Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1509 Destiny

Chapter 1509 Destiny
"No, no, it's impossible!" As soon as Qin Huairu finished speaking, Yan Fugui immediately waved his hands and said, "When Guangtian came back with the pork leg, all the workers had left. From his return, to us If there is an outsider in this courtyard, we will definitely see it, and it must not be an outsider."

"Yo, are you sure?" Qin Huairu smiled, "Third Master, you must have seen what the thief looks like, right? Well, everyone can leave, the case is solved!"

The crowd laughed.

Yan Fugui said coyly: "Hey, you are using the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, well, I didn't think about it clearly, Huai Ru is right, if an outsider really comes in and steals the pig's leg and runs away, I will I really can't see it."

"Then what should I do? I can only call the police!" Liu Haizhong said, "Old Yi, what should I do if you want me to tell you what to do? This thief is too hateful. If you catch him, you will be clean."

"Is it to return Liu Guangtian's innocence?" Xu Damao said with a smile.

"Guangtian is innocent in the first place, so there is no need to pay it back!" Liu Haizhong scolded, "Xu Damao, stop talking nonsense."

Yi Zhonghai pulled Su Yi aside, and said in a low voice: "Yanchao, I think so, if someone in our courtyard did it, we should say everything we need to say, give him some time, let him Send you back the pork leg. You have to forgive others. But if he is ignorant and stubbornly refuses to give it, then what should we do, what do you think?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Master, why do I feel that you know who did it? If you tell me, it's not impossible to solve this matter privately."

Yi Zhonghai sighed and said: "If I knew, would I still need to go to such trouble? I'm afraid that the people in the courtyard did it. If the matter becomes serious, how will it matter in the future? They all live in the courtyard. It’s embarrassing to think about it if you don’t see it when you look up.”

"You have spoken, I have to give you this face." Su Yi nodded, "Listen to you, I will trouble you to decide this matter."

"Happiness from Yi Zhonghai +99..."

Yi Zhonghai patted Su Yi on the shoulder: "It's also your generosity that weighs my difficulties. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

He felt that he had grasped Su Yi's temper - he was soft but not hard.

"Then it's settled?" Yi Zhonghai confirmed again.

"Okay!" Su Yi nodded.

Yi Zhonghai nodded, walked back into the crowd, clapped his hands vigorously to attract everyone's attention, and said, "Okay, let's end this matter here, everyone is scattered, what should we do, I will follow up on this matter." Yuanchao handles it by himself, don't make random guesses, so as not to hurt the harmony among neighbors. Especially you Xu Damao!"

"What's wrong with me?" Xu Damao was taken aback.

"You know what's wrong with you!" Yi Zhonghai said in a strict tone, "If you continue to fear that the world will not be chaotic, then I will call the whole hospital to help you cure this problem!"

"Okay!" Silly Zhu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly yelled, and was the first to applaud.

The neighbors laughed and applauded together.

Xu Damao glared at Yi Zhonghai bitterly, turned around and walked away in despair.

Lou Xiao'e, who was watching the fun, also blushed, feeling extremely ashamed, and walked away quickly with a sneer.

"It's gone, let's go!" Yi Zhonghai waved his hand, signaling for everyone to leave.

When no one was paying attention, he winked at Qin Huairu.

Seeing that everyone had left, Liu Guangtian walked up to Su Yi dejectedly, "Brother Yuanchao, this matter is all up to me, if I keep looking at the meat, it won't be lost."

"Can you still live in my house?" Su Yi smiled, "Okay, go back, it's not your fault."

On the one hand, Liu Haizhong immediately stepped forward with a smile and said: "This kid is honest, don't listen to him, it's not bad for him if he loses his meat."

"I know." Su Yi nodded.

"If I..." Liu Guangtian wanted to say more, Liu Haizhong turned around and kicked, causing Liu Guangtian to hold his leg and scream "Aww".

"You are a heartless bastard, even Ren Yuanchao said that you are not bad, you have to blame yourself, how did I give birth to such a stupid son like you?" Liu Haizhong scolded.

Su Yi frowned, and said: "Second uncle, if you want to beat your son, don't stay in front of my house, and don't face me. I can't see this."

Liu Haizhong showed embarrassment.

"Malicious +100 from the bangs..."

He wanted to say something, but Su Yi ignored him, turned around and entered the house.

Liu Haizhong stood awkwardly on the same spot, Sha Zhu walked up to him with his hands in his pockets, and said with a half-smile: "Guangtian is also a subordinate of Yuanchao, you beat Guangtian in front of him, second uncle, you are killing me!" Show the chicken to the monkey?"


"Don't explain, this matter has nothing to do with me!" As soon as Liu Haizhong said a word, Sha Zhu smiled and stretched out his hand to stop him, and stepped into Su Yi's house leisurely.

"It doesn't matter to you, what are you talking about? You shit, whoosh, grandson! You deserve to sweep the streets!" Liu Haizhong was so angry.

"Let's go, let's go home!" He waved to Liu Guangtian impatiently.

at home.

When Su Yi went back to the house, he was taking the tea mug to pour water for himself, when he raised his eyes and saw that Sha Zhu had followed in, he poured an extra glass of water.

"Dress like a dog," Su Yi said with a smile, "Why are you sweeping the streets with style?"

"Fuck you, what do you mean you look like a dog?" Sha Zhu scolded with a smile, "Hey, but you use the word style well, you are worthy of being a college student, and you have good vision. Recently, I feel that my style is really high. Everyone is different from before.”

He took the water tank that Su Yi handed over, and wandered around looking into the bedroom.

"Is there a door opening here? I said why there is no door left on the outer wall." Silly Zhu said, "What are you going to do with this room? Turn it into a study?"

"Secret." Su Yi took a sip of tea, "What did you do these days? I can't even see you."

"I also keep it a secret!" Sha Zhu said with a smile.

Su Yi smiled and shook his head, seeing his face overflowing with love, even if he didn't say anything, Su Yi could still guess.

Sha Zhu took out a book from the bookshelf, flipped through it pretendingly, and said, "Yanchao, do you have a book dedicated to poetry? I'm studying poetry, modern poetry. Pushkin knows? I recently I'm studying him, let me tell you, this poem written by Uncle Pu is really good!"

"Oh? What kind of poems has he written?" Su Yi asked with great interest.

"Listen!" Silly Zhu was waiting for Su Yi to cheer him up so that he could show off his new talent.

He cleared his throat, squinted at 45 degrees to the upper left, stretched out his hand to support him, and chanted in a voice and tone that someone wanted to strangle him after hearing it: "If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be impatient! In the days of depression Be calm and believe, happy days will come!"

"That's enough, that's enough!" Su Yi really couldn't stand his aria, "You can pull it off, I'm afraid I won't be happy if you just recite poems like this."

"No, I think it's very good, how emotional!" Silly Zhu was not happy.

"You still keep it for your sweetheart to read, I can't appreciate it." Su Yi said with a smile.

"I know I can't hide it from you!" Shazhu's small expression is shy and proud, proud and reserved, and reserved with the desire to tell, it is really coquettish and coquettish, making Su Yi want to kick him again He kicks out.

"Brother Zhuzi, I'm telling you, if you disgust me so much, don't blame me for driving you away!" Su Yi said speechlessly, "What kind of eyes do you have? After taking the aphrodisiac, there is nowhere to go, right? Come to me to practice your exercises The show is coming!"

"The mouth is so poisonous! Oh, you have a knife in your mouth! You stabbed me to death!" Silly Zhu pointed at Su Yi, "Well, stop talking nonsense with you, lend me two books, if you want poetry For that kind of book, I plan to further improve my literary quality and cultivate my sentiment."

Su Yi was too lazy to be poor with him, so he went to the bookshelf and picked two books and handed them to him: "Okay, take it and go."

"Look at you, I still want to discuss literature with you, to be an exchange between literati, why do you keep pushing people away?" Silly Zhu said unwillingly, "This is not how you treat guests!"

"Are you going to go or not?" Su Yi stared.

"Get out!" Silly Zhu froze, turned around and went out with the book in hand.

But after a while he stuck his head in through the crack of the door again.

"It's not that I don't want to leave, it's that someone outside is looking for you!" Sha Zhu said first, "Good guy, he came here with a big truck!"

Naturally, it was Lu Shengli who came.

When Su Yi went out, he was leaning against the truck head and smoking.

"Victory?" Su Yi feigned surprise, "Why are you here?"

Lu Shengli seemed to enjoy Su Yi's surprised expression very much. He smiled and didn't speak. When Su Yi approached, he took a deep breath of the cigarette, then flicked the cigarette butt, hugged Su Yi's shoulder and smiled affectionately: "It's here!" My place didn’t even say hello to me, saying, what should I do?”

"What do you mean?" Su Yi deliberately pretended to be confused.

Lu Shengli patted Su Yi on the shoulder: "Come on, I have a surprise for you."

While talking, he reached in from the passenger window, touched a flashlight, and pulled Su Yi to the back of the truck without any explanation.

At this time, Shazhu also walked to the door with two books between his arms to watch the excitement. Lu Shengli smiled and waved to him as a greeting, but he didn't mean to get acquainted, and Su Yi didn't introduce him.

This is an old Jiefang truck, the back of the truck was originally supposed to transport troops, with a carport.

Lu Shengli opened the back door of the carport,

Turn on the flashlight and look in, then stare at Su Yi's face with a smile, waiting for Su Yi's surprised expression.

In addition to the washbasin and toilet that Su Yi had already paid for, there was also a refrigerator and a large bathtub that Director Feng told Su Yi "you can't afford".

In addition, there are several wooden boxes, and I don't know what is inside.

On the other hand, there are pats of white tiles on the inside, which are very conspicuous.

As Lu Shengli wished, Su Yi looked at him with "shock".

"You work at the Friendship Hotel?" he asked.

"That's right, it's a coincidence, isn't it?" Lu Shengli said with a smile, "You said you wanted these things, and you still need to go around such a long way to find someone surnamed Feng? I scolded my grandson and sent him away." I went to correct the wind, and I will get the money back for you."

As he was talking, he couldn't help but take out a wad of money from his pocket and stuff it in Su Yi's hand, saying, "These items are all shipped out of the warehouse through formal channels and formal procedures. You can use them at ease. The certificates of procedures are all placed in that refrigerator. No one is afraid to check! If you want anything in the future, if you say a word, if you want to spend a penny, you will slap me in the face of Lu Shengli!"

Before Su Yi could speak, the silly Zhu on the side had already raised his thumbs up and praised: "Okay, buddy, don't care if you're bragging or not, just listen to this and cheer up! I'm He Yuzhu, who are you?"

Lu Shengli glanced at Su Yi and cast a questioning look.

"My brother." Su Yi said.

The three words "buddy" are enough.

Lu Shengli smiled and shook hands with He Yuzhu: "My name is Lu Shengli, and I'm also a buddy who aided North Korea. We know each other now, and we will have a drink together in the future!"

"Drinking, don't call me bragging. I don't think I can brag about you." He Yuzhu laughed.

Lu Shengli laughed, pointed at He Yuzhu and said, "You're quite interesting, buddy."

"Zhichangzi." Su Yi said.

"Victory, these things are expensive, I can't take them." Su Yi said.

"If you want to say this, you're slapping me in the face!" Lu Shengli said seriously, "When you saved our family, did you consider the value? We are friends, and if I talk about feelings with you, you don't talk about value with me! "

"Aid Korea, money and wealth, if this buddy has nothing to ask for, and doesn't want anything from you, then he should take you in." Sha Zhu stretched his neck to look into the carriage without looking back, "Follow buddy Compared with friendship, it’s bullshit for him to pull a truckload of gold!”

"Well said! Comrade He Yuzhu, just say that, you buddy, I'll give it up!" Lu Shengli said happily.

Shazhu laughed and said: "You can just call me Shazhu, except for Yuanchao who calls me Brother Zhuzi, everyone who knows me calls me Shazhu."

"Isn't that abusive? Brother Zhuzi, you look older than me, so I'll call Yuanchao." Lu Shengli said.

"Okay, dragons and dragons, phoenixes and phoenixes, and mice's friends can make holes, so just say this to you, you are worthy of friendship!" He Yuzhu raised his thumb, "I know you are a big courtyard just by looking at you." If you don’t call me brother Zhuzi, I’ll never come to you with your status, lest you always think I’m trying to plot something against you.”

Lu Shengli laughed loudly: "Brother Zhuzi, come with me later, I will have a drink with you tonight no matter what!"

"Why are you going with me? I can't afford your wine when you come to my house?" Silly Zhu pointed at him and said, "I'm telling you, it's my grandson who won't drink later!"

"Grandsons don't drink!" Lu Shengli said, "This time you go to your house, next time you have to go to my house to drink. If you don't go, you are still a grandson!"

The two laughed.

Su Yi watched this scene with a smile on the side, thinking that whoever's chance should be, it's his.Shazhu missed the big leader, and finally met Lu Shengli.

Xu Damao tried his best, but the outcome was already doomed to be in vain.

Character determines destiny, the ancients never deceive me.

"You wait, I'll go to the yard first to ask someone to help move things." Shazhu couldn't wait to walk back and said, "Yanchao, you clear up the place where you put things, there are a lot of things!"

"Your uncle, I haven't agreed yet!" Su Yi scolded angrily.

"Do you agree or not? We've settled the matter." Silly Zhutou waved his hand and entered the courtyard. This scene made Lu Shengli laugh again.

(End of this chapter)

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