Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 157 Shock the audience!

Chapter 157 Shocking the audience! (Family fun!)
No one expected that the plane would be so straightforward, and it would be easy to do it.

When everyone reacted, their faces suddenly changed.

At this time, swords are on the verge of breaking out, and guns are in their hands. A spark may cause a fuss and become uncontrollable. The plane doing this is simply messing around. If one is not careful, it will be a gun battle. When the time comes, the scene will be chaotic. Who can guarantee that he will survive?

But it seemed too late to stop it, because in such a short time, the plane had already rushed in front of Su Yi, and the gun was about to be aimed at Su Yi's head.

Liu Jianming and Xu Tian reacted quickly, and Qiqi took a step forward to block Su Yi.

At this moment, their hearts are full of shock!
What was shocking was not the recklessness of the plane, but this scene, which was already expected by their boss!

Su Yi had told them a long time ago that when he took out the faucet stick, he must concentrate, and when someone rushed forward, he would stop him immediately.

Then, this scene really happened!
The shock in their hearts at this moment is beyond words.

But in fact, for Su Yi, who is familiar with the character of the characters in the plot and is overly cautious, any situation is possible, so he is fully prepared for any unexpected situation that can be imagined.

If you want to organize the thoughts in Su Yi's mind into a booklet "Emergency Plan for Spine Restaurants", Su Yi believes that this booklet can be divided into three thick volumes, and there may be sequels and supplementary explanations. many.

The plane raid was doomed to fail from the very beginning because of Su Yi's caution, but Su Yi didn't really control everything.

At the moment when Liu Jianming and Xu Tianqi stood in front of Su Yi together, a chair roared from a distance.

It hit heavily on the back of the plane's head, causing the plane to rush forward like a vicious dog.

Liu Jianming and Xu Tian cooperated tacitly, they both stretched their legs together and kicked forward fiercely!
The whole plane flew back upside down.

He really kept his kneeling position like a landing plane, and slid back a few meters before slowly coming to a stop.

He was clutching his stomach, hunched over, his face flushed like a lobster, his expression distorted in pain.

He looked back with difficulty, and saw Jimmy standing beside a table not far away, looking at him solemnly.

Next to Jimmy, there was an empty seat for a chair.

Scarlet blood slowly flowed from the back of the plane's head, wetting his back.

Then he slumped down, unconscious.

"Boss!" The boys on the plane turned pale with fright, and hurriedly surrounded them, helping each other, yelling and cursing, and the scene was in chaos.

"What do you mean? Why did you sneak attack my boss!"

"Fuck you! Sneak attack Brother Airplane? I'll fight with you!"

"Jimmy, I won't finish with you today without an explanation!"

The younger brothers of the plane clamored around Jimmy asking for an explanation, all emotional.

But Dongguan Zai and others watched this scene with cold eyes.

Jimmy didn't say a word, looking through the crowd, Yuanyao and Su Yi looked at each other.

Su Yi suddenly understood something, but he couldn't be sure.

He was a little surprised, a little surprised,

Then he took out his gun, pointed it at the box on the table, and shot it with a "bang"!
The sudden loud noise startled everyone, and the scene suddenly fell silent. Everyone stopped their noise and movements, and all followed the sound to look over.

When they saw what Su Yi had done, everyone's eyes widened, startled and angry.

"If you don't want me to break the stick..." Su Yi said with a smile, pointing at Dongguan Boy.


Move your finger, pointing at Master Su: "You!"

Move again, pointing to the big head: "And you..."

"You, you, and you!"

He pointed to all the bosses who had the final say one by one, and said with a smile: "Let's sit down and have a chat together. Do you work for the club to get sticks, or to fight? Hmm?"

He looked around for a week, everyone's face was cloudy and uncertain, and no one said anything.

"What age is it, and you still play the game of fighting and killing?" He smiled and looked around, pointing to his temples, "To solve problems, you need to use your brain! Young and Dangerous people do things without brains, then they will be young and Dangerous all their lives Boy! If you want to become famous and become famous, if you only rely on fighting and killing, you can only be like him."

Su Yi pointed to the plane that was lifted up by his younger brothers, but was still unconscious: "Go to the street, everyone! Do you think so?"

Still no one spoke.

"Of course, I still admire him." Su Yi changed the subject and looked at the younger brother who was holding the plane, "Your boss may have a concussion, take him to the hospital, and tell him as soon as he wakes up." He, just say that I admire him very much, and ask him to be my little brother, you know?"

The younger brother of the plane looked at each other in shock.

Su Yi smiled and waved his hands: "Go, don't get entangled! There are so many big bosses grabbing a stick, and your big boss is unconscious. What can you do if you stay here? Ha ha, no chance! Still It’s better to send your boss to the hospital, right?”

The younger brothers on the plane were silent, and finally supported the big brother, and walked out silently.

Su Yi watched them go away, then turned around, looked around again, and said with a smile: "Is it not a shame to tell you to sit and not sit? Huh?"

Wherever the gaze passed, everyone was stunned. Master Su's expression changed subconsciously, and he took a step back.

At this moment, Jimmy's eyes were full of light not far away, and he completely let go of the last knot in his heart!
"I'll sit!" He yelled loudly, walking towards this side.

Big strides, fierce and powerful.

"The day before yesterday, you handed Uncle Long Gen and Brother Sen to me, and said that you would exchange them for me to be your little brother." He said loudly as he walked, staring at Su Yi with piercing eyes, "You gave me enough, Jimmy!" Face! Today I saw what kind of person you are, and I can answer you now, step-brother, I don’t have to wait for tomorrow! I will recognize you as my boss right now!”

Everyone looked at Jimmy in astonishment.

"No matter what you do today, I will follow you!" Jimmy said categorically, "Boss, will you accept me?"

"Jimmy, you are crazy!" Dong Guanzai shouted angrily.

The other bosses were also shocked!
People from all walks of life came to trouble Su Yi, but one met face to face, one rushed to the street and was sent to the hospital, and the other defected on the spot. Is there anything more magical than this?
what is this?
"Haha..." Su Yi suddenly burst out laughing, laughing wantonly.

He pointed at Jimmy, and said with great pride: "Wealth and glory, we share weal and woe! Jimmy, you will be my Luo Ji's brother from now on! Come on, call me boss again!"

"Boss!" Jimmy was very excited.

"Okay!" Su Yi slammed the table, startling everyone.

He looked around and said, "I'm happy today, so I won't play too many tricks with you! Don't you want the dragon head stick?"

He patted the box with a bullet hole and said, "I can give it to you, as long as anyone says I want it, I can give it to you now!"

Facing everyone's unbelievable and suspicious eyes, Su Yi sneered and continued: "But I'm afraid that you will be killed to take it away, and you won't even survive tonight!"

 Happy New Year everyone!Happy New Year to everyone!I wish you all a prosperous, smooth, happy, healthy and delicious food in the new year!

(End of this chapter)

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