Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1496 Slander

Chapter 1496 Slander
It gets dark around [-] o'clock in the Qingming Festival in the capital. At this time, there are few pedestrians at night, and the cars drive on the empty streets. There is a sense of desolation. It is hard to imagine that this is the capital of a country.

There was a lot of noise in the car, Xu Damao was still sitting in the front passenger seat, Su Yi and Yang Baorui sat in the back row.

Yang Baorui sighed, "Yanchao, you shouldn't have said those words today."

"I caused you trouble." Su Yi smiled.

"What trouble can I have?" Yang Baorui said, "You, you are still too young, you have to carve and polish."

"It doesn't sound like a good thing." Su Yi joked.

"Hmph, you don't know your blessings in the midst of blessings! Others want us to carve, but we don't even bother to do it!" Yang Baorui said, "If we don't see you as a piece of material, we really cherish talents, otherwise who cares about you? You , is also a smart boy, you can tell who is really good for you. Hey, why didn't you come to me first when you came to the factory, but Li Xinmin instead?"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Maybe it was because there were outsiders in the car, so Yang Baorui changed the topic with a sentence of emotion: "Your application report for joining the party has been typed up, wait for the higher-ups to discuss this matter, and the inspection and appointment will come down soon. Aid North Korea, you must understand the weight of the burden on yourself, and don't let the organization trust you."

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +122..."

"I understand." Su Yi nodded.

"Put more focus on your work." Yang Baorui said one last sentence, then closed his eyes and rested his mind.

The car first sent Su Yi and Xu Damao to the courtyard. When they got off the car, Yang Baorui asked Su Yi to wait and handed him a book.

"After dinner, the big leader asked me to forward it to you." Yang Baorui said, "Read the book carefully, comprehend it carefully, and report to the big leader more often about your thoughts."

"The Doctrine of the Mean", Kang Youwei's book.

Su Yi smiled, knowing that this was an admonition from the big leader, and felt that he had shown his edge today.

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +126..."

"Let the leaders bother." Su Yi said.

"Let's drive." Yang Baorui nodded to Su Yi, then turned to give instructions to the driver.

The two watched the car go away, Xu Damao said sourly: "Yanchao, your life is too good."

"Good luck?" Su Yi smiled.

"Yes, you see how much the leaders value you, and even gave you a book..." Xu Damao said, "Just now the factory manager said that he would formally appoint you, so your administrative level must have been raised, so you have been admitted more How long has it been? How many years have I endured, and now I am still a projectionist, alas, people compare themselves to others, killing people..."

Su Yi said: "Didn't you also seize the opportunity? I think you have a good chat with Aunt Bai."

"No matter how good the chat, they didn't let me drink a sip of water." Xu Damao didn't like it. , This is really a coup. Look, the leaders treat you well. Those high-ranking officials all regard you as a friend. Whose face is this? Isn’t it just a reporter? Really aid the DPRK, I admire you No! Your eyes are too poisonous, no wonder you look down on Yu Haitang..."

Su Yi glanced back at him, and said: "Wen Hui has two girlfriends, both of whom are very beautiful, why don't you try to catch up with them? What do you think is wrong with you? Compared with me, you are just a little less lucky, you It’s okay to go up to you, you try your best, and you are designated to be stronger than me.”

Xu Damao was taken aback for a moment, and then said happily, "Yanchao, do you really think so?"

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Heroes in the world, only you and me, I am optimistic about you, come on!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yi turned around and left.

"Happiness from Xu Damao +88..."

"But I'm married... Hey, Yuanchao, why are you leaving? Yuanchao! Yuanchao!"

When Xu Damao caught up with Su Yi, Su Yi had already entered the yard.

At this time, every family was eating at home, and there was almost no one in the yard, but there was a figure digging the ground next to Su Yi's house, with a headlamp on his head.

Hearing the movement, the man raised his head, and the beam of light hit him immediately, and Xu Damao who caught up hurriedly blocked his eyes with his hands and shouted dissatisfiedly: "Who, dazzle your eyes! Turn off the light!"

"I'm sorry!" The man hastily threw away the pickaxe in his hand and reached out to turn off the light.

Kong Ermin.

"What is Daheitian'er digging here? Who are you?" Xu Damao asked angrily.

"My friend." Su Yi said lightly, "He helped me."

Xu Damao was stunned.

Su Yi walked over and said with a smile: "Er Min, why are you the only one left?"

Kong Ermin walked over, clapping the dirt on his hands, and said with a naive smile, "I didn't come here until after work and dinner. My dad asked me to dig out the cellar for you. If you're not here, I'll start working first."

"Go, go drink some water in the house." Su Yi took his arm and walked into the house.

"No—hey? Hey!" Kong Ermin was a little flustered.

Xu Damao watched Su Yi and Kong Ermin enter the house, cursed silently at the gate of Su Yi's house, gritted his teeth, glanced hard, then turned and walked to the backyard.

The stove was on, with a kettle sitting on it, and the thermos was full of water, and the house was kept spotless.

This is obviously Yu Li's credit.

Su Yi squeezed a pinch of tea leaves, made a mug of tea for Kong Ermin, took out a pack of Zhonghua cigarettes from the chest of drawers, opened them, lit one for Kong Ermin, and stuffed the rest into his coat pocket.

Kong Ermin stiffened and refused to decline, but Su Yi couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder and asked directly, "Uncle Kong told you something, Ermin?"

Kong Ermin saw that what he was talking about was a serious matter, his face straightened immediately, and he said: "I said it, don't worry about aiding the DPRK, it won't be too late."

Su Yi said: "If it's someone else, I might not feel at ease, but knowing it's you, I'll be at ease. You don't worry about it, you will listen to a few nagging at most, and you don't have to worry about anything."

Kong Ermin nodded: "My father knew the approximate location of the water pipe, so I dug it according to that location. The water pipe can be buried at most one meter deep, and it can be dug quickly."

Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "Squeeze a bit, around eight o'clock."

Around eight o'clock, everyone in the yard had finished eating and washing, and it was time to go back to the house.Su Yi was afraid that the neighbors who watched the excitement would understand, so he kindly helped Kong Ermin point out the mistake.

Kong Ermin was stunned and said: "Then... I'll go out for a while? The work is very fast, and it won't be eight o'clock if I linger. Why don't I just go pull the sand and come back."

"Success, you can figure it out." Su Yi smiled.

Kong Ermin still wanted to speak, but Su Yi tapped on the table lightly and shook his finger, the former immediately shut up.

Soon, footsteps were heard outside the door, and someone pushed the door open.

"Yuanchao..." Yu Li pushed the door and entered while talking, and was startled when she saw two people in the room, and said with a smile, "Master Kong is here too?"

"Sister-in-law is here." Su Yi greeted with a smile.

"Let me ask if you have eaten yet." Yu Li said, "Why are you back so late?"

"I went to the leader's house to eat, but I didn't feel full." Su Yi said, "Is there any ready-made sister-in-law? I'll give you a couple of bites, so there's no need to cook."

Yu Li said: "Do you want to drink porridge? I make a lot at home, so I'll bring you a bowl."

"Success." Su Yi nodded.

"Then you wait." Yu Li said, looked at Kong Ermin, and asked casually, "Master Kong, do you want to eat?"

"No, no, I have to pull sand." Kong Ermin waved his hands hastily, "Yichao, then I will go first. This smoke..."

He was about to take the cigarette out of his pocket.

Su Yi said: "Why do you push a pack of cigarettes around? Why don't you, gentlemen!"

Kong Ermin scratched his head: "Okay, then I'll take it, I'll go first."

Su Yi nodded.

Kong Ermin bypassed Wei Li and went out.

Yu Li said: "You are also big-hearted. When you build a house at home, you don't even look at it?"

"Isn't it you?" Su Yi smiled and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Tired?" Yu Li noticed that there seemed to be some subtle changes in Su Yi's mood.

Su Yi smiled and said, "It seems a bit."

Yu Li said: "Then sit still and I'll serve you porridge right away. You can rest after eating."

Su Yi nodded, Yu Li glanced at him again, then turned and went home.

The third uncle was eating at home, and the whole family gathered around a table.

Seeing Yu Li coming in, Yan Fugui couldn't wait to ask: "How is it? Is he coming?"

Yu Li shook her head.

Yan Fugui suddenly showed disappointment.

Yan Xiecheng said: "I just said that people can't come. If it were me, I wouldn't come either. Where is there someone who invites someone to eat while they are eating? Besides, where is someone who invites someone to drink porridge and ask someone to do something? "

"What do you know? This meal is just talking about it." Yan Fugui waved his hand, "If he can do it, he will definitely treat him to a good meal; if it can't be done, don't we need to spend so much money? No Come... forget it if you don't come, I'll find another chance. Come, come, daughter-in-law, sit down and continue eating."

Yu Li said: "Yuanchao can't come, but I told him, bring him a bowl of porridge from our family, and let him deal with it."

Yan Fugui was stunned, and immediately lifted his spirits and said: "It's best to take it over, I'll take it over! It's hard for us to speak, and it's just the two of us when I say it, and when he hears it, Don't pass the six ears..."

"Dad, why don't you go? Isn't it appropriate?" Yan Jiecheng said, "Even if my mother goes, it's more suitable than you. How can the elders serve the younger ones? This is not good!"

"Yes, no! Dad, you will make us feel inferior!" Yan Jiefang also said.

Yan Fugui was stunned for a while, then slowly sat down and said, "Yes, yes, it's unscrupulous to do's really not would be fine if he came, it won't be that bad if I take it... "

"If you want me to tell you, let Yu Li talk to him." Yan Xiecheng said, "Didn't you say that this time is just to sniff out the rumors? Asking for help is the next time, and next time you will do it. Let Yu Li this time First ask what's going on, and see if there is any drama. If someone says no, won't you be hurting your face?"

"I think it's okay." The third mother said, "Old man, let's not let the daughter-in-law do things, but it's always okay to ask about the situation?"

Yan Fugui was moved, looked at Yu Li and said, "Daughter-in-law, would you say that?"

Yu Li nodded and said, "Dad, I know how to say it."

Yan Fugui warned: "Try to be tactful, the main thing is to find out whether he has the ability to arrange it, and don't mention helping things."

"Don't ask directly when you go. You clean up the house for him and talk about other things first." The third mother said worriedly, "You are a bit straightforward, so don't speak directly."

"Okay, I got it, Mom." Yu Li said.

"Don't worry, parents, Yu Li is reliable!" Yan Jiecheng said.

"You, we don't have to worry about being half as capable as your daughter-in-law." Yan Fugui said angrily, "My wife, go and heat up the porridge, get some pickles, and get a cornbread. You can't just let others drink it." Porridge."

"Hey, daddy has lost all his money!" Yan Jiefang teased.

"I can't bear the fact that children can't be trapped by wolves." Yan Fugui said, "As long as there is something to gain, the effort now is worth it."

Yan Xiecheng said speechlessly: "A bowl of porridge, a cornbread, and a plate of pickles, Dad, do you call this giving?"

"It's not called paying, what is paying? It's not money? Is it blown by the strong wind?" The third mother scolded unwillingly while working, "You guys, if you are not in charge, you don't know that oil and rice are expensive."

"Well, you reminded me." Yan Fugui said, "This is for the two of you. This meal will be counted on you. You can only have one of you at home for dinner at noon tomorrow. The two of you discuss it. Well, no one will come."

"Hey, what am I talking about?" Yan Jiecheng slapped himself.

Yu Li chuckled: "You think Dad can't remember if you don't talk too much? Dad's brain is just a ledger, why don't you remember clearly?"

Yan Fugui said complacently: "This is talent, it's useless if you envy it."

At the same time, Xu Damao and his wife were also discussing about Su Yi in the backyard.

Xu Damao boasted about his brave and outstanding performance in the big leader's family, and said how the leaders valued himself.

But when it comes to Su Yi, things have changed completely.

"Really, I didn't expect Su Yuanchao to be this kind of person before. If I knew it earlier, would you think I would talk to him!" Xu Damao looked serious, "You don't even know his ugly face of flattering people, really He wants to kneel down and eat shit from the leaders! It's disgusting!"

"You're even more disgusting!" Lou Xiao'e looked disgusted, half-believing, "Su Yuanchao is not this kind of person, is he? I think he is quite proud."

"Arrogance? That's called bullying the weak and fearing the strong, flattering the superior and bullying the inferior!" Xu Damao sneered, "It's only silly women like you who are confused by his disguise. Why did he reject Rachel and Yu Haitang? Do you really think he has high vision? Shit Let me tell you, he was already ready to eat soft food. He had already set his sights on the female reporter, and he was so swayed by his rhetoric. What? A fool knows how to choose!"

Lou Xiaoe felt a sense of being subverted, she shook her head and took a deep breath and said, "I, I still can't believe it, I don't think Su Yuanchao is like what you said."

"Hey you silly girl, can what I saw with my own eyes still be true?" Xu Damao said with a "tsk", "Although I, Xu Damao, am not a good person, at least I live with dignity! Just say that for so many years, Have I ever relied on your father?"

"You can't be trusted, my dad doesn't like you." Lou Xiaoe was really straightforward.

(End of this chapter)

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