be fine soon."

With a twist of his butt, he hurried into the house.

Su Yi chatted and laughed with the two little girls for a while, then strolled to a construction site.

Kong Damin gave Su Yi a wave of fear, and came to greet Su Yi with a smile. Su Yi obviously felt that he was respectful to him.

Su Yi didn't know what Liu Guifen told Kong Damin, but it was not important, the important thing was how to deal with the matter?
"Comrade Yuanchao, I will ask Ermin to dig the cellar for you later. It is not surprising that this black light can't see the wrong place. Besides, Ermin is dumbfounded. The work is rough, no one suspects... ..." Kong Damin lowered his voice and said to Su Yi.

It's a good idea.

But not later.

"Maybe tomorrow night." Su Yi smiled at Kong Damin, "I'm going out later, I don't know when I'll be back."

Kong Damin was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly responded.He smiled and said a few more good words to Su Yi, and then went to work again.

Here, Su Yi went back to the house, and the noodles were ready within a short while.

While Su Yi was eating, Yu Li turned her head and closed the door behind her.

"...Sister-in-law, I'm going out later." Su Yi reminded.

"Don't delay, I'll hurry up."

Yu Li squatted down...

Yu Li walked over after rinsing her mouth, and Su Yi was getting up to check the time.

She suddenly hugged Su Yi in front of her, and buried her head in Su Yi's arms.

Su Yi touched her hair and said with a smile, "What's the matter? I feel that you are very gentle today."

"Yanchao, don't delay because of sister-in-law." Yu Li said softly, "Sister-in-law knows what you want, and also knows that you can't bear sister-in-law... But this is very good, and sister-in-law is not good enough for you."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, thinking which one is this?
Thoughts swirled a lot, and soon I thought of Yu Haitang, so it was almost clear.

Su Yi is an honest person, but not a fool, so he naturally knows what to say at this time.

He sighed and patted Yu Li's back, "Sister-in-law, don't say that, I just want to be with you..."

Yu Li covered Su Yi's mouth, with tears in her eyes and a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Yan Chao, my sister-in-law is content, and now she is very content."

"...Sister-in-law, you didn't wash your hands."


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