Chapter 1643
For the late Huang Shang, the master of the Kirigakure Gate, the changes caused by a casual complaint that day not only overturned his half-life cognition, but also made him unbelievable until his death, and he could not understand the reason.

"What is foundation building?" The little girl he rescued that day asked him curiously with her big, ignorant eyes open.

"Building the foundation is building the foundation of the Tao. We cultivators start with Qi training. The thirteenth level of Qi training is to use the spiritual energy to open up the twelve meridians and finally infuse the Dantian, so that all the limbs and the Dantian are filled with spiritual energy." Huang Shang Patiently explained, "At this point, you have to use the effect of the Foundation Establishment Pill to liquefy all the spiritual energy in the body and store it in the Dantian, regenerate the innate true fire, and the water and fire complement each other, then the foundation establishment is successful."

After Huang Shang finished speaking, he laughed at himself: "You don't understand what I'm telling you. In short, it's difficult, difficult, difficult!"

But what he didn't know was that when he said that, the little girl immediately understood the truth, as if she was born to understand it.

"Uncle, do you particularly want to build a foundation?" the little girl asked again.

"Why don't you want to? If Chao Wendao can die, I will die. If I can build a foundation, I am willing to fight to the death. It's a pity that I don't have a chance even if I try." Huang Shang was very frustrated.

"Uncle, I'll help you." The little girl's eyes flashed determination, and she stretched out her hands to hold Huang Shang's.

Huang Shang didn't care at all about the unrealistic words of a little girl. He was about to laugh and joke a few words, but unexpectedly, a majestic vitality suddenly poured into his body like a rushing river!

Huang Shang's surprise was no small matter, but this vitality was extremely huge. If it was not channeled and channeled, his meridians and Dantian would be burst in an instant!

Huang Shang did not dare to neglect, so he hurriedly closed his eyes and stopped thinking and began to move around the sky.To his surprise, this vitality quickly helped him liquefy the spiritual energy and inject it into his Dantian.

Soon, the innate real fire was also ignited. With the addition of real fire, the spiritual energy liquefied faster!
And this step, which originally had to be completed with the help of the Foundation Establishment Pill, was easily accomplished with the help of this little girl!
The horror and ecstasy in Huang Shang's heart could not be greater, but he was even more confused.

He didn't understand why. Who was this little girl and why could she do this?
Everything went smoothly, and Huang Shang's foundation building could be described as a matter of course.After successfully building the foundation, he was afraid that his realm would be unstable, so he took the time to continue to consolidate his realm. He didn't open his eyes until a day later.

He was full of confusion and wonder and wanted to find out what happened to the little girl, but what caught his eye was a shriveled corpse with a haggard appearance and gray hair.

The little girl is dead!
The vitality is exhausted, the oil is exhausted and the lamp dries up and dies!

Huang Shang was stunned. He confirmed again in disbelief, but the little girl's body was frozen, and she had obviously been dead for a long time.

Huang Shang was startled and frightened, and after a long time of confusion, he came to an unimaginable conclusion - the reason why the little girl died was because she gave herself all her majestic vitality.

But why?
Why would the little girl sacrifice herself to help him build the foundation?

To repay a favor?

Although this is unbelievable, it is the only reasonable explanation.

Huang Shang's emotions were quite complicated. He was not only satisfied and happy that his long-cherished wish had come true, but he was also shocked by the loyalty and tragedy of the little girl sacrificing her life to repay her kindness. At the same time, the bigger question was, what is the identity of the little girl?Why did she do this?
Huang Shang originally thought that there would never be an answer to all this, after all, the little girl was dead.

With great sadness, he found a good place with beautiful scenery to bury the little girl.In order to let the little girl die peacefully, he even went to an old friend who grew spiritual plants and built a small coffin using fine thousand-year-old wood to place the little girl's body to express his gratitude and grief.

After he buried the little girl, he deliberately meditated in front of the little girl's grave for three days and three nights, hoping to spend more time with this unknown little girl who died for him.

But on the fourth morning, just as he was about to leave, something wonderful happened.

On the little girl's grave, flowers, plants and trees grew wildly, and a rich and majestic vitality burst out from the grave.

While Huang Shang was dumbfounded, an inhuman cry came from the grave. The next second, cold air suddenly came over the sky and covered the earth. Feathers of psychedelic glory came out of the grave, followed by a huge Colorful phoenix emerges from the grave!

The whole body of this phoenix is ​​as crystal clear as ice carvings and jade, but it is filled with colorful and blurred colors, psychedelic and beautiful.

However, the majestic pressure and bone-chilling chill it exuded quickly made Huang Shang wake up from the extreme shock.

Especially when Phoenix's cold and violent eyes fell on Huang Shang, he was even more excited and ran away.

Bingfeng seemed to not recognize him at all and began to attack Huang Shang crazily.Because Huang Shang guessed that Bingfeng was the little girl, he couldn't bear to attack and hurt her. He just screamed for an explanation and tried to awaken Bingfeng's mind. It wasn't until he was injured by Bingfeng that he had to ruthlessly attack Bingfeng's vitals. .

Although this Bingfeng was powerful, it had no sanity and relied only on instinct and brute force to fight, so Huang Shang easily injured Bingfeng.

Perhaps stimulated by the pain, Bingfeng regained consciousness instantly, then her body changed drastically and shrank, returning to the appearance of a little girl, and fell to the ground in a coma.

Huang Shang was still in shock, and hurried forward to put multiple restraints on the little girl, and then he sat down on the ground feeling relieved, recalling the scenes he had experienced, it was like a dream, and he couldn't believe it was real.

The little girl woke up soon, but she had no memory of the past. She just felt that Huang Shang was very kind and was willing to follow Huang Shang.

After several investigations, Huang Shang finally confirmed that the little girl had really lost her memory.

He hesitated again and again, and finally decided to find his old friend who planted spiritual plants, because this man was proficient in medical skills and knowledgeable, and maybe he could solve his doubts.Of course, although Huang Shang trusted this old friend very much, he would not tell him about his foundation building. After all, this was a major event that could make all casual cultivators jealous and crazy. Who can guarantee that this person has a gentle temperament? Doesn't your old friend feel greedy?

Although Huang Shang was careful enough and made up a set of lies that Luo Ji was consistent with, he even lied that the girl was near death before, but she never actually died.However, this old friend still guessed from clues that Huang Shang's sudden foundation building was related to the girl who came back from the dead. After a series of designs and tests, he confirmed his guess.

This old friend is also a casual cultivator who has been stuck at the twelfth level of Qi training for many years. His greed has broken through all friendships and bottom lines. He decided to take risks and get the immortal girl at all costs!

But facing the foundation-building Huang Shang, he had no chance of winning.Then he actually thought of the public enemy of casual cultivators - the Black Evil Sect.

He actually decided to use the Black Evil Cult to get rid of Huang Shang, while he took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the chaos to take away the immortal girl.

His plan was almost successful.

He attracted Baihu and others from the Heisha Sect to attack and besiege Huang Shang.Huang Shang, a newly promoted foundation-building monk, was no match at all.Although he desperately sealed the white tiger with the demon-sealing armor and severely injured the white tiger with his life in exchange for injuries, his own life was hanging by a thread and he was doomed to die.

Huang Shang used his last strength to snatch away the Immortal Girl, but unfortunately his old friend was caught up by Bai Hu and other pursuers before he could send him on his way. He had to flee in a hurry with the Immortal Girl.

He used Kirigakure Sect's unique escape and disguise skills to create suspicions, and let the immortal girl escape alone. He also hastily left a message for Qian Huan, briefly talking about the immortal girl and her appearance. In the end, he led his pursuers away with a certain death intention and died happily.

Huang Shang died, but his greedy old friend fell into the hands of the Black Evil Cult. After some torture, Bai Hu learned of the existence of the Immortal Girl. This news made him feel like a treasure. He reported it to the Cult Leader while searching for the Immortal Girl. At the same time, they also learned about the existence of Kirigakure Sect and began to search for the whereabouts of the remaining disciples of Kirigakure Sect.

The Black Evil Cult's hands and eyes were astute, and they found out that the Kirigakure Sect was living in seclusion in Guanggui City, so White Tiger pursued him, captured and captured a Kirigakure sect member, and after successfully instigating a rebellion, he buried a nail in the Kirigakure Sect.

He hopes that the Wuyinmen will get clues about Huang Shang's death, and once the immortal girl appears, he will know immediately.

He himself was hiding in Guanggui City, recovering his injuries through blood sacrifices, and refining the demon-sealing armor that sealed him.

"Senior Su, the leader of the Huang Sect was being chased by soldiers before he died. He hurriedly sent me very little information. He only said that the undead girl had the appearance of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. There was a red circle birthmark on her arm. The direction she was going. It's Jianzhou. These are recorded in the secret language of our Kirigin Sect, and there is no other information. Maybe he was afraid of being intercepted by the demons of the Black Evil Sect, and he did not leave anything containing the mark or breath of the immortal girl in the letter. .”

Qian Huan said to Su Yi after explaining the ins and outs of the matter: "We at Wuyinmen have been looking for the whereabouts of the immortal girl, especially my second brother Zhuge Qingyun, who did his best. Unexpectedly, it took no effort at all. The whereabouts of the immortal girl were discovered in the world."

"But at that time, I had noticed that there might be a ghost inside the sect, so I discussed with my second brother to keep quiet and continue to wait and see the situation of the Immortal Girl for the time being. When the time was right, I would evacuate the Immortal Girl Ju Faction and fly away far away. Who would have thought... that good fortune tricks people, and things have developed to this point today."

Qian Huan smiled wryly: "I just now know that the Heisha Cult has been hiding in the dark all this time, and they are also waiting for us to find the undead girl. The Heisha Cult is too powerful, and the white tiger is just an ordinary member of them. Enemies like Baihu, even people who are far stronger than Baihu, can be found everywhere in the Heisha Cult."

"The Black Evil Cult still only knows a little bit about the truth about the Immortal Girl. They probably just guessed that the Immortal Girl might be the key to the foundation of the Huang Sect Leader, but they don't know that the Immortal Girl directly created the Huang Sect Leader's foundation. Establishing the foundation. If they know this, maybe the entire Black Evil Sect, even the major cultivating families in Yue Kingdom, and the seven major sects will take action!"

"Actually, I shouldn't have had any luck, thinking that we could keep the secret of the Immortal Girl with our strength. Now that I think about it, we have always underestimated our capabilities. We don't have the strength at all, but instead we harmed our junior brother because of this matter. They died tragically... Alas, I am relieved now that I have told this secret. I only hope that the seniors can see that I am still honest, and that our Kirigakure Sect has paid a heavy price for this matter, and can obtain immortality. Queen, let us live."

Qian Huan finally looked at Su Yi sincerely and said: "The Black Demon Sect has already known this secret, and we will die if we fall into the hands of the Black Demon Sect, so we will definitely avoid the Black Demon Sect, so there is no need for seniors to kill us. Senior Su, whether those of us still alive in Wuyin Sect will live or die, it all depends on your thoughts!"

After saying that, Qian Huan looked at Su Yi expectantly, and tried again: "Actually, we all have our own strengths. I am good at illusion and disguise. Although I have lost my legs, it doesn't matter. At worst, it will be a puppet prosthetic, which will not affect your cultivation at all."

"My second brother is good at restraining formations, my third sister and sixth brother are good at refining weapons, and my seventh brother is good at making talismans. If our seniors don't despise our low cultivation level, we are willing to join our seniors from now on and work like dogs and horses!"

Facing Qian Huan's expectant gaze, Su Yi pondered for a moment and then smiled and said: "Okay, as long as what you say is true and you and your junior brothers and sisters don't have any small thoughts, I am willing to accept you."

Before Qian Huan showed ecstasy, he immediately changed the topic: "But don't expect me to be a safe haven here. I am not from the seven major sects, and I have offended the Black Evil Sect. If you follow me, you may be even more precarious."

"Since the junior has made this proposal, of course it has been carefully considered!" Qian Huan immediately stated solemnly, "I can't guarantee the other brothers, but the third sister, the sixth and the seventh all listen to me! Our strength is low, facing The Heisha Sect has absolutely no power to fight back! I used to think that we could hide from the Heisha Sect for a lifetime with our concealment skills, but now I know how ridiculous this idea is? If the Heisha Sect hadn’t plotted against the Immortal Girl, it would have wiped out us long ago!"

"Senior's cultivation is unfathomable. By following him, we will have more vitality! Even if we are inevitably killed in battle in the future, we will never complain!"

Su Yi smiled half-heartedly: "Aren't you afraid that I will treat you as cannon fodder?"

"A powerful enemy is attacking, but senior let your maidservant and high-ranking student go first, such a benevolent person, I don't believe senior will do this!" Qian Huan said with a determined face, "As long as we are loyal to senior and have no second thoughts, junior will definitely I believe that the seniors will have the lofty integrity to exchange their hearts for their hearts!"

"Your road is now widened." Su Yi chuckled, "Based on what you said, no matter whether I can still get the immortal girl or not, I will accept you!"

Qian Huan was overjoyed: "Thank you, senior, for disregarding the past grudges. I vow to go to Tang in the future..."

Su Yi waved his hand to interrupt him and said: "No need to swear, just like you said, we will change our sincerity from now on."

"Yes! Senior said yes!" Qian Huan was very excited.

Su Yi added: "I won't go to Jiayuan City for the time being. I have to find a place to suppress the evil spirit first."

(End of this chapter)

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