Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1548 Parents

Chapter 1548 Parents
Teacher Ran's father is a thin old man who looks very rigid at first glance. Although her mother is wearing a coarse cloth, it can be seen that she is a very temperamental and cultivated woman.

Compared with the Ran Qiuye I met before, the current teacher Ran seems to have changed. He has become dark and thin, with short hair, and looks very haggard.

Seeing the well-dressed Sha Zhu standing in front of the family of three with a tense expression on his face, holding four gifts of cigarettes, wine, snacks and candies in his hands, as long as he is not a fool, he can understand what Sha Zhu is here for.

Ran Qiuye burst into tears instantly, and covered her mouth in excitement to keep herself from crying.

Ran's parents were also very excited. Ran's mother turned her head and hurriedly wiped away her tears, and then nodded to Su Yi and Sha Zhu with restraint.

Ran's father's eyes were slightly red, he looked deeply at Sha Zhu, then at Su Yi and said: "This gentleman is..."

"Dad!" Ran Qiuye held back his sobs and wiped away his tears in a panic, "This is Comrade Su Yuan Chaosu I mentioned to you."

Ran's father was slightly shocked, and hastily stepped forward two steps and bowed slightly: "It turns out to be Comrade Su. The little girl often said that thanks to your advice, she can pan for gold in the sand, so as not to miss her beloved. You are my benefactor of the Ran family!"

"Uncle is serious." Su Yi also slightly bowed and held Father Ran's hand and said with a smile, "I am a matchmaker at best."

"You are too modest, Zhuzi told us, it was you who greeted us at school, and Qiuye was saved... and he still needs your advice to protect my family all the time." Ran's father excitedly shook Su Yi's hand , "It is not an exaggeration to say that you are so kind to my family! This old man has always been a good friend to you for a long time. When I saw you today, you are indeed a gentleman like jade!"

"I recognize a gentleman. A gentleman has the beauty of an adult. From this point of view, I am also a gentleman." Su Yi laughed.

Ran's father was startled, then laughed happily.

"The house is really rough and simple, it's unsightly, and I'm afraid to neglect the distinguished guests." Ran's mother stepped forward at the right time, and said in embarrassment, "If you don't dislike it, why don't you go to the woods over there... even if you come to the house, you can't prepare it." A cup of tea, really ashamed."

Under such conditions, the Ran family can gather enough bowls for a family of three to eat. Where can there be teacups for guests?

Su Yi said with a smile: "Auntie, there are no distinguished guests here, they are all our own people. You don't have to be polite to me. The business is important, so let's go over there and talk slowly?"

"Please, please!" Ran's father hurriedly asked Su Yi to go first, but Su Yi gave up half a step, and supported Ran's father to walk over there while talking and laughing.

Ran's mother hurriedly took the things from Shazhu's hand, put them back in the shack, and hurriedly followed.

Silly Zhu dragged it to the end on purpose, walked up to Ran Qiuye with a smile and raised his neck triumphantly: "Are you still angry with me?"

Ran Qiuye smiled with tears and shook his head vigorously.

"Don't cry, you miss me so much!" Silly Zhu said in a low voice, "I'll pick you up when I come today!"

Ran Qiuye's eyes showed concern: "Zhuzi, the organization...will you agree?"

Silly Zhu smiled and pouted at Su Yi: "That's the organization! With my brother here, we don't need to worry about it!"

"Will it cause trouble for Yuan Chao?" Ran Qiuye asked.

Shazhu was silent, his smile was slightly suppressed, and he sighed: "I don't know, but he won't tell us if there is trouble. Marrying you is the biggest thing in my life, and I can only trouble him. Don't be pretentious, let's meet in the future about aiding North Korea."

Ran Qiuye nodded, and then followed Shazhu.

Of course, there is no place to sit in the woods, but it avoids the embarrassment of too many people.

After exchanging pleasantries, Ran's father also worriedly raised this issue.

Su Yi gave a direct guarantee: "Uncle, you don't have to worry about this matter. As long as Brother Zhuzi is willing, the factory will definitely approve it. In fact, the matter of marriage mainly affects Brother Zhuzi. His behavior like this seems to run counter to it. In terms of punishment, I will directly arrange for your family to enter the study class to receive re-education. In fact, it is protection for you, just to work, it will be very tiring..."

"We are not afraid of being tired!" Mother Ran said excitedly, "You don't know that your study class is now a place where people like us dream of entering. What are you afraid of when you work? No matter what..."

"Speak carefully!" Ran's father glared and snapped, "Don't bring trouble on Comrade Su!"

"It's okay!" Su Yi waved his hand, "Uncle, brother Zhuzi will definitely lose his job now, but he has cooking skills, which is actually a good thing. Our director has always missed his skills. When the time comes, I will learn from him." Talk about asking him to cook small stove meals for the leaders of the factory. But this is not considered a job, not even a temporary one, it is just a temporary cook. The only advantage is that you can bring some leftovers to the family food, and no salary.”

Speaking of this, Su Yi paused, and said: "That is to say, they are married, and they will have Teacher Ran's income to support their family. Can you accept this?"

Ran's father sighed: "It's not whether we accept it or not, it's Zhuzi who sacrificed too much for us, and he is the one who is most wronged by this matter."

"Uncle, I am not wronged, I am not wronged at all." Shazhu shook his head and said, "As long as I can be with Qiuye, I am willing to do anything. Besides, the job of sweeping the streets is not my job. , If you don’t do it, don’t do it! I will go into the kitchen to make a small stove, that’s my territory. Then I will negotiate a deal with the surnamed Li, and to be honest, maybe I can earn as much as I do sweeping the floor in a month.”

"But it's not a long-term solution, it's still delaying you..." Ran's father said worriedly.

Su Yi said: "In the past two years, the couple will definitely suffer. Besides, you have to be mentally prepared, whether it's in the factory or in the courtyard, your family will be a model from time to time...Of course, Director Liu of the Sub-district Office has the final say, and I will say hello to her, so this kind of thing can be avoided as much as possible.”

Ran's mother wept and said: "It's nothing, we are used to it, now every night we..."

"Ahem, what are you talking about?" Ran's father glared at her, then turned to Su Yi and said solemnly: "Comrade Su, your kindness to our family is as great as a mountain, and you are benevolent and righteous. You arrange this matter, and we will listen to it." Yours, but the premise is to try not to cause trouble for you. If you are implicated because of us, then our family will really die!"

"You speak too seriously, Uncle." Su Yi waved his hand, pondered slightly, and said, "Well, I'll go to the factory and talk to our factory director later, so that brother Zhuzi can get the signature from the factory. Go there too, there should be no problem. As long as the leaders of the two units approve it, the matter will be settled."

"With the marriage approval certificate, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate, but don't make arrangements for the marriage, and try not to notify relatives and friends, because Brother Zhuzi wants to take you to live in the courtyard, so just notify the courtyard The neighbors here will do."

Silly Zhu interjected at this time: "Hey, Liu Haizhong has become an old man now, and uncles and aunts have to nod his head when they move into the yard. This old guy will definitely cause trouble for me and disagree. What can I do? This..."

Silly scratched his head with a headache.

Su Yi chuckled: "Who agrees that he should be a master?"

Silly Zhu was taken aback.

Su Yi said lightly: "You take the time to find Aunt Liu, and tell her what happened last night, just say that I let you go. The second uncle wants to mess around, does he have the final say?"

Why did Su Yi ignore Liu Haizhong last night?Because there is no need.

Although it is an unwritten system for the elders in the courtyard to manage affairs, it is up to the street office to decide.Anything goes when you don't care.If you compare it——

Well, what is the nature of appointing you yourself without going through the organization?

Absolutely let Liu Haizhong feel ashamed, how awesome he was last night, how bad he is today.

Silly Zhu was delighted: "Hey, I told you that you couldn't get out and didn't make a sound last night. How dare you wait here? If you want to say it's bad, it has to be that you are bad scholars. You have so many eyes!"

After saying a word, the faces of the four people present all turned dark.

Silly Zhu was stunned, looked at this, then at that, and carefully asked Ran Qiuye: "Qiuye, I... have I said something wrong again?"

Ran's father sighed and said: "Son-in-law, you said you can't speak, and you scolded four people with one sentence. Say you can..."

He smiled bitterly and patted Shazhu on the shoulder: "I will leave my daughter to you in the future. Anyway, I will leave it to you, I am at ease!"

Silly Zhu froze on the spot for a while and didn't respond.

"Stupid? Talk!" Su Yi poked him with his finger.

Silly Zhu woke up like a dream: "Dad, Mom, my son-in-law is being polite!"

Bow deeply to the end.

Everyone was startled, and then burst into laughter.

Ran Qiuye blushed, pinched Sha Zhu's arm and beat her up.

"No, I'm not wrong about this sentence, it's said in the play!" Silly Zhu yelled and argued.

"We haven't received the certificate yet, what are your parents?" Ran Qiuye said angrily.

"Sooner or later, sooner or later, hey, I'll call in private now." Silly Zhu said, "Dad, Mom, let's go, I'll help you go back and pack your things, let's move now! It's just that Yuanchao is here, he can still Use your hands to lift things. In the courtyard, Yushui and I have two rooms, you two can choose whatever you want!"

"Zhuzi!" Ran's father interrupted Silly Zhu, and looked at him lovingly, "You child has good intentions, dad knows."

He has already acknowledged this son-in-law.

"But I won't go with your mother, we will live here." Ran's father looked at the shack, "The children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and my daughter is getting married. Help, blame the current situation, and blame yourself, this is fate. If we can’t do anything, we can’t help, and there’s nothing we can do about it. But at least we can do it without adding chaos or burdening you.”

"Dad!" Ran Qiuye and Sha Zhu's expressions changed, and they all exclaimed.

"Don't persuade!" Ran's father sternly said, "My Ran family has been farming and studying for generations, and I have become a stinky old nine in my generation. I have already shamed my ancestors. If I still marry my daughter and live with my son-in-law, my old face Do you want more? How can I face the dead ancestor of the Ran family?"

"No, Dad, this is only temporary, temporarily wronging you..." Sha Zhu became anxious.

"Okay, Zhuzi!" Ran's father patted Silly Zhu on the shoulder, "You are a good boy. Dad didn't understand you before and thought you were no good anywhere. Now dad understands you and thinks you are good everywhere! Qiu Ye married You, I am [-]% assured! You don't need to persuade me anymore! If you are really good for me, then live a good life with Qiuye. As long as you two are good, we will be comfortable wherever we live. "

"Dad, even if you don't think about you, you should also think about my mother and Qiuye? My mother is not in good health, she can't suffer anymore! And Qiuye, aren't you making her unfilial? "Silly Zhu advised.

"Your mother married me, and we lived a lifetime. Wherever I am, he will be. As the saying goes, marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog. She will follow me even if she enjoys life and hardship." Ran's father looked at Ran's mother. The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Ran's father said again: "As for Qiuye, I have taught her self-esteem, self-love, self-improvement, and self-confidence since she was a child. Maybe her mother and I are too strict. She has achieved the first two points, but the last two points are still lacking. But in the end She knows her father, she knows why I made the choices I made, and she understands that the decisions I made will never change."

"It's not this... ouch, why are you so stubborn, old man?" Sha Zhu stomped his feet anxiously, "Qiu Ye, talk to me."

"Dad!" Ran Qiuye cried into tears.

"It's not you—Yanchao, please persuade!" Sha Zhu was anxious, pointing to the shack, "Do you see that this is a place where people live? The dogs in the yard are better than living here!"

"But our Ran family is not a bunch of dogs wagging their tails and begging for mercy!" Ran's father suddenly emphasized his tone.

Silly Zhu was stunned.

Ran Qiuye pulled silly Zhu, cried and said: "Zhuzi, don't try to persuade me, what my father decides will not change."

"Then this..." Silly Zhu looked at Su Yi helplessly.

Su Yi sighed and said, "Poor parents all over the world."

"I am most gratified that my daughter and son-in-law have you as a good teacher and helpful friend." Ran's father looked at Su Yi, straightened his clothes, "Mr. Su, please accept my respect."

He bowed down, and Ran's mother beside him also hurriedly bowed.

Su Yi stepped forward and hurriedly helped them up, saying: "Uncle and aunt, don't worry, our two families will definitely support each other."

"That's good, that's good." Father Ran nodded.

"Zhuzi, let's kowtow to our parents." Ran Qiuye pulled a handful of silly Zhu, and the two of them knelt on the ground together and kowtowed to the elder three times.

Ran's mother couldn't help crying anymore.

"Why are you crying?" Ran's father shouted with red eyes, "it's a good thing that my little girl is getting married! When I get back, I have to drink a few cups to celebrate! Okay, let's go, it's time to do things, don't delay .”

"Yes, they are all in the capital. From now on, you can come to see the two elders every day. This is not far away from marriage. In the future, you can come whenever you want to visit." Su Yi persuaded with a smile.

In the end, the young couple turned around and walked away.The back view of Ran's father and Ran's mother supporting each other back to the shack, let alone Ran Qiuye, Su Yi looked very sad.

"Teacher Ran, go back to your school first, Brother Zhuzi and I will come over after going to the factory." Su Yi said.

"Yanchao, I won't say thank you to you, so please." Ran Qiuye said.

Su Yi smiled and looked at Shazhu: "Why are you standing there? Ride on the car? If you don't go back, do you want me to take you with you?"

"I'll come, I'll come, don't tire you, the great hero!" Silly Zhu stepped forward cheerfully, "Qiu Ye, let's go first!"

"Go, be careful on the road!"

On the way back, Shazhu hummed "Return from Shooting" all the way.

When they arrived at the gate of the factory, a group of security guards ran over in a panic and met Su Yi head-on.

Su Yi called out to Gao Dafang, "Dafang, what are you doing in such a panic?"

"Director Su?" Gao Dafang was out of breath, "Don't you know?"

"What?" Su Yi asked.

"Just that little girl under your command, Zhang Chunmei, jumped off the building and died!"

Su Yi was stunned.

He remembered that when he and Zhang Chunmei first met, it was in this place, Zhang Chunmei clenched her fist and waved her forearm vigorously and smiled at him and said, "Comrade Su, let's work together!"

The words are still in my ears.

(End of this chapter)

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