Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1564 Gifts

Chapter 1564 Gifts
"I think what I said before was a little ill-considered."

After Su Yi rebroadcasted the battle of the Qin family before Xiaodang came back, Wen Hui suddenly said this while pondering.

"Compared to Xiaodang, Huaihua's perception of you is relatively distant and unfamiliar. In her heart, her mother and her sister are her relatives, but you are not. You have even more status in her heart." Not as good as her grandma." Wen Hui said, "Maybe coupled with her mother's education, no matter how many things you do, she can't change this point of view, not getting close, so it leads to insincerity."

Su Yi laughed and said: "In addition to doing farm work, Iron Lady is also good at analyzing philosophy."

"Do you think it's both civil and military?" Wen Hui giggled, "However, I am somewhat lacking in sophistication compared to you. I used to think that Huaihua and Xiaodang should be treated equally, after all, they are both daughters-in-law, but Now it seems that my idea is not combined with reality.”

"Xiao Dang really regards you as her father. In her heart, you are the image of a father and a teacher. She is both attached to and adored by you..."

"She admires you as a godmother even more."

"Don't interrupt!" Wen Hui patted the back of Su Yi's hand, "Actually, it's not impossible to change Sophora's concept and attitude, but it can't be done overnight, and it will take a long process. In addition, it will inevitably bring us and her Putting mother in an embarrassing situation of competing for family members will make us feel ethically guilty."

"So now I feel that my previous opinion was ill-considered. I think you have your own considerations for your attitude towards Sophora japonica."

"Are you retreating?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Fight when it's time to retreat." Wen Hui said, "In case someone keeps saying that I won't turn back if I don't hit the south wall."

Su Yi rubbed her hair and said with a smile: "She called me to help Dad, and I can't really let her go and watch her grow into a selfish person. This child is now with her mother I learned from it, thinking that as long as she can get it, she deserves it based on her ability, and she doesn't know how to be grateful, which is very bad."

"The root of the solution to this problem is her mother, and she will eventually have to transform herself. This process will be very painful for her, but we can't get started directly, otherwise it will only have a counterproductive effect."

"It seems that Comrade Aid Korea has a comprehensive consideration." Wen Hui said quietly, "No wonder even the old man said you are a master of the game."

Su Yi sniffled deliberately: "I smell a sour smell."

"Comparing me and not making me jealous? Where in the world is there such a reason!" Wen Hui deliberately messed up Su Yi's hair with her hands.

While talking, Xiao Dang came back.

She sorted out her mood before entering the door, and what Su Yi and Wen Hui saw were smiles on their faces.

"Dad, godmother, I went home, Huai not feeling well, I'll let her rest for a while and come back again. I'll make noodles for you first, the water is always on, and it will be ready in a few minutes." Xiao Dang While smiling, he rolled up his sleeves and lifted the lid of the pot, "Godmother, do you have any taboos?"

"No, I'll eat anything." Wen Hui stood up smiling and said, "Xiao Dang, I'll help you."

"Oh godmother, sit still and don't move, I'll do it." Xiao Dang hurriedly refused, "You and my dad are so tired after driving so far, you should take a rest. Dad, why didn't you pour water for my godmother?" ah?"

"Hey, you little girl, why did you still order me?" Su Yi smiled, "Why can't your godmother pour water for me?"

"You let the Iron Lady serve you? Dad, you are a little arrogant..." Xiao Dang said with a smile while shaking off the noodles skillfully.

Wen Hui couldn't help laughing and said: "It is said that a girl is a caring little padded jacket, Su Yuanchao, if you want to bully me in the future, you have to be careful. You are a pair of two, there is no chance of winning."

"That's right! I'm definitely on my godmother's side." Xiao Dang said hastily.

"Little Dang, Xiao Dang, I didn't expect that you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would betray the revolution." Su Yi deliberately looked heartbroken.

The three laughed and laughed, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

The noodles were cooked quickly, Xiao Dang put out two bowls for Su Yi and Wen Hui to eat while they were hot, Wen Hui didn't care about Xiao Dang's refusal, and decided to divide the noodles into three bowls.

"A family eats like a family. Where can we eat? Come on, Xiao Dang, sit next to me." Wen Hui forced Xiao Dang to sit down.

"Godmother, I've really eaten..."

"Then eat some more. If you really can't eat it, give it to your dad. He is professional in eliminating food."

"Hehehe..." Xiao Dang couldn't help laughing when he saw Wenhui's funny words, "That's no good..."

"Huh?" Su Yi stared, not letting her say the second word.

Xiao Dang covered his mouth and looked at Wenhui, Wenhui deliberately said: "Barrel—comrades, let's serve dinner!"

She proudly raised her eyebrows with Su Yi, and sighed: "Oh, I've been staying in Shuchuan for a long time, and I have an accent when I speak."


When the three were talking and laughing, Qin Huairu knocked on the door and came in, followed by Huaihua.

Xiao Dang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stood up and said first: "Oh, Huaihua, didn't you say that you have a headache? Are you alright?"

"I don't have a head..." Sophora Hua looked bewildered.

"Yes, yes, she has a headache." Qin Huairu interrupted with a smile, "But didn't you hear that her godfather brought her godmother back? No matter how much she hurts, she still clamored to come. Yuanchao, this is your lover Right? Hello, hello, I am Qin Huairu, the mother of Xiaodang and Huaihua. Comrade Wenhui, I have admired your name for a long time. I am so happy to meet you! Our factory has been working hard for the past month They are all learning from your spirit."

Wen Hui smiled and walked over to shake hands with her, and said, "Our family members don't speak foreign words. Sister Qin, we have actually met before."

"Yes, yes, you were a reporter six years ago, when I saw you, I thought you were unusual..." Qin Huairu said hastily.

"Mom, what, we don't see outsiders, we don't see outsiders." Xiao Dang smiled awkwardly, "Huaihua, you haven't seen your godmother yet, right? Why don't you call someone?"

"Too excited, must be too excited!" Qin Huairu hastily pushed Huaihua, "Huaihua, this is your godmother, and the strong woman you admire the most! Didn't you just want to see your godmother? Why? Mom is standing in front of you, why are you so stupid?"

"Hi godmother, I admire you so much, I, I want to give you a big red flower, okay?" Sophora Huai said a little timidly, and subconsciously glanced at Xiaodang.

"Oh, you are too naive to send big red flowers..." Qin Huairu hurriedly apologized with a smile, "Why hasn't your godmother seen it before, and you are missing this big red flower? It's really..."

Xiao Dang on one side blushed, glared at Huai Hua, and turned around angrily to wipe the chopping board.

"Hua Hua, come here, let me see if you have grown taller?" Su Yi put down his chopsticks, and waved to Huai Hua with a smile.

"Yanchao Dad!" Huaihua ran over with a happy smile.

Su Yi stood up, made gestures, and said, "It seems a little taller."

"My mother measured me the day before yesterday, and I'm two centimeters taller." Huaihua said.

"Well, it looks like a good meal." Su Yi said, "Okay, you are here, and you can take out the gifts your godmother prepared for you two."

"Is there any gift?" Huaihua's eyes lit up immediately.

"Of course, it's the first time your godmother sees you, why didn't she prepare a gift?" Su Yi looked at Wenhui with a smile.

"I still wanted to show off, but you messed it up." Wen Hui smiled, "Okay, then I'll take it out."

With such an interruption, the matter of the big red flower was covered up.

Su Yi looked at Qin Huairu and said, "Sister Qin, you have been avoiding me for the past two years. Look, Sophora japonica has transformed into a baby with me. It's all up to you."

"I, I didn't hide!" Qin Huairu hurriedly apologized, "You misunderstood, even when you came back, I was busy... Besides, isn't this Sophora japonica happy to see you? It didn't grow, not at all , is it Sophora japonica?"

"Dad Yuanchao, you always take my sister and don't take me to play!" Huaihua pouted.

"Okay, take you. Come with me later, your godmother and I are going to her house for dinner, and your sister is going too, so you go with me, and you may not be back in these two days." Su Yi said casually.

"Ah?" Huaihua was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Qin Huairu.

"Oh, this is too unfortunate..." Qin Huairu hurriedly said, "What about Sophora japonica... isn't she feeling sick? I have to go to the hospital to see the doctor tomorrow, and Xiao Kong also said that he would bring Sophora japonica... Alas, things are rushing a lot, it's not a coincidence, it's a coincidence..."

Su Yi chuckled.

Huaihua looked at her mother, then at Su Yi, then lowered her head and said nothing.

At this time, Wen Hui brought a gift.

"Come on, give Sophora flower first." Wen Hui took out a beautiful dress from the box.

Wen Hui took it out, gesticulated on Huaihua, and said with a smile: "It just fits. Fortunately, I didn't listen to your father's request to buy a smaller size. This skirt is only worn by ethnic minorities in Sichuan and Chongqing for festivals, so the color It’s a little brighter, do you like Sophora japonica?”

"It's so beautiful..." Sophora Hua couldn't move her eyes, "Godmother, I like it!"

"It cost you money." Qin Huairu smiled apologetically, "This is Huaihua's second dress, the first one was bought for her by her godfather, Huaihua, why don't you thank godmother? You will earn money when you grow up. If you have money, you must repay the godmother well and buy good-looking clothes for the godmother."

"Thank godmother!" Huaihua said happily.

"Just like it." Wen Hui smiled, turned around and looked at Xiao Dang again, took out a notebook from the box, handed it to Xiao Dang, and said with a smile: "This is for you, open it and have a look, there is Surprise."

Xiao Dang opened the notebook, and found that the first few pages of the notebook were a letter, written in meaningful and delicate handwriting, addressed to her—Xiao Dang's classmate.


Xiao Dang raised his head and looked at Wenhui in doubt.

Wen Hui smiled without saying a word.

Xiao Dang lowered his head and continued to watch.

The person who wrote the letter said that he heard that Xiao Dang was a lover of literature, so out of the same interest, he came to discuss some literary writing matters with Xiao Dang.She explained the meaning of writing, and also talked about some writing skills, and used her writing "The Sun Shines on the Sanggan River" as an example...

and many more!

Xiao Dang's eyes widened in surprise, and he raised his head in surprise: "It's Ding..."

Wen Hui smiled and nodded.

Xiao Dang couldn't believe it and turned back to the place where the signature was signed. When he saw the familiar name, he was so excited that he lost control of his emotions.

"Ahhh! Godmother, you are so wonderful, I like this gift so much, long live godmother!" She hugged Wenhui excitedly, dancing and screaming.

"Before you wrote to me and quoted Mr. Ding several times, I guessed that you must like her words." Wenhui smiled and said, "Before your father went on a business trip to the Northeast Cadre School, I asked him to help you and give it to you for me." Prepare this gift."

"I really like it so much, this is my biggest surprise, thank you godmother!" Xiao Dang couldn't put it down while holding the notebook, "I can't read it now, I have to wait for someone to read this letter quietly !"

The two children liked the gift they received very much, but Qin Huairu was a little disappointed in her heart, the dignified iron lady...

"Her godmother, it's really costing you, you've been thinking about buying this and that for your child all the way." Qin Huairu smiled, "If it's convenient, come to my house for dinner tonight, you see..."

"Unfortunately, Sister Qin, Yuanchao and I have a lot of things to do recently, and we may not be able to come home for several days." Wen Hui smiled, "I was just about to tell you, if the children want to visit my house, I am very happy Welcome, it is best to stay for a few days, do you think it is convenient for you?"

"I'm going!" Xiao Dang immediately said, "Godmother, didn't you just say that? We're going to talk tonight."

"Go, go, you wild girl, you don't like to live at home." Qin Huairu said angrily.

He turned his head and smiled apologetically, "Go, Xiaodang, forget about Sophora japonica. I'm causing you trouble."

Wen Hui smiled and glanced at Sophora japonica, but Sophora japonica lowered her head and did not speak.She nodded and said, "Well, don't worry, the child will be fine with me."

Su Yi looked at the time and said, "It's almost time to go."

"Then I won't waste your time, Sophora, goodbye to godfather and godmother."

"Goodbye Yuanchao, Dad and Godmother!" Huaihua waved to Su Yi, and followed Qin Huairu out the door.

"Xiao Dang, you take two changes of clothes, we have to go." Su Yi stood up and said, "Is your clothes here?"

"They're all there." Xiaodang said.

Su Yi is not here, Xiao Dang lives in Su Yi's room, and her clothes and daily necessities are also here.

"I'll wash the bowl first and then change it." Xiaodang said.

"I wash the dishes." Wen Hui stood up and began to roll up her sleeves, "You cook, I wash the dishes, Comrade Su Yuanchao sweeps the floor, wipes the table and takes out the trash. Our family has a clear division of labor."

"Here... let me be a godmother..." Xiao Dang was a little at a loss, cooking and washing dishes has always been her job.

"Listen to your godmother, she will have the final say in our family." Su Yi sighed, "My family status..."

Wenhui put the bowl into the sink and said with a smile: "If you have an opinion, you can raise it. Our family is democratic. The three of us can vote to decide who does what."

"I won't be fooled by you, don't try to lie to me!" Su Yi said with a smile, "It's fine if you don't vote, but if you vote, maybe I will do all the work in the future."

"Then you didn't reflect on why this happened?" Wen Hui asked with a smile.

"Xiao Dang is a traitor." Su Yi said.

"I'm not a traitor!" Xiao Dang's voice came from the bedroom, "Where there is oppression, there is resistance, Dad, the days of you being a tyrant at home are gone forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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