Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1486 Confrontation

Facing Yang Baorui's question, Su Yi said in a calm manner: "Director, this is nonsense, there is nothing wrong with communication, this matter is a normal work process, and there is no need for communication at all."

"That's not what you Director Yang said." Yang Baorui said, "He said that each of you is responsible for this problem. You, Su Yuanchao, should be responsible for 80.00%, and the remaining 20.00%, your subordinates. The girl Zhang Chunmei will lose 15.00%, Li Chengcheng will lose [-]%, Li Dengfeng will lose [-]%, and he himself will lose [-]%.

Su Yi made another note to Yang Shutan in his heart.

He said with emotion: "Director Yang is really precise in the division of responsibilities to the decimal point, professional."

"Maliciousness from Yang Shutan +99..."

"So you agree with what your director said?" Yang Baorui asked.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Director, in fact, this matter is too clear. I don't know how Director Yang divides the responsibility, but in the end we still have to speak with the facts. How about this, the comrades involved in this matter It’s all here, in front of the leaders, I’ll go through this matter from beginning to end, and everyone will be clear about it. But this requires everyone to cooperate with me and answer my questions honestly.”

Yang Baorui nodded: "Go ahead, I'm here, no one dares to make up nonsense!"

Li Xinmin smiled and said: "Aid North Korea, feel free to ask boldly, the organization will not let good comrades who work hard be wronged!"

"Yes, thank you two leaders!" Su Yi thanked, turned around, looked around for a week, and gained another wave of various emotional values.

"Xiaoqiu." Su Yi's eyes fell on Qiu Lijun from the General Office, "When Zhang Chunmei came to you yesterday with the signed delivery slip, did he inform you of the purpose and time of these supplies?"

Qiu Lijun nodded: "Tell me, Chunmei said that these are materials for the exam at ten o'clock this morning, so I must prepare them in advance."

"Is there any signatures of Director Shen and Director Yang on the delivery slip?" Su Yi asked again, "Compared with the previous delivery slip, is there any procedure that is not in compliance, or lacks the signature of the leader? happened?"

"There are signatures, and all the leaders who should sign have signed." Qiu Lijun nodded, "It's the same as the previous delivery list, there is no problem. After I got the delivery list, I also told Xiao Zhang that this part of the material in the warehouse It's complete, and I'll send it to her the next morning."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Leaders and comrades, we have followed the normal factory rules and regulations to get out of the warehouse, and we have signed everything that should be signed, and handed over the delivery form to Xiaoqiu, who is in charge of the delivery of the general office. Comrade, I got a clear answer from Comrade Xiaoqiu, saying that we will give us all the materials listed in the delivery receipt the next morning. Do you have any objections to this part of the process? You can raise your objections in person now. If you have no objections If so, at this stage we will be clear.”

No one spoke, only Yang Shutan, Li Dengfeng and Li Chengcheng contributed another wave of malice to Su Yi.

"Director Yang, Section Chief Li, do you agree with what Su Yuanchao said, tell me!" Yang Baorui called the names directly.

"I don't understand this part of the situation." Yang Shutan hurriedly said, "However, Section Chief Liu of the Comprehensive Office is not here, so I asked Section Chief Li to supervise the General Office. It is reasonable and reasonable to sign the document before it can be released from the warehouse.”

"That's right, I am supervising the two departments. I am afraid that there will be some mistakes, so I added such a rule temporarily." Li Dengfeng said, "Although Su Yuanchao's delivery order has gone through the normal process, the problem is that I have a meeting to announce this rule. After the new regulations, the items on the delivery list have not been claimed. Therefore, when Zhang Chunmei requests the delivery of materials, it is reasonable for Li Chengcheng to ask her to complete the process according to my new regulations."

"That's right, so it's because the two departments didn't communicate well." Yang Shutan said, "The most important thing is that you, Su Yuanchao, didn't take the initiative to communicate with Section Chief Li, so there was such a misunderstanding. If you kept abreast of the developments of the General Office, how could such a thing happen, right?"

This is the disgusting part of killing people with soft knives in the workplace. These officials are best at playing with rules and turning right and wrong, turning deer into horse.

Su Yi laughed and said: "Director Yang, as far as I know, the formulation of every rule and system in our factory should be discussed at the meeting. Public announcement, the public can only take effect after there is no objection, this process should be correct, right?"

Yang Baorui nodded: "That's right, but there is no need to report to the district for the temporary addition of regulations due to special reasons of force majeure. Our factory can decide on its own."

"Is this discretionary authority delegated to the grassroots section-level cadres?" Su Yi asked the key point with a smile.

You talk about the rules, so let's talk about the rules, like who can't play with the rules?

"How is this possible? I don't have the authority!" Li Xinmin sneered, "When Director Yang said that Li Dengfeng's random addition of regulations was reasonable and reasonable, I was thinking, what kind of reason is this, and whose reason is it? Long, can you explain?"

"This... what I mean is that Section Chief Li is temporarily in charge of the warehouse management of the department. It is reasonable for him to ask to personally supervise the delivery process." Yang Shutan was also quick-witted, and immediately changed his concept.

"Is it reasonable for Li Dengfeng to ask him to sign before he can leave the warehouse?" Li Xinmin asked, "Don't avoid this question, answer yes or no directly! Can Li Dengfeng not even approve the documents signed by the head of your department? This document will only take effect after he gives his own instructions?"

"This...He didn't mean that he had to sign it, even if he had a look, he could supervise it himself..." Yang Shu Tan Sansan argued.

"Your department is really strange. The document signed by the director needs to be approved by the section chief. This section chief was appointed without the approval of the organization. He is up and down, unorganized and disciplined. I think the Disciplinary Committee should check it out. You guys." Li Xinmin was very powerful in fighting, and said with a sneer that he would kill without blood.

Yang Shutan's expression turned even paler, he closed his mouth and did not speak again.

Su Yi smiled and said, "Do you have any objections to the compliance and reasonableness of our delivery procedures?"

No one spoke.

Boom boom boom!
Yang Baorui knocked on the table with a livid face: "Speak!"

"No, no objection!" Yang Shutan said hurriedly, startled.

"No objection." Li Dengfeng also trembled.

As soon as these words came out, Li Dengfeng knew that he was finished.

Before entering the factory director's office, he and Yang Shutan urgently discussed the countermeasures. The two agreed that as long as they insisted that the current problem was caused by poor communication between the two parties, there was still a chance for this matter to survive.

They once felt that the chances of overcoming the difficulties were not small, but now, Su Yi told them with iron-like facts that there was no way out, no way!

The windows are all welded to you!
"So the two factory managers, this matter has nothing to do with communication." Su Yi spread his hands, "This matter is very simple. We started to apply for materials yesterday, but under the condition that the procedures are perfect and reasonable, the comprehensive handling This is the fact that we have not been delivered to the warehouse all the time. As for why the General Office did not deliver the warehouse to us, why did you still not deliver the materials we need after you personally called the director Yang to urge us? The General Office gave a reasonable explanation."

"Director Yang, can you explain?" Yang Baorui said coldly.

Yang Shutan shook his head dejectedly: "Director, I will conduct a self-criticism, and I bear the unshirkable responsibility for negligence in this matter."

He has given up on Li Dengfeng.It's not that he doesn't want to protect him, but that Li Dengfeng can't get out of this trap at all, and now even he is trapped.

If he didn't know how to cut his tail to survive, he was afraid that he would fall into it completely.

"Aren't you good at calculating? How many percent of the responsibility do you share now?" Li Xinmin said with a half-smile.

Yang Shutan wiped his sweat, lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Director Yang is responsible for negligence. Where is Section Chief Li? What are you responsible for?" Yang Baorui looked at Li Dengfeng coldly, "Do you want to complain?"

Li Dengfeng smiled miserably and said: "I have nothing to explain until now. Director Yang, I admit that I took the opportunity to retaliate against Su Yuanchao because he insulted me. But I just want to embarrass him, not at all. Make things big! I’m a party member, I have my own little thoughts, but I don’t joke about work and career! In fact, as long as Su Yuanchao says something nice to me, I will follow the rules! But I really don’t Come to think of it, I fell into his trick!"

"Director Yang, all the leaders, I'm not afraid to make things clear. This is because I fell into a trap surnamed Su. Otherwise, I would have sent the things over as soon as Director Yang called me! At critical times I'm against Director Yang, I'm not crazy to this extent!"

Li Dengfeng gritted his teeth and stared at Su Yi with hatred.

He has completely broken the jar, even if he dies, he will drag Su Yi into the water.

"Su Yuanchao, do you dare to say that you didn't partner with Liang Yanqiu to trick me?" Li Dengfeng asked sharply, "Xiaoqiu borrowed the key to the warehouse, and at the critical moment he and Liang Yanqiu both disappeared without a trace. There is nowhere to find it! I can only break the door! But when I smashed the door of the warehouse and went in, I found out that it was empty! The materials prepared for you were actually transferred! How do you explain this?"

"Yes, I'm using power for personal gain, I'm guilty! But I'm not so crazy that I don't care about the overall situation! On the contrary, you don't pay attention to the big things in the factory, and use this matter to retaliate against me! Su Yuanchao, is your ass clean! Do you dare to explain clearly in front of the two factory directors?"

Li Dengfeng's eyes were about to burst, and his voice was like crying blood, which really moved the faces of those who heard it, and shocked the hearts of those who heard it.

Yang Baorui's expression didn't change, but he contributed a wave of malice to Su Yi. Obviously, he believed eight points of Li Dengfeng's words and became suspicious of Su Yi.

"Su Yuanchao, do you want to explain?" Yang Baorui asked lightly.

Su Yi looked puzzled: "Director, what he said...except for his subjective conjecture, does the rest have anything to do with me? Where can I find out if there is anything in the warehouse? What do you want me to explain?" ? Explain why the story he made up is so absurd? Or explain why a department-level cadre has so much malice towards me? I'm really sorry, I don't have any explanation for this! I explain even one word about it. A huge insult to my personality!"

Yang Baorui frowned and looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi's expression was too righteous, as if "I am innocent" was written in every pore, which made Yang Baorui's strong suspicion just now a little bit shaken.

"Yanchao, how do you talk to the factory manager? The factory manager asked you to explain to you to clarify the facts, so why did you insult your personality?" Li Xinmin scolded with a straight face, "You young man, why are you like this? Why? No one can tolerate it. How much do you say? How precious do you think you are?"

Su Yi lowered his head: "I'm sorry, the factory manager, I'm a little emotional, so I have a bad attitude."

Li Xinmin looked at Liang Yanqiu: "Sister Liang, regardless of your age, I have to call you big sister. First of all, let me declare that I have no doubts about your intentions, but since Section Chief Li has raised doubts, I think it is most appropriate for you to explain this question." .Did you have any trouble with this matter?"

Liang Yanqiu said calmly, "Can I ask Section Chief Li and Li Chengcheng a few questions?"

"Of course, it is only necessary for Ding to Ding Mao to make it clear in person." Li Xinmin said.

"Section Chief Li, let's not talk about whether I have colluded with Yuanchao to frame you. I want to ask you, when you temporarily took over the management of the warehouse from Xiaoqiu to Li Chengcheng, did you know that they didn't have the keys? , Have you handed over anything?" Liang Yanqiu asked, "Did you pay attention to whether they checked the warehouse materials and inventory when they handed over?"

Li Dengfeng smashed the can: "No! I temporarily let Li Chengcheng take care of the warehouse just to repay the recovery and aid the North, so I didn't ask them to make a specific handover."

"Then I don't wonder why you say such absurd things." Liang Yanqiu said lightly, "You said that you broke open the door of the warehouse and found that there were no materials prepared for Su Yuanchao inside, so we concluded that we Teamed up with Su Yuanchao to cheat you..."

"And you and Xiaoqiu disappeared at the same time!" Li Dengfeng added, "You were not there at the critical moment, do you dare to say that you are not avoiding us?"

Liang Yanqiu smiled: "Chief Li, have you forgotten what job you assigned Xiaoqiu and me? You want the two of us to count the number of slogans that need to be repainted in the factory. We ran around the factory to count the number. How can this be said to be deliberately avoiding you?"

"Of course, I have to admit that the reason why we were in the auditorium at that time was because we felt that it was a rare event in the factory and we had to go to see the excitement. I slipped away during work hours, and I admitted my mistake to Xiaoqiu."

Li Dengfeng sneered and said, "There is nothing in the warehouse. How do you explain it? Xiao Qiu cheated Li Chengcheng of the warehouse key before, and then the contents disappeared. How do you explain this?"

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