Although the brothers and sisters of the Han family are full of goodwill, for the sake of "win-win", Su Yi still has to be careful so that he can get what he wants.

"Two fellow Taoists, to tell you the truth, Su has been hiding from the world and has never communicated with fellow Taoists." Su Yi said, "Whether it's a magic weapon or a spirit stone, this is the first time that Su has come out of the mountain. See you."

These words made the brothers and sisters of the Han family look at each other in disbelief.

How could there be a practitioner who is so pitiful that he has never even seen a spirit stone or a magic weapon?

"Then fellow Daoist Su, you are avoiding the world... You have avoided it completely..." Han Yunzhi smiled strangely.

Su Yi laughed and said: "People in the mountains and fields, let fellow Taoists laugh at you."

"No, no, strength is the most important thing in the cultivation world. Fellow Daoist Su, if you can kill Zheng Cheng and Monk Kusang, who would dare to laugh at you?" Han Yunzhi waved her hands hastily.

Su Yi smiled, pointed to the spirit stone and asked: "The two fellow Taoists are friendly, Su has the audacity to accept it, and there is absolutely no problem in agreeing to the fellow Taoist. It's just that Su suffers from ignorance of common sense in the practice world, so some If you want to ask the two fellow Taoists, please feel free to enlighten me.”

"That's no problem. Fellow Daoist Su feel free to ask, as long as I know, I will tell you." Han Yunzhi said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Su Yi clasped his fists first to express his gratitude, and then asked seriously: "I know that this spirit stone is like gold and silver in the ordinary world to practitioners, but how to measure the value of this spirit stone?"

Han Yunzhi frowned and thought carefully, "It's really hard to say. A piece of spirit stone can buy some spirit herbs that are more than 50 years old, and you can also buy some low-level magic symbols, or some common alchemy Materials for utensils. As far as I know, the annual salary of the Qi training period disciples of the seven major sects does not exceed thirty at most. Thirty spirit stones..."

Han Yunzhi smiled, pointed to the three magic tools and said: "This dragon sword is worth about 35 spirit stones; this black jade shuttle is more expensive, at least 45 spirit stones; as for the golden Zhu The pen, without the 60 Yuan Lingshi, I can’t take it away.”

Han Yunzhi blinked at Su Yi: "Fellow Daoist Su, do you know how to choose now? If I were you, no matter whether it is useful or not, I would definitely choose the Jinzhu brush. of."

Su Yi smiled, this girl is quite honest.

He took out two things from the package on his back, one was the green and black gourd of the man in black, and the other was the black soft whip of the man in yellow.

"This is the magic weapon of Zheng Cheng and Wang Lei!" Hanshouwu blurted out with a change in expression.

"That's right, it does belong to those two people." Su Yi nodded slightly, "Fellow Daoist Han, if these two magical artifacts are worth how much?"

"The Huosha gourd is worth more, about 40 yuan of spirit stones. Teng Linbian's spirituality is damaged, and it is worth [-] spirit stones at most." Su Yi answered Han Shouwu, and he thought that Su Yi's voice from fellow Taoist Han was calling he.

Su Yi nodded in thanks, suddenly smiled, took out two storage bags from his pocket, and threw them to Han Yunzhi.

"Miss Yunzhi, this is what you want." Su Yi said lightly.

Han Yunzhi subconsciously reached out to take it, surprised and delighted, and hurriedly opened the storage bag to check.But the next second she was startled, glanced at Su Yi, then hurriedly checked another storage bag, and then her expression became extremely surprised.

"Fellow Daoist Su, the original restrictions on these two storage bags are still there, yet you have never opened them?" Han Yunzhi looked at Su Yi in surprise.

Su Yi spread his hands and said, "To be honest, I've never seen a storage bag, so I don't know how to open it."

The Han brothers and sisters looked at each other.

"Brother Su, you don't need to break the restriction. As long as you refine it with spiritual power, you can forcibly break the restriction. What's so difficult about it?" Hanshouwu asked strangely.

"Actually, I am a physical trainer." Su Yi said.

The brothers and sisters of the Han family were stunned again, and then they all suddenly realized.

"No wonder! No wonder!" Han Shouwu slapped his forehead, "No wonder you looked like a beginner in Qi training, but you were able to kill Zheng Cheng and Ku Sang. It turns out that you are a body trainer, so that makes sense .”

"No wonder you don't use a storage bag..." Han Yunzhi also said suddenly.

The biggest difference between a physical cultivator and a practitioner is that physical cultivation is just to temper the body with spiritual energy, and the body is one's own weapon and magic weapon, not fake.

This is because physical training cannot release aura, so naturally it cannot use weapons, nor can it stimulate various things related to aura.

It's not that there are no body-refining monks in the world of practice, but there are very few of them. Even if it is a very small part, it is absolutely impossible to just practice body-refinement, but a double rest of dharma-body, at least in the human world.

The reason is that physical training can't use any magic tools, can't use magic tools, can't use magic charms, can't cast spells, can't fly, and can't use storage bags.

With such a big limitation, of course no one would be so stupid as to only train the body. After all, body training requires spiritual roots. Normally, one cannot even train the body without spiritual roots.

Since you have a spiritual root, why don't you practice the supernatural Dharma, and go to the physical cultivation that you can't do anything?

It is precisely because of this that the brothers and sisters of the Han family were even more puzzled after a sudden realization: "Fellow Daoist Su, why do you only train your body and not practice the law?"

"Because I got this body training method by accident. I have never had contact with other practitioners before, and I have never been in contact with cultivation methods." Su Yi said, "I don't even know what kind of spiritual root I am. have no idea."

"This is easy." Han Yunzhi immediately said, "Isn't it good if I help you test it?"

She handed the two storage bags to Hanshouwu at the side: "Brother, I'll leave it to you!"

Then she slapped the storage bag, and a multicolored ring appeared in her hand.

"You stole the spirit measuring ring from the clan!" Hanshouwu cried out in surprise when she saw this, "Okay, your little sister..."

"Hush..." Han Yunzhi blushed slightly, first glanced at Su Yi quickly and guiltyly, and then rolled her eyes at each other, "What is stealing? It's just a temporary loan!"

"You definitely didn't tell third uncle..." Hanshouwu muttered, and then asked doubtfully: "But the test spirit ring is not easy to refine, and it is very valuable. It has no other purpose except to test the spirit root. You can use it do what?"

"Are you in control?" Han Yunzhi glared at her elder brother, blushed and said to Su Yi with some embarrassment: "Fellow Daoist Su, reach out and hold this measuring spirit ring."

Su Yi's heart was slightly turbulent, and he was a little nervous.

He stretched out his hand calmly, and held the other side of the measuring spirit ring, Han Yunzhi quickly withdrew his hand, staring at the jade ring in Su Yi's hand intently.

Apart from the coldness of the tentacles, Su Yi didn't feel anything else.But when he held the spirit measuring ring for three seconds, the radiant jade ring underwent a wonderful change.

It gradually emitted a faint white light.

Aoki, Red Fire, Loess, Platinum, Black Water!
The spirit measuring ring exudes white, does this mean that he is a golden spirit root?

Even if Su Yi was as calm as an old dog, he couldn't help but feel happy at this moment.

He was about to raise his head to confirm his spiritual roots with the brothers and sisters of the Han family, but found that both of them frowned slightly, still staring at the spirit measuring ring.

Han Yunzhi's eyes clearly showed a hint of disappointment!

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he hastily looked down again.

At this time, he also realized that he was a little anxious. In the mortal world, it doesn't mean that a person can only have one kind of spiritual root.

Generally speaking, the spiritual root with only one attribute is called "Heavenly Spiritual Root". Several times as many as a monk, unless he dies himself, even a pig with a heavenly spirit root can cultivate into a monk of alchemy, without any medical assistance, and will not cause any bottlenecks.

In this way, once a sect accepts a disciple of Tianlinggen, it is almost equivalent to adding a potential alchemy monk.In a place like Yue Country, Brother Jiedan is already considered an unhidden behind-the-scenes mastermind.

Yuan Ying is not out, who will fight?
Therefore, if Su Yi only has the attribute of golden spirit root, then he is a genius in cultivation.As long as those big sects know, they will compete to snatch Su Yi with favorable conditions. No matter which sect Su Yi enters, he will be heavily cultivated. There is no need to worry about resources, or even safety. The sect will definitely Do everything possible to train Su Yi into a monk of alchemy.

It's a pity that even Su Yi, who had reacted, didn't think that he would be the legendary cultivation genius.

The same is true for the brothers and sisters of the Han family.The light emitted by normal Tianlinggen is dazzling, so bright that people can't open their eyes.This is because a single spiritual root is often a perfect and complete spiritual root, and the original power of the spiritual root is very sufficient, so the light emitted will be very bright.

In addition to the sky spirit root, there is also a mutant spirit root, which is the genius spirit root second only to the sky spirit root.

The so-called mutated spiritual roots refer to two kinds of spiritual roots mixed together to produce a mutated spiritual root, such as water and wood into wind, gold and water into thunder, and fire and earth into darkness.

Although this kind of spiritual root cannot avoid the bottleneck of advancement, but the speed of cultivation is no less than that of the heavenly root, and as long as there is a skill that matches its attribute, it does not include magic treasures and other factors, but only according to the strength of the skill and spiritual power. Generally speaking, the combat power of mutant spiritual roots is invincible at the same level.

But like Tianlinggen, mutated spiritroots are hard to come by. If a sect encounters so many within hundreds of years, it is considered a blessing.

Aside from these extremely rare and special spiritual roots, the most normal spiritual roots are also the lowest standard spiritual roots recruited by the grassroots disciples of various sects, called true spiritual roots.

True spiritual root is a spiritual root with two or three attributes. This kind of spiritual root is quite satisfactory, and promotion depends on chance, potential and luck. It is the "mainstay" class in the practice world today.

But in fact, true spiritual roots are not too common. Most monks with spiritual roots have mixed spiritual roots with four or five attributes. The most common spiritual roots are also called miscellaneous spiritual roots or false spiritual roots. .

Although false spiritual roots can also practice exercises to absorb spiritual energy, if there is no chance, it will be impossible to build a foundation in a lifetime.

The vast majority of casual cultivators are fake spiritual roots, because the major sects do not accept fake spiritual roots as disciples, and the fake spiritual roots with a huge base can only fight each other like raising Gu to compete for weak resources and fight for a front line for themselves Promotion possible.

Although Su Yi had never seen this testing spirit ring, the brothers and sisters of the Han family knew each other very well.Seeing how dim the first white light was, it meant that the golden spirit root was severely damaged, and they were basically sure at this moment that Su Yi must be a miscellaneous spirit root.

The difference depends on whether it is a four spirit root or a five spirit root.

As long as it is a miscellaneous spiritual root, this life basically stops at the Qi training period.

Don't think that Han Er's stupid man can cultivate to Tianzun with a miscellaneous spiritual root, but others can.

If you don't have a palm bottle, why don't you let the fool practice one?
It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, fake spiritual roots are slow to absorb spiritual energy, and slow to refine spiritual energy. Life is only a hundred years, and it is impossible to accumulate enough spiritual energy step by step to be promoted to Foundation Establishment.

Han Er's fool was forced to ram himself up because he took countless thousand or even ten thousand years of inestimable tonic medicine.

If it were someone else, where would I find so many medicines that even Nascent Soul would be jealous of?
Sure enough, as the white light flickered, the dim black light also lit up.

Black is water, and now Su Yi has spiritual roots with two attributes of gold and water.

Like the golden spirit root, the water spirit root is also severely damaged, so that the light emitted is very dim.

By this time, the expressions of the brothers and sisters of the Han family no longer expressed any expectations, and they even felt that there was no need to continue the test.

What's so good about Miscellaneous Lingen?Anyway, no matter how you measure it, there is no future.

Just when they were thinking this way, another change occurred on the spirit measuring ring!

I saw the black and white rays of light that echoed each other at the beginning but were distinct, suddenly blurred the boundary, then slowly merged and turned into gray.

When the two colors were completely fused, the jade ring completely stopped changing, showing a dull gray color.

This sudden change left the Han brothers and sisters dumbfounded.

"Thunder Lingen! It's a mutant spirit root!" Han Yunzhi exclaimed in disbelief.

Jinshui is thunder, and the two colors are fused, which means that the two spiritual roots are also fused together to become the thunder root!

And once the spiritual root mutates, there will be no other spiritual roots, which means that Su Yi is actually a mutated spiritual root second only to the Heavenly Spirit Root.

He is a genius?

Su Yi himself was a little surprised, he was a little confused about what he thought of.

"How could it be Lei Linggen?" Hanshouwu was also extremely surprised, "This is impossible! Such a dim light of the spirit root is clearly a serious flaw in the spirit root. It was caused by dispersal. If there are only two types of Lei Linggen, how could it be so severely damaged? It doesn't make sense..."

"There is only one possibility!" Han Yunzhi stared at Su Yi with wide eyes, "Fellow Daoist Su, have you ever been seriously ill? Or suffered a serious injury? Otherwise, you are clearly a mutated spiritual root, how could you have such a serious defect? "

"Yes, I narrowly escaped death." Su Yi nodded, his expression had returned to calm, and his mind had become peaceful.

As soon as this remark came out, the brothers and sisters of the Han family immediately showed extreme pity and regret.

The spiritual root is more severely damaged than the miscellaneous spiritual root, but the spiritual root is even less than the miscellaneous spiritual root.what does that mean?
It means that Su Yi's cultivation talent is not as good as that of miscellaneous spirit roots!
He is a veritable useless spirit root!
He should be a genius with mutated spiritual roots, and should be the darling of all major factions, but now he has become a waste...

The brothers and sisters of the Han family didn't know what to say, for fear of irritating Su Yi.

In their view, Su Yi might not be able to accept such a painful blow.

But they were wrong, Su Yi is now calmer than ever, because the other boot has finally landed.

He is very clear that he is not even a mutant spiritual root, he is actually——

No root!
He is simply a mortal without any spiritual roots.

The thunder spirit root detected by the spirit measuring ring is the thunder attribute endowed by the source of the extremely dark thunder in Su Yi's heart, and it is not Su Yi's own at all.

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