Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1566 Activities

Chapter 1566 Activities
In Li Xinmin's impression, Su Yuanchao was bold, careful, thick-skinned, and greedy for money.

This person is very talented in mixing systems, but he is too jumpy, and he doesn't know what to do with the tossing and tossing, and he tosses himself out of sight at every turn.

But Li Xinmin couldn't understand why this grandson, who had fallen so badly, turned around and got up again alive and kicking...

At the beginning, Li Xinmin felt that Su Yuanchao was able to do things well and was very suitable to be a subordinate.But this person was doing it, and for some reason, he became equal to him, and in the end he simply climbed on top of him.

Li Xinmin was very jealous of Su Yi, so during the two times when Su Yi fell, he tried to make things worse, but he didn't succeed once...

After Su Yi went down this time, Li Xinmin drank a lot of wine happily. He believed that he did not repeat it again and again, and he felt that Su Yi was finished this time.

But now it seems that if Su Yuanchao can decide that he can't pass the test...then [-]% of them will rise again.


There are only three things... Li Xinmin can only comfort himself in his heart.

Thinking about it carefully, he felt that he and Su Yi had no major conflicts, at most it was a little friction.So if Su Yi can really decide that he can't pass this level, he thinks he still has a chance.

What is Su Yi's weakness?
Greed for money!

This person was extremely greedy for money, and he borrowed money from himself many times one after another, but he never paid it back!
Li Xinmin is not short of money, and for the sake of his future, he is willing to give up a number that can make Su Yi "beautiful".

But this is not enough, he also needs to pinch Su Yi, just in case.

Does Su Yi have a handle?

Of course!
Yan Jiecheng, Liu Guangtian, and Kong Ermin were all arranged by Su Yi to enter the factory.

As long as he can find evidence that Su Yi has collected money from these three people, Li Xinmin believes that Su Yi must also weigh it.

This is called a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other!
Li Xinmin is an extremely cautious person. He has been immersed in officialdom for decades, and he knows that he must leave room for everything, especially this time when it is about his own wealth and future. They all decided to set up a buffer zone for themselves.

In this way, in case of any accidents and problems, he can quickly abandon the car to protect the handsome man, and pick himself out.

The big stick is easy to find. Xu Damao has done a lot of bad things under his endorsement over the years. Li Xinmin said that Xu Damao dare not say anything. What's more, Xu Damao should be the most afraid of Su Yi. He has been punished miserably every time, and he probably hates Su Yi to the bone. This person is the most suitable person to use to find a way to find Su Yi.

What about radishes?

Besides the money in his own pocket, Li Xinmin also thought of someone——

Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu's two daughters are Su Yi's goddaughters, and as far as he knows, Su Yi especially loves Qin Huairu's eldest daughter, Xiaodang.

With money, feelings, and threats, can Su Yi help him get through this test?
Li Xinmin felt that the opportunity was great, so he decided to give it a go.

The key is that he has no other choice.

So he immediately contacted Xu Damao and Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu is easy to contact, this woman has a family to take care of, just call their alley to find someone.

But Xu Damao...

This grandson is not easy to find. His wife has a big belly. This guy is already full of vigor, but now he is proud of his spring breeze.

Li Xinmin pondered for a moment and made two phone calls.

The first one is naturally to call the alley entrance of Qin Huairu's compound, and ask the person at the telephone booth to inform Qin Huairu to come to the factory to find him immediately.

On the second phone call, he called You Fengxia, a big sister of the stubborn boss who had been working with him happily for many years.

Li Xinmin is in a high position, and he has many tricks that are not on the table. It is inconvenient for him to do it himself, and he doesn't want people inside the bureau to know, so he can only find people on the street to do it.

It is inconvenient for him to deal with some things that come from wrong sources, and he needs some well-connected people in the society to help him deal with them. You Fengxia has helped her a lot in these matters over the years, and she has never made a fool of herself.

Speaking of You Fengxia, it was Su Yi who "introduced" him to him.It was the year that Su Yi returned to Beijing after the first round of inspections by the inspection and supervision team. Li Xinmin invited Su Yi to eat and drink, and wanted to make peace with Su Yi and Xu Damao by the way. Xu Damao get out.

Later, Su Yi explained to Li Xinmin that he had such an attitude because he was irritable, not because he didn't want to give you brother Li face, because there was a woman on the street who used his name to deceive him just because she had a blind date with him once. It annoyed him.

Li Xinmin has a step, no matter how unhappy he is, he will come down.He thought that Su Yi was just making up an excuse, but the next day he ran into the big sister who was still called You Juanjuan.

After the two met, Li Xinmin confirmed that Su Yi was telling the truth. This You Juanjuan was indeed bluffing outside under the banner of Su Yi. Now she was very afraid of being troubled by Su Yi, so the chance encounter with him Li Xinmin was intentional. , The purpose is to hope that Li Xinmin will protect her.

An enemy's enemy is a friend, and Li Xinmin readily accepted You Juanjuan's refuge.This woman is like a peony flower, beautiful and charming, which makes Li Xinmin want to move, but it's a pity that this woman has a stunned younger brother, who defends himself like a thief, leaving him speechless and depressed.

You Juanjuan also changed her name to seek refuge with Li Xinmin. After doing some dirty things, this woman said that she used her real name to do immoral things to shame her ancestors. The name Fengxia was given to her by Li Xinmin.

"Director Li, what's your order?" On the phone, the woman's voice was a little lazy.

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" Li Xinmin habitually wanted to tease a few words, but when he thought that he had business to do, he subconsciously suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Ahem, Fengxia, tell your people to find where Xu Damao is." Li Xinmin said.

"No need to look for it." You Fengxia said with a smile, "He raised a woman over there in Shichahai, and he brought his lover to look for me in the morning."

"What are you looking for?" Li Xinmin asked.

"Exchange for gold bars." You Fengxia said, "He is your Director Li's right-hand man. He eats with you, and he has plenty of oil and water. Recently, he saved enough for a small yellow croaker, so he asked me to exchange it, but I pushed him away. Now, I haven't finished your batch of stuff, how can I have time to talk to him?"

"Huh, this Xu Damao has been stealing my pockets for a long time... Sooner or later, he will be dealt with!" Li Xinmin snorted displeasedly, "You send someone to find Xu Damao, and let him come to me as soon as possible!"

"Okay, you ordered me, how can I not do it?" You Fengxia said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xinmin made some more calls to find out about Su Yi.

I have to say that the intricate network he has managed for so many years is still somewhat useful, and finally he really found out a definite piece of news.

A joint investigation team led by multiple departments will be stationed in the Red Star Rolling Mill. The main purpose is to investigate and settle the problems of these years, and the leader of this team is the newly activated Su Yuanchao!
Li Xinmin didn't have any luck in his heart, and he completely strengthened his determination to attack Su Yi.

On the other side, in the compound.

Qin Huairu had just returned home from prison with Jia Zhang and Huaihua. The family had obviously cried and were very depressed.

Jia Zhang muttered vague words, leaned against the bed and fell asleep.

Qin Huairu covered her with the quilt, sat beside her and wiped away tears.

"Mom, brother is too much. We ran all the way, but he didn't want to see us." Sophora pouted, "What does he mean! He really doesn't want to recognize us?"

"He hates me and this family in his heart." Qin Huairu sighed with tears, "In the first few years, he was young, and he didn't understand what it meant to be in prison for a lifetime. In these years, he understood, knowing that his life was over, and he hated I, hate your grandma, hate that we didn't teach him well..."

"Didn't he do it all by himself?" Huaihua yelled, "We were also harmed by him. There was a criminal in the family, because I always made self-criticisms at school, and my classmates looked down on me. Don't play with me... Besides, if he wants to come out, don't keep fighting and making troubles. He fights inside every now and then. People say he behaves very badly! Mom, see my brother next time, don't call me, I won't I don't want to go! I should learn from my sister and draw a clear line with him!"

"Huaihua, what will mom do in the future..." Qin Huairu wiped her tears and began to cry, "In the past, mom was still holding on to luck in her heart, hoping that the stick would perform well inside, maybe she would have a chance to come out, but this time , Mom is really desperate. Our family has really become extinct! Your grandma and mother will take care of her until the end of her life. What can I do when I am old? Mom really doesn’t want to die alone in her own home like the deaf old lady. No one knew when he died, woo woo..."

"Mom, don't cry, don't you still have me and my sister?" Huaihua panicked, and hurried over to wipe Qin Huairu's tears, "We will be filial to you in the future, you will definitely not die!"

Qin Huairu shook his head sadly: "You? Although your grandma's words are ugly, you two mothers really can't count on them. You will definitely marry in the future. Once married, you are the daughters-in-law of someone else's family. Mom is still a widow. Oh, when Mom thinks about this, Mom gets scared..."

"Mom, I don't want to marry, and Huaihua will never marry in this life..." Huaihua also cried.

The mother and daughter cried for a while, and Qin Huairu's expression gradually became firm.

"Hua Huai, let me ask you, if I want your Uncle Kong to be your father, would you be willing?" Qin Huairu asked.

Sophora froze, said: "Mom, do you really want to be a couple with Uncle Kong?"

Qin Huairu nodded, forced a smile and said: "Mom can't help it, women, you can only rely on men in this life, rely on your husband when you are young, and rely on your son when you are old... Your short-lived father left early. It's been too hard to rely on..."

"After your brother went in, your grandma went to the farm and changed her brain. She was crazy all day long... Fortunately, my mother has worked well in the past few years, and our family's conditions are not bad. But people can't just think about the present, they have to worry about it." Think about it later. We don’t have a man in our family. Everyone wants to take advantage of our family. Everyone wants to bully us. So, Mom wants Uncle Kong to be your father and give you a little brother in the future. Only in this way can our family There is a rush. Sophora, would you like to call your Uncle Kong Papa?"

Sophora Huai said: "But my sister said, we only have one Dad."

"He's unreliable." Qin Huairu shook his head, "He doesn't agree with us at all. As long as he is willing to say a word about Mom's work, Mom would have been promoted to the deputy director of the factory long ago. But he didn't say anything. You and your sister have been working together for so many years Seeing that he eats and drinks a lot, but Huaihuaer, what are these things to him? He just gives us alms if he is in a good mood. If we want more, see if he will give it to you! I How many times did you ask him for a job, did he give it once?"

Sophora japonica shook her head.

"And that time, you wanted a bicycle, did he buy it for you?"

Sophora then shook her head.

"Just say you and your sister's tuition fees, did he pay you once?"

"But Yuanchao's father said that the money should be spent by mother." Huaihua said.

"So he is an outsider. If he is really a father and a daughter, can he not spend this money?" Qin Huairu stroked Huaihua's hair, "Huahuai, Su Yuanchao is unreliable, and your sister is the only one who is stupid and treats him as a fool." What a treasure, hold on to him, and you will be so happy when you get a little favor. Look at this time, your godmother Wenhui came back and bought you a skirt, which is pretty good. , give it to your sister? Just give me a notebook, she's still so silly."

Huaihua said: "Mom, but my sister likes that book very much, she is very happy."

"Coax your children." Qin Huairu sighed, "Besides, Su Yuanchao will get married soon, and when the time comes, they will have children too. With their own children, who cares? Just watch, when the time comes People must gradually become indifferent to you sister and son. In the end, they will ignore you."

Sophora Huai couldn't understand what she said. She bit her finger in a daze and thought for a long time, but she couldn't understand it, but since it was her mother who said it, it must be like this...

"Mom, didn't you ask us to support Chao Dad when we were young?" She was still puzzled and asked again.

Qin Huairu shook her head and said: "It's useless... Forget it, let's not talk about it. Huaihua, when your sister comes back, you can tell your sister, you just ask her, you said that everyone else is with parents Live, but our mother has always been alone, lonely, how pitiful? Look at what she said."

Huaihua nodded, and said again: "But my sister doesn't like Uncle Kong."

"Isn't it also because of your godfather?" Qin Huairu said angrily, "Why don't you say that your sister is a white-eyed wolf, and if your godfather doesn't like it, she doesn't care what your mother thinks? Who is related to her? I can't tell the difference between the inside and the outside, this child..."

Qin Huairu really didn't talk nonsense about this point, the reason why Xiao Dang didn't like Kong Ermin was really because of Su Yi.

This matter dates back to the first time Su Yi was raped to the end. At that time, Xu Damao had just been promoted by Li Xinmin to the position of captain of the inspection team.

(End of this chapter)

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