Chapter 162
"Big D, don't be too arrogant!" Lu Qichang pointed at him and warned, "Do you believe that I will cancel your bail right now and detain you for another 48 hours?"

"I was scared?" Big D was full of disdain, "The law is written by your family, so you can do whatever you want? Cut!"

He gave Lu Qichang a hard look, turned around and put his arms around his wife: "Let's go! This place stinks to death! The place stinks, people stink, everything stinks! I really don't understand why there is such a smelly place in the world, What do you say, wife? Hahaha!"

Looking at the back of Big D leaving, a police officer said bitterly: "Lu sir, this bastard is so arrogant, do we really just let him go like this?"

"What else?" Lu Qichang said indifferently, "Hong Kong Island's laws stipulate that people should not be too arrogant, otherwise they will be imprisoned?"

He turned around and patted the police officer on the shoulder, sighed and said, "That bastard just said something right, but unfortunately I didn't write the law. Let's go, let Ale and Chuiji out, and let them eat dogs."

When Big D walked out of the police station, Deng Wei received the news immediately.

At this time, Deng Wei's uncles and uncles had already left in Deng Wei's home, so Deng Wei left Su Yi alone and had something to talk about.

Su Yi's ten younger brothers were all waiting outside.

Before Su Yi could sit still, Deng Wei received a call.

"Big D's subordinates should have snatched the faucet stick. Someone told me that I saw Changmao leading people to do things." Deng Wei hung up the phone and turned to look at Su Yi, "Aji, what do you think the society should do? Big D?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "It's fine for the uncles to decide on such a big matter. If you need me to do something, the boss just ask."

Su Yi joined the association based on Deng Wei's name. With such a relationship, Su Yi would recognize Deng Wei as a big boss.

Deng Wei smiled and pointed at him: "I knew you would say that, Guitou Luo... I really did not call you wrong!"

Su Yi showed a helpless look.

Deng Wei's smile restrained, and he said lightly: "However, it's harmless for a small clever to play tricks occasionally, but if he is always foolish, it will be difficult for him to enter the elegant hall. Such a person has a limited future."

Su Yi said solemnly: "What the big brother taught me is that I wrote it down."

"You're a smart person, so I don't need to say much." Deng Wei smiled, "You just joined the club, and you were busy recruiting younger brothers to take over the territory in Tai Kok Tsui, so I shouldn't give you too much Do things, but now we and Liansheng are troubled, and I am very optimistic about you, so I have to do more work for those who can."

"I'm your younger brother. If you need anything, just tell me." Su Yi said humbly.

"Hehe, if you keep this heart, you will definitely have a bright future." Deng Wei was very satisfied with Su Yi's attitude, "A Ji, why do you think I chose A Le, the weakest restaurant, to be the talker?"

"The United Nations always chooses someone from a small country as the secretary-general." Su Yi blinked.

Deng Wei smiled and pointed at him: "Ghostly!"

"Actually, it's not a good job to tell the truth." Deng Wei said, "It seems to be in charge of nearly a hundred thousand brothers, and it is majestic, but in fact, it is just a tinker. Everyone eats in the big pot of the society, and some If you eat too much, some people eat less. This is an inevitable thing. If you don’t have enough to eat, you will get resentment. .”

"If you make people who eat too much spit it out, you will offend them. If you let people who are not full eat more, they will not appreciate you, but think it is fair and reasonable. Be a talker, lay down a turf, and you can't be yourself. Account, if there is trouble, you must be the first to rush forward. The police will stare at you three hundred and sixty-five days a year. If there is any trouble, they will arrest you and go to the police station for questioning. All kinds of trivial and troublesome things will annoy you It's so annoying!"

"The only advantage of being a talker may be an extra share of money. But it's only a few million a year, and the stronger ones don't care about this income at all. It's only for the weaker ones. It’s just kind of attractive.”

Having said this in one breath, Deng Wei gasped for a while, and then continued: "The talker looks good, but he is actually a facade put forward by everyone. Unfortunately, many people don't understand this truth, and think that the talker How majestic, always choosing the speaker, everyone is fighting to the death, why bother?"

The speaker is just a facade?Tinker?
Maybe this is true, but why do ambitious people fight for this position?
Is it true that everyone is an idiot?
If the United Nations hadn't checked and balanced each other and refused to give in to each other, do you really think that the five big hooligans don't want to be the secretary-general themselves?

Su Yi didn't think so in his heart, but on the surface he nodded thoughtfully.

"Do you think I'm lying to you?" Deng Wei looked at Su Yi.

"I just find it a bit unbelievable." Su Yi said.

Deng Wei smiled: "It's unbelievable. It's really hard to believe many things that you haven't seen with your own eyes. Aji, the things I want to entrust to you are just so that you can see with your own eyes how the speaker actually does things. "

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat and he saw that Deng Wei didn't speak.

Deng Wei said slowly: "I want you to go to Ale and ask him to help him."

Su Yi was thinking a lot, but said with a smile on his mouth: "Ale is the talker, and I will help him without your telling me."

"I want you to knock down the entire Tai Kok Tsui and give it to him. From now on, all business will belong to Ale," Deng Wei said lightly, "You, take your little brother, and live with him. Now I can say Do you understand enough?"

Su Yi's smile remained undiminished, he remained silent for a moment, and said, "May I know why?"

"Because the facade has to look like a facade. If it is too shabby, it will only lose the face of the society." Deng Wei said, "It's like bragging. When he chose the speaker, there were only two bars that were about to close down. I let everyone D took all his men to join him, and he saved his face. It's a pity that he didn't live up to it, gambled and lusted, and was beaten to death by big D..."

Having said that, Deng Wei shook his head and sighed.

The astonishment in Su Yi's eyes flashed away, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

"You can also see how strong Big D is now." Deng Wei said to Su Yi, "Two years ago, he only had seven venues in Tsuen Wan. How did he make a fortune? Just because he blew up with the talker. chicken."

"The talker can't occupy the territory, but he can occupy it for his own subordinates and take his share. Most of the territories laid down by the club led by Chuiji are cheaper, big D. If you are willing to follow Ale, the big deal is to let him take you for two years The money. When Ale steps down two years later, the place and people will be yours, and the money will be yours too! Just like today’s big D.”

Deng Wei paused, sighed again, and said, "It's a pity that Big D is too stupid and ambitious. He has followed the braggart for two years, but he hasn't seen the disadvantages of being a talker, and he wants to be a talker himself." , Occupying the territory by himself, how is this possible? If the club lets his family dominate, why don’t the other eight members go to drink the northwest wind?”

"Ah Ji, as long as you don't be as stupid as Big D, I guarantee that you will be in harmony with Liansheng, you will be under one person and above ten thousand people!" Deng Wei said with sparkling eyes and every word.

Su Yi asked suddenly: "That is to say, if I go to talk to A Le, I won't be able to be the talker in the future?"

"I've made it very clear that it's not a good thing to be a talker, and you still want to do it?" Deng Wei asked, "To be the most powerful restaurant, with more people, more land, and more money, isn't it better than How about a flashy talker?"

"Perhaps for me, the most important thing is to have a good reputation!" Su Yi looked at Deng Wei with a smile, "I'm not good at studying and I'm not promising, so I came to be a young and Dangerous boy. To be the biggest one, I need so much money, so much land, so many younger brothers, what's the use?"

Deng Wei's smile restrained, he stared at Su Yi for a long time, and then said: "Young people are always unwilling to bow their heads until they touch each other. Well, if you really want to be a talker, I will give you a chance. You do what I say, and after two years, I will guarantee you to be the speaker!"

"Boss, what to do, you tell me." Su Yi looked excited.

Deng Wei smiled, and said slowly: "The speaker must not be the only one, can you accept this?"

"Of course!" Su Yi said with emotion, "It's just money and land. I'm still young, and I have time to earn it! But to be a talker, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Since you are mentally prepared, it will be easy." Deng Wei smiled and spread his hands, "You still follow my instructions, take your younger brother and the territory of Tai Kok Tsui to defect to A Le, and follow him to get benefits. But you I will find someone to take over all the sites. I will give you two points, and you don’t have to worry about anything. After two years, I will fully support you as the speaker!"

"Believe me, Aji, you are my little brother of Deng Wei, if I say what I say, you will be able to do it!" A trace of pride flashed in Deng Wei's eyes, "I told you to be the person who does the talking, and you will definitely be able to do it! Everything My uncles and uncles must give me Deng Wei this face!"

He said it firmly and convincingly, and Su Yi couldn't help being moved by it.

Deng Wei looked at Su Yi and said: "Just think about it carefully, I will give you three days to be the next big D, or the next Ale, you can talk to me after you think it through. You want fame, but you still want profit. between!"

Su Yi nodded slowly.

"But no matter what, the matter of you defecting to Ale will not change." Deng Wei said lightly, "Ale should come out soon, you go to Jordan and wait for him now, I will tell Ale, you That's his greatest strength."

"Yes, boss." Su Yi stood up, nodded to Deng Wei, turned and walked out.

"Aji." When Su Yi was about to go out, Deng Wei suddenly stopped him.

Su Yi turned his head, showing a puzzled look.

Deng Wei smiled kindly: "You are my closed disciple, no matter what, I will not treat you badly."

Su Yi looked at Deng Wei, nodded and smiled: "Understood, boss."

"Go." Deng Wei nodded in relief.

As soon as he went out, a trace of gloom flashed across Su Yi's face, and the light in his eyes suddenly brightened.

Anger boiled in his heart.

Deng Wei, you bastard!

Play me for a fool?
There are two ways, either to work for Ale for two years, or to work for you, an old man, for two years. The most disgusting thing is that I am afraid that Ale also paid a price for Deng Wei before he got the position of talker. !
Not to mention big and small, Su Yi is determined by left and right!
No matter how Su Yi chooses, he can't escape Deng Wei's routine, and the worst thing is that the pie is quite big, but in fact, Su Yi can fully imagine that his end will not be so good in two years.

Just look at the current blowing chicken and big D.


"Big guy!"

Jimmy and other ten people all surrounded him.

Su Yi came back to his senses, looked around with a smile, and said softly, "From now on, you will officially become my Luo Ji's people! Follow me, and I will definitely not let you suffer!"

At the same time, Ah Le just came out of the police station.

Huo Niu picked him up and got into the car, and the first sentence was: "Dun Bo said, call him as soon as you come out."

Ale smiled and nodded, and asked, "Where's the dragon head stick?"

Huo Niu's face was ugly, and he said, "It was snatched away by the people of Big D again!"

"Are you sure?" Ale asked without changing his expression, picking up his elder brother to dial the phone.

"Sure." Fire Bull gritted his teeth, "One more thing, Dumbledore accepted Luo Ji into the club. He was the one who snatched the faucet stick and handed it to Asu before. Unfortunately, this useless thing lost it again!"

Luo Ji joined the club?

Ale was briefly absent-minded.

He thought of Su Yi's unceremonious tone during that phone call.

In the end what happened?
"Hello?" At this moment, Deng Wei's voice came from the receiver.

A Le came back to his senses and hurriedly picked it up.

"Dumbledore, I'm Ale."

"Is it inconvenient to talk?"

Ale glanced at Huoxu, who immediately understood.

"Brother Le, I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes."

After Huoxing got off the car, A Le answered the phone with a solemn expression: "Deng Bo, tell me."

"If I gave you the entire Tai Kok Tsui, what would you say?" Deng Wei asked leisurely.

Ah Le's mind was spinning a lot, and the name Luo Ji immediately appeared in his mind.

"Of course that would be the best." He smiled calmly, "If I have the entire Tai Kok Tsui site, I will have more confidence in my words."

"It's good that you understand." Deng Wei said, "When the time comes, I will restrain all the museums to support you. In this way, you will have strength yourself, and you will have weight in your words, and you will have a good taste in doing things."

"Dun Bo gave me this bowl of rice." A Le said with a smile.

"I'm old, so this old face is worth a little money." Deng Wei said, "But in this way, I only get [-]% of your income for the past two years, which is a bit less."

Ale's eyes flashed brightly: "Dun Bo helped me so much, it's right to get some more. How about adding two to one to five?"

"Hehe, my new apprentice Luo Ji, have you dealt with him before?" Deng Wei changed the subject in satisfaction, "He is as clear-sighted as you are. Besides, he has a good reputation and is quick to do things. I will let him follow you. I believe he will help you a lot. But I don’t want to see the second blow chicken and big D, A Le, don’t let me down.”

(End of this chapter)

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