Chapter 1511
Qin Huairu has very complicated feelings about Su Yi.

She worships Su Yi and wants to rely on Su Yi; but at the same time, she is also afraid of Su Yi, and she even doesn't want to see Su Yi again.

Since the death of her husband, Qin Huairu got used to wearing a mask and dealing with all kinds of people.

Li Xinmin, Guo Dajizi, Yi Zhonghai, Shazhu, Xu Damao...

As long as it is a man, it will reveal the meaning of coveting her body, but some men hold back their energy and want to possess her, while some men are lustful but not courageous.

Qin Huairu was proud and troubled about her appearance and figure, but with Su Yi, her pride and troubles did not exist, because Qin Huairu felt very clearly that Su Yi was not interested in her body at all.

She even took the initiative to throw herself into her arms that night, but if Su Yi was impulsive, she would definitely push it halfway, and something would happen along the way.

But Su Yi not only pushed her away, but also thought her runny nose was disgusting...

This man seemed to have piercing eyes, and she seemed to be naked every time she stood in front of him.And he even has medical skills, so he can see her unspeakable secrets.

He was so perfect, but he was so ruthless and indifferent. He didn't think differently of himself because of his beauty and pity. He even unceremoniously broke through his disguise and trampled her self-esteem and face under her feet.

Therefore, even if Yi Zhonghai didn't say anything, Qin Huairu knew that he had to give Su Yi an explanation, otherwise this man would definitely not be merciful to the stick because of his own reasons.

Once he did call the police, the stick would really be over.

But confess...

Apart from losing money, or recovering the pork leg stolen by the stick, what else can Su Yi be satisfied with?
Qin Huairu couldn't think of it, so she came to find Yi Zhonghai, and she also knew that Yi Zhonghai was willing to get involved in this matter, because Yi Zhonghai urgently needed to re-establish the prestige of the uncle after he almost took the blame and resigned last time.

The breakthrough that Yi Zhonghai found was Su Yuanchao. Recently, he was obviously thinking about Su Yuanchao, approaching him, carefully currying favor with him, and testing him.

Others can't understand this thought, but how can they hide it from her, Qin Huairu?

Therefore, Qin Huairu responded to Yi Zhonghai's signal and came to find him in time, even if he hadn't been able to wait for Banggen to come back.

Qin Huairu knows this man very well, for the sake of fame, he is sometimes willing to sacrifice his interests.

So, she cried a lot.

Today she focused on four words - helpless, pitiful.

Yi Zhonghai really liked this one the most, and sighed: "Huairu, don't cry, the most important thing now is to suppress this matter first. In this way, you first pay Yuanchao 20 yuan, so that Yuanchao can't be held accountable. This matter is over. In this way, big things can be turned into small things, and small things can be turned into small things."

"Grandpa, something happened to Shazhu this month. Apart from the ten catties of stick noodles you sent us, we don't have any extra rations. My wages are almost gone. Where can I find 20 yuan for the aid of the court?" Go?" Qin Huairu cried.

"I'll put the money up first!" Yi Zhonghai said, "Don't come forward about this matter. I'll tell Yuanchao that this kid is actually good-natured, and he should be able to sell me some face."

"This, this is not appropriate, my lord, how can I let you advance the money!" Qin Huairu hurriedly stood up.

Yi Zhonghai waved his hand: "Okay, it's settled, or will you really kill your orphans and widowed mothers? Don't tell your mother-in-law about this, she is unreasonable, don't mess things up."

"I know, sir, thank you so much," Qin Huairu wiped away tears, "Don't worry, when the stick comes back, I will definitely find out the whereabouts of the pork leg, and even if I can't get the meat back, I will get the money back , as long as I can get it, I will send it to you as soon as possible."

"Isn't it difficult for you this month? If you pass this level, no matter what you get back, you will keep it first, let's talk about this month." Yi Zhonghai said, "But there is one thing, you must not be ambiguous! This kid is sticky You have to cure him of his unclean hands and feet! If you don’t care about it, you will harm him!”

"I originally wanted my mother-in-law to take the stick to the countryside to continue her schooling, but she was unwilling, and would rather let the stick fool around every day." Qin Huairu sighed.

Yi Zhonghai sneered: "It's no wonder she is willing."

"I originally wanted to play with sticks on the street for a few days, so he knew it would be best to go to school." Qin Huairu said, "Now it seems that I have lost my mind, this kid will only play more and more off-road. Grandpa , this time this matter also made me make up my mind, if my mother-in-law really doesn't want to go back to the countryside with BangGiao, then I will send BangGiao back to my natal commune to go to school!"

"I made an agreement with my dad, and I can clean up as I want when the time comes, as long as I can teach him well, I can do anything! I will pay the tuition fee for the stick, and I will give my dad ten dollars a month. Don't ask for a stick. You can eat as much as you can, as long as you don't starve to death..."

As she spoke, Qin Huairu wiped away her tears again.

Yi Zhonghai sighed: "Of course you have a good idea, but I'm worried that your mother-in-law still disagrees. She regards sticks as her lifeblood. Is she willing to let you send sticks to the countryside?"

"If you don't want to give up, you have to give up!" Qin Huairu gritted his teeth firmly, "I will stick to it this time!"

Yi Zhonghai nodded: "If it doesn't work, you can go to the community Liu Guifen and ask her to help persuade your mother-in-law."

"Okay, I got it, sir." Qin Huairu nodded.

"Then that's it, you go back first." Yi Zhonghai said.

After Qin Huairu thanked her again and left, the first mother came out from the back room, and said with a displeased face: "You really have so much money and nowhere to spend it, you are giving her money, you forgot how Jia Zhang scratched your face gone?"

"Qin Huairu is Qin Huairu, and Jia Zhang's is Jia Zhang's." Yi Zhonghai said, "Don't look at Jia Zhang's controlling Qin Huairu now, she will grow old one day? When she gets old, it will be difficult for her to walk. , she doesn't need to be reminded, she naturally knows that her Qin Huairu family has the final say."

Speaking of this, Yi Zhonghai paused for a moment, and said quietly: "Huairu is not easy for a child. In order to support the whole family, she has sacrificed everything. She is short of money, but we are not short of it. She has been able to support her mother-in-law for so many years alone. , it is not impossible to have two more pairs of chopsticks."

The big mother frowned: "You count on her? Can you count on her? Isn't it good to be silly?"

Yi Zhonghai said: "I also leave more ways to escape."

He stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go to Yuanchao to talk about this matter, you should boil water and scald your feet first."

The aunt said: "What if Yuanchao disagrees? This kid has a good idea. If you really insist, you can't persuade him."

Yi Zhonghai said: "If he disagreed, he would have told me before, why wait until now?"

Before the words fell, the person pushed the door and left.

When Yi Zhonghai came to find Su Yi, Su Yi was about to go out to Shazhu's house with wine.

"Hey, are you going to drink something?" Yi Zhonghai walked out from the vertical flower gate, "Did I come at the wrong time?"

"Master?" Su Yi looked back, opened the door and turned on the light again, "Come, come, come in and say."

He went to pour a glass of water for Yi Zhonghai, sat across from him and said, "Are you here for the pork legs?"

Yi Zhonghai nodded, took out 20 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Su Yi, saying: "I don't know how much that leg is worth, if it's not enough for you to say, I'll make it up for you."

Su Yi took it with a smile and said, "No need, twenty is fine."

Yi Zhonghai watched him take the money but didn't speak, and couldn't help wondering: "Why don't you ask who paid you the money?"

"Don't ask, you must have paid for it yourself." Su Yi said with a smile, "Who did you pay for, do you need to say?"

Yi Zhonghai smiled: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you. Huai Ru told me just now that she planned to send the stick to the countryside and not let him stay in the courtyard. You can see how this matter can be settled Yet?"

"Forget it if you say so." Su Yi gave Yi Zhonghai a lot of face.

Of course, if you don’t lose money, you’ll be fine. It’s not that Su Yi is short of the 20 yuan, but that you have to explain first, and then you will have face.

Yi Zhonghai sighed and said: "Actually, this child can be taught well if he teaches well. Yuanchao, before the stick leaves, you should lock and lock this house. The rest of the family in our courtyard is either poor or clanging. , or someone is there all the time, sticky stems either have no chance to steal, or they can’t steal anything.”

"You are the only one in your house. No one is looking at your house when you go to work. There are so many good things in your house... Well, if I were a half-child, I couldn't help but want to go to your house to find something What."

Su Yi laughed and said: "There are too many kids in this yard, not to mention others, Jie Kuang from the third uncle's family, and Guangfu from the second uncle's family are about the same age as Bang Geng, and I haven't seen them come to steal anything."

"Yes, if you want to blame it, you have to blame Bang Geng for having this bad habit." Yi Zhonghai said, "But since there is such a person, you should guard against it. It is good for everyone. What do you think?"

Su Yi nodded: "I'm repairing the house during this time, and when the house is tidy, I'll lock it before the stick leaves."

Yi Zhonghai said with a smile: "Okay, that's it, I won't delay you."

Su Yi said: "The three of us young people are drinking and bragging, and we are at Sha Zhu's house, so I won't call you sir."

"No, no, just drink well, then what, drink less, this stuff will hurt your body no matter what." Yi Zhonghai persuaded as he walked out.

Su Yi responded with a smile, and went out with him with the wine in hand. The two talked and laughed together and walked to the sink in the middle courtyard before separating. One went home and the other went to Sha Zhu's house.

Silly Zhu was cooking, but Lu Shengli did not sit down, but stood by the stove chatting with Silly Zhu.

Seeing Su Yi coming in, Shazhu complained: "Oh, Zhencheng, you came only when I almost finished cooking two dishes, and punish yourself with three cups later!"

"Punish you uncle!" Su Yi was not polite, "The wine is all here and you haven't served the food yet, so you are the one who should be punished."

"Then each of us will be punished with three cups!" Sha Zhu said.

"This is greedy, looking for a way to drink." Su Yi said to Lu Shengli.

Lu Shengli laughed and said, "I really didn't expect brother Zhuzi to be so good at cooking. The plate of twice-cooked pork on the table almost made my tongue smell delicious! My dad likes Sichuan food the most. Next time, I will definitely let Zhuzi cook at my house. The old man also learned a lot."

Su Yi said: "I think it will work."

"Come here to help the DPRK, I have to talk to you alone." Lu Shengli pulled Su Yi away.

"Why can't I hear it?" Silly Zhu shouted unwillingly.

"I'll punish the three myself later, and I'll plead guilty!" Lu Shengli smiled and pulled Su Yi out.

The two walked to the middle of the yard, and Lu Shengli asked, "Yanchao, I won't go around with you anymore. Actually, I have something to do today, about Tao Chunxiao."

Su Yi said: "I went to the Friendship Hotel today and saw her car, was she there then?"

Lu Shengli nodded: "She told me about your test of her, Yuan Dynasty, is this a joke or is it true?"

"What do you think?" Su Yi laughed, "I've been pestered by her to no avail, so I sent her away first."

Lu Shengli sighed and said, "I also guessed that you were teasing her, but the problem is that she took it seriously."

Su Yi said: "She's not stupid, at most she'll figure it out tonight."

"The problem is that she can't react." Lu Shengli looked at Su Yi, "Yanchao, she would rather believe that you really have martial arts now, but instead hopes that you are really testing her. She wants to pass your test and follow your test." You learn martial arts."

Su Yi was taken aback.

He really didn't expect this result.

Isn't Tao Chunxiao going against him?

This is not possible, it seems that if she finds time to see her, even if she has not completed the test, she will stop thinking about it.

As for why Tao Chunxiao insisted on learning martial arts, Su Yi was not interested in knowing.

He glanced at Lu Shengli and guessed what he was going to say next.

When he was at Lu Shengli's house, he could see that Lu Shengli was interested in Tao Chunxiao, and Zhang Anping was interested in Lu Shengli.

Bloody love triangle.

Lu Shengli definitely wanted to intercede for his long-awaited lover, and on the premise that Su Yi was really capable, he persuaded Su Yi to accept Tao Chunxiao as his apprentice.

But Su Yi didn't want to bother at all.

So he said, "I have nothing to teach her. She found the wrong person. Victory, please tell her clearly. Don't waste time with me. It's meaningless."

Lu Shengli was a little disappointed: "Then you play..."

"She can't learn it." Su Yi said lightly.

This is the truth, where to hit the middle finger with a hundred shots, it depends not only on martial arts, but also a strong mental power. It is impossible for Tao Chunxiao to learn this thing.

Lu Shengli sighed and said, "Well, actually, I shouldn't take chances."

He shook his head, patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said, "Just pretend I didn't say that, and what to do in the future. Chunxiao is not bad-tempered. She always fights with Sister Xiaohui because of Sister Xiaohui." She almost became her sister-in-law, but in fact, Sister Xiaohui has always looked down on her brother, so she has been unconvinced..."

What's the mess?

Su Yi spread his hands, expressing his disinterest.

"Let's go in and drink." Seeing this, Lu Shengli didn't say much.

When Su Yi entered the door, he glanced at the window of Qin Huairu's house, leaning on the window and looking out, Qin Huairu immediately met Su Yi's eyes, she smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly shrank back.

(End of this chapter)

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