Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 155 Jimmy's Kindness

Chapter 155 Jimmy's Kindness (Happy New Year's Eve!)
Su Yi really didn't want to make a big scene, he just made all the worst plans.

In fact, without Liu Jianming and the others knowing, Su Yi even notified Lu Qichang.

Once there is a real gun battle in the backbone restaurant, the police will rush to the scene in the shortest possible time and break in through the front door.When Su Yi finds a way to jump down from the rescue stairs at the back of the second floor, Lu Qichang will personally meet him there.

And for the timeliness of information transmission, Su Yi specially bought a set of walkie-talkies from a nearby security company at a high price, and provided one for himself and each of his younger brothers.

In short, Su Yi has already minimized the chance of his life being in danger within his ability.

And to be honest, Su Yi didn't think he was that dangerous.

Let's take this voluntary appearance as Deng Wei's test for him.

Deng Wei has made it clear that he will block the threat from Ni Yongxiao for Su Yi, and the danger that Su Yi fears the most has been eliminated.

What he is most afraid of is a sinister person like Ni Yongxiao. You don't know when and where he will suddenly come to you, and by the time you react, it will be too late.

The rest of He Liansheng seemed to be making a lot of noise, causing a lot of trouble in the city, but in fact Su Yi was not that worried.

Because no matter who came to He Liansheng, he was "begging for a stick", and no one would do anything if he couldn't see Su Yi's stick.This also means that as long as Su Yi is more cautious, there is no need to worry about them playing cold shots and playing tricks.

If it's a chariot and horse game, Su Yi is really not afraid of anyone.

He is now called step-brother in Hong Kong Island, and Liu Jianming, Big B and other brothers are under his command, and he is not frightened.

Even so, he took the measures that should be taken to the extreme. After all, he only has one life, so he can't be too careful.

He is so cautious, it is inevitable that he will be misunderstood by Liu Jianming and other younger brothers.

"Step-brother, I saw the black boy I met last time parked the car at the door, and hurried in, he was the only one!"

The voice of Big B suddenly sounded in the earphones.

Su Yi knocked on the table twice calmly. Seeing this, Liu Jianming walked aside, put his hand into his trouser pocket and pressed the intercom call button, and said to the microphone hidden in his collar: "Hold the soldiers! Repeat, hold the soldiers!"

Soon, the black boy mentioned by Big B appeared at the door, looked around, and walked towards Su Yi quickly.

The man, of course, was Jimmy.

Su Yi saw Jimmy from a distance, smiled and waved, then continued to sit and drink tea leisurely.

In the entire Backbone restaurant, Su Yi was the only guest, and of course Jimmy saw Su Yi at a glance.

He didn't know whether to admire this man's courage, or to laugh at his stupidity.

There was even a bounty offered outside to find this person, but he is still in the mood to sit here drinking tea and eating?
Jimmy came over, called Step-Brother, and said with a complex expression, "Do you know how many people in Hong Kong Island are looking for you, Step-Brother?"

"I can guess." Su Yi smiled, "So what? Don't you think you have the opportunity to walk up to me and talk to me just because you are a person?"

Jimmy sighed: "Come with me before they arrive, and I will make it impossible for anyone to find you. You will come out after the limelight passes."

Su Yi was taken aback.

"It's a repayment of the favor you gave me to my boss." Jimmy said sincerely.

Su Yi smiled.

"If you don't want to be my little brother, just go back where you came from." Su Yi waved his hand, "Just pretend I've never seen you before."

Jimmy's face tightened, and he said, "Do you know that all Hutchison stores have sent people? They'll be here soon! Eight people, hundreds of people! One person and one spit will drown you!"

"If there are more people, you can win. Xinji has already unified Hong Kong Island as the emperor." Su Yi said lightly, "Jimmy, I know you have good intentions, but if you want to use this method to repay my favor, then there is no need , I will give you face, return you Long Gen and Guan Zisen, not for your favor, but for you!"

Jimmy suddenly excitedly said: "What's the situation now? You tell me this! Do you think it's a joke? You will die!"

Su Yi looked at him and suddenly burst out laughing!

He was out of breath from laughing, pointed to Jimmy whose face was getting darker and darker, and said to Liu Jianming, "How about Jianming, I bet you that I wouldn't make a mistake, right?"

The corner of Liu Jianming's mouth curled up.

At this moment, Big B's voice sounded from their earphones at the same time: "Boss, Changmao is here, bringing with him the two younger brothers who were beaten up last time."

Su Yi's smile slowly subsided, he glanced at Jimmy, did not shy away from him, and directly pressed the walkie-talkie and said to the microphone under his collar: "Stay still."

"Got it, step-brother!"

Liu Jianming glanced at Jimmy subconsciously. He knew that Su Yi's attitude basically meant that he didn't treat Jimmy as an outsider.

But Jimmy was taken aback.

Are these gangsters or the police?

Why are walkie-talkies equipped?

long hair -

No, it should be called Little Blue Riding Hood now.

After Su Yi cut off his long-haired hair, this guy put a blue hat on his head and wore it all day long.

Little Blue Cap hastily ran towards Su Yi with two people, his face full of anxiety.

"Step-brother! It's not good step-brother!" He yelled, and when he saw Jimmy, he was obviously taken aback, and immediately showed vigilance, and slammed on the brakes to stop.

He looked here and there, hesitantly said to Jimmy: "You, you came alone?"

He was a little confused about the situation.

Jimmy ignored him and turned to look at Su Yi.

Su Yi said expressionlessly, "Why are you yelling?"

"Step-brother, the whole club is looking for you! All the bosses have sent people over, and they will be here soon, are you still in the mood to sit here?" Little Blue Cap reacted and shouted hastily.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Su Yi asked lightly.

Little Blue Cap was stunned for a moment, and said, "Step-brother, I'm really in a hurry, boss! Where's the dragon head stick?"

He stretched out his hand: "If you don't leave, give me the faucet stick, and I'll take it away first! Stepbrother, the overall situation is the most important thing, I think we..."

"Get out!" Su Yi smiled and uttered a word.

"They're all doing things for Big D, don't overdo it!" Little Blue Riding Hood suddenly growled, "You're messing around now! I've put up with you for a long time, Luo Ji!"

Before the words were finished, two figures sprang out from behind Su Yi, one from the left and the other from the right, and stepped hard on Little Blue Cap's stomach almost at the same time.

The latter suddenly screamed, and the whole person flew out!

Just as his two subordinates were about to make a move, Liu Jianming and Xu Tian pulled out their guns together and pointed them at their heads.

The two of them suddenly became clever, and subconsciously raised their hands together.

Little Blue Cap clutched her stomach, her face contorted into a ball in pain, tears streaming down her face, unable to get up for a long time.

Su Yi restrained his smile, and said: "Short hair, I don't have time to talk to you now, you'd better get out of here, do you understand what I mean?"

Little Blue Cap struggled, got up tremblingly from the ground, stared at Su Yi with resentment on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

With the support of his two subordinates, he walked away in a desperate manner without saying a word.

Liu Jianming and Xu Tian put away their guns and stood behind Su Yi again.

 The sound of firecrackers bid farewell to the old year, and the two watches continue to welcome the new year. Today is the [-]th of the Chinese New Year. I wish everyone a lot of red envelopes, full of luck, good fortune, and double happiness!
(End of this chapter)

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