Chapter 1562
"Xiao Fang, go do your work first, I'll be here for about two hours." Su Yi said to Xiao Fang when the car drove to the gate of the compound.

"Okay, Comrade Aid Korea, I'll come back in two hours."

Just as he was talking, he saw a figure galloping out of the courtyard.

"Xiao Dang!" Su Yi's eyes lit up and he called out.

"Dad!" Xiao Dang ran over excitedly. As soon as Su Yi got out of the car, she yelled and jumped into Su Yi's arms.

"Come down!" Su Yi scolded with a smile, "You don't pay attention to your image when you're a big girl, and you hang on people like a monkey, so you're not afraid of being laughed at."

"I won't, you've been gone for almost a month this time!" Xiao Dang put his arms around Su Yi's neck and didn't let go, "You liar, what did you say when you left? How many days have you been telling me?"

"Kids have to lie a lot to gain insight." Su Yi said as a matter of course, "Okay, your godmother is here, didn't you secretly tell me that you want to set up in front of your godmother..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Dang covered his mouth and struggled to jump off him.

She quickly straightened her hair and hurried around to the back of the car. Wenhui had just arrived here at this time.

"Hi godmother, I'm Xiaodang." She bowed obediently and said hello to Wenhui.

Wen Hui stepped forward to help her up, and said with surprise on her face, "You are much cuter and more beautiful than I imagined, Xiaodang!"

Xiao Dang blushed, smiled shyly, and looked at Wen Hui with eyes full of admiration.

Wen Hui pinched her face and smiled, "You're a very quiet girl, it's okay this time, we don't need to write letters to talk in the future, Xiao Dang, I'm going to sleep with my godmother tonight, I have a lot to say to you say."

Xiao Dang happily nodded vigorously: "I also have a lot to say to my godmother!"

"Xiaodang farts and snores when he sleeps at night." Su Yi said with a smirk.

Xiao Dang's face turned red, but he still pretended to be calm and said: "Godmother, this is slander. You should know my father better than me. He always has such low-level bad tastes."

"Yes, yes, he is keen to see others make a fool of themselves." Wen Hui laughed.

"Xiao Dang is not normal when she talks to you now, she usually bluffs, but now she is talking with her throat closed." Su Yi spared no effort to continue tearing down Xiao Dang's platform.

"I didn't, I just got more excited when I saw my godmother, and I'm usually annoyed by my careless father!" Xiao Dang almost broke his defense, turned his head and gave Su Yi a hard look.Su Yi smiled and blinked at her.

"Your evaluation is too accurate. Your father just doesn't make people worry." Wen Hui smiled and rubbed Xiaodang's head, "I heard your father said that you cooked delicious food for us?"

"Go out with dumplings and come home with noodles, godmother, I made noodles with fried sauce." Xiaodang said, "I don't know if you like it or not."

"You are really a little roundworm in the stomach of a godmother!" Wenhui said pleasantly, "I said on the road, it has been six years, and what I want most is the fried noodles in the capital. Hey, did you two discuss it in advance? Am I surprised?"

"No, I decided on my own, my dad didn't tell me!" Xiao Dang hurriedly explained.

"That means our mothers and I have a good understanding." Wen Hui laughed.

Xiao Dang also laughed happily.

Su Yi said: "I have to say something fair about fried noodles, Xiaodang's craftsmanship is really amazing, Wenhui, if you eat her mouthful, I hope you won't want to eat anything else!"

"The evaluation is so high?" Wen Hui smiled in surprise, "Then I have to try it out."

"Hey, godmother, you should...lower your expectations." Xiao Dang smiled coyly, "My dad praised me so much before, and I made a mistake of overestimating my cooking skills, thinking how good I was. Later I You know, he just cooks for him every meal to trick me."

Wen Hui was taken aback, then laughed and said, "This sounds like your father's style! Let's go home and eat noodles!"

The three of them talked and laughed and entered the courtyard. Yan Fugui was working on his coal stove in the courtyard. When he turned his head and looked, his eyes lit up: "Yuanchao is back? Hey, I wonder why Xiaodang ran out so quickly." It turns out that she went to meet her father."

"Master, are you busy?" Su Yi greeted with a smile, "Let me introduce you, this is my wife, Wen Hui."

"Hello, Grandpa." Wen Hui also greeted.

Yan Fugui was taken aback, and while throwing down the stove hook, he straightened up and looked at Wenhui: "Hey, hello, hello, Yuanchao's wife... No, when did Yuanchao get married? How do we do that?" You don’t even know? You didn’t even say…”

"The two of us were approved by the organization, but we still haven't received the final certificate." Su Yi said with a smile, "Anyway, my daughter-in-law can't run away, so I will introduce it like this first."

Yan Fugui was overjoyed: "Why does it sound like I'm on your boat and can't get off?"

"You summed up brilliantly, that's what you mean!"

"Ha ha!"

While speaking, the neighbors in the neighborhood also surrounded him.

This one said "Aid Korea is back", and the other said "I haven't seen you for a while", it was very lively.

Yan Fugui took the initiative to introduce Wenhui to everyone, saying that she was the daughter-in-law who aided North Korea, and repeated what Su Yi said before.

"I just said that I can't miss the wedding candy from Yuanchao, I must eat it!" Aunt Yan smiled and slapped her thigh.

"When will we do things, aid the DPRK?" a neighbor asked.

"Soon, it's just a few days." Su Yi smiled and cupped his hands around, "When the specific date is fixed, we must invite the neighbors to have fun together."

"Yuanchao, these are younger siblings. Why do I feel familiar? Did you... meet them somewhere?" Ran Qiuye also squeezed into the crowd, looking at Wenhui curiously.

"Hey, I also look familiar, I was too embarrassed to say it just now." Yan Fugui said.

"I also think I've seen it somewhere before. Did Yuan Chao's wife come to our courtyard before?"

Wen Hui smiled and nodded, "I did come here once, but it was six years ago."

"Yo, then we have a deep impression of you..."

"Oh, sir, that's not the case! Didn't you hear my godmother's name just introduced by my dad?" Xiao Dang couldn't stand it any longer, stood up and looked around proudly, "Grandpa and aunt, haven't you all seen it?" Newspapers? It was said every day a while ago, my godmother is Wenhui, the strong lady Wenhui!"

Everyone was startled and looked at each other.

Suddenly Ran Qiuye said "ah", pointed at Wenhui and said excitedly: "I remembered, and I said why you look so familiar, I saw you in the newspaper! Shuchuan Iron Lady, right? Oh! You are a famous person." , how did you become the daughter-in-law of Yuan Dynasty?"

"That said, why can't she be my daughter-in-law?" Su Yi said unwillingly.

"It can be done, it can be done, look at me, I am so excited to see a real person!" Ran Qiuye was very excited, "Comrade Wenhui, you are the pride of all our female comrades!"

"Iron Lady are really good at aiding the dynasty. Find a wife to bring Iron Lady home. It's amazing!"

"This is really smoke from the old Su family's ancestral grave. This is a great virtue accumulated..."

"Let's see, let's see... Oh, don't tell me, the real person is much more energetic than the newspaper! It's so beautiful! This is an example for the whole country to learn from!"

Because of Wenhui's status, the front yard was surrounded by neighbors and it was very lively.

Everyone talked around Wenhui, scrambling to chat with Wenhui.Wenhui is used to big scenes, so she can handle this kind of scene more than enough, smiling and chatting with every neighbor in a graceful manner.

"Where is Yuanchao? Yuanchao is back? Where are my brothers?" Before the silly Zhuren arrived, a loud voice floated over.

"Here!" Su Yi raised his hand and yelled, Shazhu happily came over with a bear hug: "Hey, I haven't seen my brother for a while, I miss me so much!"

"Fuck you, do you miss my bottle of wine?" Su Yi smiled and pushed him away.

"Think about everything." Sha Zhu happily scratched his head.

"Where's Shuanzi button? Why didn't you see it?" Su Yi asked.

"I was punished to stand by my mother, I got into trouble in the morning." Silly Zhu said in a low voice.

"He Yuzhu!" While talking here, Ran Qiuye over there had already walked over with staring eyes, "I didn't go home last night and another night, you are really hard-winged now, aren't you?"

"Hey, my brother is here, save face for me, daughter-in-law, save face..." Silly Zhu smiled apologetically.

"This is Brother Zhuzi, right?" Wenhui came over after exchanging greetings with the other side, and greeted Silly Zhu with a smile, "Hello, I am Yuanchao's lover, and I have heard your name for a long time."

"Piss pee pee..." Shazhu said haha ​​cautiously, "to be honest, I have heard of your name for a long time. I met you in our factory six years ago, and I thought you and Yuanchao were very suitable ! Lovers get married in the end, it's very good, very good..."

"Silly Zhu can speak human language now." Yan Fugui said with a half-smile.

"That's a good score!" Someone answered, and the neighbors laughed.

Silly Zhu said to Su Yi with a smile: "You just came back today, so do your work first, and you have to spare some time tomorrow night. I'll go and tell Shengli, let's get together tomorrow, and you bring your younger siblings with you."

"Okay." Su Yi did not refuse, looked around, did not see Xiao Dang, nor Qin Huairu's family, listened attentively, and the smile on his face faded a little.

After laughing and talking to the neighbors, Su Yi dragged Wenhui into the house.

It was the first time for Wen Hui to come to Su Yi's house, and she looked at it curiously: "It's pretty tidy, it should be Xiaodang's credit, right?"

As he spoke, he walked to the north wall and put down the needle of the record player.

With the soft sound of the "Zi Zi" electric current, a cheerful singing voice floated out: "Precious Ganoderma lucidum is planted in the forest, planted in the forest, beautiful emerald is buried in the deep mountain, buried in the deep mountain, if you want to know me, please go to the Youth Assault Come to the team, please come to the youth commando. Oh come, come, come, come, come..."

Wen Hui hummed a few words, feeling very happy, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhen is really careful, I mentioned in a letter that I like this song, and she is ready to play it. Eh? Where is she?"

"It's at her house." Su Yi sighed, "Her mother..."

Wen Hui strolled to the stove again, lifted the lid of the pot, and immediately a smell of soy sauce came over her face.

Wen Hui's eyes lit up immediately: "I just said I smell the fragrance, Yuanchao, you get me a spoon... Forget it, I'll get started directly."

She couldn't wait to stretch out two fingers to pinch a piece of meat out of the pot and put it in her mouth, immediately showing a look of intoxication.

"It's so delicious..." she said, "The sauce fried by Xiaodang is indeed different from my mother's, but it's still very fragrant. Come and try it!"

As she said that, she couldn't wait to pinch another piece of meat and came over to feed it into Su Yi's mouth.

"You didn't even wash your hands." Su Yi looked back in disgust, but Wen Hui couldn't help but stuff the meat into his mouth.

"I don't even think your saliva is dirty, but you still think my hands?" Wen Hui said with a smile, "My hands are white!"

"Yes yes yes, you are the whitest!" Su Yi said helplessly.

"Hey, I see Xiao Dang has a slap mark on her face, what's going on?" Wen Hui asked, "Did someone bully her?"

"It should be her mother." Su Yi said, "Xiao Dang is at the most rebellious age right now...She and her mother are fighting, do you want to listen to the broadcast?"

Wen Hui frowned: "This is not good, Comrade Aid Korea? How can we just listen to other people's privacy? This is immoral."

"Oh." Su Yi chuckled.

Wen Hui suddenly giggled: "But it's not just once or twice that we are immoral. Hurry up, hurry up, rebroadcast!"

Intermediate Court, Qinhuai Ru's home.

Qin Huairu was washing Jia Zhang's hair in the outer room, while in the inner room, Xiao Dang was begging for Sophora japonica.

"Please Huaihua, godmother is coming back for the first time, don't play with your temper, okay? We can't let godmother think we are ignorant, and we can't make dad feel embarrassed. I beg you, okay?"

"Aren't you coaxing? Say I'm bad, that's bad, then don't beg me!" Seeing her always strong sister begging herself, Huaihua complacently took care of her.

"Huahuahua, we have to be sensible, to understand the general situation..." Xiao Dang persuaded patiently.

"You mean I don't understand? I don't know the general idea?" Huaihua pulled her face, "Then why did you call me? You go by yourself, anyway, Yuanchao's father doesn't like me, and my godmother and I I haven't seen it before, unlike you, you are still pen pals."

"Oh Sophora, don't make trouble, they will go back after chatting with the uncles and aunts later, it will be too late if we don't go!" Xiao Dang stomped his feet anxiously, "I beg you, please, okay? Please, don't do this, the godmother will really think we are ignorant, and this will leave a bad impression on the godmother!"

"Stay as long as you want." Huaihua said with a smile, "Mom said, you only have one father, and I only have one mother."

"You..." Xiao Dang ended angrily.

She looked at Sophora japonica, and then turned her head to look at Qin Huairu who was washing Jia Zhang's hair in the outhouse and deliberately pretended not to hear anything. Tears were already rolling in her eyes.

"Huahuahua, let me ask you one last time, are you going?" Xiao Dang said coldly.

Huaihua was a little scared when she saw her sister like this, she blinked and said, "Then, you apologize to me, and I'll go!"


"Not sincere!"

"Jia Huaihua, I'm sorry for you, I sincerely apologize to you, please forgive me!" Xiao Dang bowed to Huaihua, swallowing his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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