Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1650 News

Chapter 1650 News
Mo Fu.

Two majestic stone lions, one on the left and one on the right, are entrenched in front of the tall vermilion gate. Dozens of powerful warriors stand neatly on both sides of the more than ten stairs. Each of them has sharp eyes and bulging temples, as if they are all successful in practicing internal skills. martial arts master.

But these masters who could dominate a party if released are now guarding the Mo Mansion. This shows that although the Jingjiao Society has declined, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and its heritage is still extraordinary.

Han Li put an invisibility charm on himself and walked in through the gate of Mo Mansion without any notice from the experts on both sides.

He was not proud at all, and even a little emotional.People say that there is a difference between immortals and mortals, and it is reflected here.

It has to be said that it is a kind of sadness that ordinary people practice martial arts hard all their lives, but it is useless in front of him, a young boy who has practiced for several years.

However, when he thought of Li Feiyu, an alien who used his martial arts to kill monks, Han Li's emotion quickly disappeared without a trace.

This kid doesn't even acknowledge the difference between immortals and mortals. He keeps clamoring all day long to defeat the immortals against heaven.

The most irritating thing is that he actually did it...

Thinking of this, Han Li couldn't help but curl his lips. Wasn't it just bad luck that he met a good master?Otherwise, why would you be so crazy?

In a deep house like Mo Mansion, the front hall is usually the most magnificent and magnificent, because it is usually the place where guests are received.

At this time, the living room was brightly lit, and all the guards and servants were tens of meters away from the building, with serious expressions on their faces.

When Han Li saw this, he immediately smelled an unusual aura.It was already evening, but there were still guests coming to the door. All the servants were sent away, obviously they were discussing something very important.

He had no intention of prying into the secrets of Mo Mansion, so he used the invisibility charm to swagger past the perimeter defenses and arrived at the door of the guest hall.Before he entered the door, he heard a burst of hearty laughter.

"Hahaha... Since my siblings and nieces are so generous, then Mr. Tang will accept this Nuanyang Baoyu and these precious medicinal materials!"

Nuanyang Baoyu!

Han Li was suddenly shocked!He never expected that he would hear news about Nuanyang Baoyu as soon as he came to Mo Mansion!
And from what I heard, it seemed that the Mo Mansion wanted to give away the Nuanyang Baoyu?

This is not possible, he is still waiting to use Nuanyang Baoyu to save his family.

Han Li became nervous. He was just about to use the invisibility charm to enter the living room without hesitation, but when he was about to enter, his heart suddenly moved. He changed his mind and went to the window to peek at the scene in the hall through the gap in the window.

But I saw a strong man with a sinister face sitting on the main seat in the hall, it was Tang Kun!
The martial arts that Tang Kun practiced was a method of refining evil spirits, and his body contained a certain amount of spiritual energy. As a genuine practitioner, Han Li sensed it immediately and couldn't help being surprised again. Why did he meet a practitioner again?

He was a little glad that he was subconsciously cautious, because his invisibility talisman was only the lowest level talisman in the Qi training stage. This kind of talisman could only be hidden from the eyes and ears of mortals, but it could not be hidden from the senses of practitioners.

Although the spiritual energy in Tang Kun's body was very thin and weak, Han Li did not dare to underestimate it because of its strong evil energy.He subconsciously cast a spell to block his aura again, and then continued to look into the hall.

Unexpectedly, this second glance almost made him break through his defense again.

He happened to see a dignified and gentle young woman carrying a wooden tray walking towards Tang Kun.There were some very precious medicinal herbs placed in the tray. From Han Li's perspective, it was obvious that these herbs were all very rare and precious poisonous medicines!
In addition to the medicinal herbs, there is also a piece of jasper the size of a fist, which is crystal clear and exudes a warm brilliance.

Nuanyang Baoyu, this must be Nuanyang Baoyu!
Han Li's heart almost jumped out of his chest. He watched helplessly as Tang Kun carefully packed the herbs into a cloth bag, then picked up the Nuanyang Baoyu and placed it close to his body.

At this moment, Han Li's first thought was to snatch it away!

He is bound to get the Nuanyang Baoyu. This is related to the lives of his parents, younger brothers and sisters and other close relatives, and there is no room for loss.

Although Tang Kun's evil aura was very strong, which made Han Li confused, he felt that this person should not be his opponent.

Han Li's heart gradually became cruel, and the scale in his heart began to tilt slowly.

If Nuanyang Baoyu was still in the hands of the Mo family, he would be really embarrassed to rob it.But now that the Mo family has handed over Nuanyang Baoyu to others, then...

Just when Han Li had almost made a decision, the next conversation inside made his thoughts of toughening up disappear once again.

Tang Kun, who put away the Nuanyang jade and medicinal materials, was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Brothers and sisters, regarding the matter of searching for the person, I still have to ask your Jingjiao Society. You might as well make a big noise."

The person who answered him was a beautiful middle-aged woman sitting with him. The woman said warmly: "What are the origins of these people that Senior Brother Tang is looking for? He actually asked the three major gangs in Jiayuan City to search for people at the same time, and also used Senior Eight Arms Ape to search for them. His special martial arts as a reward?"

"It's okay to tell you, lest you rush forward greedily and end up killing your own life." Tang Kun said, "Based on the knowledge of my brothers and sisters, I must have heard of the Immortal Master, right?"

"Immortal Master?" The beautiful middle-aged woman was moved, "The person that Senior Brother Tang is looking for is actually an Immortal Master?"

In the living room, besides this beautiful middle-aged woman, there were two other middle-aged women about the same age as her, and then there was the gentle and dignified young woman from before.

Han Li guessed that these middle-aged women were all Mo Juren's wives and concubines. Among them, the one who was in charge of speaking should be the fourth lady Yan, and the one with a slightly shrewd eyebrows should be the third lady Liu. She looked more taciturn than before. Both of them are young, and should be the fifth wife, Mrs. Wang.

Mo Juren has three daughters. The eldest daughter, Mo Yuzhu, is said to be a martial arts practitioner and has quite strong martial arts skills. However, the gentle young woman in front of her has no martial arts skills, so she is obviously not Mo Yuzhu.

The youngest daughter, Mo Caihuan, was said to be only 15 years old, but the girl in front of her was obviously older, and her features and eyes did not resemble Mo Ju at all.It should be Mo Fengwu, the adopted daughter whom Mo Juren recognized.

It is said that this woman inherited Mo Juren's medical skills, and the faint scent of medicine wafting from her body also proves her identity.

When they heard that the person Tang Kun asked them to find was actually an immortal master, the expressions of the four women changed drastically.Yan's expression was gloomy and he said: "Senior Brother Tang, how dare we, ordinary people, offend the superior Immortal Master? If you ask us to send out all our gangs to search for their whereabouts with great fanfare, aren't you asking us to seek death?"

"If I really want you to seek death, how can I tell you the truth?" Tang Kun chuckled, "Brothers and sisters, even if you don't have this relationship with Junior Brother Mo, just because you cooperate so well in giving me medicinal herbs and Nuanyang Baoyu, I won't harm you. Yours. Haha, these immortal masters are now hiding like rats crossing the street, who do you think they are afraid of?"

The four women looked at each other, then heard Tang Kun continue: "Of course they are not afraid of me, but of the people behind me."

"Could it be that the person standing behind Senior Brother Tang... is also an immortal master?" Yan asked, holding back her excitement.

"Not one person, but a group of people!" Tang Kun said proudly.

Han Li outside the door felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his heart when he heard this. He subconsciously thought of the monks he had met outside the city before. At this moment, he had realized that he seemed to be involved in a very serious trouble.

If it weren't for Nuanyang Baoyu who really couldn't give up, given his temperament, he would have turned around and left at this moment.

Han Li's expression was gloomy and hesitantly continued to listen to what was said inside.

"In short, this time you three gangs can dig up the entire Jiayuan City, but you can't let go of anyone suspicious!" Tang Kun said, "As for your request for me to destroy the Five Color Sect and Tianba Sect... I I’m not afraid to tell you that the Immortal King of Hell of the Five Color Sect is dead, so the sect he founded is naturally not something to be afraid of..."

"Is the Immortal King of Hell dead?" The person who asked this question was Mrs. Wang, the fifth lady. She looked surprised, "May I ask Senior Brother Tang, by whose hands this person died?"

"What? From the look of you, you seem to know something?" Tang Kun was very attentive and noticed the difference in the expression of the fifth lady.

The fifth lady said calmly and calmly: "Replying to Senior Brother Tang, my younger sister is in charge of the Jingjiao Society's secret spies, so she naturally knows more. I heard that there seems to be a lot of commotion in Guanggui City today. There are people in this city. A force called Hehetu, although they are small in number, even the city lord of Guanggui City regards them as honored guests. Today, Hehetu seems to have destroyed the Hammer Gang and Jingshitang in Guanggui City. The Five Color Sect has also offended Hehetu before. Could it be..."

"You know quite a lot," Tang Kun said, "But this matter has nothing to do with us, so don't worry about it! You just need to find someone to do the work. After the matter is completed, no matter what the result is, I will help you kill The leader of the Tianba Sect."

"Thank you very much, Senior Brother Tang!" Yan said hurriedly.

Tang Kun nodded with satisfaction, stood up and said: "Since Senior Brother Mo has not returned from seclusion, it is inconvenient for me to disturb his female family members. These days, I live in Wo Niu Temple outside the city. If you have any news, you can go there to find me. Goodbye now!"

After that, Tang Kun stood up and was about to leave, and the girls hurriedly got up to see him off.

Han Li's eyes flashed aside, and he subconsciously cast a few more shielding spells on himself.

As expected, Tang Kun didn't realize anything and walked out of the door swaggeringly.

Han Li's expression was uncertain, and he finally gave up the idea of ​​following Tang Kun.

After sending Tang Kun away, the girls of the Mo family immediately returned to the guest hall, still strictly ordering the servants and guards not to approach.

Yan said coldly: "Tang Kun has no good intentions. He has no sincerity at all. He is only afraid of agreeing to what we do, but he doesn't even want to help us do it."

"I can see it too." The Fifth Madam frowned, "He readily agreed to our request without thinking about it. According to the husband's description, Tang Kun was cautious and cunning by nature, selfish and cold-blooded, and could not afford to leave early without any benefit. This way How can a person be so generous and generous? We asked him to help kill people and he agreed, and he agreed to teach us the Tang Sect's poisonous skills. He agreed too readily, but he leaked the flaw."

"Huh, even I can see that he was very aggressive when he first arrived, asking for those highly poisonous herbs and warm-yang jade, and he was ready to take action as long as we refused!" The third lady snorted coldly, "If it weren't for Fourth sister had already surrendered and negotiated terms with him, how could he be so polite to us?"

"Also, Yuzhu came back and told us that the failure of Guanggui City was because the Hammer Gang recklessly offended the Immortal Master. The person who made the harmony was the Immortal Master. If Yuzhu hadn't been smart and lied that our husband was also an Immortal Master, she would have It is true that she has not been too involved with the Hammer Gang, how can she escape unscathed?" The fifth lady said, "When Tang Kun said that the immortal masters he asked us to find were disguised as mortals and hidden in Guanggui City, I was suspicious. The person he was looking for was related to He He Tu, but when I mentioned He He Tu just now, he immediately changed the subject and didn’t mention it at all.”

Yan sighed: "Our Mo family is already in a state of crisis, but we didn't expect to be involved in the trouble between the immortal masters. How can we be involved in the immortal masters' affairs? If we are not careful, the whole family will be destroyed. ...Well, what worries me the most is what Yuzhu brought back, Han Li...who is this person? What does he have to do with our Mo family?"

Han Li outside the door was stunned at the moment. He was so shocked that he forgot to think. Unknowingly, he even forgot to maintain the invisibility charm and reveal his true identity!
Fortunately, it was getting late now, and all the guards did not dare to come near here, so no one noticed his presence.

He never expected that several ladies from the Mo family would actually mention his name!
This is simply incredible!
Just when Han Li was filled with horror, a woman in red walked through the corridor towards the living room. She looked up and saw Han Li standing outside the window. The woman was startled at first, then raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth. To shout out.

Fortunately, Han Li reacted faster and fired a stream of spiritual energy into the woman's body. The woman froze and fell down. Han Li flew forward and hugged her shoulders, feeling the warm fragrant nephrite in his hands. It made his heart tremble.

But he soon gave up his distracting thoughts and reflected on his carelessness. Then while no one was paying attention, he quickly took out two invisibility charms and stuck them on himself and the girl in red, then picked up the girl and left.

After leaving Mo's Mansion, Han Li turned into a back alley and appeared. A person flew down from under the wall, and it was Li Feiyu.

"You idiot Han, you are actually a flower-picking thief!" Li Feiyu's eyes lit up when he saw the appearance of the girl in red, and he immediately pointed at Han Li and scolded.

"Stop talking nonsense, she discovered my whereabouts." Han Li said speechlessly.

"Don't come here. You are a cultivator. I can't find you even if you hide. How can she be just a little girl?" Li Feiyu rolled his eyes, "You can also lie decently, okay? But it's understandable. You are so old. I haven’t touched a woman since, but you can’t steal this thing, idiot, we have to have a bottom line..."

Seeing that Li Feiyu's words were getting more and more outrageous, Han Li couldn't help but push the woman in red into Li Feiyu's arms and said angrily: "I'm too lazy to tell you, believe it or not! You take her away, we have to find a place Ask her first!"

"There is no one in the innermost courtyard of this alley. I checked it before." Li Feiyu hugged the woman in red, sniffed hard, looked down at the woman's appearance, and his eyes lit up again.

"Then go there!"

After the two brought the woman in red to the uninhabited house, Han Li woke the woman up. He was full of doubts and urgently needed to be solved.

(End of this chapter)

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