Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1652 Master and Disciple

Pear, flying fish = Li Feiyu.

Although this homophony is simple, except for Su Yi or people who know Li Feiyu, no one would be able to guess its meaning even if they try hard enough.

But leaving such a strange pattern in such a conspicuous place was not only noticed by Su Yi, but also by many interested people. They were paying attention to who was paying attention to this pattern, trying to find out its meaning.

When Su Yi and the other three set out for Mo Mansion, they clearly felt that someone was following them behind them.

But how can these gangsters get their wish?Without Su Yi and Nie Xiaoqian taking action, Qian Huan blocked their way with crutches and used a technique called "Amnesia Phantom Butterfly". The memory of these gangsters seeing Su Yi and others before disappeared immediately.After Qian Huan left, they stood looking at each other with blank eyes.

Su Yi speculated that if this was really the pattern left by Li Feiyu, then it was most likely that this pattern was left for him to see.Because he and Han Li had never left the Caixia Mountain area in Jingzhou in their lives, their sudden visit to Jiayuan City must be related to the Mo family. This is why Su Yi went to the Mo family after seeing the pattern.

It is unlikely that Li Feiyu has any acquaintances in Jiayuan City, and he happened to have left a message for Han Li to Mo Yuzhu before, so Li Feiyu probably learned about him through this.

As for why the pattern was left behind that only Su Yi could understand, it is not difficult to speculate.The Black Evil Cult is so vigorously looking for clues about the Immortal Girl. With the protagonists' attributes, Han Li and Li Feiyu may be more or less involved in this trouble.Based on Mo Yuzhu's knowledge and other clues, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that the person the Black Sha Sect is looking for may include Su Yi.

Su Yi speculated that Li Feiyu must have discovered some secret, or had some information that he was eager to tell Su Yi, so he used this method to notify Su Yi.

This speculation seems to be unfounded, but in fact, putting aside all impossibilities, the probability of this possibility becomes very high.

Facts have proved that Su Yi's speculation was correct.

The three of them quietly sneaked into the heavily guarded Mo Mansion, and Su Yi quickly sensed spiritual energy fluctuations in an elegant courtyard in the back house.He sensed it carefully and couldn't help but smile.

The courtyard was obviously a woman's boudoir. Apart from one unconscious maid, there were three people sitting in the room talking.

The cultivator with fluctuations in spiritual energy was Han Li, whom he had not seen for many years. The other young man with a lively tone was Li Feiyu, Su Yi's cheap disciple.Su Yi also recognized the third woman's voice. It was Mo Yuzhu who had met her once before in Guanggui City.

"Senior..." Qian Huan sensed Han Li's aura for the second time and couldn't help but warn him.

"One of our own." Su Yi explained, no longer hiding his aura, and walked into the courtyard with a swagger.

When passing the gate, Su Yi deliberately touched the spiritual energy restriction arranged by Han Li. Han Li in the room was immediately alarmed, and the conversation between the three people stopped abruptly.

Su Yi sensed someone glancing out of the window. Su Yi looked half-smiling but looked into Han Li's eyes. He smiled without saying anything and stood with his hands behind his back.

But Han Li in the room was surprised and hesitantly asked: "But Senior Su?"

Now Su Yi's appearance was disguised, and his aura was deliberately concealed. No wonder Han Li didn't dare to confirm.

"It's me." Su Yi responded, waved his sleeves, and immediately returned to his original appearance.

Seeing Su Yi like this, Nie Xiaoqian behind her naturally followed suit.Qian Huan hesitated slightly and then returned to his original state.

"It's really Master!" Li Feiyu's voice of surprise came from the room, and he was the first to push the door out eagerly. With a face full of surprise, he knelt down in front of Su Yi with a "pop" and shouted with joy: "Master, Feiyu gives it to you. Kowtow!”

After saying that, he couldn't help but kowtow three times on the spot with "boom, boom, boom".

Feeling Li Feiyu's sincere joy, Su Yi couldn't help but be in a good mood. He smiled and stepped forward to help Li Feiyu up. He used a ray of inner energy to explore Li Feiyu's body. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, it seems that not only have you not had any problems in the past year, If you slack off, I'm afraid there will be another opportunity. The inner strength is stronger than that of ordinary people who have been exposed to heat for decades."

"Thanks to Han Li letting me eat the elixir like a jelly bean, I have made such rapid progress!" Li Feiyu looked at Su Yi happily, his eyes full of eagerness and intimacy, "Master, are you in good health?"

"It's not like we are old and old, do you think it's good or not?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I'm just talking nonsense!" Li Feiyu scratched his head and laughed.

As he spoke, Han Li and Mo Yuzhu walked out of the room one after another.The former's expression was solemn and respectful, but Mo Yuzhu's eyes were moving. Although he was a little afraid of Su Yi, his eyes were rolling around, and he was obviously not as well-behaved and honest as he appeared on the surface.

"Han Li pays homage to Senior Su!"

"Meet Master Su!"

The two of them saluted Su Yi one after another.

"What about Han Li? I said master will definitely find us as long as he is in Jiayuan City, right?" Li Feiyu said happily.

Han Li smiled and didn't reply, and said to Su Yi: "Senior Su, we have something to report to you, why don't we talk about it in the room first?"

"Yes, yes, senior, please don't be polite. My family still doesn't know that there is a distinguished guest in my courtyard. If you don't give up, I will welcome you, little girl!" Mo Yuzhu said hurriedly.

"Okay, let's talk after we go in!" Su Yi nodded.

A group of people surrounded Su Yi into the room. After sitting down, Su Yi gave a brief introduction to each other.

"These two fellow Taoists are my friends, Nie Xiaoqian and Qian Huan." After Su Yi introduced him, he introduced Han Li and Li Feiyu to Nie Xiaoqian and Qian Huan, "This is my apprentice Li Feiyu and my friend Han Li. As for Mo There is no need to introduce the master, Miss, right?"

Qian Huan and Nie Xiaoqian were actually surprised that Su Yi accepted a mortal apprentice, but they didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Young master, why do you need to put money on my face? I'm just a maid beside you." Nie Xiaoqian nodded to Li Feiyu and smiled: "Are you Feiyu? I heard the master mention you before, and you are indeed a talented person."

In fact, the two of them are about the same age, but Nie Xiaoqian unconsciously regards herself as the elder.

Li Feiyu actually took it for granted and hurriedly saluted: "Then I have to call you Senior Aunt Nie. Senior Aunt, Feiyu salutes you!"

Nie Xiaoqian pursed her lips and smiled, so beautiful that the whole room seemed to be eclipsed in an instant.

Although the Mo Yuzhu was already very beautiful, it instantly became inferior to Nie Xiaoqian's pure beauty.

Seeing this situation, hot-blooded young men like Han Li and Li Feiyu felt their hearts pounding. They almost all lowered their heads and did not dare to look further. "My dear, such a beautiful monk is actually Master's maid, what a sin..." Li Feiyu was shouting in his heart.

Han Li was also envious.

Nie Xiaoqian smiled and nodded at Han Li and Mo Yuzhu, calling them "Fellow Daoist Han" and "Miss Mo" as a greeting.

Han Li did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "Senior Su has the virtue of teaching the Dharma to the junior and has saved lives. The junior and Feiyu are close friends, so it is appropriate to address him as Senior Aunt Nie. Taoist fellows should never be honored."

Mo Yuzhu on the side was also frightened and said he didn't dare to take it.

After the two parties were polite, Qian Huan clasped his fists and smiled before the two of them could speak: "Two Taoist friends are invited! I am Qian Huan, a casual cultivator who has recently taken refuge with senior. One of the two Taoist friends is an old acquaintance of Senior Su, and the other is Senior Su, please take good care of me from now on."

Li Feiyu couldn't tell the difference between Qian Huan and Nie Xiaoqian, but Han Li could sense that the spiritual energy fluctuations in these two people were much stronger than Su Yi's, which horrified him.

In fact, when he first met Su Yi, Han Li had no knowledge at all and naturally thought that Su Yi was a senior expert.

But later, as his cultivation and experience increased, although he was still grateful for Su Yi's help to him, he gradually began to suspect that Su Yi was not actually that powerful.

Now, this doubt has completely disappeared.

Not only that, Su Yi's image in his mind became even taller and more unpredictable.

Senior Su must be a strong man!
Otherwise, why would such a beautiful and powerful female cultivator be willing to be the maid of her senior?

The spiritual energy fluctuations of this Taoist Qianhuan are even stronger than those of Taoist Songwen seen before. Such a person actually claims to be someone who "takes refuge" in his seniors.

Han Li felt awe-struck in his heart. While he was more respectful to Su Yi, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. He felt that it was a good opportunity for him to make friends with such a strong person.

After getting to know each other, Su Yi got to the point: "Feiyu, Han Li, you came to me in this way, what happened?"

Han Li and Li Feiyu both looked solemn. The latter took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Master, have you provoked an organization with many practitioners?"

"The Black Evil Sect." Su Yi didn't hide anything about this. "This is a cultivator organization based on the evil practice of blood sacrifice to mortals and monks. It has minions all over the Yue Kingdom. It is now known that this organization is hunting down those who have no idea. The casual cultivators in the background offer blood sacrifices to their senior officials."

"I got acquainted with this Taoist fellow Qianhuan because of some misunderstandings, so we didn't know each other until we started fighting. Later, the Black Evil Sect got involved and wanted to rob our common interests, so we became enemies. Later, I killed a Black Evil Sect member. Brother Ji, this feud has been settled..."

Su Yi shook his head when he said this and looked at Li Feiyu: "What? Have you met someone from the Black Evil Sect?"

Su Yi said these words in an understatement, just like an ordinary citizen telling others what he had eaten for lunch.But whether it was the evil and power of the Black Evil Sect or Su Yi's seemingly casual mention of "I killed a foundation-building monk", both Han Li and Li Feiyu in front of them were stunned.

Killed a foundation-building monk...

Both of them know the level of cultivation. Let alone the foundation building stage, even the monks in the late stage of Qi training are superior to them!
The two people's hearts were beating fast. They had tried their best to overestimate Su Yi's strength, but now they found that they seemed to have underestimated it.

"Master, you kill even the foundation-building monks at your request. What realm are you in?" Li Feiyu asked, dumbfounded.

As soon as these words came out, Han Li and others immediately pricked up their ears. This is what everyone wanted to know.

"My cultivation level does not need to be measured by ordinary levels." Su Yi shook his head and refused to explain further.

Qian Huan on the side couldn't help but said in awe: "Senior Su killed the White Tiger Deacon of the Black Evil Sect. His cultivation was comparable to that of Foundation Establishment Perfection. Even among the Foundation Establishment monks in the entire Yue Kingdom, he was famous for being fierce. How many people hate him to the core but are helpless, but they never expected that such a vicious person would die in the hands of Senior Su..."

Li Feiyu's face turned red with excitement, as if he was honored, and Han Li and Mo Yuzhu also looked in awe.

It's a pity that Su Yi no longer enjoys the pleasure gained from such flattery. He calmly brought the topic back again: "Where did you come into contact with the Black Evil Cult?"

"It's a coincidence. I'm afraid we have encountered this Black Evil Sect more than once!" Han Li began to tell with a straight face: "The first time was by a long river dozens of miles away from Jiayuan City... "

Han Li described the three-party melee that he had hid behind and watched. As soon as he mentioned a man and a woman carrying two unconscious people, Nie Xiaoqin immediately glanced at Su Yi and asked about the clothes of the two people.

"We were far away at that time and couldn't see clearly the faces of the people on the battlefield..." Han Li shook his head.

Including the fact that he and Li Feiyu were later discovered by the clairvoyant, it was also because the latter practiced special eye skills and could see far away.Therefore, Han Li and Li Feiyu did not see clearly the appearance of the three parties in the fight. It was precisely because of this that he did not recognize Tang Kun when they saw him before.

"But I still remember the spells they cast..." Han Li said again.

As soon as he briefly described the battle between Fu Xiaozhuo and his opponent, Su Yi and Nie Xiaoqian were sure that the people they saw were Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen.

Later, when the people from Wuyin Sect appeared, Qian Huan was frightened and hurriedly asked about the characteristics of these people. After confirming, the people who appeared were his junior brothers and sisters.

Even if this melee is described in the simplest and most plain language, others can still feel the thrills and twists and turns in it.When she heard that Zhuge Qingyun and others later acted as oriole and grabbed the fruits of victory that Fu Xiaozhuo fought for with his life, even though Nie Xiaoqian knew that it had nothing to do with Qian Huan, she couldn't help but glance at him coldly.

Qian Huan felt sweat on his forehead and could not bear the sadness in his eyes. Just now he confirmed again and again that the person who had guessed the death was Shunfeng Er, one of his most trusted juniors.

"Senior Su, Fellow Daoist Nie, don't worry, my junior brothers and sisters are by no means ruthless people. I can guarantee that they are just trying to save people, and they want to exchange fellow disciples Ning and Fu for me as a hostage... They don’t know that the seniors have a generous heart and have forgiven us for the crime of disrespect. Otherwise, even if they had [-] courages, they would not dare to..."

"Fellow Taoist Qianhuan, the top priority is to find their whereabouts and make sure that Xiao Zhuo and the young master are okay, otherwise it will be useless to say a thousand words and ten thousand." Nie Xiaoqian said with an expressionless expression.

"Yes, yes..." Qian Huan looked embarrassed. He said he was sure, but his heart was pounding, praying that nothing would happen to Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen, otherwise a good thing that turned into friendship would turn into something disgusting. Depressed bad thing again.

But according to what Han Li said, Zhuge Qingyun and the others did not come towards Jiayuan City at all after they kidnapped the people, which was a problem.

The world is so big, where can we join them?Not to mention that the Black Evil Cult is also looking for people all over the world...

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